THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. IFRIDAY AND SA'TUFRDAY I You should come to our store-that is, if you are iterested ii the ew autumn ~~~-PASIONS OPNINECIKWEAIR Iiteu are permitted more liceuse iu choice of coloring iu their eckwear thau in soy other item of their dress. We offer FRIDAY AND SATURDAY a brillianit assortment of SILKS aud SATINS made into our exclusive shapes of "Ready Tied " ad "To e-Tied" scarfs. 50c FIFTY CENTS 50c Will be the price for any of these ties, worth easy 75c aiid $1.00, and sold at that e verywhere. EXTREI IELY FINE QUALITIES-Don't pass our sore without takiug a glance at our window. Comni, see them, try tien on, wear the in, and get your money ack if you want it, ut you will not. 221 SOUTH MAIN STREET. ILndenschititt &~ Apfel. Foun-- _ PIANOS FOR RENT h ANN ABO-USCCO, Pens. ~- ~ 205-207 E. Washington. IHALLER'S Ajar=m Clo ks I 0.1M .MARTIN, (WARRANTED) I* I FUNRRAL DIRECTOR. -- -JEWELRY STOREI! 10 Embalming a Specialty. - jNO. 20 1FOURTH AVENU. /Buttons and ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER. Ambulance ight or day. U. o M. insWM ' 1 Reidene,1s2 Fifth Aenue. ANN ARBOR Granger's School For Dancing. ANTON TEUFEL, RAILROAD. HAQATR O Timoe Table. Sunday, Set 5, i597. Office 01)en every day and evemuwo this week fo registration. HAQATi i TIMETABE: I Cal an getacqained wethr yo ;lin lassor ot.Trunks, Valises Dren Suit (aes, and Telesopes Tr'ains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stadard Ctladgtaqane hte o oi ls nnt Time, SOUTH GRANER'S ACADEMY, 3108312 Maynard Street. Ground Floor. Trannsslid Valises repaired netyan FOT. cheaply. No. 307 S. Mle Stree.. 8:4 am. :07 Am. t9:0 a. am. 11 :I:25 a mm. ,.T e~ 4:6 p. m. 8:40pm R W ' D Z G S O 'Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only CORNER ' tIN AND IIURON STREETS 'Runs between Toledo and Howell. This1' train Sunday only. All other trains daily, except Sunday. IIs the paeto Rgse.Ti eitri lascnutdfrtb h ERI,1IH E. S. GILMORE Agent Mac esrhsen eItrs awyF cnoleRisEbEh.DTOTfl W. B BENNETT . p. A. Toledo . {Mesiies-t( FRBB MIGH >IGAN ..1BT AL tAN YOU DANCE? (ioesllsii t 815.11 it C (ornaisiCol- C. ff. MAJOR & CO., "The Niaga ra Falls Route." Rihe'syCollit;g'peopIle iiet "lu l ( ilge, as lieclned le ofert'of ilh ' I ie Cntal Standard Time. il pbliclie 1,' ,xl,'l'isl qulliictiol5 l l('l('7' (f OlerluitiCollg. The Artistic decorators 'TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. t n 1101. 11 1) Cl(ulr, of01 c in of . lolpsoo's lct'ile oiliel i Have a complete line of EAST. WOS. oiseqliw-ie to temiiand (lily should lhe' lass (eallm~elll eili not l' eui Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Mail and Ex --3 7I., N. Y., Chi.A-A 12e qualified for (le best of oipany 1(1ii'lee.SasRo Mouldings, Etc. N. Y. Special.... 4 5 Mall- --____ t N S iied %P sm. -y"a0b'fland graceelrcarriari file Limite.e. -rtyru.Schoolodofil gracfeil erpeaieal.yoffneitrodcrang Eatern Ex...10 u1 western En.155 Grce ill imovseent, s0 rsadily coieelof- ieiii painting, frescoing, tintingand paper A. M. G.R. & REx... B sstwll give1'ts1open(ling pryonlY (iutr hanging. Only the hst of workmen D. N. Express-.550Chi. Nt Ex.-- 011 ildilng itself ts ll. is pelips acqir.II mio.(e.9 l ri'lslepoe.Wr urned Atlantic Eu.-__7 i0 Pacific Eu.__- 12 0 c nn vt t aual lyitrnu,0 .1.Alfinsae e poe. F r urned 6. , Expreso __11 1 t 10 Yasnauallyd1teasily r tie nvtd JC i .MJR&C *Nortl Sore Limited is an extra tarectrain 1a flt ll I 1coasC ofW " f llntlioni'by aI1~lll l~t'1 &itU. to be a charge of1$2.i0 to Now Yokthan o00 llltri torogh teacher' of Rssdamnin. oss ('frilid(li1g1( 0. W. RIeoutn, . W. BAVES, GCtiager is allenihlr of the AlleriNttnlw i n's,115.fIll i12 tC p, i,. to 111)1 The Artistic Decorator, G. P. &aT. At.. Chicago. Agt 1 Ann Arbor.,.Assoiain(f'fenebhers of D)aiiiing. rolii at 1111' Dinin fll(. 211')Niofi is U. of M.Saving Parlors and Bath Rooms t t ople 11 il 11eendydciiiig.t ra1-011g.nlin. T A. N D E' M S ! % 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Cls Ara i'i y. ?ay hard t., round t''k. Ladies' aristic Hair lDressing ((5 stairs !, floor". LOST -locket bek conaiuning 'uiolIPant Z Old friends cll sca,.iWe elcolneenoC' , money in hbills, Sanmps and alling Te Lar-et Line of Bieycle, Sun- ones. J. t. TltO.ANOWeR, S ll'11 I)I (Cnswh lle beyn nnaIll o ads etrlt ,ltlPatjr 04 die nd5 ___________________I________ables__inado.hetliri to lt. it.Plaitje.ll1,,drenSan plipplenaa RE TC L R i': uriral 1l1Cdra5 hi t ici;11I cc~~ hobofhSewrd M STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, si\, Ils' 5 2 'ind id i. l 'bI7 llaill'0 IENI. Tlephone No. . One door East o Ameri- P otogra.ph1er. thilii i11 lu rcptIiull it li o50f ill 01onIliirdlorer osi111112tt ______________________________ 11h1 111o(11111'?'uilding11. 1217cCo.t~'s sti, ipp~ly 1o O)M.t "TheName uhe uranee.' 'lroe O ANAItB1. C.. 7 lEl' . Miartini OIC I. I11.1ls. 20 - SPALDING'S ENOCHi DIETERLE, nlFuplistor'9 + 1- . BLALMER AND ' Evii Roey elusite for the Oame. 1+ FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Managers sill do well to write p, foe saml pes and special rate Cals Atended Dy or Night. YOUR DRUG TRADE before prchsings. No. 11 at Liberty Steet: Rsidece ii And will do the square thing by you. We've a good stock and we staid The Spalding Official south Fourth Ave. Poe 1I9. back of .anything we sell. Your moneys worth or your money backn. Foot Ball. RANDAL F'A-fDE'S " lu~oui1'rl C) ~ales Aarvorrd, itrli. aid aeadallother leadnni i RADAL t *10(1 SOUTH STATE STRtEET. vritis. Each ball tested and pace,an _________________________________________________sealed____ ineperate bos oitl brass inlator, me THE PHOTOGRAPHR Pie polng'. Oiral FTone Bal Guide WSIGOBLC. ANABR"U niversity School of Ilanin, for 807 Edted hy WALER CMP, Post- State Street., pposte Law Building Caloguee of Fall and winter Sports, FEEn. KINDERGARTEN, 102 E. Huron iSt. Teriis $5.00 a semester - - 30 veigs5 cents. A.B PLDN ROS., Call and See Us, , Oflce-427 Thompson Street. 1 New ork Phi ladel himWsigo I'