I THE UNIVEi&TY.OF MIQHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sunays excepted) during the olege year at THE UNIVERSITY OF MlICEISAN. OrinE: Times building. .2 g :St. be- tween Liberty and Willi)s ; MANAGING EDITOR J. F. THOMAS,'00 L. BUSINESS MANAGER - O. H. HANs, '0 aL. EDITORtS H. B. SKILLMAN, '9L ., Athletics. E. L. Gxsnun, '9 L. G. D. HnUTT. '00. BUTLER LAMB, '00. T. R. WOODROW, '98 1. A. CAMPBELL, '00. A. OAMPBELL,'99. F. EGELHARD, '98. The subscription price of the Daily Is $2.50 for the college year, with a regular delivery before noon ech dy. Notices, conmunica- tions, and other matter intended for publica- tion must be handed in at the Daily office be- fore 8p. m., or mailed to the editor before 3 i.f the day previous to that on which ~eyar~eexpected to apear. tTh al Subscr ptIons maye left at The Daily Office, Meyer's or Stoffiet's Newstand, or with Business Manager. Subcribers will con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this office anv failure of carriers to deliver paper. Whist Matters. The executive committee of the Whist Club met during the late inter-) mission and transacted very important business. G. A. Miller was appointed captain of the four teams that went to Jackson Tuesday to compete in the1 tournament of the Central Division ofr the Michigan State Whist League. Th g four teams to represent the Universitye were Hyde and Driggs, Miller andq Murrell, Ellsworth and Russel, and t Bowen and Hawkhurst. The chancest for the success of the local players aree very good.v Another important action was ton change the method of ranking the play- ers. After this the teams will not be y ranked upon the number of points wona or lost, but upon the number of games, t each night's play being counted one game. The old -method of playing 3 boards, no overplay, will be used to de- F termine the winners each evening.c This method seemed more equitable and F just, as it would prevent any team r from jumping up in rank a dozen places, or of going down the same num- her of picos by some erratic playing ,1 co evening, ,The prest standing of the teams ac- cording to the new method of ranking is as follows: 1, Driggs and Hyde; 2, S Ellsworth and Russel; 3, Miller and Murrell; 4, Raynor and Gorenflo; 5,1 Lowe and Person; 6, Robinson and Bab- of cock; 7, Lamb and Prentis; 8, Jones and McMaster; 9, Flansburg and Burk- hardt; 10, Gross and Wisner; 11, Bowen and Hawkhurst; 12, Verdier and V- dier; 13, Clark and Baldwin Ki3' j and Batchelor; 15, Fisher tog, ley: 16 Murphy a.' and Beards- Cambl ndL- , Phllipson;17, Campbell and L ned; 18, Marshall and Jones;19, cMillan and Sherwood; 20, Danfor .0and Danforth; 21, Huneston a, Brillhart; 22, Idema and Voorheis; h3, Bigelow and Gabriel; 24, Skillman and Elbel. A few rules, formulated by the secre- tary to insure promptness in play and to prevent talking or comparing of scores during the progress of the games, were alsotadopted.sAn amend- ment to the constituton was also re-- ported favorably increasing 'he semes- ter dues from 2to 50 cents each sem- Handball Tournament. So successful in every particular has the handball tournament in singles, which is now drawing to a close, proven that it has been decided to hold an- other in doubles. Every day of play in the singles has seen the interest in- creasing until now it is at fever heat. That this interest may not be allowed to die out it was announced yesterday ,that the athletic association would of- .fer three prizes to be contested for in doubles. The first round will be play- ed next Saturday and already several_ teams have'entered. Entries should be - left with. Dr. Fitzgerald, at his office In the gymnasium. The Fresh Laws Talk. The freshman law oratorical prelim- inary was held Monday night in the law lecture room. The judges were Prof. Knowlton, Rev. McElroy and Mr. Ingraham on thought and composi- tion and Prof. Lane and Messrs. Gray and Stivers on delivery. 0. H. Hans, of the Daily, presided. The contestants with their standing in order in thought and compositionSu were: Montgomery, 7; Cloud, 8; Means, are 10; Schacht, 11; Jones 11; Brown, 16. On delivery the orators stood in or- der Montgonmery, 4; Means, 5; Schacht, 10; Jones, 13; Cloud, 15; Brown, 16. ta The final ranks were as follows: yot Montgomery, 11; Means, 15; Schacht, 21; Cloud, 23; Jones, 24; Brown, 32. whi Sophomore Preliminaries. fun The sophomore class will hold their preliminary for the freshman-sopho- more meet Thursday afternoon, be- ginning at 3 o'clock. All candidates are expected to be present at that time. There have been many out trying for the various contests and sharp compe- tion is looked for in the majority of events. Track Manager McLean is vgq- confident of victory for the sopho- mores and expects to see some good marks made by his men. Most of last ear's team are now in active training nd many new men have handed in heir names. General Biology 3.-Evidences and actors of Organic Evolution. The lass will -meet on Thursday evening, 'ebruary 24, ir the museum lecture loom, at 7:30 o'clock. F YOU WANT THE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY, BADGES OR PINS Send to WITH, STURGEON 237, 239,241 Woodard p.e, Detroit. Designs and estimat rhedonal this kind, .l-Wr £IN TER SHOIE T -OF- Every )Description A LABGE LINE OF SEE OUR WINDOW? BIHAL'S SrE STpRF 109 N. Main Street. Opposie i_.. _thse Court-House." Cleaniiigup Price $7.501 We bunched together about one hundred Men's Sack .ts-Suits that have sold for $10.00 and $12 00 and they worth every penny of it today. But you expect to buy clothes at this season for less n a regular prices, and we are not going to disappoint i. We never do. Our bargains are always genuine- at we tell you you can rely on. Money always re ded if goods are not as represented. Imperial Hats for Spring on sale Saturday, Feb. ig. You will miss the opportunity of your life time if you fail to hear SIOUSIA'S The World's Most Famous Band, at University flall, Saturday Night, February 26 The S. L. A. Board have decided to place the prices within the reach of all. RESERVED SEATS 75C AND $1.00. GENERAL ADMISSION 500. Reserved Seats on sale at Palmer's Drug Store, State St., Wednesday, 9 to 12 o'clock; Thursday, 9 to 12; and all day Friday and Saturday. Season Ticket for Remaining Numbers $1.00. Reserved Ticket for Remaining Numbers 25c extra.. EXPECT AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE When you come to-us for footwear; we will try and meet your highest expectations.