THE UMVERSITY OF MIUHIGAN DAILY. The Store A Token Of . r Sping iT have just received a lar : .iipment of WRI'T PFTFRS & G0. Those New TOP COAT HATS.! SEE SOUTH WINDOW. Q 7OODSPEED' STREET. -University Schoo1 of Dancing, State Street, opposite Law Building. Terms $5.00 a semester - - Single evenings 53 cents. Office-427 Thompson Street.. F I EAVE CARRIAGE ORDER FOR JUNIR HOP -AT--- HO LMES' LIVERY, Both Phones io6. - - 515 East Liberty Street. Lamps Expressly 4 Students' Use "The Rochester," "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50 each. OLTT Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure O white light, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv- ered in any part of the city in our cans at 10c per gallon. For sale only by DEAN & COMPANY. 214 South Main Street. W. J. Boors. Pres. W ARNoLnIst Vice-pre J. V. 5nxnaAss, RdVice-pres. JOHN C. WAL, Asst. Cashier. rState - Savillo - Bank Transacts a generalBanking busi ness. AE-armm$&]Nrltatim tti Cor. lain and Huron Streets. Capital, $50,000. surplus, $530,000. Transact a general banking business. R. KEnPR, Pres. C. E. GREENE, Vice-Pres FRED. H. BELsER Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stck, 5,00. Surpias,15,00. Enources,plcesu Organised under the General Banking Laws of this State. Receives deposits, buys and sells exchange on the principal cities of the Uted States. Drafts cashed upon roper identification. Safety deposit boxes to rent. OimCEs: Christian ack Pres.; W. D, Harriman, Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Hiscuck, Cashier: M. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANKOrganisedA Capital, 8100,00, Surplus and Profits, 840,000 Transacts a general banking business. Foreign exchange bought andsold. Furnish tetters of credit. E. D. KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOULE, Vice Pres S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier C. g. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic deorators Have a complete ine of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. Specialty of fine interior decorating painting, frescoing, tintingand paper hanging. Only the best of workmen employed. Work guaranteed. C. I. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic Decortor, KLEIN LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Latest Novelties in Winter and Spring Garments. COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. One block west of University. ..OHIO... Central Lines T. & O. U. Ry. K. & M. Ry, The Only Sleeping Car Line between Toledo and Columbus. The Only Sleeping or Drawing Room Car Line between Toledo, Colum- bus, and Marletta. The Only Drawing Room Car Line between Toledo, Columbus and Charleston, W. Va. Pullman Sleepers between Colum- bus and Chicago. The Only Line with 4 trains each way daily between Toleda and Columbus. The Only Line with 3 trains each way on Sundays between Toledo and Columbus. The Only Line with 6 trains each way daily between Toledo, Bowl- ing Green and Findlay. The Only Line with 2 trains each way daily between Toledo and Charleston, W. V. The Only Direct Line between Tole- do and the Virginas. The popolar line between Toledo, Fostora, Bucyrus, Granville and Newark. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Classical Conference, CELEBRATED Northwestern won from Chicago by At the Classical Conference which a score of 47 to 39 in the indoor ath- will be held at Ann Arbor March 31 letic meeting held in the gymnsaium! and April 1, there will he a larger nosm- of the University of Chicago, Saturday. ber of eminent scholars in the classical The Sca cconcert will begin prompt- field- than his previously been brought ly at 8:15. Prices of single admission together in the west. Among those who will be '5 and 75 cents, and $1. Tickets will appear upon the program are: may be purchased at either Palmer's FOR SPRING. on State street, or Wahrs on Main Professor John Williams White, of street, on and after Wednesday morn. Harvard University; Professor T. D. ing. Seymour, of Yale; Professor Andrew F. West, of Princeton; Professor Alfred Dr. Andrew Sloan Draper, president Gudeman, of the University of Penn- of the University of Illinois, who Neas sylvania; Professor Minton Warren, of offered the pcsition of superintendent Johns Hopkins University; Professor of public schools of Greater New York, Charles E. Bishop, of William and New shapes in Vesting Tops, declined it, preferring to retain his Mary College, Virginia; Professors Win. present post as head of the Illinois in- Gardner Hale and Paul Shorey, of the $0.00, $4 00, $5 0. stitution. University of Chicago; Professor Chas. The souvenir of the Junior Hop, call- Forster Smith, of the University of ed the University Illustrated Magazine Wisconsin, and Professor Harold North was a success mostly from a business Fowler, of the Western Reserve Uni- Al so Ourpoint of view. Besides cuts of the var- versity. Among the prominent repre- ious fraternity houses, the illustrations sentatives of secondary education who were old ones taken from last year's will take part in the conference are: New 3 Strap Sandels Michiganensian. Principal C. F. P. Bancroft, of Phillips Circlar hae ben snt ut hisAndover Academy; Dr. A. F. Nightin- y Circulars have been sent out tlisgae upntdnto th Cico $1.00, $1.50 $2.00. week from the University to all the , Superintendent of the Chicago seekromfthestierittongllthetHigh Schools, Dean Charles H. Thurber schools of the state, requesting that of the Morgan Park Academy; Geo. B. the spring vacation be arranged so that Aton, state inspector of High Schools the dates of the next sessn of theinMinnesot Dr. R. A. Minckwitzof Schoolmasters' Club, March It. April the Kansas City High School. Oar entire stock of 1-2, may fali wittin it, and thus en- heKnaCy g ho. able all teachers who can, to attend "Hogan's Alley" at the Athens Thea- winter shoes at a the meetings. ter Wednesday night. MACK & CO. NO. 2. CONSIGNMENT. Right direct from the eastern market another arrival of NECKWEAR fresh from the manufacturer. They discount all previous efforts for newness and effect. See our window. Bearin mind that we carry the most complete line of COLLARS in this section of the state both in the high grade 25c quality as well as the1W article. WAGNER & COMPANY, 123 South Clain Street. - - - - Furnishers. tment.