THE U.MNVES1'TVt OF MICHIGAN DAILY Address-"The Crisis of Political + s Liberalism" .. .Pres. B. Aidrews Music... . . .America Glee Club. Published Daily (Sundlays excepted) during The exercises will commence at 2:30 the College year, at o'clock. The law classes will meet at the law building and march to Uiver- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. sity Hall at 2 o'clock. The place of OrFIce: Times building. 329 S. Main St. be- meeting of each class and the class tween Liberty and William Sts. marshals follow: MANAGING EDITOR The seniors will meet in the law li- J. F. THOMAs,'00 L. brary. The class marshals will be SE - t Wheeler, Pagleson, Wright, Connolly BUSINESS SIANAER and Lawler. The juniors will meet in the law lee- EDITORS ture room. Class marshals will be H. B. SKILLMAN, '98 L., Athletics. Egan, Caley, Matthews, Anderson and E. L. GEIsMER, '93 L. G. D. HUDNUTT,00. North. BUTLER LAMB, '00. . T. R. WOODROw, '98 I. A. CAMPBELL, '00. A. CAMPBELL,'99. The freshmen will meet i nrooms 11 F. E sNELHARD,'98. and 12. Class marshals will be Hars, Thompson, Means, Thomas and Mc- Cready. Theyfollowing members of the de- The subscriptio - price sf the Daily isp2.50 ,artment will officiate as ushers: Sen- for the college year. with a regular delivery iors, Storm, Lacy and Oxtoby. Juniors, before noon each day. Notices, communica- Gilbert, Hawkins and Stuart. Fresh- Slions, and other matter intended for publica- ion must behaded i athe Daily oricebe- men, Lyon Murray and Warren. fore 8 p. m., or mailed to the editor before 3 p. in., of the day previousto that on which Anniversary of S. C. A. thev are expected to appear.____ Subscriptions may be left at The Daily Office, Meyer's or Stofilet's Newstand, or The 40th anniversary of the Students' with Business Mlanager. Suberibers will cor- fer afavor by reportlisgpromptly at this Christian Association will bE celebrated offce ass failure of carriers to deliver pase. in Newberry Hall, March 4, 5 and S. The suspension of Football Manager On Friday evening, March 4, there will be a reception given by the board of Hiughes as a sesult of the inveslcgati'fl trustees of the Association to the citi- of the "Honey" Stuart case is a cur ozens of Ann Arbor, the members of the prising outcome. Mr. Hughes was him- faculty, and to the alumni. On Satur- self a member of the board of control day evening, March 5, there will be a that was instrumental in appoiciticig on meeting devoted to addresses of a his- torical and reminiscent character at investigating committee, and that he which the following alumni will speak: was in any way implicated was not ex- Professor Delos Fall, of Albion College; pected. It was undoubtedly as hard for Mr. Clark Gleason, of Grand Rapid6; the board to take the action it has, as Professor Alexis Angell, of Detroit, and others. Professor D'Ooge, the president it wan severe on Mr. Hughes; but hat- of the board of trustees, will close the ing found him guilty of a breach of meeting with an address. Following trust as a member of the board of con- this meeting an informal reception will trol of athletics it was certainly their be given by the S. C. A. to the studeits duty to punish him as well as anothcr. of the University of Michigan, and to the Rev. John H. Barrows, of Chicago. Although the offense of Mr. Hughes Sunday evening, March 6, Dr. Barrows was in no way committed for any sel- will speak in UJniversity Hall upon fish purpose or for his private gain, it "Triumphs of Christianity in the is one that cannot be condoned if purity Orient." in athletics is to be attained. The Xi Psi Phi fraternity will give a Washington's Birthday party at Graing- WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. er's Tuesday evening. Several of the __'alumni will be present. (Continued from first page). IF YOU WANT THE BEST 1im in regard to public utterances. President Andrews feeling that com- FRATERNITY STATIONERY, plianee would limit his freedom of .BADGES OR PINS cpeech, tendered his resignation. At Send to its next meeting the corporation after listening to protests from the united SMITH, STURGEON & CO., alumni and faculty, voted to reconsider 237,239,241Woodard Ave.. Detroit. .nd asked President Andrews to with- Designsand estimates furnishedon all work draw his resignation. Meanwhile Dr. of this kind, Andrews had become affiicted with the DINTEBR SHOS! Every Description. A LARGE LINE OF x CYLCSHOZS SEE OUR WINDOW? --BEAULS 8H OE STORE, 109 N. Main Street. Opposie the Court house. A Cleaningmup Price $7.50 We bunched together about one hundred Men's Sack Suits-Suits that have sold for $10.00 and $12 00 and they are worth every penny of it today. But you expect to buy clothes at this season for less than a regular prices, and we are not going to disappoint you. We never do. Our bargains are always genuine- what we tell you you can rely on. Money always re- funded if goods are not as represented. Imperial Hats for Spring on sale Saturday, Feb. 19. new Cosmopolitan Univorsity, and for a time his return ,to the college was doubtful. On September 18, the day before college opened, he announced his intention to return and faculty, and students united in the biggest celebra- tion ever held at Brown. The President is well liked by the students, isur surpasned in the lecture room. and aken x broad view regard- ing athletics. "Nothing," he says, "pleases me more than a good baseball game," Besides the principal address, the program will include the introductory address by Acting-President Hutchins, two songs by the 'Varsity.Glee Club, vWhich makes its first appearance this year, and a piano solo 1 y Mr. Louis Elbel. The 'Varsity band, which made its initial appearance at this time last year may also be present. The pro- gram in full follows: Music ............ ..Yellow and nlue Glee Club. March from Suite, Op. 91........ Raff Mr. Louis Elbel. Introductory Adress ........... ..,Acting- President H. B. Hutchins Students' Lecture Associ*ationf DON'T FAIL TO HEAR SOUSA'S -BA D The Greatest Musical Organization of its kind in the World. This Superb Band composed of fifty men assisted by MISS MAUD REESE DAVIS, Soprano, and" MISS JENNIE HOYLE, Violinist -WILL BE AT- University iall, Saturday Night, February 26 Season Ticket, for Remaining Numbers $1:25. ReservedTicket for Remaining Numbers 25c extra CONSISTING OF Sousa's Band--.------------------------- --Feb. 26 Oratorical Contest.--------------------------March iS Burton .-- ... ..---- ..- ...- ........-......April 8 EXPECT AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE When you come to us for footwear; we will try and meet your highest expectations. Men's Enamel, Russia and Box Calf Shoes, hand made, heavy ex- tension soles, $5.00 ................................................$ 3.89 WI. J. A PFRI L i. . 19 . WASHINTON ST. $ ATHENS THEATRE $ WEDNESDAY, FEB. 230, GILFIORE & LEONARD, The Soothing Comedians, presenting H logan's Alley! $ Parquet....-- ... -....... ..$1.00 Parquet Circle...--------.---...- . 7 Balcony..-.,...-.. . ... --.:50 Gallerv - - 25