THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Pubished Daily (Sundays excepted) drin the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFICE:t Times biding, 329 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and Wiiiam St. MA~iNAING9EDITOR .1. V. Teetex-S, '0 L. IUSNESS MIANAGER 0.o.L IANs, 'SO L.. EDITORS 11, 1B. SeIteeMAti.'95 L., Athletics. E. IL. GExossno.'3 L. - - Monday MsTvsEno As, 'O, - - - Teday G. 1D. tItuxei, '05. - Wednesday '. 9R. Wouoow, '8, - - Thrday A. CAPrntt.i.'99 - - - Friday 1. A(lAMnetL, '0. - - - Satrday The ubcription prier of the Daiy is $0.90 for the colefe year, with a reglar delivery before non ecb day. Notice, communica- tions, and other matter intended fee publica- tion mst be handed n at the Daily ofice be- fore S p. i., or mailed to the editor before 3 of the day previous to that on which tey are expected to apear. Sbscriples may be left at The Daily Office eyer's or Stolliet's Newtand or with Busiess Manager. Soeriers will con- fer a favor by reportigf promptly at this office any failure of carriers to deliver paper. 'The 11101 swho soy lib: ele ii v i college'sirit ih1 liii' liiisi-itiiyof i-iligln is ressetfully referred t the 111.1s 111et110g of 11a91 nigit. lihe estbtsieoiil showsn -iwold9 do creit to oly isitution il the coisitnry. Witi 91uch11backing illiii'footbllsli Otivit shiould ' onaiiibrokt'iirecordI of vi- F or too iiiiey yers tie lirlolto onl the Let-tre titlrevt'1e been t'le111 who hive beenprominetlily beofre tie Isiblie butcoerning whoe 11)11liy os tjekert iabut little hsbeltei kow. Thle cosequenee11110beitnola- leutnblle failrs; tei let-illers hst' heror havlieyt'retdldry e"tasytfritin Miles of tpe-rttenlt'li lolltrlt. 'Tus yer's biord dcidlted erytoli kils out of t.- pectatctlari Itoisiuto intl to imake tita pintl'ltioI-liuie iili for the let-tris whl ouldtiii eci. 'Pie rsiult of hil poliy i o lit) of is-l,ee-cy 0119' f Wobmll1S knwi o ths' ord ito bt' oorator ad 1comtl~- of thehiriiiiiey linytuist 09e. A New Intrutor. ltdiiltill of RVtorreit votlltnurn blor. Air. 1lorriws-ablorniat o I,111, illi 170, anidlgrduliatedlfron Dsl'onn Uiversiy in 1890, 1111ing92hit A.1. ie- gree. Fromi l89)0)to 181112 le woo at ('or^eliimakiig tit petll tiniy ofthei yei'ielcses alldtilntigoets. Ili)'3 hi and t 'eeiiar unitil 1)9(1. wei eii ntI- teiludtontiso unitry ant teaime a Fe'lows-of ernianies 01t(Gornell, tak- lug lilt Ph. D. in liuee111s. Dri. ('tli t-Ill iI'hwooi, a grodut' of ills-i-iis to hi' muori-ed to MtlissH rit Sits, of the ooiie ity, on Oct. 19. Christopher, Jr., at the Ath- nus Theatre Tonight. ENCOURAGING. (Continued from first pge). g "A yell metans lseve rtse ery 1;1l'," triitit's ant Indueendents, Law anidi ilts, Meict111399Engineers.oand in foci. everybiody cnetttd wi the'-i Ii'ivrity coult lie'at to the adsalce- li-it inot only of temsiielses hit of the tuii-ersttr itsl. 1e1"s tsie deni tport thety idesrvedillii t'tway Sof attendabetthe lgi'augesi', ytliig itt. He atoitnei'iithile Ailleic etttilte extent of atlut '$1400), rotisedlby irrtin- cliid for oteltsrrptitin. The rt'slollti' Sferent fiaterniits, roangilg in aointut frot$ an o$2li 100, Inliviidtalamoietis raniginig fiomi$1 t $10 tw-re lso 3wi1l1 inlt'111 lise full $1,40(9aotilrofisei. A comllete' list f tlllleriters and Ottw- orriltions wtill be 1)lill) lliedlte sir During thi'e eigdiuit sbserip- lion, IHenryClare', ('icoit niter- s' sirotk pitt-hit of tela ~st tbert se'asons,1ws tecogniedilliiithe Audii- "liuest and,1intructei'tl S'yPresitni Rteichad..-Aidutdefeiniplausciil wt-ilt-l showset the estemi is-ilt-hichie is heldlert,le aosent d lsod thot lie c-snsieredtlthe'recetionitigist-soit.ta sthilt-lhlithad eltleseilet. Sieking Chlica~go, hlid solit ws, os itt fuenly andttl detl hailtt ica5ligo twoullrter dlefet 'IMit-ligan thianuany 'ot'col- le'ge. All le i liii'eieting ws tte he-lt-t i tile histoirof the AleiclieAsorl- ttu. ntrudi mt 101entorgng. Opening Reception of S. C. A. Thte S.9. A. gve it Hillng eet- tiontot frt'tlitit'uilst ct-tiing ii Net-- berry 1-ll. Somielt'fottilisia-rd s-ert' pres'ti'land lpsedi a ilesot eten- it eitiiny ildl ntl foring lewt acquallintancte. 01 a.1 "salulatttidi' soiail. Ittrly 1 ing is 'iteirsi' tf lt'e fitloirtig iro- grant: 91rndl ititili, Iiittutte itoi- I irtist your pairtneir) intermiissionu. ii- titdruin s itisttui s)T 'litloi lt, liian11d oTe FamoTh"eseh ebamr" nd Wlsebdr by all singing t YlowSald at ue Inoae 1(. LibfrsetSeAn ser duriWegtote practicing roomuldngws formiet u t TUTTLE'SOot 1, 48iS. Satie St. Before Having Your - ISPEC T T.IBVTORK Ph.oto's y aken AT... The Berryman Sui (Successor to Gibson & Clark) 112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor. TheNeSte TelephoneCopn is nost-equtippling lit AntiArbohtoe ofth Ilefinest teleishone exi-huanget in1 thie Untited Stotes. Its Long Dtatnce Stton is elteedy esttoblishied at the Cook. H-tel, where cettoctionsocnnnow he utode kthi the Companuoy's exchanget, at Ypsilanuti, Monroe, MIt. Cleimense, '.. Choir, Port Huron, etc., and with Itie enormoss exchaonge of the Detroit Tileisfolie Company. Who New Stole Telephone Comipony lias co-mie to the relief of telephoneO ueers twho hove been payling exor-bi- tout priceo for tswenty years to a mnon- optily. Patronize the Nesy Company. 'The public 'hao no symupathy for "sdeathi bed repentance." Stvdents I Letorc Associatio,1 Single adnmissions wyill be sold for eacih entertainment as follows: Nansen's Lecture - Sousa, and His Band______ Gov. Robert L. Taylor ... . Six Other Numbers_______ -$1.00 Reserved Seat. - 100 Reserved Seat--- -.76 Reserved Seat--- -.75 Reserved Seat- -$1.50 - 1.00 -.75 SAVE YOUR MONEY BY SECUIR.ING A SEASON TIICKE'T Season Tickets, - - - $2,00 Season Tickets Reserved, [Extra]l ,560 CutAtingg Reyer &CoN. ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR 7 ~7/Plats ' AND _ Furnishings. - , tIE THlEM A CALL 201 and 203 Sooth Main Street. _ Ann Arbor, flich No Matter what you pay for Shoes Here We mean that your money shall bring you more shoe voice than yon ever dreamed of before, WM.T,.J. APRILL. fig9 EAST WASHINGTON STREET. (I1