he o ll o VoL. VIII. No. 97. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1898. PRICE-3 CENTSQ. WILD Has received a full line of Novelties for Fall and:Winter inj Suits, Trousers, and Overoatings NO. 108 E. WASHINTON ST. NEAR MAIN A legrettis Chocolates..... Fresh every 'week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY. PIPE SAILS T FOR THE NEXT WEEK. lut received a fresh suoly af Allegretti. and Wlliams and Werers Chocolates. Lamest lies in the city. Lunches ataialt hours. R. E. JOLLY & CO. 308 South State Street. d~ubber 3Mth Ca.pe Keep the Hair 1500--more or les CALKINS' PHARMACY. WARR'S DOO0EST ORE, Just received a special line of SWEATERS Color Guaranteed, Quality the Best. The most satisfactory made for the money. Each $3.00 and $3.5. Gymnasium Suits and Shoes a Specialty. .....PRICES RIGHT..... WAHR'S;BOOK STORE Up Town Dwn Town S. state st. Oppsite IorHause San Arbor main nt. ALEXANDER GUILMA NT. Program of the Organ Recital 'tomorrow Evening. ituilinant, undoubtedly tiht greatest living organist, as sweli as the finest composer for thc instrument niow liv- itig, will give a recital on the greet organ in University hail, Friday even- ing, February 11. Such an opportun- ity may never occtir again as Gull- moant is over sixty years of age and in all probability this siill tie his last visit to America. Fine themes, sustained initerest, re- fined and scholarly treatment, and that nameless charm which is the true inspiration aiid individuality of the compsser (aiid whicii so distinguished the music of his master anal friend, 'AL Lemmens)-these are the charac- teristic protperties of of unititant's mint. The New York Tinies has the fsi- lowiing is say of Mt. Guilmanat amidiiis organ recital in Meinuicssiomi hail in that city: "The audiece was well pileised, as indeed it ought to iiave heeii. 1. Gitli- mont is a thorough eclecthc, anti, while iho is essentitaily modern, ho is a mas- ter of all styles. He plays Bach in the litiue spirit and with snit imiate knowledge of the tectinique of Blacht's period. His own sonata, of whicht the adagio is especially heastiful, lie played with great fittishi andl with the finest possible taste in. registration. P'erhapss nothing in his tscrtturiiti t was more grmatifying ts these intimate- ly acquainted with the eigahaltn his itmprovisation. The! theme wvas fot- nishied hy Samuel P. Warren atid was otie which, immedimttely sutggestedl -fugal treatnment. Mt. Gnilmant's shl arship was quite eqiual to the test, and he 'began his ittprov ision in strict fugato style, but lie peresently dev-el- sped the theme ini a gracefuintter- mezzo treatment, which filledl all tih' organists preseant svithi delight,.at. Guilmant will probhably give anotther recital. Itaught to he attended not only by all those svho knosw-ttepossi- biities of organ playing hutatso bly those who do list. Bthlwuill learn a, lesson." i c t. 0 Menach bevels dein Sueade Gross. tt. tn dir tat Freude. (Peters' Editian, Hash V. Nos 35 and a4.) 5. Pastarale-----------------Ceae Frank 6. tmprovisatian an a Given Theme. r. Grand Chorus in Starch Form, ap. 54, -_-------.----Ales. Gulmant (Dedicated ta William C. Carl.) A Punch and Judy Show. A Valentine Sale anti Ktttlerti-ii wiii he given next 'Saturday by the Laties' Library Associationi. The tih-kets for the dance its.rite ev-tnitig also -hold gooud for the afterntoon ket- tledruim. At the kettledrum tea will lie served ini Russiain style by collegte girls its Rutsosin costittie. A Putnch atid Judy shows' sill formon tie of the ext-as durinig the taftermo, anid it siill be gis-en once ini the ese-t ing. Dinner cards slid salted alinotnts baskets, suitable for lunchets, as sweli as valenitines mnd oilier fan-'y articier, will he on sale its the afternoomi. Tickets ci-itt hat' oinsivfrouiithe -- Philosophical Soclety'sihcheduie. 'Time t'lilosopmi-al socs-tly is oi- leisiplticigqite a tsiliiaplete scliadtit- for the seconti nst-ii'sii. 'ie lit-st ft't meetings asill tiroimtly ite takeni lil withi distussionisolithe relatiton.of phiilosopthy to varitous ot hter-ltiant-hets Af learining. atfer t'esain'mepastats tilt last steeling at wiihm ssdiscu-t} ed the relationi tf ithillosopshy to tht classics.'Tie lttian conlclteplates ad- dre'sses front sever-al of tile facuty irou bers o tlflht'r depsar~t'mnts attia g-tem-al tdistctssioni eachi ttilt' tsy thtt society. Thle socitety has abut peom- tot's of several tmtu of natitoali in- Itortatte to sipeaksoattti'titnt' uritig 4hi' icoiniing semnester. Freshman-Sophomnore Meet. The tPreshlniintSottlitsitr.' intdoor- meet siill take ptase ini ite3VWtertan Gtyinnasiunm, Starch t5. Fromtstresent intdicatitins theclsessw it teaobot evenly matched', titus insuring exiiing contests in tetilfferett .tis. The follossingsvill tirottably bi:th'lea-list ttf events: Forty yards dash, 401 yartds hurtle, half mile walk, One-half mitt' ruin, ri- lay race betwveen '00 asit '01. Track '00 LAW CLASS MEETS. Arrangements Made for Banquet Next Tuesday Night. toeFreshmnatesiClass hetlsia very enthusiastic meeting yesterday afternoon inte Law tie-ure 'oogi. Time meeting was caledi fo' the pur- pose Of ihearitig -intl arrangemuents lial =beeti made for the Wahingo's tBirthday exercises anti also to arouse enthusiasm sbout thei'Freshuman at- inlet ChairmnTi. It. Starks, oitthle Wash- ington's Birthday- c-ommiitttt, rtporttd thai ev-erything hattbeenti umagtti satisfactorily sail that ltefreshimamn lass class wotldt mit at the lasi 'btiltding ot tTue''itsta and marcm in a hotly os-ri-o liUiversity -Hal, wshlere tety asill cumpy- rot satso town stairs. A tax of 25 ents ili libe colectedi'frotitieals menber it the ilass tt defraiy-he exessofliii' o- C'hatirumani 5. 1.It.aniis, f tie'lat- ploet comnimittee, reoredt that le ban- sutllsias going ttiee s oslitg salt- toss. (s-i-u'otis-hundirtedlmembetras of thet ilass has-c lready- signead the pai- lser agreeinig to buy tickts. Te totsts xil be' fourteeti ittnmler, two Oft wih- i-lliiei'respondedt to by mcii- lets of te law famclty. Ttte commit- tee' has apphointedl a recep'ltiona conamniit- tie of ti-lye. Professor Kowltot 1a4to ais lresimt. made a fewsvremark comnmendintug elidaes atfgiing a class hanquet, s it affodethte members of' thiti ilass a titans of 1)(11oaig bet- her acqulaimiteti with oeat' totiem. Mtessrs. Brosvn, ('aivert, lFort soi Cso01madnste stirrimg sieches ugig ivery tmie ' of thre class to ommltturt thit tbaniquet by his attendance-i. "Fitz" Punches the ag "itoh" Ftztsimmonsas i-t thle gyut- ilashim nyt'aerilsy afternosin just le- fort' it closdi. At ilt' boxitg rosin he took tff his coat anal kinidly gave sit exhibition ittihitig the hirig. Ie shioswed. somim of his famoutis blosv snhowto they w-ere execimte. Finally hit knockdth ie big across tie room wsithm slit of his terlecthesws amd emnded the 'shori. te sias roiudly cheer'ed'i, andlyealetdtlutontifilm-a5speci, bt'tretliedthamt it'woulditlemvt that t ,Corbefttindhis mtaagerl- n tin atg shossn the interir oisthle gymt. le sail it ss-s as line a limit as le hatt es-er seet, athoghtl others le had aen hail more apptartus in themt, Het was enerainedl at dinnerlast eveinmg amit hit'Delta Chiii Itoise. Work at High School Gym 'About seventy students avail tem- selves of the privileges of te high school gymnasium., Practice in track athletics has begun. Students who are candidates for the team mre tran- ing in hurdling, jumpng sd wrest- ling under the direction of 11r. oce- lyn and Springer. The faculty say that the uinder-class men use le gym- n osium most. The opportauity of hiearimig At2ex-ii5C tn a-i msisi t~' andre Guilmant on our great orgamn sitl freshimni who tint dos smthimag at one which no music lover camn affordsit in athmletitcs to eter in ssmae of iii" to miss. The Frieze .1temorimmi org.anabove________ is the greatest but one of miii timeoem Adelphl Elects Officers. gans in the West, and Guilmtisi the greatest living organist and commi lime following officers iave bien poses' for the organ. This wilt, with- elected mu the :Addllhi Society fur time out doubt, be the last opportunity of tIlsuing semtester. tPresidenit, B. Jh. hearing him in this country, as tie in, Johnmson; vice president, it. 0.. Nyte; over sixty years of age, and will in all secretary, ti. tB.Vaite; teasurer, probhability never visit America again. Whitney Watkhns; tmeimbetrs of the emr- The following pragramnswilho given: atorical board. J. L. Frenict. At time k. Toccata et FuasiteD minr.--J. S. Bach meeting next Saturday night instatia- 2. a, tn Paradisum-------Th. Dubois tion of officers wilt take plmice. Time b. Fugue inC - 0._ ___ _ _D uxtehude c. Adagio in H minor (from the question fsr debate c'ilhe "Itoesolved, Second Symphony)--Ch. M. Widar That municipal governnments should 3. 5th Sonata hn C minor. op. 55.... adcoto sretrilas ----------I--Ae.Gimn Dedicated to Ciarence Eddy.) L. Allegro appaslnato. It. Adagio. Three-fourths of the colleges found- II Schermo. tV. Recitative. edithlatwnyyaraesoh- V. Choral and Fugue, di h attenyyasaesuh 4. Two Charais-----------------.5S. Hach of Mason and Dixon's line, L 1 I A96