THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. WXh~o essttiiplate having Party Gowns musle will find it to their :iilvattie to call ofl MISS O'LEARY, At MACK & COMPANY'S, 2nd floor. !Those New- - SEE SOUTH WINDOW. GO OUTH .IINSTREET. * -University School of Dancing, SHOE I State Street, opposite Law Building.. Terms $5.00 a semester - - Single evenings 53 cents. Office-427 Thsompson Street. I IEAVE CAiIiAGE ORDiER FOn 4t=.J UNIOR H IO P HOLMES' LIVERY, X2.70 W. J. BOnTH. Pres. W. ARNOLD, ist Vice-prey J. V. SHnEAN, 2d Vice-pres. JOHN C. WALL, Asst. Cashier. State - Saviogs - Bailk, Transactsza general Banking bnsi ness. Cor. Mlain and iHuron Streete. Capital, $50,00. Surplus, °030,000. Transacta * general banking bnsiness. R. KEmpF, Pres. C. E. GRENoE, Vice-Free FacEs. H. BELSER Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capitai Stock, $00,00. Surpius, $150,00S. Resources, $i,100,000. Organized nnder the General Banking Laws of this State. Rteceives deposits, hays and sells exchange en the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper tdentification. Safety deposit boxes In rent. OrrICEnS: Christian Mack Prest; W. D. Hlarrinman, Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Hiscock, Cashier: M. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL IS ~Or AnnzeAr156 Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $40,000 Transacts a general banking buins. Foreign exchange bought and sld. Furnish letters of credit. E.,D1. KINNE, Pres. HiARISON SOULE, Vice Pree S. W. CLARKSON, Canhier C. n. MAJOR & CO, The Artistic deorators Have a complete line of Wail Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shadeo, Room Mouldinigs, Etc. Specialty of fine interior decoruting, painting, frescoing, tinting anti paper hanging. Only the host of workmen emnployed. Work guaranteed. C. IK. MAJOR & CO, The Artistic Decortor. KLEIN LAOIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Latest Novelties in Winter and Spring Garments. COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. One hiock west of Uiversity. f 01oEIo... Central Lines Both Phones sod. 515 East Liberty Street.I 'he nsj ining slts represent 2 of~oi sii'tlatfy styles o'. AlhES' WELT S OES Thi , ,we are 14-f-ring this we( "oIt $2.70 These shoes are all of this reason's Last and Psstterns and were formerly sulddat $3.50 and $3.00 We. have got more than we wish to carry over to next .,easpon, hence') this gteoit sier Lamps Expressl y 4o Students' Use 'The Rochester,"I he Yale,," "The Rosyal," "The Perfection," "The Berlin Student," all iiickle plated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50 each. OIL Every student should use Deai's "Red Star." It gives a pore O wielighot, is odorless and does not choar thse wick. Deliv- eretd iniaioy part of the city in or cans at 10c per gallon. For sale only by -- DEAN & COM PANY). 214 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Athletic Board Meeting. Di. tosur 4.g1 s . a rissr tih fit X51 Ac lb Atileti, ttoarsl iwst irng Lioo the V. W.X'. C.A. ilas iigli. liglit Mal liKilith .snnI c1 i lls 'l t 'T'hetotal s'nlsliles'oIof tIl.tedim lAi,-.lithe rigs'woldsi h'stmtl bswk todlay. A Iloc High Selis'ol MssI'stsy WOOi:51.. Vt t' of tihaisto Dri.t'atrssw NNas Tlii pTrty tory-, "itlnaTziC of :t iass'sl fssr lis gells'rs - ift of fistop Photograpohs,' in Soisshoy's i).'roit Iivs or ihis' s til sil ls's~nt :t. stoltsg'r tpcos, ,relaitig to Itsh ils iattlis'coutlC- H'for bilt la Il''oimte ship and iamuiage'oflMis Diim-', of50 :i5'15('i tolaiseio'fal(lsis for his Ifs:' 'IT '1Titnes, woo friiix m11wvs' rosiilk1ivIllis'snlinizo Icoltletsihsrriiiiiios pien of Karl E. Iiiii'Iinili. J. H. Philipo, whss W5OiI tile'Co'ell5 fellowsip inilPoilitcal Essinonly. a,1l1 swho has beeto ottsoilisog tat Univer'- ily dutrinig thl sot yeair, is isiii:' 'ity for a fC oos' s's'o rs'pWrinsg,er- reeling annd aliosiog lhis thesis for puoblication. CONISS'I''UVIC)NAI, LAW. Exanoinatioiis will Ise heldTShutrsday, F~eb. 17, at 10 oclork. A. C. MrcLAUGIILIN. Front antiside suit~essfor rent.' Nfodern convenliees. 727 fr. Univir. , ily ave. . f. To slick Rubtber lise Bale'sLuter Ceiment. BdNo'a-I'.t! iDoso' take a onbotttte. fisr a sessoissi01(1 thirsl uric'. 3Oct1. gor C'ampll iidatoillred. thit'fstle tf the o SssplissoioreS i'rilssan miet for -Marelis5).. ansi the lIndoor Ie1:01fssr MNatil it9. The track lliasia igr ws~ authborizetsito iarr'ange ssor 0 t(Aorlsa- esil 101r Ilnhaislli sdobles. The coi- 111.1 "tee o011theisllirls; of the Consitou. tiosn 'rspo-tothoot the new 'Constitu- lion Nwoulsi bs' lrililed afser lt'eanniai lleelilog i May. Sob itim~illil at dtihey'Athens 'Tht aer ton~iglt. room, oil Tionr0413y, :an. 28, alXO'ter- iran F~oiontain peil. Fiioder wiil plelse leave ill Daily olfien ansi rsecsive re- IT. &5 0. U. Ry. li. ch0M. ORy. weltSoles. Sizes 2 1-2 to 8. Imsitioa Romeo Alaskas L [GN'0ai1r The Only Sleeping Car Line betwees Toledo and Columbus. The Only Sleeping or Drawing Rogra Car Line between Toledo,i2Colum- bus, and Marletta. The Only Drawing Room Car Line between Toledo. Columbus and 'Chiarleston, W. Vs. Pullman Sleepers between Colunm- hoe and Chicago. The Only Line with 4 trains, each way daily between Toleda and Columbus. The Only Line with S trains each way on Sundays between Toledo and Columbus. The Only Line with 5 trains each way ,daily between Toledo, Bowl- ing Green and Findlay.. The Only Line with 2 trains each way' daily between Toledo and Charleston, W. Vs. The Only Direct Line between Tole- do and the Virginian. The popular line between Toledo, Fostoria, Bucyrus, Granville and Newark. Full Information relative to r~Ites, tine of trains, etc., wili he cheerfully furnished hy any agent of the Ohlo'Ceniral Lines. Moulton -Houk, G.: P. A., Toledo, Ohio. NO. 2. COw--0N.5I3GN MINT Eight direct from the eastern market another arrival of NECKWEAR fresisfrsim the manufacturer. They discount aii previous effortsufor newness and effect. See our window. Snarlsn mind that we carry the most complete line of COLLARS in this section of the state both in the higis grade tat quality as weii as the 15c article. MAC K 84 O I sleMtree.N R O-P-NY C 3 123 South r A Neet.C PNY Furnishers.