THE UNIVEL 61TY-OF MICHIGAN DAILY. J5TEUIET FMCIA AL ..~~'2-~~t ~ follow ing, graduation renters OOt 11 T Pr..a' fL. t proofessional or business tarertand nt.inrqunty.1 .n4st~nLXaxs Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during thorugh 'notromstiion Ibmdefrorot the College year, at taob ntuto ylcue i THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN. °ot fOtttttoi0 tl'ooiti irtt'ittit being to afford lrtnathe kd OrricsE: Times building, 329 S Main St. be- e stooibe information regarding tetenLbryadWlimSs occepntiosbertyifanddWilliam Sts.~l MAGIGEDITOR oeittinIflftMailIt oal MA~OIOit cbooewits knowle dge .,r~tIE~rthuah J. F. TuoMAS. '00 L. ;*'" --with tretidice?>vlES xa.E5.hod t hrui i tntol- 0. it. DAoS, 'to L. EDITORS It. 1B. SKILLMAN, '98 L., Athletics. attte, te tyctiag;ictl tids o 1(1 E. L. OnISuEst,'05 L. G. D. ilUxeaT, '00. ttttLio tt to t io plty we'doi-'elatil BUrTLit Luoe,'tO. T. 1R. WoonoOW, 'Ox and the ptopaer briibt fcitdN k APEL 0. A APEL'9 el Cnttt nigiog tit (Of (of F. ENsEtLnAIO.'O.N o ______________________________________evety cllege toti'.UrSE? 0t. If Lati ansdlsriok ottottldlb oittled fiot toe c'o ietila it schtodLike the SHOEBST -OF- Every Description.. A LARGE LINE OF 7MI CSHOES SLE OUR WINDOW? BEIAL'S SUEI STORE~ 10')-. .Main Strre. Oppusle ., " the Court IRouse. [ime present to buy an Overctoat. We Afinished tatting stock aind find we re Overcoats than we wish to catty t they are worth today from $1.00 to )re than they were when we bought to new tarifif you all know is the this) to be short and to the point we you the prices ton themr for thac next ks. ------------------------------------------------------$18.00 -------------------------------------------------------$14.00 -------------------------------------------------------$10 50 --------------------------------- -------- -------------$ 8.00 ------------------------------------------------------ $7.00 The subscription price of the Daily is $.50 fur the college ,year. with a regulardelivrery beforo noon eails day. Nttcers, communion' lions, and other matter intended for pubica- lion must be handed in at the Daily omt'ie be- fuse 8 p. m., or mailed to the editor before 3 p. in., of the day previous to that on which they are expected to ofppear. subscriptitons may be left at The Daily Office. Meyer's or Stotlet's Newstand,. or with Business Manager. Subicribers will roo- fer a favor by reporting protmptly at thi. office ann failure of carriers to deliver paper. '7Nl'.ttiotwo issuti'will 'etho' l' ti. lntlei' ofthIe Dualy until fter t'e ztteittiall of ittiitr of the facuty atti of slodeclo to tile boits forti'lt ptltcedilin lie 'variosittiltlingo.('ola inttiend'tlfioethe nittlat~y", i >,oe t ctllet't'tbty 4 p.Ilii. The Datily invite" ito rc ier,totisn ake tis" of thbistitait From the Cosmuooitanl. W' it a vlew'to liiakitig ctat'tt ei optinionso held regarding tie tirent- daty iittalstind mieilthdsot rilileliti. iii' ettoir of $1.0 ('ostooltllliiill fotw-atdt't to lie chief olitersofitthoe iraditig ittiv roiit'os of tile United Sitates, Etigltitisiand (it iantty eii'fol- lowtig: 1. 'hefit rst aticle of the etlueti- hona1 oeries whicihlthattbettn ptblishted ii 'hfl toplolilttiwasisftouiidt'tilil- til the following hyotsist: "'lilt' purstit of tall -taittkidits t alltittits. 'Tere is110o olier iasti ton whtitu 31:3 tetittble iteory of educteaion for yotith nlay blit' bilt ltanthltt the tratinitig received tendso, ilrte highest tegreebtoardi those 'otnditosof ittdititiantI Isody wichiebii fistbrver to briing happoiinesslit tine' indtivttuli educa'tldiiantltottoeabotutthimt. '-illt, tit least, is t in'itleal loss-turd wh'lichi education mutst move ssitb ever- (utiikening otridies." Do you believe thattis is til t iat itdeai? If not--what? 2. Do you think tht thle traliiti of the hindat of yotuth catit te art-out- :lihed by thie study of Phsysics, theti- lofty, 'Physiology, Psychtoiogy and English.,(dertoan atid Frenchi Litera- ture as itooughtly tistoy that f ILatins tnd Greek? 3. 'il ntea etirtiettititmade ilt) of the scien'ces aitd nmoderin literatture develop the reasoning powers to a higher degiee than one in which tile study of Latin andi Greek is the ief factor? 4. Inusonsucli as the stuldenst, in a l< rge perentage cof eases,iutmdia'lely; (six years) tisticolleg;e footr year::). woultlo fre 101not'e, aml' lime 11(tothave :us otly- to troillthe hint ilo l cict'Indo ttti'have moi loot oolout lototego'h tihelbaitgsimot- Itoh I. it f-isto on o-to'l ilt' Itoilgo lip.-l tI.t at 'io-o litf'tit- ootiic1 slll'foolows'; 7. ito you oi lo tha tt Ilobtshould 0:. otatineod foo teito's00toportnt 0001- it's toy oittill tg lortho tlo-toii tt' 'are I. n lott t:til"?lltl i lolleitto 10itt ltlo'e, 1s lootof tet daly dustisieIetooisesufiien totae-t hattll'iitt o to aililoo hea ol ii . a itotxiotoit of etO. tootc *? ARABICl. over (yet x'1.50 DmC tthem-h cause of1 wilt give two weei rcoats- ;rcoats- rcoats- ,rcoats- :roats - $25.00 Ove $20.00 Ove: $15.00 Ove: $12.00 Ove: $10.00 Ove: An itrlodutoryCototrse 0i ti ito e iii toe givent tile 2tadSetmetstel tyitre- tI titueot of some sttodenlotsalob illn 3 thled. Stdents 'it Io tie maitgC-0 A specially of lti it' e t~tls .111o.4 hose expectihig to study lIet 0 1ar1 initied to joti tile tclass. AnXc ii-; 1 rollionent is tdesirable, us boots :iohi _________________________________________________ tbe ordleredh frottit abroaod.'1'lis! trill meet twice a week ortluours to sut the roin-enlienee oftrie e t rliT1e r s o i o JAMPTo slick tings usc 01:1)ru's t,!,-let. Bleware ! !! Don't lake a stibsttitte. DON'T FAIL TO HiEAR~ IF YOU WANT THlE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY,! C BADGES OR PINS -. Send to iMITH, STURGEON & CO., 137, 230, 211Wsoodard Ave . Dtroit. The Greatest Musical Organization of its kind Designsnd estimates furnished on nih wontan of tits Lin. -in the World. This Superb Bn composed of fifty men assisted by $ATHENS THEATRE Bob Fitzsimmons$ AND BIG$ $VAUDEVILLE COMPANY. AParquet Circle ----------------------.75 Balcony- ------------ --.......350 V MISS MAUD REESE DAVIS, Soprano, and MISS JENNIE HOYLE, Violinist -WILL BE AT University fll, Saturday Night,. February 26 Season Ticket for Remaining Numbers $1.201. Reserved Ticket for Remaining Numbers 25c extrT CONSISTING OF Sousa's Banil------------------------------ --Fgb 26 Oratotrical(Contest-------------------------- --------March A8 Burton----------------------------------------- ----April 8 Turn and Twist Your money os you may, there's no shoe in towna will ,yield such satisfactitn as this $5.00- line of Enamel, Box Calf and Russia' Leather Shoes we're selling at $3.98. WilKn. J. A P RIL L. 11"fig'2. WASHINGTON ST. I