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February 09, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-02-09

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Ijle ~

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VOL. VIII. NO. 96.


Peticit3 CENTP.

Has received a full line of Novelties
for Fall andWinter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
All Iegretti's
C hocolates.
Fresh every week.
Only in packaes-
60c a pound.
Lowneys if you
lot received a fresh sply f Allegreti, ad
Williams and Werers Chocolates. Larest 1111e
in the city.
Lunches a° all hurs.
308 South Stte Street.
Bath Caps
Hoop the
500--m~ore or loe
Just received a special line of
Vuor Guarantoed, Quality the Bes
' fhe monst satisfactory made for
the nrey.
Eac«,s.csn and $3.o.
4Gymasium Suits and'Shoes a Speciat
. PRI..FkCES IGtHt.....
Up Town Down Town
$: State o. Opposite ourtous
Ass Arbor Main S.

SENIOR LAW CLASS MEETING.I is ,,sssed. 'Tie repreentaives freim Whist Culubto Play Jackson.
1Mieligasi s-ill pobably be te 'cate as
All te necessiarinigencsnls Pisaac
Historian, Prophet and Valedic- recc'tl3' idayed against Dei-col. Ientm ltdb hc h se-i
torian Elected. PrlmnroOaoiafCnet. i the ceatral division or tee-lluass
State Whisit League is pstoned toic
'Thesi-'iior law class iild ;t'iietiiig Ataitseetig of' h' (Ositoric-cl i. 22. thus llowvig tii 'repriesentiii-
yesterday smorinug ater Pirofe5ssor Board last nigtt te folowing we's'e tives of te Iniverit to conilse-t,
M -eessni's lecturei'rat It os-o-k iut'e 'iioi'iito at as judges o tiogisi is-tieicthey oiul ot havei'titn, if the
oid esaisel roi,Uniivsersity IHill. iThe'and t'(inilioitiOiiatitheii' iieiniii-ry turiiiiitiiiiait ibeenshld te 1p1h.
rost important imatter tht 'carie be- ostss: '00 Lit, Feb. it). re. . L.. Tis canle cas imade at tie sggirs
f~Ii' the class was theeltion cf (cass )Willis,lRe. M. Bradsti~-, iir. Fat- lion,(f IC. -1'. hoces. 5f Xisiisinti,wiei
tnly offieis. For the ofie of ticto- 10-1; '10i L, Feb. 21, I d. 1J. (. (-Naaso delig-htel at i1(,rherntursrolg
lcatnoMrs. MerieAbbiot twas c-I 'cad by Ila ows-ioi. F.i,.Inigraa 1 s.o. ti:-..1 .showt- ogimadebyteor-esiy n
it large ri'iccity sove(.G.'.Fiit oct. -c-E-lrcss; 19til it, Feb. 2IR. b'. -. i. gcniatio. In, ilasopinicn there are
There were four sninees ifs. ticecit Forest, ('las. Hti.t y, Prof.J.1Bh. oly twoati'cniis ii ti e-ntral sivisions
tic-c lass tiioihet hut Itwocresi"'ce, Dilkcie; '9t)'., I'-.b.24. Prof. 1I'. I. wosa-nis compts aisissclly withllstli
leaing ie ccitesitiietwseenCi(. C, -Mxechems,Prsof. J. .A. Breswster,IBi'v. J.1AniiiiArbon- teo,asc. t-cwiittthese 'our
.Lanes,,,acdI'. Y. Albrightli Tt.Iar bile ic- If. elstisi; '8L,..Felt 25, teof. .1. 1. -iance of s-uirnisfiery scsc-gois.
tng eletedl. 1-sr ilisOs-cli't,craii-n tictltsii, Prof. 1t. -I. xx 'ilev, lb'. Th~e fficers of te li l-e ite Whissi
lie nosiucnees iw-recDi). I FIsis . Mr-li. Yuing. 'T-eix c-csts'taos irani- IChubilire nsaturally - sisrosaof oitain-
". P'ittmcans, I. :. B llisec aiiiR. intg 'highest in tiiiight md cccpci- ing is largitireprisentiat in as tos-
Iticily. Nits-.Hes-ly ieeeis-l iccitjcciy ]iotn in echc- lass ill dclc-isc-i l ieu'btle at Jacsonsansd it hics bee, d'ii-d
a-si'' ova th erst ticlliot.saticns. i'ctht inyiseamciho liiiJticiediiii (i
,rhe iotfices cof '-iss icici " ,lad lss '11ec'fllssi-iig is.I listsitrcsitesacn. clotsmy eteri hec y cii lii -sts-at:as IMich-
hoeetsill bl iItlei(i[ Iy -ciilieiitio.iiT'ci citoi iha'esenteredl sic-i' te'list fst-igasrpresntciati's ccs i on 'tcpycmenct
c-iciiiitt ic siapp cted Ito ciranicgs' eltib fised aut t-thecDaiy- ofithe itran tciic-e,1i, forii'd-cul grclip
ecnteist for ilassicilsiorrevs cniciii'ild t5 lit, lie. Ilaslcsi. I.. It cio cc'c. cf fiiur. No oinii'acud iie'fc'csfl sf
thact the=,irilissed051iinei cicss o055- -1r.liexxctsis 'Miss Aliice Icsi: 'WLii M(-rultg hiscaf 'ciiward i siteoncct-
icriscl eicists sloiiidilgsa-iern. tict. 1Iltcsirisiiis o, ( 4 l lcs.- .in'cc- tng. fi' i-suie riirplasl -w ill bei
3,0 2tiit crds. id tlait disc;isold bti"(Gcllupi; 'tltI4.S. I. Stwart.iHacrcldl oily Iy s'iiisliiitiii sisy frocmi houses
handedinctoii bieis iuigud 'cithsisugt ,I. l-hsss-iccs:'hit F. ).T. Jiiss', It. x. aniic withs lhe'excitem'ntu o'f a gesut
sit coimpsiionttrisiy [tisri-hsI1,5andicithat teasa. . 11Wa'llace. .. A.t. Itci- cuei ta lct "wh-lst iiiv's--i' is acquisrds.
the contesthi'htheApril 11. T'irsreu-- gcssies-vP. It. (Ilo. Aultamssi lsrisig- toientie liithecis-
potiti'cas adooited. All rcitui sust bti'lli tii' Inuscisiof tst sli notifyeBtsule Lambli sttter
TIhi eoissisistit 'sts iades's-ilii't iaslthe si'c-ntcry,. It. . LandIisi 40 iithis'Ililly ottfsc' sr by liii'Niw-
i-ause,tandi to ine'stig-ste teti-ctr itt}xx'L~iety t., 1)1- Iip.i., Fti.hs. Stac t'['Phoitni, 5, tisbfr'- Scturday.
5 ilass hpicture-i'also reportstedc. A casts'Busgis iii slivry --ill iibe sauni -icl 'Fib19. All a rrsssgisss'iwsill bhi
ss't-ssiuuenceatby this'eossssuiiu'c' cot-1siccis. smicecby'heI useu'c'us-' c-icsiiii h-u'si
tug $2.21 uas adopti'i. I-or liihelas is ito rihs'thei' i ts ''ssssatss of it
lti't55' o b husigiiilit'i~ le-hrt I Handbali Drawings. sscihisll'isliall.
rosoms',tbis st-recos'snider'esd frosiali'The ifolossing ri' tie clai'ncsugs for uI'stconnec'tionss sitsi' shsls-sscsslcs
lt'local Photogaphtessrs, thatoc Rtt a iuh he trdlss-ris'shinthes handl'ihltouis- I tounamentsi'st ciiacisksn i uit ry1e in-
artieles berg fiucally ac'elste's. Ssciens'ss -As Katurd ryl Fell. 11 ts et- ureshlig his learnthat (t'.tx-. Isigrs.
A classa=lax sot $1.21 was voe' oisihis li" ioictistus dayl'.thc-as I.rsiaigusts are at I'Iiahtih, nssi f thcs'ge'nstl'eme'n swtho
'fray tesxpessoof lWcsituitos's ssmewh-tsroisinal andc aysu csil 5 bc'le lthyeds aginsct isu eiamsislcst atu-
Bir'thdiay clobsati,asd iss iciutiug ihang-ed by acilhictisss In-t.c'. Fiz- ihlay 5'e'eing sucs'hlIsuc3Lnay - ei-
of he picture oftProsf. Lesi 'T. (Griffisn. geraill:ldit' at li cthe I tkly teanilay on hiss
The tresident applottited the followsinig Backickuistrss. Dwsye, Fi c. i.:1us1- Dhitioil xx'iststCtu, withsa cirIi. ain-
ismbr fthis'classto .collctthle tx ushius ss. -tiler,h:0la.citi.; Balcotisit ditc, oitoits''sh, aciarhtnrh. T'hey"
fiomntheit'areaetiv-e (lisle ssticus: B-ush, 10i. i.; Lislevs. a. ns, 10:0 csse'sut high tecams snthsandsusthc
Messs.Ake.' Burke, 1Ptll ls'gg.Ell"e, a it..; M~c~erie s. hhissho, II a i.; isill th 1sore f tus li(.s's-en ponts
Ihillo. 'Iteai.Stifercinc hileobiald. The atvicis vs. o. fisstcuui 11:hi) a. i.: lChase' la-s-sitheir n'tc ssst cmptistorss.
lifesiet' wats also empowsseredstoIsa -stms.2i.ii;Isisiss-.iilFscsiticcsuihs'ssiog st
Bs titilt the remiiaiinsg s'onsssihtcaford Hnsi1.i. asnnu s r rmtl,,tnuh tehloyo
1WaintusBrha eettion 1istt, 2:301(. us. c'nshscss-stvIS c-sres', oacid its sof hec
{Another Chess Match With Detroit. Track Team Indications.
Lecture on Lick Observatory.
G, se sucess of the echess comaeac -Thi 1's i h risnt idicioth iss )ii't't
repesesntativeso(if the D+ racn Ii's- istsck tiusus sill surpiasthacthoit foressustse's - i Lzfur Rom
Ciub 'his ld-to the -irobahiiithy of at seasonsojudiging frois e.his'numbessr osit edne.dayeveiunsg, Feb. hi. ct Ths:
return guant' to be playe'd in Deroit, iiiiitstccstse ectusi- 'lc.Ii.i'utssssltgs ile
i-o. 22. As asluabien a's'porh'dtthe eus are cll t'ohieialyl tnisrssusacdsg uue tc-'onutoh lieLk iObsi'svatr-susd
Slceai club tush Detroit last we'ek aud it wouldi sot is surpsrisig to s's'soi,' te -Mon.Alag' uisits'rf telrop-
t rx~o~lspr. 'he alfmie rn i lir-ticon viewssswilItbeussd hto usrcti'
thee'iauuces foits'succes iii thi'e-e e oiag. s a ltcl'rssi'sl-this li's-uroi.All itercsteds cr e a-cl
of anothuer'mee't are very bright. tietuar pe'oss oa gid represaivies come.
qPresidenst Ghriffitlh can be deendedtilt)- its thact event. It is proubB.B.tdgustha11)0bssieuau
J oilto wr histwo smsstesand if the haulf mile ruiiill-bei his'(,i' of the fe'a- B .1og ,'10,hslf o
other Ithree players ast bre'ak esvc'sor tures othlisa frshan-solahsotior is hlahoue its 'ugob'rc'-l.swhes'ec he'iill
re winltwosand tie onae, then ustr vier omet. I engagi' ibusuisess.

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