THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. W et m rew. 3.BOOTH. Pe. W.AOl Dpres. Vce-pes T h S or "" . V. SRI5N, 2 Vce-pres. T e St re W. W. We mo eJOHN C. WL V Asst. Cashier. .,.,.106S._M inSt., and 34 . Sae t State - Savivl~ - Bank. "- "" Transacts a general Banking busi UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, ness. _______ LADIES ?IA ULLNSO NEW AND SECOND-RAND. WFho contemplate having SFULINSF NOTE BOOKS, and ¢fIrUl lIl lirt3Itlfl Party Gowns made will fi nd (STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. ' Cor. Mass and Huron Streets. I Capital, $50,00. Surpls, $3,000. Trasact a itttir a tagto cllon Futi eaadFn adSaeSainr ' general baking busiess. t thr ilatg Cal FutiPesadFn anStpleSatoey R. KEMP, Pens.B C. . RONersVice-Pens MISS 0' L[ARY, and offers all at the Lowest Prices. FE.F.B~osCsir At MACK & COMPANY'S, 2nd floor. THlE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS ANK ______________Univer§ji ty School of Da ci g, Captat eore.,$,0,0.Stck, 5000.surplus, (610,00. ------------- ------ .,Oranzed undrthe eneW atBanking Laws State Street, opposte Law Buildingo of tis State. Receives deposits, buys and ^ p y\/ .r sells exchange on the principal cities of the S t-i [ ] / ;E Terms $5.00 a semester - - Single evenings53 cents. (nited States. tDraft cashed upon proper OrICERS: Christian Mach Pes.' W. D. Office-427 Thompson Street. arriman, vice-Pres.; Chas E. fiscock, ___________________________________________________________Cashier: 5.J.. Frit Assistant Cashier. De' ie t~IeihngI"H r FIRST NATIONAL BAN~ognZro Depa tff efit. S eia ing s H re !Capital, 100,000. Surplus and Profits, 04,0 Transacts a general banking business. Fora SellTur-ou Cal o =nforeiexhage bought and sold. Furnish ttt y. ID. KINNE, Pes. HARRISION SOLE, $2.70 o L E S9L I VE R Y (' HS. W. CLAKESON. Cashier iePe $ . 0 Both PAons bMES - - SLIVEtLry Street. C.if. MAJORI& Co., __________________________________________________The-_Artistic deorators The adjoining cute represent 0 x re sy, s Havea complete line of 2 of our mnany styles of L.amtps Expressly S uents s Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window "The Rochester,' "The Yale," "The Royal"~ "The PerfectionhdsRoMudngEc "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, vaying in prce from Specialty of fine interior decorating, $1.00 to $.5o each. painting, frescoing, tinting and paper WELT HOEShanging. Only the best of workmen (3W Every student shotuld use Dean's "Med Star." It gives a pure empoyed. Work guaranteed. L i I ^ W LTSIO S white light, is odorless and does not char' the wick. Deliv- I AJR&C. ered in any part of the city itt our cans at tile per gallon.Fo sale nly by The Artistic Decortor, Tlmi the are offering this DEAN &t COMPANY. week lit 214 South Main Street.K L I UNIVERSITY NOTES. 'PIACK NOTtCE. K L I .7Q slotlteaimiliil siii Candidatis for te track teai wilt LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S 01:111.ilg soc~le ifiteotivsniet:t:T'AILOR)1 Met setitr laves etoday lor sioul h Dr. I it' g-stl-Sprinters, hitidle=.', Amriabroad lumutets,'Tuesday, 'Thursday Latest Novelties in Wnter These shoes are all of thisAtri'. ardPtrsad Belt R. Rih,,'&.ie is veoiing t the autd Saurtda at 445 1't . '. eiht and Opring Garments. f eason's Last a1 atrs ndel, evry day at 55:15 in bsbe et. wr omryolat litii Theta : 1tse-Dr. Rabe h egDistanucce runnes, COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. 'eefr r Fl t (Tihe Wisconsi tacu:~l'ty urisiess le g ttl a 'luedy01: a-One block est og Universty. lilit:'bootks fr he t:'reglar e xal51.- Onrday at -:45 1p. in. PlIcvaul111s1 $3.30 and $3.00 iels. 'Monday, Wclticsday, Friday and s t- ..' OHIO... We have gt Bore tan ~ Prcidlemt Eiteofiltr:ll-. r-eia- ittrdty at 3 p.In. High jumps om .ne We Hve gt mre tan e inursthat ideg'e'es'eivnutwice'a das, Wedneday adolFrdy ml -4, CentralLie wish to carry over to next Ii1. JOSEPhH . ThOM'AS, Cl.lin. T. sr . C. Sy. K. & Mi. y. szoason, hence this great offer tPresident ('sliilalh. of ihe Chess Club, . wein his last game: of cht-so i, thei- COO- (tNSTIlT'UTIONAtLLAW. The Only leeping Car Line between lest with Delloit last week. TIhis x inatiems woittl b eml T'hur-sday,. Toledo and Columbus. 70eetellItiai: il hi o e.1.a Ooice The Only leeping or Drawing Room mad th mach ti, wth ourvie eb 17 at10 'elek.Car Line between Toledo, Coum- $_ 2.70toes for acti teatm. A. C. McIJGIILIN. bus, andMait. I St. S. I.Kaifl~lmll i~ ii ive i lv- lOSThet Only Dawing Room Car Line Air. 1.I rufiatntNN H iveale- LOT-cmIto aI. P-o. lictin's 'between Toledo, Colunmbus and Witsoles. Stzes 2 i-2 to . iisre oi "Lslgage' atfticeis of irosu, onl Tursay, [mil. 28, IaSair- Charleston, W. Va. -- (roman sld Santish sehool over iitali Foutitin Pel. Finder Rill plaste Pullman leepero between Colum- C atkins' lDriug slot,en Wednesdaysy leave a Dily ethece andtoc s-i bus eandOnye Chicago.4trisec es-cing, Feb. 9. :itS p .- m. lTe pu ublic wrd, way daily between Toleda and is ivited.l-ronl and side suites for re Clnmts 10.The Only Line with B trains each ., J. A. Lelleyl'ii. tor:irh- li-a-kSlest cooeiences. i727F.. Cuvr.way on Sundays between Toledo f: caitains and naiig e~diiior ofthne ity avye. t. f. and Columbus. The Only Line with 5 trains eacha Daily, nl~ i~o ir~g editoiir ofthue freTo sick hRubbier tuse Major', htlar way daily between Toledo, Bowl- Pres, -ws at lie DelaI T house silt- Cemeni. ti 'o-sel? '1Diont tke a ing Green and Findlay. dihy.Mr. Leloy will heilli:AAn AT-s-usitltle. The Only Line with 2 trains each bicr Sturday, Feb. 1l, sunt will be at_____ way daily between Toledo and lls~ gliuasul it9 . oah tn. el ldtciliis~il a ii, ilmmsCharleston, W. Va. thegynnasurntit0 a tt. o eeh he ob I~tsinnivs t ta Alt~nsThe Only DiretLine between Tole- _ high jumper~cs. Theater lootr:w night. do and the Virginia. - The popular line between Toledo, For Frty earsFostoria, Bucyrus, Granville and Lisadices'Romeo Alaskas [° iipe1 ]79c orvliyY O DNers bNewark. SutIfriorltive to rates, time of 1_ traisns, etc., will be cheerfully furnihed by M C &, C .Has been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER Moulton ouk, G. P. A., M A Kas a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. Toldo, Ohio. I