THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN RAIL). 3 Men's Furnishings That Sell Themslves ! OUR STOCK COMPRISES or THE BEST VALUES AND MAKES. Pare Lambs Wool Worst- Unlaundered, pure Wan- Radom Wool, at fine ed. All kinds of Styles sutta Cotton ald 4-ply sot amn odo Sweaters ho nall the Combinations ofI Shrts. . Linen Bosoi 5c. The UJnderwearsmohgretoilf Colors. The best from best shirt in the maret to - ysrthn aeil X3.00 to $4.50. lay.Sethlatb. We invite comparison. Our gcods are what we represent them to be. We can save you money. rop in and see our stock.0 MANSRES VAIN STREET, S. KINDERGARTEN, 102 B uronSt 'll HAING DISHES, 'FULLE BE NEK ATCall and See Us, 5 O'CLOCK 1-2WricTAILQRSO~a 1-2 Prce! ___ TEAKETTLES t.AeningPessing andRepirig SNSand TWO=STEPS. CiKpWn 0 2( AtSlI .O d.' IR lPhoe No 234No Ste Mr. and Mrs. Rtoss Granger make a business of teach- 0. . DMARTIN, ANN ARBOR MUSK CO. Can ingancing. Yon can join the classes it ay time, the FUINERAL DIRECTOR 205-207 E. Washingon toc . IT mbalming a Specialty fo trm starting with your irst lesson. Private lessons;N. ;'2001 5 (iUR1H- AN INUE _________giv________D n en~~i by appointment. Office, ground tloor. Amulanceclht o ay Da> CeGRANGER'S ACADEMY Residecel.30 ifthAvenue ANN ARBORI DROP IN AND GET ONE.. AtteAhn, II1 Ii :7" IO NTETime Table, Sunday, Sept , 5197,A h tes it'P iY11 iiAU 1.- ----__. -_ TIME TABLE: ---i Io-XIn s'ti.' N7m-is i* ;., -O - Trains leave AncArbr by OCeral Standard ibt~uloll'ttr\le liA steII e eigtin (Ie titile ll ® W MIVIILLAI1I) Thee, lai Ihe. iii l e a51'nt 1i h V~y scgitii ((Vi io.eive ori te t)'gist t lii., ito' 11- cocoat. OHa. e1t, Nwill bie I to' at u It. Insi i ..ilott: "I II,,o colnitu e'ee. Football Calendars for 1898. :55.m. .5a . (ls . 0 '~lli 0)il I tii'~iIil ' lli.1I~ I'West Libertys'Street. olOp~. 8:40 P. m, It)e . o 1),' ]til on till hoviii ail 01' vet a v Ic i i ii. cvillnt iv wullec Rni.between Acn Aror cud Tedconl .,,onds . Ald ;,,, and Bathe E. . ILMOLCE, Aged t l150tii ik'(oil'i, 11 tit- led i11 ltitie. from111 'iriS ioill.'t . ce f14an a rlorscan an d Ba hooms W. B BENNETT B. P. A. TledcoO. (tinnl~, a111 ilconjuc~itionihI tl iioel i _y,, Mit '0 of te111s101 t I 32SOUTH STATE STREET. T 7 \ .,7Old frieds ctla gci.le weolomenecu M y iCH lOA'7 F NT AL _______________oi al,(ht -l~tl ullte oQin rlto.L vvt iol~s .R.TOANWll sl , Maher1 ili( 'ii'l i 111i I i.( '1t~lc-1 l7 -Site nidtil e t i sooni ito11h11 lvi1i- .J ~ Tg JN ~ o The Niagara Flis Route" ~ oo ~ilI 'etllSllse111 i' 11iti v iIs. 1 i I FOR5) Cetral Staedard Time. Pour l'iitiiiion111hoisteifcy ,iel)'lAll'110lcl.,i. 11'lr, will1)e ii; I -Lowney's Chocolates TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. il.iillli'iliill .7 lirlliiils. l'illcbs'iiiRa lli Iiy s 101 ,0 1111liii Iii I ll) 0 of - 00TO-- N. Y, Speial..-4 55 51---5 ---. 011 l'1itlilg ir1l's) loebi ri I'p' il i adciO sd(°abI 11111 ~ e itALLEGIRTIS, if you wish. G. it. Express..1)1 Pacihc Es - ull),xi0'it'il'c'h-i1 1 ____________________ 'N 5 Liited.._..515 e . (lila ol'ltinliall w' ter, of)thll wv ili t it vii il t 111 1 e] o l ( lh." ED utere1E.__ _947 Western Ex -ill aet, iCal1e eztu A. M. 0 . 3A1. Es i5' )1 ' 1511 vlI511 i0i .' 111 lllc o ,' Atiantic 07o. 7 . .- 1 4 ltiili.ll. atn 11130i il ilIl I 1't'he l 10r lviiIll( ' gtl ) l'll 10 -North Lo e lac re Limiited is ;cciesra fair tam in -' 11f 1111' il'll i wil I)lii f1 i 1t'11i5.. 1 i. illii ,1 l.OAls(0 Ic be ahcrgecf 57 70 te Nell York thicn o sa l ol l v'liie l 1 151. NN11I Io 111 I . Ilia s l l~i n '1 t hell110Alil l 1)1 1.12. O TC NNE A t ther trill.( ARSFCNEAD . NV Iti- s, H., W. lare, fIs is 1 hrowtirll 15ii o11111's, I ,e'111 1t11t1thsis ti 1111loo1105 11,'155 S\ OI ' P I IS COAL S . I'.&T'. tt.,Ctiblego. Agt,,AcenArbor -11is )1 VII'S l l. ( o~lillltla ili'ecl. ANt)COKi. THE BUCKEYE ROUTE.NIl'i. .ilt)i'> P1 S" A BL R COLUMBUS, IHlCKING VALLEY AND TOLEDO RILAYIFe1,b . , i :, iO 1. .) . n . nilltllltll" Iai- ) Ci.NISAR. TE01(0)1(1 aA~t I I 11) 1(0 1OF 4)1)11(C Isiheonly lice from till'Toledo tUnionl l 11sikl' :s t Olui 1. 1 ot 11.I lillill', let,.-ii': i'7 l oll ,o:- A1 I 0)111)10 ('1 11)11 'SitonW Statioc to Columbus and ponts beyonld, I' l i it(to''s 1 . lt'l''11 liiltli Ilti' ~ ~l ii' I ii 011111 . u s cin io deoteSrmials at Colur n ftt ikomrvlev wl ) eig nal etrnvi fIl n bsand rues 00r 0'ast express trais siievt )I.1)1'he lls It 1gneI ,rLt Si 15051"' lOtl. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. daily be'ween the points nIome, lao of 'I "~ a) l) oece. tein tc 111 c- precedecttrd 1001of titiec Iv l i(\t~(ol ~)(teIcl!Iidy 1-~ itt TeNm h urne. hours. Parlor carc oc day trais, se as.1 5 115 ) 11 tteI1 . 1'is 1 I'i~~, "'.S iSla 5 72.Oicical Outhttr cc the Leading Ceiegge. th. ceces; Ptmanlccsleepers on night trains. A1l' l l'thill'la'od ll Gii 1.. litjI it ,ia Iali 1"ton il/." Sletollrii Organl,, I edo Clubad chot Team ci the U. S. Students disiring uneuualed faeitlitles I I' 0Reuiste1or)'se1Bal rc invied to use the Buckeyrote aid ''iI. .Eey lqiiC orBs ai can oti lit]01particulars loe apilicatioc -- ' - ' riday Fll5~ i. l.l lli)ri It'11 )W htey- Athletic Sports atd Pasties. tc local ticket agedts. A vlein Iitil.ll.11;1111il ('V iSti'tThe SpaldinE Official Leaue Ball E. it.DsAIISON-, Adopts'd b Ntoeal, Mior, College and Dis. Pass. Agnt, 'oieeo; or School Lc'agSes N. II. FUSSI', G. 1P. ansi T. A., Base BalCniorms atas, Glves, Mis. (ChatnPrt cto lr, Shae, Etc. Couambus, (Oil.1T11 SPLDINC CIAINESS BICCES 4 g0J S TE SPALDINC ILEEERACERIhin)iM'898 CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. TE SPALDNIRiADWEEL MOES dancs. ee. Laveordee atAec rbo (s~oND ESI~TEB) Slil fr IlustatCailgue of all Orders for al raternity partirs,c b (EO DSM SE .Bn o lAthleticutae Sport, Music Co. r at Reidce, l~lOddec ave. ~1 Csso .6 PLIG&BO. P . 5- Will take pupils on Piano acd i .l5eOeeCases onAgencies, Nw.or P Iiaep eih cdc taoeemdPae.Greenleaf on Evidence, Vol. 1 Cicgo Wahinton A. J3Jhntn .Johnston. Cooley on Taxation, Holland's Elements of urisprudence, ENOCH DIETERLE, High's Extraordinary .Legal Remnetdies. INE NEWLOT O EM'BALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR.Althabv okcnlifunit Calls Atended Dayor Nght Alteaoeboscnb.on t®® " a h u n N. 1t6 Eat Liberty Street Residence, a3____ SLaest Ui sJs rieSTRINS adTI A E A MINOS fr all intuec. RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPH 9ER. S H1E EIHA N, SCHAEB L' UI TR WASHINGTON. BLOCK. ANN ARBO, 320 South State Street. .* West Llbery e.,, ss rlsr )