'S THE UNIVEMI~T'rOF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) luring the Collegt year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OrFICE: Tinmes building, 3219 S Malt St. be- tweea Liberty and William Sts. 1AMA GING EDITOR J. F. TneOMAS, '00 L. IJUSINE3S MANAGERL 0.11. HAS, 100 L. ED[ITORS Hi. B. SKILLMAN, '98 L., Athletics. E. L. GEisME, '93 L. G. D. lltNxcvv. '09. BUTLEtt Lame,'09. 'T. R. WOOsirow, '98 LIL . CAMPrBELL, '00.\ A. CAMPSBtLL, '90. Fi. Es'osst rrASs, 'lS. The subscription price sc the Daily is $2.50 for the college year, with a 'egular delivery before nosn eacls day. Notices, communica- lions, and other maiter inteneds foe pablica- lice mast bhasnded it at the Daily ofire be- tare 8 p. ms., or sailed to tte edior before 3i p. in., ot the isyprpevesous to thaat ob wich they are espected to appear. i tialscriptsiissmsay be left at Thr Daisi Offisse, Meyer's or Stoflirt's Newstand, ssr with Basiness Manager. Subribers will cn tee a favor by reportingf promptly at this office ornv failure sf carriers to deliver paper. (Govs. i'isssissc Isa sistway'.siiss5 i1155'il 55 giasis Idi fsiend ssf is' I listi" sity':Inisi iisiirislslssip ssist isliiss'si o wos'sia iln'. is sffs'rs oss' izSo' fsrsliffs'cs' ciliiiesof sipe'cial icvssiss's' itineliss is i'.iill'rs"i ii hihs v11l5'551 . 'hlse s'''iioi' sill 1be i Anis Arbotoi ilissisi a. lsiluei l sI Is(' s' 'iisg iof Febs . 551sta5d as isisy ssuesiI:,;os ssie Shold he pre ii'csentstoISh lsow ftisl Iis tis tsiillt'isis's's'siti lifs' is,1- ttaxed and are therefore eintitled iso thse benefit of clinical attendance I its i3eforeO avjlig Your arguiment i~s tenable, swhy' ass nol INS questlions of juisprd'nce reredi sitso P o o a thes last departmeint of use Uiver1t sity for their opinion andseiosion? MiAlr.r iae Chaei i peechiso 19 s'is.Oiis.s of iliat lnnale modesty ithat seemeidt (Successor to Gibson & Clt to pervade all hiso reicliric, has sen 112 'West Huron Street, Anr fit to tlll itsondering aud~siecrlta tir legal iprofesolsin 1(a1losessws t otnly one entitledsilo ipopuilarsconfisider aini esteitm. Lt sthliemsigis's' itfess' chunisks of this eoiseneislei ss'osij itt roetrnfort'ers' frececiii i-Inld deckleiesotiss'ofthoos knotysolr itsil Finde Confections that sosfr'equisentlls makeice lsgitaistf Bon Bons and thoisestho 'ire Isio frei51ii'i1(' dili 11 Chocolates. isy ths'opiilonsof sissis ss'lssotilt nnCN' WC PI~i TOCCT. SPEUT THE WORK ..AT,. . ark) aArbor. abiject 5isto ericislthes'siels's s'lss's clincal'issirs' smiossiweres ofisinsi- Gunnll, Sager andsD Itsi sis is i's'eits's liii 'or'dialsuloppoirt5 sf lprasc'itionsr 'ilsi 5'as 5 loonsiltoidos'e s'iss lhsdi isis ssere soes, nowss'11ssecies'sare isis freqiucntly sictuaslly' istenfissm.10s11ss andithatsst(is "'istt udir'thii'cihar:;' i01 1i101l just as c'dtsalsofii' lialisigt 01011is s ou-11iiis hsy ihadi Ils' prefix sit "PI'sifsscs" attacedsito tli i' issssss. 191. D. C Among the Collagen. -- zesi' iiiis lsilutit 316 SOUTH STATE STRET rA5 MY WASKOUPS " Met Giliespie, traci or of Mlandolin, Banjo I UITARS AsNBAiNJOS. and Gitar. tnstructor inbte University The WVaoshurn is the onie and cnts' Scbhssl at Mesic. 18 yenrs oeiperienice as siake of sworlsi-wide reputation. Solii a teaichser.Jail at Act Arbor ithasic Co's. iby first-clss dealers everywhere irsomi Slirerto arrange far bears,''''' 5.occupswarid. Imitattd txtesisely, iiobe so ha hned atsmite isisodg. MONE Y LOANED Wahun sbreduo h nie A eat iflW\ashhurni flock csntitnh Oln Watches, Ditsmends, Wheels or othier Per- ;poiritraits ansd ltters fromcsthe DLe sonai Property.I l'tszsco, Cate, Eanics, Noridica, ScsIl- WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. i) i..lItooother famouis artiss ais I t ii e si,illedfreI i o r equiis ests. Officr at residece, 3311 E. Liberty at.,Ansn Ar- Alic ep.IT oee. Mistsh. All business confidentiial. Hours., tODet,~ tos11:30a. m.andto 3:30 anid 7tss9p. m. LYOIN d& SItf, Joseph C. Walts,. isto. Wabash lie. and Adast., fhicao. Bargcains is Second- hnd Wfatches and Dla--________ mends. .. :. = ( ornoll's .IIIIliol' Ba11 took place Isis li'' iiss. 4 aXsifs5rd i a s, t600 issto sablish is de-'. o e s L c t u e sso c i'a tio n 5f H-ospitalmiscrnusnion Renewed. ciss s Mc 's fAl.S u S/r 'The I 'iiis's'ssily si' W's's is'tisia lcs 'Thes fioli loig is ltake'nifPoms y'ster- 'h , tilots' 'ii'.te'd. tusq"it ~eltDON'T FAIL TO HEAR tIers' is ta. d'tior s,\iss siskiiss -s'is' l iks' icgo t'e real causet'of Cisc'kick Ironstssiesid i 'il'''ii' i-sf Ii'tsrs I icit ils'iagaisist the l'cisiiy'.affosrd- NVt'FIield ipapiery re'lating so theiss rst ug' clinical rs-st Inis o t I ''ss'sisy"' Alsils' 'tte. ii''I ssssss i, Mr .wi dio W'oihuito Te Greatest Musical Organization of its kind It ioss'vitlis slnhsasstihsfainha it IF YOU AWANT THlE BESTVi teIord. T is pr adcmoe tie csedicssi practitionieros ot ur s.;M e inteWrd Ths upbBadcmod t'thilergilofls'hitsiy FRATERNITY STATIOERY, of fifty men assisted by : :. ..eetha, te rgens o th Unverity BADGES DR PINS ... sate atitlasirxxceiltheir sattentin Send toI SS -AUDREESE DAVIS, Spao n t the esubceet ttf 'linicass l istrruionh. SMITH, STURGEON & Co., MISS JE NEHO L ,Vilns For y'easit hsiehensyinrylg svil 237, 2i9, 241 Woodard Ave.. Deroiet.MISJ N IEH Y EVilns to the miedicai profe'ssions,slid by is Dessis sndcestimsites fusrnishsdeon all wr grass injustice to those 'ihso -stry- h iskd.WIL EI isg to galls a iving from tse israietilo111 ofisodichne, ha oieit one of iseo Unliversity H~all, Saturda Night, Ferar slost flagrant evils thist has ever si_ , t + C ahotd 1roin sany institution. Wi isihc Season Ticket for Remaining Numbers $1.26. tresicing osirptit~s she firsihiigss'e s p Reserved Ticket for Remaining Numbers 25c extr kanosw is sa deehrsmiis'oetctheir tsart. 'CONSISTING OF that they lire "going to the ie tiilat ^0 o _ _Bn--------- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -Feb.2 Ann Arbor" assit esco usstuissg 1 t"o ____ge_________________ ratstaical Contest-- --------------Mac S the opiiiion OPuse iprosfosois thee.,,,,,, .ic - Burton --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - -Apil 8 Tihese are a class thasicanpter litH5ENSTH EAIRE doctors hill, slid fromn w'hou a ise sted- Tu n andTwis icai loan m-exit.,to tsmake a livid,; 'Tfort nd Tw s 115100l and adepondoest faiily. Tlb WDNSAY FB.9 Your money fsou~5I may,thr' no shoe in town will yield poor ye have alay ith iusvas Bo such satisfaction as this $5.00 line of Enamel, Box Calf and th doi ls-y ssheo Russia Leather Shoes we're selling at $3.98. aotdiggood, and as f iso verify Fit/zsiittttiis W Mf~ . ,A .R L . 1T.WSHNTNS thse saying, we find them lePft for thse AND BIO ordinary medical misc ts orircifeon, VUDVLL CMAN hOST OR15TAI EN-A psirs' of lady's TPhe Daily is short the following wvhilst those wiho ears pay aro attended VADVLECM NY long, white kid gloves, sit heIso li numbers for the year '95-1596, and wit to by the professors at the T niversily Parquet.....................------ $ tA4 Uion receptiocniPriday ev silg at thie cmake satinfactory arrangenuents with AParquet Circle..............------"1 School of Music. Finder will kindly anyone who can furnishs same: clinics. hBalcony--------------------- ...-- Weaetl ha i r o ail aiery........-------...........,n leave themr at the office at the Ce~hiool Nusmbers 1, 7, 43, 50, 6161 81, 133, 176,. We retol tat llareeaa 'i f Music witl the secrehar.y. IS) 200.