IjC too 4 VOL. VIII. No. 95. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1898. PRICE--3 CENTF-. i WILD Hasr eceived a full line of Novelties for Fall andWinter in Suits, Trousers, i and Overcoatings NO. 108 E WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Chocolae.. Flereshevery 'week. Onlyi akgs- 60yoapond pPALMERS'PH MAY PIPE SALE T FOR THE NEXT WEEK. 1 Suet receiver]itfrect suppl of Alegretti, and Wiia s and Werers Chocolates. Larest line in the city. Lunches aW all hours. R.EB.. TOLLY & Co. 3a05South state street. Rubbe Bath Caps Keep the Hair Dry 5Oc--=ore or less CALKINS' PHARMACY WAHR'S 300KST 0 R. Just received a special line of SWEATERS tVlor Guaranteed, Quality the Best. The most satisfactory made for the money. Each $3.00 and $3.5. yinasiuns Suits and Shoes a Specialty. ..-....PRICES RIGHT..... W&AHR'SBOOK STORE p Town, ownwoTown S. State at. Opposite courtHouse Ann Arbor Main et. WHIST CLUB JOINS. To Be" a Member of the Statef Whist League. t Tfle Uivtersity Whist Cib not loot: eveningig t the r'oomis of A. Hyde., 21 S. State 4t., and decidled. to join thei State XlIdstTLeagtue. if the iconiit tourtiamient of the ceittroi divisioni atl Jackon ca(Oil tostponed(ito0Feb. 22. li'asiiitoo's 'ittday. iWithitite; [irovrliil Hyde anid Drirgg-s cid ---tiller tid Muirrill vere eleeted, as the etlis' t'eipreseitatites to tht.t meetinig. Jonies nd "Ut('iastter ore elected as alter1 lglles. The elib repireseniittionat .lseksoti, itoo'veie'. cviii not be t'onhiied to these three pairs. Any group of fotirlayo- ers 1100 tieiiisers olf thte local org;oni- za0tionitcaniic(nter upon tteeipot-ietit of a sll gittfle. tlintg o:ill tiessaiy- exipeinses the('lst for-'eoi'ch persesit '0' e: sily be litiitedi to fire dollirs, Fll p i'tiuli'5 will be --giv Aeti Nt'lt'- twistng to tte absence 'of lusit(Ohmj tt'tttts signs tontt'ettiiiltieitor's tiox thte score as given inti tethiitt wih Ypsilanti Sat irdt, eeri ted iitii l- correet. The faiets lire a,; follows: th-yde atidl trig-s svoii thiree aind thtree-fourths poitits; Millertnut.Mutr- rill lost onie-fouirthiottI.ipoinit, 1and iale- weorthi anld Ruseilllost: two mitillret'- fsutrs potints. III all Miettigoti owas pslos 0i1e poinit. For Ypsiloiiti ttorr anud ('onk -wosinthreetiitioo-fouirith piitts, ind ltt and Jamtes three- feuirthis of a.poitit; NWoodruff and Car- peuter lost onie d onie-foturthisoitits, sc-itle Lawrene aid Wilbsuir lost tiuret oiid thiree-ifoitths potints. It ill Tit- stlatiiii tas iimius tuepoitnt. I S Chicago Indoor Moot. Gullmant Will Play Friday. Araniguniints tire being eoliltedi Ouilututunt, unoubteidly the greaet for at big indoor traek itueret at Ctietigo living organist, .as wvell as the finest to bie ieldl at Tottersoil' s. It is unsdeComposer for lihi iisttiuen1t now liv- tIle snlijerevisioii of l-tuercrirtli, of 111g, will give a, recital oniitieo great C'itieigo anti will votuprise tue 13 orgailiil 'iiversity Hall1, Fridhay even- evelts as foliliws: ilig, Fti. 11. (hutilitttnt, Is over sixty Twts .fivhe yardildashtinthuiirin)221)pills tif age and 11tialllprotiabilitythits purts ilash tiwoieraisuil tutns anti will be his loast visit to Awierito. lanes), 441) anti 88t)yairds dosheos alitd 'Of 111i1 a. great eritie cyices: m1le ruin. one-haulf utile wolk, 75 tot 'I""Rutirolly theti' intiteot sirvi( '5ii Iligh huirdlle, shot pitt, hiihjitiiii, tote Liz. Triutite attract titisieions frosnitall vouilt andtiln raceii. (Wiseonsiti will loris sif lie worldl. '.11 Gilliiu-t is; setid Mliiy. trociut itls, O'(Piti1111ttthe 001(1,seor1anist, il1. Stil()Ii'te l t ntiers. eoiiiplitiis.and 51. Iloii(i-hertll( ii'etlloa iIt is vieydoutiful if Stieltipoti it- "'tiser.-. At Pilinotlut pipys tie ohili- tees this ltiist. Those in anuthority f(,Iitng toltilitory, WlliIle is oftetia. 1011; thaot with the indolor lsetrialth ~e 11nd1graind toinfosition. 'itter a situ- otler gyinnilstte eontestss 5iiliiit'd (lt of lhis otie. or .ttie by Mlenuleissotun, huere biefotre the outidootr seas-ni, there 0r a. fugue isy Baoeh. The oulgoialuc is plenty itfswork to be donte w5iitthot stliryis oh course* a great featiure g',oitig e ver to ilieogo. 'fIhere is)Ii- ithlieiseretZi e. at 11Iithe eoligregoiti(ie! v:-tips iidang er thalt soi iidor letets Stidotit iiiept' ititil tie lost: cciii1 inisve .a ht effeec ti loutlior haice teenplovedl. workreilleeul 111 eis.s rp i'odit"rest.i Indoor Moot of Boston A. A. that uiltaueli'ss rhvt nwiit is 1111; true iletu'feature o ilte liiinor titert of Asiail111( l(viultyo th ihP' Bostion A. A., hllt Satin toe ynigit, eiiiie ohlwi-istisistili wterethi telamirotes. Tile worlils ti1eti' itsic of his tilaster aiti friend., ret-Ord fortealamrte'at L.560 yalrds, of ennes)-tll(*se ae tII1 ut' eiteo- :12, was lowereutbyityeIllatirvardl iiiistit of(if Pdiiiiiiis iiiiist(. tealsiniiits ileli seh itht Yole, to A a.cmoe M.Gi'1tfhas 2:112.5 'i'ii''i' cii in ii les-'n lsiuis'rt t'iCrs1tilthe-1011ii e.i'sytii1o thee eal rces tliiis. His nest il11~tiltili 'iiii osi- titese Ilsteur rtti ratesas th liii'o 40=-'yarildish was'liv soii iiy teii- ttsos i fu rlnOli ls ii the worldt's reelilti. fli'Iital(iglihtilit Jt. Betty, Williamts. wel th 11111ie rause'rilis frolnti0111t ulutes is race' ini4:40. D. .f. Wiiusor, U. of i.twellOsitrolnInotiieit, sueliis Saitut- Ieon thii'runnitig high jituli, ilearlie Saems, IDiti t otid C.tunuo'a. btit i ti feet 2 iiieis. 1V. J1. ttoiiiid, Bos- ii(Otsittli'futlly iiitto(iueon' (Is got(it toll cole, twontiltii'14(-yarutruntinti r ii hiiiel. I 581.5.New YourMatil ond l Expros, tee'. For the American School at Athens. theutels' 1,s15will as of tliiinanlual'., -"ond lie' goavi'a t'eexibuitin lust- A ileasanit lithee ivtiihint siit-i' p il ,ilahei.coevr etuuiO lie oilier night it 'Prof. D'Oogc' house15, 0110whiuh ought is stir titsa livIets went1ni1y11?; afeeling of intert,i 1ohiligthe tri'nut1(s Illfited. His 001 501111to ihe playe'd itt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ el hu'tninsdy vli 1( iti'eIleh number cvassiu- It~ is custoumaiy -for tho' il-re Art peirbly doneut. Thiiimiprovisation on 11 culss ft meet itet!Po. U( ioge's hotusi'ens nnsut i oie it'llwoas0.tidilighitlthis hearers trot'r J ore e arleto lekok ver' soeiteitiusis ''avty us wel os Iiuup'uuuuu(if antl (reetk relics. Last Soturday ntighu tsiti5 f Supplomentary Notice. T(hie Pre'sident's offiee is itn reeeilt of the follocwing suppli'uiiehuit-5 eomi- nuunetutioui fioniGov.. Pingrie. reida- itug he lepay of soldiers. suleni;, interested ciii please take'notice: in ordeur that my que'siou, isto towemtistul lit'Tn*ouusoldiers thudnip- self lost tip hot bein0g taid it"tile best mnuev" Tsr one services, 111115' he more accurate'ly figured, I suggest that. the reeords of flue ccaurdepartment.,ute else, 'oeb flue~~ Reelobeodc-l hc h'(iug'hy tsruseuuing ltiur iii tt' e To Rebuild Naval Academy. theRebllin ecodswil Sow heualpliis flute supisport ittthueA ui'i- tutuntur of selieis ant ios-sn se-- School ihcu ii cu i Sectre'taury'tong lisii liuiioluss Coti- sice oin elth Jatnuary 1st aitd tily 1tsrrs lorf 'oe nn t"rys 'feoratgranturof $(;,000,000 to re- ehilo flue var lasted, the results to be bul teNvlAaen at Anii- tuasul o toals pon luee dais. diwcithuttany solici'itation on hiit siilfueNc'lA-aeti basd n ttas ponthse ats.pois. Tue Secetatry asks thiat trui- As to nip ucsn service,I cedesuvwornu part and he exphressedlIiiiiisetf asiiii'i-uh'vtietitipfeai in anti conuuuueicetidrawcinug pap uhf $t:" gieatly pleausetdat this signl of uintere'stl - b aewitiudlvfra lie month, out Aug. 2, 182. andi csas oin fle ptart of flue class. a:'utiy, to etust $30t0,0007, a boot lhouse ninstered out Aug. 16i, 1865, hatving to cost .$300,000, a. 1100er house to cost drawnu pay at $13 lier imonthi all of: The .Princetonl catalogue four the $100,000, front roo-s of oflicemrs quar- tlhat tune. M1y osvi serviececwas, ihuert'- present peal', showvs a total enrolument ters to cost $60,000, and a cotuiprehust- fore, three years andifoturteen days. of 1.06i stutdeints, on inucrease of 210 sive geneural inupi-sveluuient of the insli- H. S. PINGIPIUt, Governiur. os-er last year. 1 tutiotl.