THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. W. J. BOOTH. Pres. W. ARNOLD1s Vice-ps,2dVc-rs T h to eBest effects for season '7Black, J V. CE'SA ier. TheuSoreASokin Blue, Brown, Drab, Grey and Stt-Svun ak fancies- perfectly tailored- Sae-S r ak hvn Ja k t !$5 to $20. Tnescs a general Banking bisi- PartyGon made will find eady for You. G 00O D S P BE B D'S, :1IToAINSTEET r. Main and Huron treetr. to thir tocan 117 MIN STEET. Capital, $55,00.aSurlus,$55,005.Trasact a it t heradvantage t 0calongeera banking busiess. l~i1S O'LARYR. Kso, Pres. C. E.OREsE, Vice-Pos UISOLAY niversity School of iDancing, FED. H. BLs Cashier. At MtACK A COMPANY'S, 2nd Floor. " THE ANN ARDOR SAINGS ANK State Street, opposite Law Building. Capital Stock, $50,000. Surpus, $50,00. ------ Terms $5.00 a semester - - Single evenings 53 cents. rgnied underthe Onera Banking Laws of thin State. Receives deuits buys andite ^' pOfc-2ThmsnSre.Utdsaes°Dfscsduonppr . ' 1lr' "f OIdentification. Safety deoit boes to rent. rr A 1 ~Oricn: Christian Mact Pes-innD Harriman, Vice-Ps.; Ca E. ncc D p t e t!S leiehing Is H ere ! _____________ ~lD~TBA Nof Ann Arbor [1 or a Swell Turn-out Call on Capital, $00,00. Surplus and Prfits, 55010 \] MTransacts a general banin business. 9 i S ' I. IV CY Foreign echange bought and old. Furnish 1 (1 , Ett) KErs of esHARRISON SOULE ISN2 .7 0Both Phones o. - - 51i5 East Liberty Street. S. W. LARKSON. Cashier C. . MAJOR & CO., Lamps Expressly w~ Stu~dents' Use The Artisticderts The adjoiniiog cuts represent "The Rohs ", Thu Yale," "The Royal,' "Tlhe Perfecton, Have a complete line of "TheBerin tudnt, allnicle latd, aryig i prce rom Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Sof our many styles of"TeBriStdnalnikepaevrigiprcfrm SaeRoModnsE. $1.00 to $2.50 each.SaePo oligEc oILr Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pre Specialty of fine interior decorating, 1L wielight, i odorless and does not char the wick. Dll- bagnnig f Only the best ofebet wore ered In any part of the city in our cans at lee per gallon. For employed. Work guaranteed. ff _______________f___ sale only by 21 Sut MinStee. DEIBAN &i CO MPANY. C. H. MAJOR & CO., __________________________________________________The Artistic Decortor. '1 .it we are offering this Success ot College Men. colege ineisliht.hlyinore lhan on- K E I weslo att '1he positin which c-olle "e en oc- thrd IlT'e nuiber of graduates of Icnpy lafter1'the grtsdaiand 1( Ii1111 iei otlegsliooi te beginiigK L I $ 2 0nuniber f them 1 ielle'afro toil1 un't111 lt' prestltu11ne dos 11notxeted LADIES' AND GNTLEMENS $ ~. 70 knowni as the sueessfll ittlzeli of twoohudred thousand. Of1 tltse, lve our country, may e showrn by sa.i- thousand have dne suh work s to e opldate neaiainofdsrelsigIrmmrneUn AILOIR .1 uileton's Cyclopediatof Alu'rtolran, tetrfore, in every forty grad- Latest Novelties in Winter These shoes are all of this Biography;" which are given bIelow. aing1101m college hlsacbeenil ucess- and pring Garments. season's Last and Paterns and t u f ul, while itkiig as a basis tilencoo- wer frmrl sldathious Illlllber of niihtt hive lived COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. weefrniaoda m i hscuty 4rc h einnOne bock west of Universty. a2 we deriv the statemet thati oily o0110 $3.50 and $3.00 0 5a-6i every en thousand, no1 eolege ". cery .... lll. 1'.3 gadaes ma We have gist more than we Soidir........... 5S 17t) 09 rte of succems. Accorinlg to this the Central Lines wish to carry over to next Stawermn ..... 34 86 3 antohudre an ftyt unesf~ .- T. . U.. Ry. . &M3. y. seaseon, hence this great offer Bu-nes.......... 177 (0.4 .17 WiS~siislCardinal. Nay......"""1)i0 tO .0O3 The Only Sleplg Car Line between Autol......., 411 707 .37 Advate sle for Itoert Iiltzeii- Toledo and Columbus. . Phpsicrsu .427 485 "40tMo opens toty at Ia ntereros, The Oly Sleeping or Drawing Room Atts60 u5-4 .0 State street, and WAiir, AMain street. Car Line between Toledo, Colum- $ 2 7Educatoi 19 87 .61yA busar and Marietta. LOS ORTkiEN- par o lay'sTheOnly Drawing Room Car Line scetit.... . = 1890 .63 nwiekl lvs ttiCale between Toledo, Colunbus and IetonsvSesn 2 os tor ........ 1 7 .0 i eellsi tita v1igattePullman Sleepers between Colum- :4inti 1 4 School of Music. Finder wll kindly bus nd Chicago. eto .. ... 4 103 leave them a the tilofce at the C11ehpoeusder 4 "3/ The Only Line with 4 trains each Itxshr' 1ioee - 15 24 .03/aof Muscl iitilt)e scere y. 97 way daily between Toleda and Phlilanthropist .... ix) 1-A .16 *Columbus. Public 'Maii...145 600 19 LOST- In Rtorm L, LProf. Iiieillii'O The Only Line with 3I trains each - room il nThlursday. Jan. 28 'ftealci way on Sundays between Toledo Tfotal ..........5279t081010035. and Columbus. nza Fontan. en.Finerwill please The tee tt te twl ese Only Line with 5 trains each t'oii liso otiitis t ~ii st ee leave t Daily iie ant cie re - way daily between Toledo, Bowl- that of 15,08311100 namedt, 5,279 are4 wrrl 9.5 Ing Green and Findlay. The Only Line with 2 trains each NO. 2. way daily between Toledo and Charleston, W. Va. C Ov.0 NBIGN 1IIIEN'T'.,-0 The Only Direct Line between Tole- do and the Virginias. Right dirct frunm the eastern market another arrival of NECKWEAR fincsh fromth The popular line between Toledo, ) sGoder manufacturer They discount all previous efforts for newness and effect. See our window. Fostriak uy.,Grnil n rLadies Romeo Alaskans[ Gove Z Bear in mind that we carry the mst cmplete line of COLLARS in this section f the Nwr stats both la the high grade 2c quality as well as the lc article. ---_______-________Fiuli Information relative o rate, time f trains, etc., will be cherfully furnished by any agent of the Ohio Central Tines. MA & C 1WAGNER & COMPANY, Moulton ouk, G. P. A., IY1CI( S2C 3 j South Plain Street. - - - Furnishers. Toledo, Ohio - I