2 ~rpl UNIVER~SI'TY OF MICHIGAN DAILY be offered to students intending to en- J1+ f 4 t. ter the University. There will also be advanced courses, by Doctor Men- Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during sell and 'Mr. :Effinger in modern lan- the Colleges year, at guage work, by Profeosors Rolfe and THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Diake in Latin, Professor iteed in Orrsog: Times building, a29 S Main St. be- Physics, Professor Demnmon in Eng- tween Liberty and William Sts. lobh and Anmerican masterpieces, and MtANAGING EDITORt Professor Scott in Rhetoric. Prof es- J. F. ToOMAS, '551L. sor Newoonbhe will have chsarge of a BUSINESS MANAG0ER course in botany. A course in r.ooicay 0. H. HANO, '05 L. is also to be furnised. EDITORS There xiii be a course of fret, Iee- H, B. SKII.LMAN. '00. Athletics. tures given by distingnisheod and en- B. L. G ntsuo, '9i L. G. D UT'0. teraiinxspakrs.D'0nte an BUTLxn LAMB, '05. -r. R. WooROow, '98 trann pakr. Dlnl n t. &. CAMrBELL, '0. A. CAsMrPsLL,'99 nounretnent of tliese ted ether tint- F. ENGELUsARD, '98. tors pertainsing Istilte coerse will be available in a month. cmd~ wThe sunmner :school of the law do- The nubsrtioln price sf the Daily is $2.50 partmnent of tile University spents July for the college year, with a regular delivery5 and contillu ca cighlt weoks. 'f'ile before noon each day. Notices, communica- tions, and other matter intended for publica- coarse is desigited especially for those tion must be handed in at the Daily office be- fore 8 p. in., or mailed to tke editor before 3 wlito xxishs Is review pastwoatk in pre- p. in., of the day prevtous. to that on which lrtinfreatnaito diltg then are expected to appese. paa nfreaiain ditn Subscriptions may be left at The Daily Itoltte'bar, anal for those whto tiostre Office, Meyer's or Stoffiet's Newstand, or with Business Mlanager, lSuberiber's will con- to secttre advance ( ot . There wiii fer a favor by reporting promptly at this office asv failure of carriers to deliver paper. 10 Ilaily ret'itastsnanotd lectutres. A, ('OT-lseof tree ltetrsandliS eltriot- In abotut two mtswe ' tre to meltmettis xiii also is' irovided. Tho foli- Clsictgo itt to debate wxhicht xe 0(1lsxxing professors antd instrutlors will xiii be wvon by 'Michigan. We have htave chtarge of the wvorkc: tbofes'ots nxv htsd Ito debates xwit (itago, lltottil:on, tDtie. Knolton t. ttIe, loing one atttd winninlg one, alld it is TIoiltson, 1tilgesu, Brexvst-r attd of suspremesoimuiortance for as to sii ess syr tlosstttlorat this time. If wxe are to wcitt weo11u0t Intercollegiate Golf. put forth greatier efforts thiantever Pr.- tast Saturdayth le anatltt l ettilt fore. '3110 intlilectsual standinig of a of the Intet-coilegiale Glf Assctia- untiversily tbread dependstlarbtgely up (in wvas ieid itt New Yet- itiy. LAn on lte sutccess of suchteid'batelth0iiter-colle'gitetlt olartlIlelnt xill be The interest in debating makeits it upl- hla tt Ardsit'y-olt-lte-Hudslonl at a paroent thinltelectutli advancement dale to be set. Itas not beetn lost sighlt of alnlildst 11,e Alt a mleetin~g of theiDemoctsetic trany distrat'ionss anti interosti of col- 11lth last Satusrdaty tile folointxx~gItlitI- loge life. '[isis debtet will thtt'tsaOhers wxere electesd en thte extetutlix eolt ble ivonti thliout 1lttid, consclt't- eontllitee: P. S. Meilligasit, '()0, I'. (iosts andssyslolsoalie wart. lt is 1ac1 H. Botttrs, 'J)}. t . n .1J. Lacy, 'IS sufficient ttat tile representattives of 1 1Micitigan xwork, as t'ey tno doutiwil Tl' 't'tt- 'o ihesIaiu i WDINTER aSHOS! OF- Every Description. A LARGE LINE OF t: CYLC SHOES, SEE OUR WINDOW? X BEALS SHOtE STORE, f 109 N. Main Street. Opposite ----""-the Court Rowte. No Time Like the present to buy an Overcoat. We. have just finished taking stock anud find we have more Overcoats than we wish to carry over (yet they are worth today from $1.00 to 3 $1.50 more than they were when we b)ought them-the new tariff you all know is the cause of this) to be short and to the point we will give you the prices on them for the next two weeks. $25.00 Overcoats-------------$18.00 $20.00 Overcoats-----------$40 $15.00Overcoats -----------------------$10 50 $12.00 Overcoats -----------------------$ 8.00 $10.00 Overcoats----------------------___$ 7.00 do. Thley eatsbe trustletdto ttake, a proud showing for Mielligast. Not only was i nceessary for thte t'ontestant-, int til e tlminarietls 1o do thier best s0 thlat thte xwinners lighlt be reitre- senttotives. Nowv thai they are chtosenl, thsere shold~t be as ]much-llinterest as ex'er. There is nowx an opportutiy for the debaters sf tile University 1told good sets-ice.. Let teamls tnowv le formletd in ltte Webster, Jeffersoniast. Alphla Nu, Adlphi, and other societies ts studly up tile question a110 debat. algainlst tile 'Varsity tcalls. W'e surely aseed "scrub" -teamls in football at I baseball, xvwhy ntot apply te saite principle io deblating ? Tile advatlt- ages of suchta course wxoultd not 001110 to te regular tams alonet. As in fool- ball, thtetuost profltthle practice -t yotunger player can lake part in is against tile 'Varsity st~ttad, so in dt'- batinig thesexvho xanlt 10 get te beot lrnelice for 'their owvn betiefit shotuld tneet the regular debaters. Mummer School Announcement. Tise Sumtmler Seboot sf the Untivor- ily will open Jnly 6 and close Aug. 17. 'The courses xiii be as numterous as in pest years and muth stronger in the lines of work offered. Thte ped- agogicol aspects of certain subjects taught will tse emsphasized especially. Thus Professor Boman will offer a teachers' conrs in alg'cbra and geoam- etery, Professor Pillsbury and Doctor Itebec will offer some in psychology, and Professor Scott 'will offer a conrse In methods of teaching rhetoric and ttmposition. The usual preparatory courses wilt grouptt iicture tatkentfor 1110 Mil'hiltl- estsiats Saturday. Tile facility of tse hlaw- tepatritent of thte i'nis-erslty 1s cstlsittetillg twxo solo of llausfor 1110 cetnottetitig tel enltargaenot of thte lawx-htiloiug. 'rhese xxill be hpussedotatita he 11nsext Heeling of (toe Board of Itegossts. Tilt' tutsber of patliensts regioletod att theso is'ili of the Unixversity- Jant. 17. xvas sev'enlysix,-fortvt-fotr lists anti tsirty-txxo xxotmen. The hosp~ittal hsas accomnmodtitons for eightty-txwo. tor 011 "Pot-ostns" fttr the "Ainaericattt t'ext-bttok of Pathotltogy." IF YOU WANT THE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY, BADGES OR PINS Send to SMITH, STURGEON & CO., 137, 239, 241 Woodard Ave.. Dotroit. Designs and estimatesnfurnished on all work of this ind. $ATHENS THEATRE$ Bob$ Fitzsifimons, AND BIG $VAUDEVILLE COMPANY. $Parquet ----------------- $1.0 $Parquet Circle -- ---75 Balcony------------------ 5 Gallery -------------"--- S2 Students' Lecture Association DON'T FAIL TO HEAR SOUSA'S - BAN.6D! The Greatest Musical Organization of its kind in the World. This Superb Band composed of fifty men assisted by MISS MYAUD REESE DAVIS, Soprano, and. MISS JENNIE HOYLE, Violinist __WILL, BE AT University iall, Saturday Night,. February 26n Season Ticket for Remaining Numbers $1.25. Reserved Ticket for Remaining Numbers '25c extr CONSISTING of Sousa's Band --------------eb.-----------------------Feb.26, Oratorical Contest------------------------March 18 Burton----------------------April S8 Tuirn and Twist Your montey es yoti may, there's no shoe in town'wi' sulch satisfaction as this $5.00 line of Enamtel, Box C Russia Leather Shoes we're selling at $3.98. WfD. J. AP:RJIL. 119 F. WASHING! dt dC