tic . of
Has received a full line of Novelties
for Fall andWinter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
C hocolates....
Fresh every 'week.
Only in packages-
60c a pound.
Lowney's if you
Just received a fresh supply of Allegretti. and
Willams and Wrners Chocolates. Lureost line
In the city.
Lunches a5 al l hours.
Rn 1B. J O LIY & CO.
308 South state Street.
By Hon. Frank J. Loesch Satur-
day Evening.
Itoii. Friauk J. Loeschi add~ressedxt he
(Good (overnmenit Cliii Saturdlay
night oii the subject, 11Practi;.al Poeli-
t1(s in a. Great City." Thera was but
a sumill crowtd iii attendanice, but thel
hteture oils greatly approvited by
those -who hietird it. The sesakcr's
lecture eras substaiitially as follows:
The inere good of tile pubie is harvd-
ly ever tin indiseeielt for great effort
otr the part -f lpoliticianls. It is in-
compatiblte toi be iboth a. lawyer wih.;.:
good success, and it politician at the
same time. But politics allieasist
larger ideas anid broader humility
than the evety day drud'gery of ,lhel
law yet's life. Chicago is lnt apoi-
cat. unity, btit is cotltptoses of four
large division1s and nuto1y s411t111!un-s
all adverse to the others. The city is
governed by a chnarter' (f liited'pol-
er1. The (ounillcoiisists- ofi t8 mci-'
berg two front ('tc-tiof tie 384 evwad.
45 votes to ov-erle is veto.
'abe ctitef feattic's of Ctit1 as or)('5-
rtjltion ar111connel(cted(lwith ralisinlgof
the revenues. Fa(r thits pulrplos(etth(
city- is divide(d initot' 10011. :nli tows
elects a supservisor,.man asessor anid a.
collector. 'The assessors arespseiilO(d
pe)rsona~lly1to se all ilssl'ssablc prop-
erty in the tow-ila(1111assess it, andc oil
thisturnchcotill' txe'sar' levied. Tntc
assesiileiit'is to be' fiished tble'till
foiith Monday ini June, so that ths e
done tintil the standard of private anti
publecnmorals in Chicago is raised to a
higher level. 'Theiecito-at present hcqoc
for thtat. The older men in public life
w ti are honest Cainot limlke 'a stand
betause they lose thei' living bly doinig
so. Tile lope of the future lies largely
in 1110 yoting mel. T'Olthe'5 onic of
two courses is opeii. Eithert to, go to
thll 'boss" andl get into the "gauig or
fighlt tile bosses fron thtll starl. Do
this persistently ,lull you will soo11 to-
lolne it lil wo h hs friends'amll
must be re'garded'liand11you31(1,IIllin a
few yearls, tiecomlie a i(leiig (-(11111-
shown in i the manuy pral-tical lines-
11(s 12 e11(o(1 Iftr. 1.oes-tl.
Tennis Association Meets.
'Th'e111101 l ieclilig of teti11()11
Slates tLawniaTennlis AssoI~ittinwas
hcin 11New'ovTrk ('1it- oil1AWedne-s(M~yy
l's'cllil.Sixty (-11110 (1111associaitions
wo1rl'eleresenlltd-b' dele'glte's. 'fill
annuial elet'-ionl of lotff'l'rs lre'ltedl 0
feliow's: 'reside'nt, lr.DIa (oles's u-i-tl;
P. iE. Preslserie; trl'1150t1't. . 1. hal;
S. fanlilbelI. RIiiarlIStves1144Lctrd,.E.I re. -i is delit'*A
to 1h0(1ldith'castern Iloulble(-lailllllil-
5111)ill tthe Lonigwool Cvic-ketl' ub111.
the twestern dles l'zit CiO-agla. '111110
tl'rtoll'gilte ttolimlIct.llast 3(e1r ibs-
cl~ise'15pl'ers flrlil thil' slot l''ieg(:
1111 tlach ottein iltill'firs) Ioul, ilit
ta<s decided 1ltolal~nctl'this 5)) fill is
University Whist Club Wins by a
Close Score.
'The first ((latch fgamnes (of till' luiver-
sity Whist ('ub were playedt in Ypsi-
l1011 Saturday I vo-ning iginst 1111
Tilsilatnti Whist Clui and resulted inl
at victory3' ftr the 'Varsity organaitioni.
to, formter ,yelrs teamis (composed of
studlents and of 'Ainn Arbor local xs-t
dents htve done battle wi th the, Ypsi-
lan~ti peopale, buttshave alway13s returned"
wvitht the shadowiv (f llltl'tlt hanging
cs-er thenli. Fotr this teasoin 1110 ott-
Cot1e1-15 ((l iost 55'I'I'Oll111 to the IU'l
ver-sitfy('11u1(111111(1011'ilinlg to their
'fer Il-e r)' fourite Iamis on11 aca side
01ind cachtie(astntpla'edlevery lottler
ttlll. Thtirty-ttivsosardis00ere' playedl
11111 the iplayers 11ad11differcent IltI~i
clonts 1111ter every5s't of elighlt(boards.
Othe tir0st. set Anti Artist obtai aed a
llel-isis'e lend of four polints thtroutgh
tile brlillintpday lit ItydI- 'and1 Drig-.
Ill tieuc ll(i laul'till'e Ypsilanti
(s1ellgained-Ilslowly.bttc-suld (lot over-
IllWlth'e(le adt whlie-hi re'tainsedlof 001'
pciiltafteur the)till:)Iboatrds.111111 hco
'Ihe si-or) (Ait))he(111(c 110Ottsa
Kyde snd Origgs ----- -----y
Ellsworth and Rosseill.------------ilradMril--------------t
Flandwif and Hurkhiardt.--------
Total ------ ---1
'111e Ypsilanti players l'l'tltt'tl thetil
fe'llowing 51-lre:
woodruff and Carpenter -------- ----
Lawrence asd Wilbur.-----------3i;
( Ragers and Cost -----------1)
math Cape
=GeO the
- -001111 mai3wshl 15olappea1i ttsill lose'. "___".4
Harsi'.etnstad)onoIlutdy Second Round of Handball. Total ------I--------
tillHoai'd of tteview-. As 0ainatteir it0-'ITescndrudinnwl To much cr1etdoii:lnotIb'ugii0l'l t)Il
frat ct te assessiaent is anevser returtied. h oa lyr.TeYslaicu
by that tdate on that n110palis;uipenl is Ite stroigest 1n the Ice'Itral i iision
SCCi mor o o itzns btthyaeileatlt t est play0in~g1of the series. ''I'eresuths ofthtie MichtiganltaSte Witt ttagll.
mercyt of thue assessor. 'fle widest iitF.- tig hlies Ir et)'lined 11 of thel
I ( heisaeatII 11 ff11 114 St s-t'l'; ofheIl'V'(arsity ltgui-zhui
01rruiptiont to praticed hby -these fi-111utui t1'l-l' ll" o tu'J' ola 111 stt) ilul i hi P(13
ials. The city' is linitedd to a. to-nper 11 i)i l1(SilauI if'lthey jin tIhilst itlague .in'llayt~l
cnnnn~a ent tax onu asscssor-'s retuurn. Till'to-ite Jpoe'1gtura ntfth
nlCALNS uAununuC ! " till assessed valuatinof Ciao 1 ueb11,i t 1))011 cilen I ttialidiv isiot J lt-ackono. 'fill- iiuy
todaty several imillionts less tCauitago ° 14'(ille'ttObea1:Luill'utal' 51_,1. 3 hiluldtluuee is the date,)'woichttiis Febl.
3-5 eats iago. 'hea titorapnts;vaBiop be-ht Beaithi 1 1:,51;>1"- 1 16,ll tut Mr.- Rogers, nf Ypsilatiisass
0550501aisoin lllln ibefi it Rafferty, 15- 1 1-; I 'i I Itc-it''i51'Wus 'o
ttpuuttco and thee tlurouugli hut itlde beait 'tuotucs 10-17..1., 11 I 5,-8 ld tak 'he tionlin relmtadhIseiii
partties sce all propertyowhicrs. NMail 1-is etByi -- 1'it t) sul iialhtotlliho
titeo a citizen is 10pp)toII'l'u 11 1ut etGu --1 111 - hiill'st lln'ois-tlingI-tte 1' f tiiI'1'hiui to b
offereda reduction of ctuii
ofaum ceruat ti ossum f e f niuey iilsui,'alley-, 15-2, 15-4; Ilofuiu-ubet:i Met-- i. h-ato n oaton u
D D ST 0 lssesoment to raised and hut' ilust pyc 'lU 7rpre 5 515foy' O~ih'Ilful sentai'I frthis aeeingfath1,11 t)'
utuat's on it. This torriupt tput-thei 51 53Dyrwnb r'uti cle o hseeiga h ore
onel of the to-woorst evils, ill (hicago.d1)rol Albrug't;t Dao'is Ill-co-a:1 13'l' of'Af . A5. 1t3'dl'. tilt 'S. Shsst., lit,
Just received a special line of a:Thie other is that incident ho gu'uitl, A Valuable Gift. octoci:cl sharptt.
SW EATERS of public privileges, such as gui- and
street railways. Parobably niiue-teui-his I hueaddtiotoi the Shtaik"-;tlcardl'U- Medical Semi-Centennil.
rwilor guaranteed, Quality the Best. lof the eori'hlition in Chicaugo 5ittflue tol1)lt liruofte til5ity rt i'l'111 tl adeIu' Iilns ide formiting tol':t alsei-cen'-
The most satisfactory made for boeodling done by private corporthioni thirnut the geeiruouus ;gift(If Sentator tetuial celebrationi of thue ftnthtug 1sf
the money. inl atehitng toOsecure'I"fratncistes ('M1iila.n, of 'Delri-t. (onlissof1'152 the uicdical 11'lptttiiil't of the 1'nio-v--
Eacht $3.00 and $3.50. owithont a fair remuncration to thievotlumuieo anti pauipileios. 'Thuest' ate stty. Dot-tots Ta~ugsaii, P01-k and
___________________ public. The reuiedy laos- Isi-poseti for tduplicate; from thue mem'norial Shtlsie- ('usiuny ire thie facu-_lty meintiers ill
mnoasinum Snits and Shoes a Specialty, the forumer is to d)ovway .oih tool-so-oleate libiary ii2i Siiltanill, II(1g- ctrcrge of te phugrian. T.ihere ovill be,
.PIEsIH hip assessnment zant luso-ttile a(1 5151 landut. -Theeliot:inluhde'sfour fat--simile puiblishetd in t-onnecttiov ithiis of"-....PIERIH.... olame rilvuetienmdebacutyordnsei.qatodtosof "nit".ndexsa(atc he
The only 'remedy for the latter is to of the plays in Ftrench, {Sernan, Ital- Ilermait custom) embodying a-ounts
H ';B O S O E keepl up discussion until enough lionl- tan, 1'olish, Portuguese, G'r'ek and at spital reseanrehkwork carried on by
gR SB~ogSTOR estalderini are elected to prevent the even Frisian, besides nauch esiieal vzembeis of 'the faculty duing recent
Up ownoDown Town giving of auy public franchise with matter. The collection is expected to . tears and in progreos at tihe present
9. ate st. Opposite Courtflouse
Aa Arbor Main at. out adequate returns. This cannot be arrive wifhin a week. I nixie.