THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILIt. 3' Men's Furnishings That Sell Themslves ! OUR STOCK COMPRISES OF THlE BEST VALUES AND MAKES. Pure Lambs Wool Worst- ed. All kinds of Styles Sweaters.* ins al the Combinations of Shirts... Colors. The, best from '53.00 to $4.50. Unlaundered, pure Wam- Random Wool, a ne. sutta Cotton and 4-plyj smootb garment void of Linen Bosom 0'Oc The Underwear best shirt in the mnark~et to- any scratching material... day. See them at 69c. We invite comparison. Our gcods are what we represent them to be. We can save you money. Drop in and see our stock. MAIN TREE, S.MAIN STREET, S KINDERGARTEN, (NEW QUroT.1CHAFING DISHES, FULLER & BERANEK, S AT ~~~~~~~Call and See Us. U 50COK'- AL R T-2 EPrATe BNT1LETHE PHOTOGRAPHER TEA KETTLES. ICleaing, if aalled fur and delivered. A RETSCLER- Wok ccalalled fr ad ddALLL .THELATET -_ --- - 73 t S.STATE ST. ver tIuey'ns. SOQSadTOSES Telephone .0. ANN ARBOR W .Az.~. LEADING Can Mr. and Mrs. Rss Granger make a business of teach- 0.M MARTIN, ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. ing dancing. You can oin tho classes at any tiioe, the FUTNERAL DIRECTOR. 205-207 E. Washington St. UI term starting with your first lesson. Private lessons Embalming a Specialty. NO.009FOUTHAVENUE T. r, r Ambulance night orsty Da cGRAabyapinmn. GfiE RundAflour Y Residence, 302 FifthAvne ANN ARBOR At the Athens. CALENDAR (DROP IN AND GET ONE. Time Table, Sunday, SepE, a, 1897.- Saturday, Feb.5 -Lector' by rank -F TrislaeTISIETABLE:Iioteeiii rat lrogo0Loeroc, of Chca1g, ii tao' E;titro' SDe n. p ILA D TrislaeAnn Arbor by Cenral Standard te 1argo0 casio rioiteslhae coilced '1 Raoou, at S P. I.SI W.MLAR im Dby1e'smproaonf.."10FdyFl.Iflxmmtisca- Tie tsbyleusillLi5.ll00 dSOUeTH. t'Fe.i -xa~oi co Football Calendars for 198. 8:43 a.m. :.n yo~e oco"t eeqa osamlneI l dprmnsofte111 "12:5 a. m. 11:25 a. mn. bet ecfit, or f J' osephb .Jeferson :itdit eroly. West Liberty Street. s406p. m. 8:0pnm, -Ru btwen nnArbr ndToedo only tilt C. tCoodito stoo b0li" :e tilot - Fbriday, Fo. tit ttocil:tbjy (20(- *0nb een nn rbGIMOREAgent h. ulorlityconlolloslI, o: teisg lo l ntotoiIrca" St'Aeoorsotl Orga, at U. of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Roows WHiBENNETT G0 PA ToedoO. i oth,7 cItyhsi uo '-eradt1t l p 1.322 SOUTH STATE STREET. W0 o lio'o 1 I3 ]oo otooo lo(' oot.list'711 o.1 o.Lades' 'ristiatirste toesn p staers 10 t~si'ot Ii. ltrili Ioa btrol SOOld friends all again. We welcome new MM IHIAN (ENVT eAL qoo no Sonttor. lell owitoo'leN)'l'tl'P:. - ones. . 0. TOANOWT. The Niagara Falls Roste. Y0bLIA0loca lsssilloo ooi'tol iossooiy a andOmanyO Polo tg . 7.and o l Wilm ly O Centrai Standard Time. of tho' aoiiolaot'to ,oergalicI ,ioi tic c Fre lt. a) :01 7:800 10f lan-.tnoiooolates; andoa tt'oi'tbt7'ktoov i ai0os iy.tinsldeo ueIt isrioonitsosuji '11 0 Lo'~veY s TAN TlN ROR s ~aau il ),- O O ., TRAIST AT AN A1111'li' to'tnialc silofooi'he (iso'so oooiootg u.tofth1 i ck 0bO I10 O- EAT. woES.. eiogligtoithetclastt111so' .Xslsisiia 't'(Wi'hili'L too. P.toooA.o loo (boo' insastitt 0 ~n TheateJjt[-LE'. , te.c'Pt. Mtait and Ex.... d7 B~N. Y, Chi__s1 ry nioAwelnIeer o N. Y Special...4 58 Mail.___ 1 11 } niglol is onotofho'ltrgo'ao Ii soh is-11 10 . itIb -o'oo 1 5 0 ALLEORETIS, if you wish. G R. Expres_.2_1 05 PaifcEs - 5___230 ort' of te sl e , Aoeone iteoo'i lt ii c t i -N S Limited....8 10 P M. _______okolUnossx' too: io'0AU Eamtern E.-... 47 Western Es --_.7138 ' IN. Esprios prss.. 50 Ci. Nt. E,-7 __47 ," litisTi.nitoo i. oroiso i R''lAClK K HCI9 Atlantic E...7 as ilo-isiox of "Bao" litosiss:a t:: ill lol, a nd:idts' for fie trck eiiis -wal O -NrhSoeLmtdianextra fi ri wln frtl wie ln1'7 ALL GADES Or to bena charge of 82 0 to New York than on -laereot Itdl ote olw ARtD, SOFT. CANNEL ANISb ther trains. isot: ' i ssoco'ihal i loliii.rohoo'ot aloos'iogschioolile,11ifo'o'i cnlie t: S O IE S C ~ . W RUGGLES, 1.X. IHAYES, frooiiiboglinig 1so l d a ooltiolo'r- r Fhgrao:SpitrsOiiALSo's NDC~ G., P. & TAt, Chtcago. At.. Ann Arbo r 't l-ptr trl.t N OE Tt CEE OTE ldoi a sit e buoineio'sst ysr hi'boad .ioiilors, 't'ic~oay, 'husrosy M. S'r'A>jBBLIF? THEBUKEE OUE.oOtiO. Pea :' lorl sr trolls kio anot Saturday,}, st 4:4iIp, t.AA-eigt 10 W. Wahingtoo Street. Phone S. tsth t llo's oii ooinos urt l~ortoc sei, every Ody t 5:15 in tosssbnea. Cl1l lUS, HCKIG ALLEY Al TOLEDO RILWAY I orwithiouttfar of t),) g ill O '5101000. ."ltiTRHig: I hoeos i'iiS~T iii LO CTiT 1110 A THi . is Is the only line from the Toledo UnioniiI ______-___________l~lC AD IYCA UPLESAD NIuthl 5ttontuos ma 'n pitwbynaolkers, 'Piusday, T trotay asll OSt-I IN THEiii 5li.0 bsanidour or fst fat epreon trais namn - Paie wisisso too o'oso o' coni- otriy st 4:43.1 p. i. olo vatiers A. G. SPADING & BROS.. daily beween the point nsme , two of tionis wilt presenlt 1lesvs'l R 001i0itii li Maay, 5'etoeaolsy, Fist.y atd Sa- 'The Name the Guarantee" them io the un precedeted time of tree yOfca uftest h edn olghus alrcr ndytausas2 F n'StraFb i t ( .n. I'a t~p n IglJnprAo-% Ah cet;0lmnseprso ih ris els Clb and School Teams of the U.'a Stdents d siring aneoiualed faciitisWih qulired blnkfomte ei-o tday, Wdneaoa nd Fridayat4-5 Every ReusteirBaeBll ir nchred to uoe he Buckee Rote and Ilie Bing oo ioisroltoi i. i. JOSLt'tl 3 . TUI[t'A ,Athletic Sports and Pastimes. tan obtain fhll particlars on applcaton to local ticket agets. hioned. AI. LEVO'. . Ca',ai. The Spalding Official League Ball E. DAIDSON. iAdopted by National, Minor, Collee and Dist Pas. AentToldo; r (School League W. S. FIIEER . '. mdT. .,Rae hallN l.nfirNE, Bats, love, T ,Oho.Mlnn. ChiestPPetri, Shoes, IEte. " - CoumbusOhio.THE SPALDING CAINLSS BICYCLES r THE SPALDIN BUOACWEREL ai' MOELS~.. CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRSTCLASS. TESenLDrIusROAEdaaoueoL~ Orders for all Fraternity patecu SECOND SEMESTER.)Sn ArIluthrtcCShos.f a danceso. et. Leave orders at Ann Arbor A. . SPALDING & BROS., Stsicll. ora Renidence, llsides ave. Meechems Cases on Agencies, e or hla1pi named illtubnpPile Piano and in Greenleaf fO Evidence, Vol. 1, New___York__ Philadelphia___ sight reaigaabvnmed Paes"0 ca~o Washington, AN DE. J -Johnston. Coleyon Taxton, Jnpn ( IN HDiTELHigh's Extraordnary Legal Remedies. FINE NEW LOT OF j SALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. All aoebos can be fountd at " .W ash burus.. Cls Aliteed Dyr Nght. Just received. No. 116 E t Liberty Steet: Residence, 533 0Lwet prices n STRINS ash TRIM- RANDAL iTHE PHOTOGRAPHER..4 West Libery st., Ann Absr, WASHING ON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR Street. i" " " t4 R' r . . . r' P H 7 4ik s . ,