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February 05, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-02-05

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VoL. VIII. No. 93.


Has received a full line of Novelties
for Fall and Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings'
Al legretti's
Fresh every 'week.
Only in packages-
60e a pound.
Lowny's if you
Just received as fresh ssspiv eof Allegretti, and
Williams and Werners Choclates. Largest lies
Io the city.
Lunches a' all hours.
308 South stae Street.
Bath Oaps
Seep the
85Oc-more or les
Just received a special line of]
Itlor Guaranteed, Qality the Best.
The most satisfactory made for
the money.
Each $3.00 and $3.5.
ymnasium Suits and Shoes a Specialty.
.....PRICES RIGHT.....
Up Town Dw Town
9. stats at. Opposite courtoe
Ann Aror main St.


MENDELSSOHN'S "ST. PAUL"I out. But as it was willh te milstoo- CHESS CONTEST.
-tinunally sdrawing the water rotrmhe-
Was Rendered by the Choral loud, there ieiher remuaisied enough Detroit and U. of M. Representa-
after the spring rains had ceased, to
Union Last Evening. furinish a. sufficient deptht for rowing, tives Play.
-o a hr urn enough to kep-
198t. Paul," dotubtless ?Menuelsohuns out the weedss 5 the seasons stlsaneed. t epresenta lives otilit,'Deroit and
reatest choral work, was givens last Einiissiasin ran high until the plan C niversty Chss clubs played last
light tby the Choral Unions before use lproved il ipratlitohie 0and thn'itidid evening Iu the Engiers' libary.
so thu largest 'audiences to -assemsle oSi lt iogethser. What as i-sr '- Uleit. Smoke, !Major Loie ansd iMessrs.
I University Hll this year, anti was 'cose of the shels, tItho not know., Sulivass asd Sls'midt reiresested the
tnort io I rissesler who ao(f te letroit club, sandI'Messrs. lHerrick,
rendieredsinios mainer entitlitng it tot iseusmber,,, of the crew 'weres. (Griffith, Owen anss, Dr. Dewey were'
ranik with asnytproducttion osit ssissilar IfItiishoulttovevr happsiens tsai ere the 'omereresenative s.
'iatoeter yet given here. waso oss e ls'tric roadi o Wtitttsssi in the first seres, Poens vs. Snoke,
Miss Aice .Bailey, of the University Lttke, thsesstheseqestists of ai Miliganis Smsoke won; tierrick vs.Ssllivrn, Hier-
teisosi of Mnsie, sang thei sopranotewessvmsigt easily be slveud. If le rick wo; tse vs. Dewey, Lowe won;
srts withs a sweetneso asid extpressionss propsosedt eletric line let weens Lant- sand Griffis vs. Selsisst, Griffiths
that wasoouitghly alprs'.siaieled oyssg sssd AssssArior tsssststc,. wilsworo.
tie aosdience. tier everyosnuber wsss ite Dtsoit land Aim Attetboroa st Inthelii'st'entttlseries, "Bowen vs.
long applaudeed, and the impsuressions ever butilt, it is certaiss ti us sby sv- Selssidt, elssnht tes; Herrik vs.
nmate was most favorasble. ral hosies of watesr isofine sositrle:Smoek' Smoke wtn; sssnd Dewey vs.
Mrs. Charles Cleent, who possesses feundisil in lit'x ceat.Bit tsil ss 'oSsllivasssDswey wosn. The last inst-tes
avery clear and sweet voice, ws the is lad Itoliii lake' regioissof ih'tissrth, Gritiths vs. Liowe wsssrsot fisised it
cotralto of the oceasio. tier onsly vseiill hasvi to 're'nts conteted t't u tsa lts our lasst evessis g.
solo, "Tie LordI.,is Mindsful f HIlS our piitsOnt systemitof satltlits." 'T'he plying was tsharcteidall
tOwn," was finely givesn and lwast:-t'throgh, by caeul, sre'wdlmoves.
thtastically aplaudsiised. Woman's Buildinx Fund. tiowist a 't s tdy satnd skill on tsh'
Mr. Cisales B. Stevess.tsensr, fully l(part of ts'eplyer. Especcre irt
ssssistsineei the 5repui5ti5tatin imae he~re'Sixteens wossss'ii'clubts mo f .Stssgitis ti le givento li Missrs. Dwsey ant
its tepast ansasnsg illsgiodeffect. hseave ontributedil $186.7 sinseesX. 3 I off ih, tatd Sisiski'aitiLoswecfoe
Mr. Lewis Csssssiio, bsass, sinade'Iis tlitheii'bhuildling-fussilfolst'e oiesssteir workl.
first apspearancei'hlirsesandtuas "Pouifii giss tttsiu tsi te'Uivertsir fists
sasig its a msasterfulaineisrsis, andsisoy- ;gist. 'se' Womsein's Lea'sgsss' asd Wi Ann Arbor vs. Ypsilanti.
esal tisses aroutsedt e usettdtieeIst list's Clh(f Bttiles ' Ci-sk onlribit.
great enthiusiasmi. His votces'wat s.u- d liiilargest sitgli' suits $N;.7 'lThe. lirffSit iisttlhs ss i-
der pe'fe'cltuotrol' and1lhs 0561i- Xihses'gifts srs' isarespssosse 0, 15 terngdiia YsinilWsistfsorcltists evising ss
tion smost distissct. itlirs silts out to the wo i'iil s lstYplttiWsit'ssIos'jayl
Of ~~~~Iithe chorus, too sisshtsca5155001be'of the satle'by tsit oiesTeLasgtrt as,' tlsn 'ers'hsillli roby
saidi Ini praise; singisig iths preisiosn of ts' l~siversity (IfMichifan. Ofisi amttssss o ailshi'. 's o-
si - le't,'sIftntsmte sscasl sts tiaes'Ells
and power thseir' sork estassi tis tre (f the $U5,000to ibs' raisedi ly- 'le tolle ess-i nlIisel lssisgts
the oaorio asid wsappiiladed lout ssissssfot'ilii'eiiompleistinof te gyso- wosrtanrItussMills's tutu Murilantds
asse often. In the 'iStosse I-ists" clituss sooisi, 50212.5;)tssha siwenbists Brkadt Mllranso-riHd
they wtere at their best. icred.nt Briggsorit Verier andstlVrdier.
A delighitful featuretwtas t'e.trorks Followinig is a list of tewe n's l'tue istet uilliety eomipsrtie
of the or'eceesr. Thesy plyedl well cluibs that Ihavi'eiiontributed'o0i , ,stores osd not thei'olidupilitate mseth-
tosgethe'r, andiluntlike insit orchesstr'a of fud: oi. 'The Ypsilanti Whist cltb belongs
Isst yeas, tidlnotdoiotes' the 55 liivotic Dtsot-tlypsstlit C'lb,. omensto the 'late' League tutu its senior
of the soloists. (f'b, Fieseration of (lubts, C'ito, Wed-i' siesabs'i, ('. VRiogers, hiasd the honot'
Thseoscert ws thseis'fours-th iirelse ssay iHistory ('lt. Ievie'ss'.Z,tesns: of witnning first plsce itsthe individual
Choirsal Union series andsefle'scs nut- Sginaws- iosiss''s C'lust,. iTesdasy play at tDetroit last spring. As far ast
credit uposs Prof. Stanle'yohio drilla'd Clusb, Tourist.,' Chit; Jacsonlsi-'Por.caest an stticiiated liii'e'hssities foe
the chor'uss sndelastolnight irete It, it. tts' Clits ,Tue slay ('Itit,' slsus sevesralsicMi-as's suess srs'aibotiteven uip.
The next snmbter itheii'sertss wil, individtual nees' of these i'htubs;'
tb' a sonsg recital biy (ardneir S. tatu. Baittle C(reek -Womns'Lteaguteu, W0- Medical Entrance Reurements.
S~ti.suitn's luti; Dossogis' -25u'suiis'u' The facuily of the sst'sietrl d'harl-
A Michigan Crew. (lb Cran'xs tu.sent, ift'the l'nivrsity of lchgais
isas advsanced'i this relutses'usnts for cu-
'he udegrtduatetoftodasy softein Interest Remains Unabated. trnceti'o thielpartmsents, the ecsangs'
heasr of the "good oldi tissies at Mich- utoisks'plii' it90t1i. Studens'tss 5-uti-
ioan" atnd of the-nuy notasbe eents Only itte'ens sorse ntihers a' ees- tgIso tilh tt i~'l h
-triilsgrowv litner only stiths thossetls)eitowhoti iuutofts' h b eitquialenst of from ons' to ho yeas of
hae n un ecm istutos tandihjuteging trosts the tnuber of iii sork ithue litsrry ehila'tsisot. The
their altna mater. Ofihuse^, disbs'rh re cnengmmeshipthiscnsbited literaroy sashd ss'mi'ilcorts'
as little is known of 'Miehi sit's i-saw. limiiswill hb ieied by ntt semses- twhichs now -hkes six years or com-
wiich traiuned fist'three usonthm" outthu ter. 'As atrick or tisto susotp1ss00be-leit.silafrttSb etnu'do
Huo.foie apileants cats be atdmsite to theen.wl atr10l b ts ildt
s''s.Spcial rquirement'tts wilei
"Itwasabot teny 3ear ag,"society, it tvuldt be tell for thhose dec
"itwasabot tveity sto sgo, sioti st jonsig'00 et i is tseu presented in tdetail in thes net itsu
said Prof. Knowt-lon iii tie Daily yes- o1 the speiatl Otiotneeseat of Ibis
terday, "thsat -Mchigass woo thise isso tote 'tleids si saepae~srtmen'ut.
- ivitish to attent id st. o ''fr heiu-____________
proudelpossessor of a crew st. ii iiiiit -I ves what kind.hosit tr:t-iseii'siesey
nient consisted of three four-oared Mc os fRpeettvs
stells anti a small boat house for is dtoig:ok os fersnttvs
training quarters. The eniterprise wast r-9 Commencement Day. A'tiok iHouse of Reresntatives
started in °March. was its operationm uas organized last iSaturay witht
throughs April and May, and died in 'The speaker upon C'ciushhsuem'nent about thiry iembers. The N'olowig
June. The course lay from 'iWhitore Day, June 30,s at ele Uiiv-rsty of officers u-r elected: John PR. Schach,
Laske road bridge across the Maron to Mlieligan twill be Professor Bejasisin speaker; J. B. Dandridge. speaker pro-
thu mill pond, and thought somewrhat Ide Wheler, LL. D., o1' (ornell Ui- tec; J. E. Wtson, clerk; -P..w'.
crooked, would have anstweredl had thess-irty.I'rof. Wheeler holds the Mfeans, assistant clerk; hE. F. Taggar,
tter toremainedaI sutfficient s epths.chartof Greek and(Cotmparative Phil-.5sergeatat-arms. Thenetse.:tng
and the weeds have been kept elared ology, and is a spesker of dishsncii. I till be held toay.

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