s ~THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. W. J. BOTH. Pre. W. ARNOD,lt Vice-pres S t re S ok nBest effects for season '97-Black, J. V. SEEBAN 2d Vice-Pres. Storee-Smokingy ad State - Savit - Bailk. 'to"*Transacts a general Banking bsi- L DEWho contemplate haviny a J ck ts $ O $20 J SI Pl EilE D'S.l Party Clown made will find Ready for You. . Car.sain and Bron Streets. 11I7 MAINY STREET. 1 Capital, $5, 00. Surplus, W,500. Transacta it to thoi' advantage to call on 1a K general banking business. MRS. O'LEARY, U niversity School of IDancing, -- FunED. H. BLsnn Cashiericr. At MCIsk COMPANYS, 2nd lonr. State Sreopst a Buildiiig. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Stret, ppoiteLawCapital Stock, 50,0,00. surpu, 815,00. ________________Terms $5.00 a semester - - Single evenings 53 cents, Resourcesl,i00M,51. - ----- - ---------Organized underhe enerai anking Law Ofle-427 Thompson Street. of thinsstate. Receives deposits, buys and sells exchange n te principal cities of ie ' '' /''' nited States. Drafts cashed upon proper H OE° 1 " * identfication. Safety deosi bues ts rent. W..1A ./I S N' UH ere !rrcnS: Christian Mack Pre.' W. n, tm enAx it ! for a Swell Turn-out Call onFIS NATIONAL BANKOganized 165 Capital, 8i00,0. Srpus and Prfits, 140,000 i-v WTe(1 L V E Y Transacts a general banking boiness. JU o eu change bought andold, Furnish (\ j E. D.KINNE, Pre. HARRISON SOILE, $ . 0Both Phones [6. $t51 East Liet tet Vice Pres Lamps Expressly w~ Students' Use C.i. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic deorators Th donn usrpeet "Tihe Rochester," "The Yale," "The Royal," "Tile Perfection," Have a complete line of "hiajiigC1E ersn The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying inl price from Wl aePitOlWno 2 of r'many styles Of $1.00 to $2.50 each. Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. IL Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." it gives a pre Specialty of fine interior decorating, white light, is odorless aiid does iot char the, wick. Dliv- painting, frescoing, tinting and paper Ii . e TJ fl (*uo (+ Bred in ai spart of the city in our cane at li0c per gallon. or hanging. Only the best of workmen L I SHOEl 3i JV sale on laby employed. Work guaranteed. -214 South Main Street. DEBAN & COMPANY. . IIO MAJOR & CO., The Artistic Decortor. 'II. a- are offering thi UNIVERSITY NOTRS. Among the Colleges wee, It'l il. V. Ili iiislero'i 1111wiai t o II cIs 1103111000 1071.r ,1 1 i Ii 1 1 .n or Hop. I111311 ;f ~ ie supor o (ollig1O o u,b y '10 X IN - lili rtll' R i ii (el'i l 1 r ill In11y t 11111c) fll li'bill of 'lilab '.0(1(1 '<.t11LADI ES' AND GLNTLEMEN'S athetcsaiI aid nce ~iifay9 alto111nc5'5'i(d $11 (0 1 o i 1.ulwill "On 7t( rincelon it PrincetonieI'llflay 2. 1tow1a1dithe l port 01 ik" 10)31)bl l 5,TAILO R l~xCailtm Garetl. Cochran. of iie asobli 01111tel.eiidk111- 1 1' Sv -- P rnceton l lven xwil('1a1h11he11(' il- dnt will iii l on ' '0~~ Latet Novelties in 'Winter These shloes are all of this thirsiycofsGsiforoinl1op il ii ve10 1111Clifo1111'sbol1aml111ll3he a )il 1111010. 0 an Spig Garments. eao1 atadPtrsad football( tO il l mI o 1h i o 1 f 2 111i11l (l01 . COR WILLIAM AND MANARD STREET. wver fe foitt i'l Vso0l(at 000'11teio''ol.11 n5'id100g1d1i0. i bsl1111' mose bok wst of University. on 1Janua11ry 27. b Jl is'Dlfy. 13Prit'l11s'on bhas oat1liblils1l 2,101' 011(1dOHI $3.50 anld $3.00 ,Mabel H,. Parish, alsoo Drit~i. 111'tar1'l'id122 eac, Nillioto al 1101')'"O IO An eitor hsbnas 110 ir(l by13'lthe 10, 'iisoii9,Iivi i01'15 o url e ta n3rs1dleWolo vrt ie We hIiave got4 more thlan we Wli«'sI'all'WioillO 01 1 l (111,7 1, ioith111,11' i 111111iy e ta u t)~ 1pa1erCe0eCCv'd1a11and1ma1es111b3' 3bllleta01oflPello'lx'ani i. R*e L'oin01t 111u1 wish to carry over to next of the 11L'ls on011elblsii3k 1131012 11ithe111.' ' .reach.i11'l'. rItyofX nia 1T. & 0o.C. Py. R. &3M. y sea son. hence this great offer 0010005 readinlg room, aI. 1 Bowvn 4 '11l;:1111101o11r coll Prof, . 1.F.Johinson 11as olOn(e1loorbes 1111',' lleI'l 1spls'o1'llrsbyIthree 'The Only Sleeping Car Line between 1(o a11t1n)1ii srb;sof IFarol.ro'ln ' 1151 an1011. 1111 .1 ne e11'a0111. '1oledo and Columbus. 111t1Cc obehlda orhPrisha;'AtThe Only Sleeping or Drawing Room lo b hod a No 11 Brnl Cori- nel('1101h1110ya foliii'first arLiebetween Toledo, Comm. 1 ' iSS L'apeer'lan0(1 Mi5vilb . EI, Car Lne 1ltut0cil 11he'work frle 110 151011'00 bus, and Marietta. 7 0 address ach 00on et "iFain1,..3 110 c, 0c','1is5 e'1c'tive. '1110 010100' 1f st' -The Only Drawing oom Car Line P'rofession." Ces 11asdevlopedl5(seve''3ral1 11111xi1151" between Toledo, Colunbus and WYotSs. Sizes 2 -=2 to S. CALENDAR. resells. lotill laod (G10k 110e0 not Charleston, W. Va. ______ __ __________Pullman Sleepers between Colum- --Saturday, Feb. 5-Leclltur y 1rank sufferd lenr 1113'elctive 01510112 hue and ('hicago. Loes0ch, of Chicago, iol Lw Lecture lai1.2tic00105has "gine,isead1151(if' The Only Line with 4 trains each Rtoom, at 8 p. in. l.ii 0R O Is1tlL01 11 c' way daily between Toleda and Fridlay, Feb. l1-Exalnihlatioisse('01' thiC ouICosPO. whitwsa OOOii('i(.a Colombus. 111000' i11all si plrtal~llO O (of th 'ni -wouldibeIbenite~'ld 111a'e'losi os,,1c'- The Only Liie with 3 trains each - rbly. way on Sundays between Toledo - svrrlls- and Columbus. Friday, Feb. 31-Recital by Gal- The Only Line with 5 trains each nant o Friezo elorisl Organ, at The "Hoosier Doctor" at itheAhenis way daily between Tloledo, Bowl- 1). an.1Theater Saturday night. ing Green and Findlay. The Only Line with 2 trains each .NO. 2. way daily between Toledo and Charleston, W. Va. °.._______ C ON SIG NIV[ N T., The Only Direct Line between Tole- '_______ do and the Virginias. Rigt iret ro th estrn aret nohe arivl f NCKEARfrsi frm heThe popular line between Toledo, Rigt drec fom he asern make anthe arivl o NCKWAR reh fom he Fostoria, Bcyrus, Granvile and Ladis' RmeoAlasas [~odear]7?(manufacturer. They discount all previous effors or newness and efect. See our window. Newark. Laie omo lskslove~T17 Bear in mind that we carry the most complete line oc COLLARS in this section of the state both in the high grade 25e qualty as well as the tic article. ________________________Full information relative to rates, time of trains, etc., will e cheerfully furnished by 1113KC 1 any agent of the Ohio Cenral Lines,, MAC WAGNER & COMVPANY, Moulton Hok, G. P. A., 23 Soth l'aln Street. . . Furnishers Toledo, Ohio.