THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILLC. 3 Men's Furnishings That Sell Themslves! OUR STOCK COMPRISES OF THlE BEST VALUES AND MAKES. Pore Lambs Wool Worst- ed. All kinds of Styles Sweaters . insa11 the Combinations of 'S i rtS . Colors. Tbe best from $3.00 to $1. 50. Unlaundered, pure Wam- Random Wool, a fine sutta Cotton and 4-ply Linen Bosom 50c. TheI Underwear smooth garment void of hest shirt in the market to-I any scratch ingy material. dlay. See them at 69c. We invite comparison. Our gcods are what we represent them to be. We can save you money. Drop in and see our stock. NAIN STREET, S. liINSTRET S KINDERGARTEN, Jo5EQurAO~tEOO '-Q CHAFING DISHES, FlU'LLER & BERANEK, n.-,TCall and See Us, ..O'.LOCK 1 2 ]Price! TH PHOTOGRAPHER TEA KETTLES. Cleaning, Pressing and Repairilg. ALLITHiATEST I RENTSCHLER, THE __ Work called for and delivered. / Telephone Is0. ANN ARBOR ' y ,.tEADING 351Z S. STATE ST.. over Mosey s. SONGiS and TW IfO=STEPS. JEWELER Phone No. 2M, New State ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO.CRE tNADHUO SRLS FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 205-207 E. Washington EbamngaSpcaly Is the place to boy Dissecting Instruments and all thing needed for NO)-.209 '(suE 5H AVENHUE. Bacterology, Pathology Histology, Etc., Etc. Ambulance night or day. ~PRICES RIGHT. Residence, 302 Filth Avenue. ANN AR BOR At the Athena. TRACK NO{TICE+. I DROP IN AND GiET ONE... Time Table, Sunday, Sept, a, 1897. -(-sCadidaites'sfor the (rack tearti will -OF- TIME TABSLE: No star that has c 'r apipeared be- pleserelcart tcrordlig to tic tollowc- D V. 1I Trainleave Ann Arboreby Central Standard he oliSlsaredscWmoe il iIgscLeStLA i cnRninD Time. ifore tepbi asrc Ivdsaefal ni cidlo ovnet NORTHn . S~O, ooietand nniversal praisetantheii IDr. Fitzgerald-Sprinters, Ihurdler.,, Football Calendars for 1898. 8:4 a. .O :0a.n onmliIDosbliroaditi aest lneeili', tistttstty 22:15 a. , 11:25 a. m. 'favorite c''- '- "' ili Belfor his I Jumpetrserty'treet 4 :465p. m. :d0 p. m.' ' I andtSatorday,.a 4:45 p. iii. Weight Ws iet iet RubtenAnn Arbor and Toledo only ~I cceptioni of the chsrsctcr of the tc a~n bewee E.5. ILMRE gen 'Oooser octr" ii nglsto Itoi ii every day st 5:13 its basehcleiet. U. Of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms W. H BENNETTG. P. A. TomedoO. ltsoices hecstdyo it il.Dr. Ilaletloge--Distititee cisnirs. s 322SOUTH STATE STREET. IIIlatst ucess th CllatlyrnEth t. itl. alkl-Sres,o-day, 'Thursday atli Sat- Ladies' artistic Flut escsing up stairs Ii CikU N lie h tt~is ero frequoeintlyn beenlt col p oolatred to Otd friends calstinu. We wetcome new _______________ t ldatVrlod-ti Mtidt 4:45'ela.c'dm.Pivlterstones,_______R.__ TOA4 *. Jeferson --Ntirtittyst 4:43 s.'m. Pol cattitea, ones .. R. TanJANSalt- The lNiagara Falls Route." ill his effectiveness and artisic vork \i~natt 13) p. 1iisr. lhi Hajiulia' is, Moit-FO CnatSaueTie siw s hsttparetly -adopted a lnw'of thay , W-diztesdatysisd Ftrid~ty . -413Lowney's Chocolates avoric that wsrt every greatlss-lO~'I~' IOIS 0 O TRIS AT ArTNN ARBOR. ilities Sor 'pa~.~ W U T ES ii~t P. M. A. m organization in its entirety otijithers .W JL s.fxt N.alt Span - Es-3_4518 MaYhl aol ltoldl 23people tind is headled syAIRIO. ALLEGRETIS, if you wish. G R. Expres--11 15 Pacific Eu ---1130 the celebrated comedienne indl cooi- Alt ittrodtoiry course in, At-sbc *N S Limited---815 r" a. "'- Xii- .-- -- Eastern Ex.----- 47 Western Ex--- 1 3s a lto, Lauera Joyce Bell.Athe ii willbelieitiilae Oind elitiste1 byre A. M. Git. & KEx -_5 5 Ui a Express --5 50 Ciii. Nt. Ex---- 7 4i-its'Thtelr lstoiro i - quest tof Homitiauselaitretiy sit- Atlantic Es-...7 30t olicti. .ttideiits Ito aei--naickiigit O ENorth 5hore Limited to un eat-ea fate train the Daily is short the tollow.;T1ispecilty itf littgtiistic stittis an ALLttuGR.AnDES OF- to hena charge of$254010o New vorh thun on -II SAR D, SOFT, CANNEL A N 3 saber trains. usinbers for the year 'it-'96, and will those (eXpctil to t ouidy IH-lit 5i, ire SOPSLSOlS 0. W RUGGLES, It. W. HAY, lmatte satisfactory atrangcntents with I invited to ithVe clas. Alt early - AN O . H. P. & TAt., Chicago. Ag't., Ann Arhor N OE __________________________________anyone aswio tiE furihamtane: oliticist is desirtatle', as boitii-t tiatMA .cS-rABS1.-.,li t THE BUCKEYE ROUTE. Numboers 1, 3, 4, 5f;. 660 81, S33l17Sbe oc rid-eildfroiti abroad. I'l',-io a ~ ~ a..a- -- 119iiiW.Wshington Street. Phone S COLIMVS UCK~fYAL[ I LB AINY20. aill uieet tacitce _a.weik :iithour, to Is (he only ine from tie Toledo CUnoi LOTAgilwthbta-eS.i Itth toslit-of tte (s A. )Ilt'. -ieisserIsNac sTHE it-saRL Station to Columbus and potssheyond, so.t avs. and the M:ichigan Censtral i.artesssii--- uing (inlets deoot termina l st-uns" I t' indelr isill lleaise leave at Steec- aisitg-tslilir e Itit-A. G. SPALDING & BROS. ins and runs four Ofast epr ssiurms potStuidents sta it ctt\ec ti- daily beiween the point s aeh, two of ar'd's offce auit receive rewarid."TeNmthGurne. them in the un-precedented time of thre iuutanscwill presient tcnsslvcs saissltok;ih-Nmets-Gorate hours. Purist- cart ou day trains, set-s 25 Fronl tud sise suites, for velit. fiilOtitr oteCsln olgAt ceatse, Put man steepers on ai--lil trains, 1''-oslt Satursday, Feab.:),,it lith. Ini., letic Club and Schnol Tenmn nf the U. S. Stndents d sIring unequaled fsaclties Mloder"n convsenienices. 727 Ir. Vicer. a cihl requirsdoilanitik frolict heeis g- Every Requisite for Ease Ball, are invited to use she Bucee Route and ci. ye. f. Ahei prs1n atms oan obtain thu particulars on utppicaton ciyace. ,ar.Britng bsob.s it sc11hcituotti-AtltcSrsanPsie. to local tichet sgents.Adets itteDiy totd.MIEI The Spalding Official League Ball E. It. DAVIDSON, I _________________________A___________ doptled bsy Nationul, Minor, College and Dist. Pnnn. Agent, Toledo; or School Leaguesa W. Ht. FISITER, 0.P. and I. A., 1 R Bse Ball LUnitron, Batn, Gloves, AV 11iMInE. Chest I-n rere, Shoes, Etc. Columnbus, Ohmo. THE SPALDING CHAINLESS BICYCLES rg _______________________________THE SPALINIC BLUE RACER Chain) .~ NL A W %10;OTE SPALDING ROAIIWBEEL n , MODELS. CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Send toe Iluntrated Catalogne of all Ordern cnn all Fraternity partien, club (SECONI) SEMESTER.) Athletic Sports, dances. etc. Leave orders at Ann Arhor A. G SPALDING &EROS. MdusicCon.oneat Reidence,t710 Gidden ave. Meechenis Cases on Agencies, Ne Yrk Phiopi P.5S. - Will tube popiln on Piano and in NeEidnceYork___Philadelphia________ night reading at above namnd Places. Greenleaf on vdne Vol. 1,Chicago Washington A. J . Johnston. Cooley on Taxation, t_____________ Holland's Elements of Jurispridence, FIN H~CIDEELIigh's Extraordinary Legal Remedies. FIN NEW LOT 0OF EMiBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. All the above books can he founid at " " 1Va1'hlbuirtts .0 Calls Attended Day or Night.Jstrcevd No. 116 Eant Liberty Street: Reidence,.5SB Lowest pricen on STRINGS and TRIM- South Founthb Ave. Fhone 12H9.~*3 MINUS for all Instruments. RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER.,E 1.1 N 0 , SCHAEDERLE'S MUSIC STOREI WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR 320 South State Street. 114 Lber s, Ass Arbor.