'CHE UNIVEiv: rI'Y, o.F MICHIGAN DAILY. '2 THF~ UMVE1I~I'L'Y OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Pubilshed Daily (Snd'y excepted) dring the Colege Year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Oricg: Timenbiding, 329 S Main St. be- tween Libety and Wilianm St. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. THomi, '00 L. BUSINESS MANAGER . . BANs, '0 L. EDITO Rs . B. SIseir.AN, '110L. Athetic. E. L. OlEsl, 'i L. G. D. Heoserr. '0. BUTLR LAM, '00. T. R. WOODnauw.'5 L. 9. CAPBELnL, '00. A. CAa'MPBEL, '1. F. EsNiELiiAaii.'0. The sbcipion price of the Daily is $2.0 for the college year, with a regular deivery before noo each da. Notices. communa- Clns, and ther matter intended for pbiha- ion mst be haded In at the Daily oSice be- foe e p. i., or mailed to te editor before 3 p. m., of the day preious to that on which they are expected to aepar. [sbscriptions may hb' left at The Daily Ofilier. Meer's or 4tolliet's Newtand. or with Bsness Manager Saisriers will con- fer a favor by reportig promptly at ths office ann failure of carriers to delier paper. 'Thell Daiy Board will nieet10omorrow inlomen y, Universiiy Hal t 12 p. m. lihe' debaing soiete5 sc!te tila1s10'i a, faiirway 1(o formlan intiie-sciey ostlined atdtolill that is iieeifl is iie rtilatilii of the s dail- ieties We undetand thatll t o osif lteorgnt- izations are Ioppiosed to he scome lets- lisse of mlior pitisth lat ithey co-l sier ldfeltivl. When i an tah a 'woould te of sichlielp t oldetoing i- trests is 't sake. us so2iey cats f- fod to hoigoibook oandtdifet tieten- tie s1lchme betcautseOit is disgrunledt' 11v11' aSfox Vnliil'torlontllde'tais, 11111r- Societyldeatingioldibeho ihe ti- i moest tissibe vle in fititsg itsfoe te coness i tho C'nttrat 2)1-1im1 Leagute ext year. Let its bive it ty altmeitls 310d, it oruer 011010ive iiay toas-cit, ltelus adoptochein ter-oclietl'y sohduie immioeialey. Medical Faculty Upheld. 1 Tilefoloswing rtsoltini s dote btyII tie Deroit Alia andoibS~lrrr Ass) -laiots ae oa crinditoicaionoftheII ceurse of the hoital aulisthoriies: Whereas Te medical faculty of the Unsiversity of Micehigan has requesed te board of regents ts auhorie te sutperintendntt of the Untiveriy thos- pitali to exclude front that hospila those who are abundantly able to ay foe medical atd surgical sevices; adi Whereas, I is unjust to the tapay- irs of the slate to msaitai ati n stituton in which wealthy peotlere- eeive gratuitous treatmnetstpal for ty general taxation; and Whereas, sich grauitous treatmenut of lbsenrichis degrading to te recipi- cnt arid utjust tn the worthy poor in need of all the charity the stabe is able to bestow; and Whereas, No person able to pay ats be admitted to insane asylms or other public 'Insttutions free of charge; and Whereas, This beng aut unjs atti- tude for any public institution is as- sume, and as such action oi the pat of the University of 'Michigan "woulo deprive it of the public eteemt in which it is held; therefore, be it Resolved, That in the opinion of2 this associaion, the request Of the medical faculty, as expressed nabove, should be complied with by the board of regents., Annual Meeting of Y. M. C. A. 7Ti)It4 ' >EN Tile Itenly-sixth annultal gaterin of the Young Mciin's tChristian Assoca tin Associatioin will tbe helin II -- .111 .son, Feb. 10-13. 'fTiecilnvenio iOlea1 y'ear wias hleld at Olwosso in Yetchnay ' anid over -,xt hotosand dclcgmttte-o ere present. A. feature of 1110s yeair's libel hgrn wsil 1)e the siiig (If the ciii"';;E boys for wh-ichllsplecial l uo-'par d'on I;raybe ce swilt provide etoerlolinlil..Il1 i all ----_______ reguthlr'dlegatels 1111otoeisesl' vilzd orl~l. Thelolleges ii in ihi'-an lave allfb1110' sited5by11711pess1111 N o I ilrge sltde'nt de tioln is prlo )lse 1. Till tlcalt chaptler aiim110Aror'oc ths' hiivrsily fi'. 15. . A. sillth111Like the 100, reprlesenllIt te . ' A. ltos . GO l have just S cc' liryof 110'oiler 000111i111have more heas bleinlaborinc01g hardiottle 011'- less of tI=convetiiono a1111its stir '. j over' (yet SHOES!i -OF- Every Description. A LARGE INE MMOF CYLCf' HOES SEF OUR WINnOW? BEAL'S SHOtE STORE, l o100N. Main Street. Opposite the Court House. Hmte present to buy an Overctoat. We ;finished taking stock and find we re Overcoats than we wish to carry they are worth totlay from $1.00 to ire tihan they were when we bought oe new tariff you all know is the this) to he short and to the point we you the prices on tihem for the next 5~. orilur 111IfroIlIt1111 oldpolIili of10'. I~ll- 1100-, '0111 ee111110. -ot il i cn V'. II it. w, o'. f Ann Arh1110, , 1give-s t111 reply to ltesoelo Illi~t pr 'lii featureoe I (1f irst dadyiso111t1) 11w1,illbea t3irrI - .10011010SIIII5IiI'I.ro- tRes-. It. A. Torrey-, of Chic-a ol.Asr11 addtress t1111 lssI'Illa-v. t)i-. .J. Il. .Ailey. t'resident-l (f Ailion '001' oi is to sub." The b