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February 04, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-02-04

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VO. IJJ. No 92.



Has received a full line of Novelties
for Fall and Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
Al legretti's
Fresh every week.
Only in packages-
60c a pound.
Lowney's if you

Just received afresh supely of Allegrethi, and
Williams and Wenrs Chocolates. Lar et line
in the city.
Lunches a+ all hours.
3083 South State Street.
3Mah Caps
Keep the
500_-=iore or lees
:3 0HTO0RZ.
Just received a special line of
Color Guaranteed, Quality the Best.
The most satisfactory made for
the money.
Each $3.00 and $3.50.
Gymnasium Suits and Shoes a Specialty.
Uip Town DonewTown
S. Stats st.' Opposite itourtllouse
Ann Arbor Mas at.

Will Be Discussed by Mr'. Loesch Al the facuty escert last 's-cing To Be Formed by the Literary
.briiant and clasical iprograim was
Tomorrow Night. l-edeld(''lin i a finished aid very ants- Socete.
tic nainer. Each personshoiwedl
Toiuorrowv iigiil Irook . .Loesi-linistasking wiork sand thoronghipees- The icomiiiittee appointed fy he d-
will lectuce lsefore teestod(cvril- ration, and1 front an artistic stand~liting societies to investigate he mat-
icent Club on the subject ofIP at i- liit lite ctcet Was Of Ia high ord r, ter' or inter-society deates maet ysec"-
cal Poltics iii a Great City'" sld suchi- s ought t be apis-es-taled day t GIt . m. in the Alpha ;Nit Btll.
Mr. Loescit is oe of the soesf1 i tY vniylover o1f1-itsste Illins. the Websser Alpai uans Jeffer-
lawyers of the Chicags bar. Ile 'ha a 'fin'hlit nusitoc was -Berese from ill snai societies sere elrse-tet. Mr.
estisidecale railway, telegraph anidi 1.oelylnii. liosduard, by Mr. Freeite Moses, f de webstr Society, wis
corporations practice. ais sWell s a cc- L. Ae. F'is numbersas given ithii chosetemnporacy chairman ad Mr.
oral csimcil(5cal bsineoss. He is lilli it'ionaioiifhne felilg and lo"~'- Saiser, of the Alha N. s-u ien
knoiiaav n lilg his iristfssual ele uti . "Il aso fllowedslbyclairiia. 'he c ,-tiitlleer«scn-
toctlireii as a psiiistaiing a tisseey. "'Iasli lllelli''' l Was 55rentdielre1ri.1ieiiis a series ofit iiesc-sieiydeates
andt it is the (exeiceloft sll liho vv tli liillisiii execution atd consider- to le heist i Mirch aidtAisril. Eclt
iav-e iola ntilso mnacith si- i n lits'flie. "he sissike siid bowokis socss.iety- is tl, 1nicel1every-itheri, atd the
i-lies, that it is isweli to be(ion tho'osiltlits p llsers' clean sad p se'. lt. sociey s-iiisiig Ie highest uimiber oi'
IMr. Loeseli ss-ibohemii.ids'entw. A iiis cliih,, iasiilii'i'littleuh'otileb,"ttes is to be the ellilipion. In
Ness'York. le iensieduc-siedl in psi- with iiis'csrrioz qr pilit. lse f a tie the twigheb~lsst Will met
- In debate asit a ist'to he desiesi lier.
On thefist Sturday ioi-Msrhi the
Acleplit anil Alpha fiaNoreso's ldeiste
eissiisii iiin i iswle'ltre Ilsisor.
Iso i nnehsrs swill ideisie ii thii .ass
Lei-tiire'Roomiiisonl tii' tis-uosers lii
Hi,, lhoii 2. ii lihe'firs Ssturday iii
ilhil eat-li 'rlu-li to lii i il tI Olir
lEac-lisocit-sill eichtimelbirepri'eti-
snsisi hy-differetdi t lcs 5-, aidl if-
fei'nrciii lilsltis ssill bli ebiilalcileach
tis. 'iii' iomiiiteis Itoameiiii'i'sgsn
Inoulderie oii lieimehoi ot'fseliig
.idgsies Ithissiftiernoi.
Toastmasters Elect Officers.
Iths,'UhivierIsil~it f 5iuiisaii ''ast-
uia-les' ('lliliie''at i tsuaiisl plialii
ls t Tisily ighItii. Ofis-rs for liie
________________________________________________________________esiitc-' -eeils-eris-siei'eleted as l'ia-
lis- and lprivaii'tessols ithe ciitty n 0,is -l ritiili'i ts e ii i ilit .A lnslte ii
Bueffilo. lHt'Wsi Ose l oii ilsralh ilii.- I ii iii stssss'il goiitas' andmis ill' ri'sii'il Vi. i lii'rt; salasiy.
'74. lHe eneired liii 001 ii'of tlieu. 'ti'esissinillunilus , 'lelidisiopi aibaniieiiiiithe iCooiikIlliiise liii
Peiinsylvanist Liiiss. ]Frosii SIl t, 'i t \llil'lliidorms si-ilii I tllisilit ipei. i' lii'ihii'lisrs' t-s'.
lii'ii~ ii tsatuirsliiiis li IiiirIi li se il'll iit5 iismarkediiblit- M it l F.Killeyt is tiibetin' ts iltit
Rtddle Itoberts. i5'li'siiill'diiill o ihis 1 1 ii'iiilisla ls r tr
Mr. LoesshihIssbeeii e ng-iiodt-'s o ilstli -i -"iiiip55" i tllis A ii iiiii'tlti'(iir.Rls 5lsAas a rervaiii
fsany test eases. IHis aIgiinis I le '1'1 lpenin wasi, s, gesdisili t- iiliiiiiitAsiiess l-'''-u-
foicthe -Suprem'e t'oirt rseiver sIh isnilsiii i -s i-lieehaiih- hl. A ii ii'Isens
lined Inoswitlithe it'iest wsli-Cessli. silitiig ostheiiibleezles isa loe n lilli lii'i' liii',-I llailiiquiet ivias lild alt
sol' to those hain'ig diheuilsusla[ I isiiiimg vvilter-s The siisrirtion ii fic C. . Aasiis -is 'as t'st-
53y Mrt. Loeseli has shosns- is av l 'aiO li I'was,1"\is(in A f liiimajo -',ill-istr -_________
gitisett of eases oiireillass. _,1-. I151 silksisrlir.ns l-ed ss-ihi hsiliiii y Chess Match With Detrot.
Loesch is a politiial lesiser ci- ilg 1anud isiil iets'i-si-ire lii isni] t ______
extueriene and cons ideu-shis'liartiii t ill.'10 'liti:vvas ill assi isirked b lue IeIi s-itthimthsi i it
enee and ciin speak oii rtcteal Pli-, istellg ositohuh' (111nd 'tiltlii5 itsu sl'tdsteIsnifsi u liii'etroi tt dess
ic-s as one who knows. lus IClibtosnsigt at 7:301 i'loskIn ite du ts-
_________ _ _ liii'thirdinsumieiiii is ivl5enl i tt it gliss''licLilii'ii-r 'ttii- i'lreonentt-
Whist Match. I liellili A. iti,'."'rsnisdis il'-iitis s'frumitieroitsill lit'f'an' in
'l e.'' (isirsiihn). iori ine stnlg. lni nuinsln i thoisiseilet-tdfeos the local
'lhe ue'ivei'sty 'vtst ChobiIs us s- (llsi I sn isas thee. harmnicsll l--asr tsb tlirt'et telihilste . D'viy, w.
cehlt of comnstnicatirns frsoili to'l11ndfut li. D. Ierrick ast ll'eideuir (tn~fitl.
Ypsilanti Whist Club iskhig toerNal ilsislerfiir lias asiotn'sfill liii' theI' iht't'il siill Ilboen o ti i le, th ini-
iiateli game tonight r oi'liiilrti- loslhiihste, l'.ioha iaiitd 'ielio 01. 24."vet-cty piulic hditi s lioped thalt a
tighit. It is probabe thist adal tio11111- Iiias), lit- M hs ,Itta ost n (rsve, Mr. ihrg' rois-l sill b5 in atenidanice. No
iiameut siill 'be arrhangedt fr thell lttr er iniiuii A. Z,u silind M. IFredeicI. tiiii'liiit'has ben fixetadtihedscplay
late. Four team ni0teaht sill'sill; Abel.IFirs giirt "Aleg-io Ainiato," siill esintiiue utililthe last ua -lis
very likelyOeresnttch iclib. 'Ple shiwetisen isi'iiile work, c(-liel. been ehekmhted.
local nen have tot as ye esin ltici. 5aibl' trillisitisi, gootd blendlin- oftones
nor has the place ofm-indg teeii ie-jand ine spiri. It is quite likely tht liii Sohlomoe
iedtl If atnythingefindimu- is don, _'the eniseiiilels sosrk titiughiout nwas I'reslinatiindiurm iet sill bliefhld
suli partietlars iwill be given in Sst- fautless, ansd tii' swhole program slt acitt;, andiits-' ''ansits- uin's't is
urnnday's Daily. s-s'~rlres si-hmeitegatice'anin ltish. tiseels.liter.

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