THE UNIVERSI'TY OF MICHIGAN DAILYA. 3 Men'sFurnisinsThat Sll Tesvs OUR STOCK COMPRISES Of THlE BEST VALUES AND MAKES. Pure Lambs Wool Worst-I Unlaundered, pore Warn- Random Wool, a fine ed. All kinds of Styles sutta Cotton and 4-ply Sweaters .104 all the Conminations ofI Shirts... Linen Bosomns 5c. The Underwear sot amn odo Colors. The best from best shirt in the market to-I any scratching material. $3.00 to $4. 50. day. See them at 69c. We invite comparison. Our gcods are what we represent them to be. We can save you money. Drop in and see our stock. M I STETS.MAIN STREET, S. 1- 2 Price ! SONGDS and TWO=STEiPS. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. 205-207 E. Washington St. ANN ARBOR Time Table, Sunday, Sept, 5,189S 7. TIMLE TABLE: Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standarid Time. 8:43 a.m. *7:0a. m LII:l5 a. nm. j 11:20 a.m. 4:46 p. m. 8:40 p. m. eg00 between Ann Arbor and Toledo only E. S. GILMlORE, Agent W. H BENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo 0. MICj2H I GAN (jr-j A The Niagara Falls Route.' Central Standlard Time. } TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. EAST. WEST. Mail and Ex._347 B., N. Y, chl__. 802 N. Y. Special -4 58 Mail - S ______918 GR. Exprooo --_1 10 Pacific Exs.--12130 *N 5 Limited ---L8O10 Pt. Eantern Ex------.9 47 Weotern Es_____ 1'38 A.M. G R&K.Ex-__55 D. N. Espreos ---55 05 Chl. Nt. Es,-----7 47 Atlantic Ex...7305 *North Sbore Limited io an extra fair train to be acharge ofl$2.0to New York than on other tranos. 0. W RUGGLES, IiL W. HAYE-S, G. P. & T. Aft., Chicago. AgL., Ann Arbor THE BUCKEYE ROUTE. COLUMBUS, HOCKING DALLED AND TOLEDO RAILWAY Is the only line from tbe Toledo Ulnion Sation to Ciolumbos and points beyond, using Union depot terminals at Holom boo and rons four faot express trains daiiy between the points namek, two of them in tbe un-preccodented time of three hous. Parlor cars oIL day trains, seats 25 cents; Palman sleperso night trains. Students d siring unequaled facilities are invited ts usoe hesBukeye Riteorand can obtain filil particolarsa :application to local ticket agents. E. It. DAVIDSON, Dint. Pass. Agent, Toledo; or W. 111. FISHIER, G. P. and TA., Columbus, Ohio. CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Orders for all Fraternity parties, club dances, etc. Leave order-. at Ann Arbor MusicICo. sc at Residence, 5710 Geddes ave. P. S. - Will take pupils on Piano and in sight reading at above named Places. A.4. J . Johinston. ENOCHI DIETERLI3, ElnBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Calls Attended Dayor Night. No. 116 East Liberty Street: Residence, 533 South Fourth Ave. Phone 129. RANOALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER, WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR KINDERGARTEN, 110E H ronvJALCHAFING DISHES Call and See C. s, 5 O'CLOCK RENISOHIER, THE PHOTOGRAPHERr TEA KETTLES Telephione 1#O. ANN AitilSH30R 4 LADING Can Mi'r. ansi Mrs. Riess Granger mnake a bnSiness of teact ing dancing. You can jioin thte classes at isny tinme, tb U term starting with your first lesson. Private lessor. Dance given by appointment. Office, grond floor. GRANGOER'S AGAIDEMN At the Athens. I TRlACK NOTtCEt. _____- S :idillal -s fo:r the track team i 5 No stiitht ias cv. r :appeared:5'ti- pleasse repo:rt ,iccordinig to tie foslow fore the pusblic ha~s received miore fil- ln..- chiedle, if convenient: somse iandluniversaiIl praise thm itie lDr. Ftzg:'vrild-Spv inters, lirdler favoritce scomeiani, Digloy Bell, for hsis' broad juipertls, Tosday, Tlioirs:5a an audy t44 .i.t egconccption of lt'e cha~racter oftie lienSverycdy,at 4:45 Wcsbeign "Hioosicr Doctor" in Ausgustols Thtonilas' Dr. Rtabetlige-Distaince rninet latesi success, lthe coincdy of thatlt le:. valkers, Tuesdaiy, Tionsiclay and 0:1 Hie has freiquently 'been complared, tsolurday at :45 p. ill. Pole vaulter Josephl Jeffersoaid Nat C. Goodwinl Monday, Wednesday, Friuday aiid Sia iii isseffectiveneso and artistic work ni,(Labyt 3 p.i. 1tIgii jlliper'ISloe anod bas app itily adoted a. liiiicoifi7:. tWdhlosobsy indl Friday ::t 4:4 wsrk: that wartiins very great possi- p. is. .lOShPt1 1. '1~IOMAS, billties for h~nis inlie fostosre. T'li Caioiali organization in Its cntirety nuiboers all told 23 people and io beaded tby ARtABIC. tile celebrated om redieiine anti con- A s olltr ono l si traslto, :Lau~ra Joyce Hell. At thie lli- will be given thle 2nd Semoester by T ens Flicaleersxt S.tatsn~yiigit. qustsof0som1:0stidents alreadoyei. __________ iole:l. Studentls -"rhe ave iiiakilit Arraiigoiiieiis irtbsing made rw !os:-"ohilty of lilglitilc StillIIl. , ail tho mna~nger of ilie Altlens Tbse.ateclioe: exptectin~g tos stily lebress.a by wbichi the Rtobert Fitzsilmmlonsl. 155: ed to jolntsetileaLss. Anssr ilil aggreganson of athiletes 111d1vaude~lville' 'vollinent is desirabls,,ais boobsk, tll trote tilwlillleariniAAliArbo:r 1nes1t e orderedl frililIlatbolad. Vii 1 Wednesda~y tsvcllililg. Pcrlry 1). ill meet Itwice a week at hb::t ___________________slit11the (:tliielcgofwirle liltb-l The sale if iceserved slats fovte Ii IJAIHS A. C(3110.. (isilmailt ogililconcert liegins S::: i ttidents sisitilig It 5iiiotte eVtld clay moroinig,Fib. 2. S Sets wayIcw 1:lionstwill prsIl~t ll IliiiSElt'tt ill Io ] seseved at (atkiiis'tDru- Sltire wohl1 OR1 S:Llslrolly, Feb). 5,M,11O 1a. Ill .SatsSts., o tsriiWelore's IBooksto wthl rul eqiroud 1)1:ank frosmnthe: on1 ;Aliin SI. 'therte is no xtr; hr He s ring ibookns 1oi l hil11on111 lose riservrd setis. Ibnd. A1.21 1 2 r..eose...Ne.w00000s000044s*ef.b... p.,° Keboard only, DiI fS-IC* } Typewriter machines . Paticnl, low-piced, portable, keyboard machines. 1 NoaRlbbo. Noal7rtted sit Scetific ur. Writngualways ini EUnierraltKebad. 93GrswldSt. etoiicne.S . $ l 5.00. aO ed{a Type TnterchargEable. 3. S. tLAS, 5 .5. ourth ctonkial gnt oootat.r50044......50 sFULLER & BERANEK, TAAILORS Cleanng, Pessing slid Repairing. Work called for and delivered. 112 S. STATE ST.. over ntosey I. IPhone No. 2i4,NewState. 0. M. MARTIN, 10 FUNERAL DIRECTOR. as Emnbalmning a Specialty. NO). 200 FcIuRrI AVENUE. Ambulance night or day. Residence, 102 P1fth Avenue. -DROP IN AND 6IIT ONE. ill SSID W. MILLAR'S Football Calendars for 1898. ly lit West Liberty Street. ,4 U. of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms tt 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladles' artistic Hlair Dressing up stairs 5Old friends null again. We welcome new t ones. J. H. TROJANOWSKO, 1-.5 O Lowney's Chocolates -00 TO--- W. W. TU VTTLE'S, teoSt. ALLEGRETIS, if you wish. 1d ALL GRADES Or re aLARD, SOFT, CANNEL ANDS - SMOKELESS COALS AND COKI1. SM. STAEBSLER, to 119 W. Washington Street. Photo 8. THLARGE~ST5 IAOLO AtLO LIROF 10ATLTIC~i AND LILCYCLE iSULIP;AND 5515 tuuRMa~S i A. G. SPALDING & BROS. "The Name tte Guarantee." Official Outfitters tu the Leading College, Attn. letic Club and School Teams of the U. S. Ii Every Requisite for Base Hall, Athletic Sports atid Pastiiies. The SpaldinE Official League Ball Adopted by Nation~al, Minse, SUollege and School Leagues Bnse Hall IVnifoLrms, lBats, Gloves, MisChrostPrreators, :Shoes, Etc. THE SPALDING CHAINLESS BICYCLES a8g8 THE SPALDINC SLUE RACER iClainl OES TESADNRODHE 11Send for Illuotrated Catalsgue of all Athletic Sporets, A. 6. SPALDING & BROS,, New York Philadolphia Chicago Washiaston F INE NEW LOT OP S.. Washbisrns.. t Just received. ILawest prices on STRINGS and TRIM. MINGS for all Instruments. SCHAEBERLE'S MUSIC STORE 114 West Liherly sL., Ann Arhor.