TPHF1 U 4VE R''Y OF' MICHIGAN DAILY ~-f'3j ,oik sit V tetIfrquig otonf the tim. Before Having 'Y our _____3 Vslit's will be made to the build- Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during lgs of the Deartmlent of Charities P o o' Ta e INSPECT THE WORK " the Collee ear, at oii Blackwell's Island, to ntopitalo and .'.AT." THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, sher charitable and peal institutions ' ' r ia u d Drsoelt Times building, W329lmS Nain St be- of the city. h r n S u i tween Liberty and WilliamiiStse 4 A limiited amilont of cass work I5tAK slICO iIITOR sw'itobe provided withlictres frm i J. . THO5A, 'H IL. plersons engagttdi ciriabie admiue- (successor to Gibson & Clark) BUISINES AINA(011 israion. 112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor. . H. HANS, 10toI. 'hio work will be door nnder' t it- 9itITOitS ection of Dr. Ayres flild iiyself.tOe ________________________________________ H. B. SKIcesmAN, '50L., Athletics, o i bet hc 15s(llfli E. L. Gessheisj'cts.which.thenso '0ty has (Ts c4f~~do BumeLE AMn, '0. 'C. $. WOonOw,'8 G~s r 9± . G .Hir~x,0, n view is te oss bility of fiding m uit tu I. A. Anrtreo.,'0. A. CaurnoLL, '95 thiS Wly Slltlilli'e iidlti's for c- 'f1!NGEL AOD.'j9, aITin~t ilsstios. WSe areo, rseiVes PIANO, PIPE ORGAN ii need f a few ouhntlduitidates vers yerlichfle curse, lowec' win be AND COMPOSITION. The subscription price of the Daily is 9.50 tlitble tldeiei(eily of anty itetn- CONCERT PANO TUNING for thle iee ye'ar, with a eglr delivryinIthsfldad tel lttpg before noos each do. Notices, cornmnia"'- ii i.ltsfedit sidiittntr tions, and other matter itenided isr pubica--lre tskedl1toits 'o fecrlii sake of R. H KEDM PF. Dion must be hainded so at the Daily islice be- Tmt tar (7a6vto°^ torne Sp.i.,or sated to the editisr before 'a knoledge to leginled of oit '' - "y Frmyutat(iisra pl in. of the day provious to that oswhich Oloi i i ok tti' lsl nttGray thee are expected to a per 00n n1 S fi ll iiGray subsceeiiptio ns my tbe left atThle orDoyil(,the ol~f seurin lii t an,al71iat' with Businssess Sae n aerSuisrilir will con-plliyiieit ill t' tiiltitluir ield. ______12 ______ ______________________N fee a f'vo b reportinsoprimply atOthis t.i-t-......-...H STE tJJ0 0LI oftie axvfailure of earries to deie ae. SiceDWRD'I. IIEE. 0 MU IAL @ G IAOoPB NJS 'Tle intmter itt ontestatls xwhio teieral m'tc'eary. MellGile'pii, te''or 'fMaoindsm, ani 'fThe XWahburn is the one and only love entered the Ohtsr.c l 's1tet t hsrlSchlllreostsl i"iiie~ od Gfusi. 1etre erienerst mnake of wrlt-Wide repuatn Sld l~~~~~~~r.~~~~~~ tbti'.Sbo hMse 5yaseorne 5 ty 'irst-lasx dealers everywhiere from shows lt iiiecresl in oratory is :lot ,._______ a teacher. Call at Ann Arbor Moie Cos iouxsadImaedxtnvly Soe~re o arranige forhurs'ie. $13-0sobe uwr.mthatednaeeige dying out. 'he iterestiiianitested i ROMAN LAW. 'shie sur burn tednth"eiole. the debatie was expected o have a de- Riadjnslient of Corses iWec- M N' O N D asheaurifn" xisurnoaktheittsie- but as iveT~ti-CorseS inI~ainItom~ina prtratx and leterx frm the D Iresing effect on oratoryln aoieLaii-oreS i ai.IinanOnWatches, Diamonds, Wheels or other Pes'- Rskcs, Calve, Eane, Nordia, Sal- rather' stiiiilatted it. A lge numbltir LawTheo Institutes of G( aiio anid Jus oa rpey ci al o other famoux arists and oflstersiinhv uerlaal inianiwuill be ofered the second seni- WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. teachters, mailed free upoti request, oflat er' fc hveeneed silestit.'This course is oen to students Offiet resdence, MIEF.LIlerty Rt., Ann Ar i-hs i1 tU as weli'l as somie nw us"111 Of liromiisi, of the law and literary deiatllehts oe. Miehi All hssineso conidential Hlours," LYON & HEA, s that the' is every reasoti to beive Itt wil consist of au ntiardctory Jseph . wts. - or.Wabash Ae ad Adams S., Chicao. that this year's swiniher xwil be ai'coulrse of lectures on the history (if Bsands i eodhn ihsadDa to upolid Michilgan's goo recii'orOf oilal leislatia recitatitois ftont Ohols.Surrirsinby fu ossfitestanist ,translation), and ii.resume' of the oi- i i " ~ . harve eitered from tile first and sec ord CIPleo of tRoioaii Law as givieiiby C UI As o a lo yeiarlasw claxses. The nuw lmei (aiusa ndl Justinian. The object of______________ should reilemiil(r that Michigtan'(.!- Illthusce is training I ROonan lasw Ceeofnl orators have nearly alwvtys tathear tanin i Latin, "though an e- DON'T FAIL, TO HEAR been en wo hed coneste sexira nutary knowvleige f atiit is desir- ben isn hohalonesedseeabl e, The class xwilneet iiiRooni 20, ('/~ r C~ taes before thley wviii. As is lt University Hal, ot i Mohoay, b'dnres- the teahos the lirst year le tries, so onan Satire, wsille wittiiiiawn. S O U SJ AX '.S 13\ N D the rator' must ot expiiet to ws-n JOSEHt DRAKE1. withot practice. The lower cliss- IF YOU WANT THE BEST The Greatest Musical Organization of its kind men should start thils yeiar and lnext in the World. This Superb Band composed year they wiii be all the srtoger' for FRATERNITY STATIONERY, their ttteults. BADGES 'R PIN9 of fifty men assisted by Send to Study of Charity Work. SMITH, STURGEON & CO., MISS MAUD REESE DAVIS, Soprano, and Dr olyba eevdti'fios- 21, 23, 241 Woodard Ave. Deroit MISS JENNIE HOYLE, Violinist Dr. oole hassetowed t~h£611~v- Deignx and etimates furishedon al workis ing letter from Edsard T. Devine, se: of this kisd rtary of Charity Oag'iiliatii Society _WILL1,BE AT- of Newv York: My Dear Dr. i Cooley: Our society sconsiierinig the ad- e 10 University illl, Saturday Night, February 26 visibility of offering t course of six 'p weeks in pathtical chailrty next aii- Sao iktfrRmiigN mes$.5 uier, and, !althiiughi we hlve' not yet > esnTiktfrBeann"umes$.5 arranged details, tIrop yos if"li(' oili ' Reserved Ticket for Remaining Numbers 25c extra thre subljet in orier that youantty "° -" CONSISTING OF isiveit llliindincan ay if uut ________________________SouasBandI-------------------------------------- Feb. 26 students ire disirous of emlhi:urcing Oratrial ots------------------- Mrhi such. anl opportnity. It xvipiobably Burton.o-- te-----------------------------------------Archl8 cover the period from Junii 20th o ti , ATHENS JTHEATRE~ ------------------- pi enid of July. It wiltie opn only toi college graduatesswvho are recoimmmend- -0*THIE PROGRESS OF OUR SHOE SELLING ... . ed by their instrutors in tils dipart- .SATURDAY, FEB. $. Is characersed by such undeiaing satisfaction and sch incrasingf enth- nient, or 1o per'sto ho Iresent oler f s ism that we appreiate the values mre than ever ourseves. We are deighted p tSfatreienetate cl 1se hgoheru delighed. spend the time piofiably. The mum~- Men's Black and Tan Shoes, heavy soeos,$5LO grade _____ $4.0 her will probably be limited to 12 oi Presenting the New Comedy, J. A P'1 R I L L fTigV E. WASHINGTON ST. 1.The essential features of tieIplan $M 'ar:"The Hoosier Doctor." $ ~ 'J f L .. E 1 That the candidate shall agree Ij Front and side suites for rent,' LOST-A gold watch between For- o enter the service of the society for.pP ldr oieine.77E nvresae.ndteMcgnCnrld- Pasuett01r__e __sity___ace'__t_. f. ot. ~inder will please leave at Stew- 2. Opportunity will be givn to i "' w w Beware ! !1!Dn't ake a ubsitute Advertise in the Daily, ;