. THE IuNIVERSITY 01F MICHIIGANlDAILY. The Store Sm oking Best effects for season '9'i'-Black, Lue, Brown, Drab, Qroy and fancies -- perfectly tailored- $5 to $20. Ready for You. G O S E DS 11 , M AIN STREET. UC7nivers ity choo1 of iDancing, Stite Street, opposite Law Building. bermsi$500 a scmestcr - - Single evenings 5 cents. Office-427 Thompson Street. I i ISeilahing Is Here! Depa tm en 0 1For a Swell Turn-out Call on _. 1 HOI $170 Both Phones rob. L msThe ad jlo ing cuts represent iTh Rchst 2 of ourc m.v etvl e of Thes 1erlin St 14MES' LIVERY, - = gig East Liberty Street. or," "The Yale,""'Thle. Royal," "The Perfection," tudent," all nickle plated, varying in price from - $1.00 to $2.50 each. O L Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pnre ' T Hl~ white light, is odorless and does niot char the wick. Dcliv- 54: 1 Reredt in any part of the city in our cans at 10c per gallon. For That we are offering this week at The se shoes are all of this season's Last and Paterns and were formerly sold at $3.50 and $3.00 We have got more than we wish to carry over to next sea son, hence this great. offer 2.70 sale enly hy IDEAN &COMPANY. 214 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Iaaiidwo'Illorolj5 tiiii 5 li h fontisis t Mis Ivlcit fiesrisiedye-solv: n zeclsi k roonis about -di,r ' siiin daiy to hei'0,u11tie.,as hea.-bcr-in ,tie l. ssrn sdic id le Owosso sc°hools a tier a pleasantiisit'fbitsics a dc1orievhs ras is a ad if of severa,]l diys ith college frieiids in Ann Abor. Among the Colleges.. If.NV.hos, ~l,*ivisCoiirneill l0 id-has adifferent isiil II if I :tiss Sosisifta Iosicilatl, oft lliis city,Inculofbsoidvsossfal' tools place oilie 3rd'inst., will To~- torn to Ann r',bor, where lit- tesfotal, asitl, osiig o i. It.:flelsec Isis just receoived frsiiiwoispae nil fyati tie' Graduate chibl at the University liar-a. of 'loraaibs ieel*ofresolutions adopi- (aiiiIs s aiiii i e, edi by that bsdy topen the cdeathli of yrih ri.Ii sio~ i )5 lila brother,thie late Prof.(1n ' iiW. -i fli'in-tae is Belser. The tiso onis speak of thois suies. lecetised ini tiiio of'te his . hiest The tri.rti of the, tenell Ath- rle.eitic As~sei'iaiion Lthis aiinccd a iinet Spciail alteii ion is ca;lled 1o the hilanee for his Setis )iiof ,.t)IX. lecture, "PracLticl Polities ii a (leett 'lie rigisitrati n of studleiiis;tt die. iliy," to be gii-enu by Ian. 1'rank J. Ih'iiive rsi± ty of ennsylvania fec '07- Losli, of Chicago, anl Saturday eveni-,9 shiowvs an aliendaiico of 2,834, aii inlg, Felivnary'ili, at 5 o'celock, in the increase of 28 over last y1iu. Law lectore fiooni of the University. The candlidatres tfor Yale's 'Varosity Mc. Lococh 'will1 discuss thisqu estion ciew begarn work. for hie seaisii oi fromt the stlidpsrint of ane-iwo is act- ;Satoislay afte''iioui. Maiiy of his ively engaged in nionlelpazl reforii candidattes hav e l inoneking ll sI he work. fall, either in th1e gnnniii ank or S