" THE UNI§VERiSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MensFrihnsThat Sell Themslves! OUR STOCK COMPRISES OF THE BEST VALUES AND MAKES. Pure Lambs Wool Worst- ed. All kinds of Styles Sweaters . ins all the Combinations of Shirts . Colors. The best from $3.00 to $1.60. Unlaundereti, pure Wam- Random Wool, a fine sutta Cotton and 4-ply sot amn odo Linen Bosom Oc. The Underwear sot amn odo best shirt in the market to- any scratching material. day. See them at (Mc. We invite comparison. Our goods are what we represent them to be. We can save you money. Drop in and see our stock. MWAIN STREET, S. MA K C MAIN STREET, S. i &' KIuNRGnf~l NWARTEN,12EH roSt. SAT Call and See Us, - 1- 2 Price! RET1LR THE PBOTO6R4PBER SONGiS and TWO=STOPS. Telephone 'iO. ANN ARBOR W -- - BRO7WN'S DRI ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. CORNtR aMAIN AND MLU 205-207 E. Washington St. Is the place to boy -Dissecting Instrume ~ Bacterology, Pathology Histology, Etc.,I ANNvl 1 AR B OR Among the Colleges. Time Table, Sunday, Sept, 5, 1SOT. ,A course in wrestling, taught by so TIME TABLE: experienced instructor, has been es- T Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard tablished at L1ehsigh. 111,1 Tine. soaw. sown. Two hundred and nineteen courses next 8:43 a. n. *7:30 a. m In the liberal arts and sciences arc The, nai:1s a.nm. I 1125 am. ~ 4:46 p. m. I 8:40 pnm offered at Harvard. I'i Rn between Ann Arrand Toledo only, There are eighit 'thousand Stidents heat ' W.H BNNET sP.eALTledO. gn at 'the University of Berlin, of shNt lztte w, 0 BNNTT . P A Toedo0. one-fourth are Americans. Amc MqIGHI GA' GENT]A The Pennsylvania baseball learn is play TfT ~~ schedule -to play two gamses witht T The Niagara Falls Route" Harvard and three witls Cornell. -supe Central Standard Time. Te late George M. Pullmain has left fir. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. $1,2000 for the erection of a. manual a s EAST. WEST. training' school in the town of I'slil- Pro Malland Ex..__3d47 B., N. Y,Cii.. 8 121 NTY Special--4 58 Mal------ s _5 A,4 tes receiving' the Stanford eslate, G at. Express -"1 10a Pacific Es B --1230 , EN S LimIted. 5_ 10 P. M. Slanferci University twill ha.ve an in- F Eastern Ex-------5 9 7 Western Ex--- 1385 coetrent2at1 A. M. G. It & K. Ex:: -- come the sne as great as that of D. N. Express ----5 20 oh:. Nt. Es- --7 d7 Harvard, the richest A ti-n , 8 1), Atlantic Ex.... ' 5 Z~t:~z T. zi v~rhrs arri ersity at prset I shore ns Limnited msan lxr artanIlzan .1m-a geof20 i et York than on z Colunibia Unliversity has issued a other trains. 0. W RUGGLES, H. W. BAYES, ca talogue of all persons -who have nt-l l~ C. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor tricul'ated a.t tie university, andt~ hat-e doot+:00 THE BUCKEYE ROUTE. not graduated since 175Si, witen as.-on COLMBS, OCIN VALE AD TLEO AILAYilmbi t was knowtil as King's College. sa COLJNUSFlCKNG ALEY 1( 1110 HlLA A canvass of the leading prepatrtt- Api Is the only line from the Toledo Union tory f'odtball schools of the east bzy i Station to tColumbus and points beyondl;4 using Union depot terminals at Colum theS Yale Alum ni Weekly, dn thte inter- bns and cons four fast exprmss trains et fteYl e daily hetween the points namek, two of int f tl al ta, sito«'s 11511~ oat F them in the un-precedented time of three football players who will go to (--ti- Mtto hours. Parlo: cars on day trains, seats 25 cente; Pulman sleepers on sight trains, loge next year forty-one ount of astat pity Students d, siring unequaled facilities are invited to ass she Buckeye Rouste and eightty 'Will line up for eamlnations nan obtain fhul particulars on application itI New Haven. At to local ticket agents. E. R. DAVIDSON, Dast. Pass. Agent, Toedo; or - '''i. H. FISHtER, G. P. and T. A., so. S Ptted winh Nsyetei en FNIHMSCColumbus, Ohio. : pce ro BTypewrit CAN FRIHMSCOF FIRST-CLASS., qmia Orders for all Fraternity parties, club ua dances etc. Leave orders at Ann Arbor sad d Il Music Co. or at Residence, 171tlsdden ave. Patcl Y. S. - Will take pupls on Plans and in a.LIT 4sight reading at above named Places. y ~o~bo A. , Johnston. er f trat ENOCH. DIETERLE, * esua onone hde orn ta U enqualledn mea ErtBSALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Typwrte .naow th ~ ~tohs t oe. - pikkty Stcoa -CallsAttended. Dayor Night. . 4,0o god in Two Yeirs. iina enblenmac No. 116 East Liberty Street: 'Residence. 533 n" ota sao sne to5 afr ny t epOleeeS. South Fourth Ave. Phone 129. Es555__ t obi Weghtlen a -F. FaIRBAIRN &, COs GCi ftralAgents RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER. 93 Grsl St. Derott iNASNINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR, - CHAFING DISHES, FULLER& BERANEK, 5 O'CLOCK - ~TAILORS TAETE laig rsigadRpiig TEA KETLES.Ccalled for and delivered. ., 7i l "LEADING It352 5. STATE ST.. over Roaseys., OG. JEWELER Phone No- Vd, Nev State. JRON STREETS cunts and all thing needed for Etc. B IGHT. T At the Athens. tlovers of drattas 'true to naitre ie It mier Doctor,' to be proneed ct Saturday nighlt at the Athens eater, will appeal very strongly. by Bell and Laura Joyce Bell, whoe d tile east its Augustus Thomtss' esr play, are atnong the foremlost of ericais stars. The scenes of thle y are laid ill Indiana, tand thte tritals a ctountry doctor, struggling for wess, are charmingly portrayed bsy Bl.Thte supporting cotnpasy is supterb 11e, and lbs engtsgelttellt ttlisee a, full house. CALENDAR. riday, ob. 1i-Recital by G ul- it on Frieze fMemorial Organ, ,at ). M. riday, Feb. 18.tunior Hop in Water- it Gymnasiunm 20-0N ,t--Desirabsle fron~ct oolzl, to irs from camipus, vactttl for st ci semester, can bte otattinod l-y re- a.:st~ble party at to, soassiitl- pice-. ply at 604 .Jeff.ea squst.. Nfrs. WI1- ro 'ut and side suites for renlt. -len conv-esienes. 72n E. tumovtr- ame.t,.f. ldvertise in the Daily. 0. M. MARTIN, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming a Specialty. NO. .209 FO>URJH AVENUE. Ambulance nifht or day. Residence. asa Filth Avenue. DROP IN AND GET ONE.. SID W. MI1LLARD'S Football Calendars for 1898. West Liberty Street. U.of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms ,322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladles' artistic Bair Dressisnt up stairs Old friends tall agaIn. We welcome new 'ones. J. St. TRIOJANOWSKI. Lowney's Chocolates -00TO-- ALLEGRETIS, if you wish. ALL GRADIES Or BARtD, SOFT, CANNEL AND) SWOKELESS COAL~S AND COK. M4. STAEBBE, i119IW. Washington Street. Phone S. THE LARiSEST uolAMFcTRElllS OF ATHLETIC AND BItCL.E SUPPeLIES AND UNIFRSs A. G. SPALDING & BROS. "The Name Ite Guarantee." Official Outfitters Cs the Leading College, A~h. letic Club and School Teams si the U. S. Every Requisite for Base Bali, Athletic Sports and Pastimes. The Spaltding Official League Ball Adopted by National, Minor, Cullege and School aLeagues. Base Bull Uniformus, Bata, Gloves, Miss. Chest Protrctors, Shoes, gte, THlE SPALDING CIIAINLESS BICYCLES .~ THlE SPALDINC BILUE RACER Xhais) 1MOD8EL.S TESADNRODHE 64Send for Illustrated Cataiogue of al Athletic Sports. A. 6. SPALDING & BROS,, New York Fhiiadelphia Ch'icago Washington P2IN2 NEW LOT OP .. Washburiso.I Just received. Les rices on STRINGSad TRM. BMINUS for all instruments. derf er, a .. ... ter Machines tyetf the high-priced miess cagpactiy lityn ofawrhand euel thes isCnareoleaa. alnlw-priced, portabie. heyboard meblsem Nie ud was Sclesti sfA d VttnternlgeKebar. r ebe Prtce.i55.0 -t