2 THE UNIV'ER61TYI-OF MICHIGAN DAILT, 2 THE UNLVE1t~ilTYOF MICHIGAN DAIIA. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Orie: Times building, 329S Main St. be- tween Liberty and William Sts. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. THoMAS, '00 L. BUSINESS MANAGER O. H. HANS, '00 L. EDITORS H. B. SKILLMAN, '98 L., Athletics. B. L. GissmER, '93 L. G. D. HUDNUT, '00. Buman LAMB, '00. T. R. WooDsow, '98 I. &. CAMPBELL, '00. A. CAMPBELL,'99. F. E NOSOARD,'98. The subscription price of the Daily is $2.50 for the college year, with a regular delivery before noon each day. Notices, communica- tions, and other matter intended for publica- tion must be handed in at the Daily office be- fore 8 p. m.,or mailed to the editor before 3 p. ., of the day prevousto that on which they are expected to apear. ThDal Subscriptions Ray 1e left atThDal Office, Meyer's or Stoffiet's Newstand, or with Business Manager. Subcribers will con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this office an failure of carriers to deliver paper. Miss Jane Addams' address In this city on Chicago aldermen has created no little excitement in Chicago. The Times-Herald in a leader editorial says in substance as follows: "At Ann Arbor Miss Jane Addams declared that in their efforts to elect a decent alderman in the Nineteenth ward they had to fight against the money of the monopolies and corpora-, tion. She charged the president of the, street railway company--Mr. Yerkes-7 with contribpting $5,000 to "Johnny" Powers' campaign fund. In hr ad- dress in Chicago on Sunday Miss Ad- dams stated that Mr. Yerkes stood ready to back Powers with $50,000 if necessary to defeat the will of theI decent people in that ward. Mr. Yerkes' organ has made no refutation of these charges. Are the people to{ understand that Mr. Yerkes pleads guilty to the charge of bribiag an alderman by paying his campaign ex-E penses, thus securing his vote forl measures that are against the public a interesti "Railroad Jack" 1-earQ From, he Timnes has received a long let- ter from "ttailioad Jack, the Ham- mock Rider," now sojourning tempo-I rarily in Chillicothe, Ohio. He reports that the cold weather and chilly breezes noticeable under passenger and freight cars has convinced him that the South-the Land of Sun- shine-must be looked after. He ex- pects to spend the winter at Nash- ville, Tenn. He closes his letter with these words: "Looking forward to the time at which I shall again be per- mitted to visit the U. of M. and to eat the good things prepared by the fraternity and other students, I re- main as ever. Outing for February. The February number of Outing gives a charming variety of eading for wintry weather. The nuibei opens with an excellent story of Col- onial days, entitled "Doris," and it is by Sara Beaumont Kennedy. Ed. W. Sandys writes of "Tobogganing," Dr. Jno. Nicol explains the possibilities of "Winter Work with the Caniera," Col. Jno. F. Hob, in "Aboriginal Wood cra'ft," describes the Australian black fellow and his curious methods, "Mi- ed-rn Ice Yachlts," by H. Perny ;Ashley, so authority on all matters pertaining to ice yachtitg, is full of information for those who contemplate building an up-to-date boat. The diagrains of well known boats by the author are invaluable. "Snipe Shooting in Flo.- ida," "The Revival of Falconry," "Self Defence with a Cane," are all finely illustrated articles. Cycling, fox hunt- ing and other soorts receive due at- tention. "A Week with the Simi- lilese" asceptably fills the travel de partment. Tie features of the leading 1898 bicycles are carefully reviewed and illustrated. The editorial and record departients are interesting and complete. Wenley to Lecture in Chicago. Professor TWenley leaves for Chicago on Saturday morning. While there he is to lecture to the Philosophical So- ciety of the University on Saturday evening. On Sunday he will lecture before -the University in the Kent Me- liorial Chapel, in coinection with, the series of lectures now being given on "The Place Of Christianity in ithe World's History." His subject is "tome in the Preparation for Chic- tianity." He will meet his Monday classes as usual. Prof. Wenley will be the guest of Prof. (Dewey, his ire decessor here. LOST-A gold watch between For- est ave. and the Michigan Central de- pot. Finder will please leave at Stew- ard's office and receive o-eward- IF YOU WANT THE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY, BADGES'DR PINS Send to SMITH, STURGEON & CO., 237, 239, 241 Woodard Ave.. Detroit. Designs andestimates furnishedonall work of this hind. .CLINTEBR SH OES!T -OF--- r Every Description. fA LARGELINE OF . ..C OYZL SHOZ SEE OUR WINDOW 10_WMi Stress. Opposite the Court House. No Time Like the present to buy an Overcoat. We have just finished taking stock and find we have more Overcoats than we wish to carry over (yet they are worth today from $1.00 to $1.50 more than they were when we bought them-the new tariff you all know is the cause of this) to be short and to the point we wilt give you the prices on them for the next two weeks. $25.00 Overcoats ---------------------..-$18.00 $20.00 Overcoats --------------------------$14.00 $15.00 Overcoats ------------------------$10 50 $12.00 Overcoats----------------------$ 8.00 $10.00 Overcoats-------------------$ 7.00 tudent'. Lecture AssociAatiTon DON'T FAIT; TO HEAR SOU SA'S - BAND t ARABIC.. An introductory course in Arabic will be given the 2nd Semester by re- quest of some students already en- rolled. Students who are making a specialty of linguistic stndies, and those expecting to study Hebrew, are invited to join the class. An early en- rollment U desirable, as books must he ordered -from abroad. The class will meet twice a week at hours to suit the convenience of the raembrs. JAMS A. iOtIG. To stick taings use Major's Cesent. Beware I!! Don't take a substitute. ATHENS THEATRE ..SATURDAY, FEB. 5.. Digby Bell$ Presenting the New Comedy, "The Hoosier Doctor." Parquet.S....i. ..F- F Parquet Circle .. . . - .75 Bancony.-.~ ~~,5 The Greatest Musical Organization of its kind in the World. This Superb Band composed of fifty men assieted by MISS MAUD REESE DAVIS, Soprano, and MISS JENNIE HOYLE, Violinist -WILL BB A- Unliversity liall, Saturday Night, February 26 Season Ticket for Remaining Numbers $1.25. Reserved Ticket for Remaining Numbers 25c extra CONSISTING OF Sousa's Band. .----------------------------------Feb. Oratorical Contest------ ----------------------------March i8 Burton- -----------------------------------------April 8 THE PROGRESS OF OUP, SHOE SELLING .... Ischaracterized by such undeviating satisfaction and such increasing enthu- siasm that we appreciate the values more than ever ourselves. We-are delighted i.