t 1 Al IAL " / qw A Tow, VOL. VIII. No. 90. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1898.. PRICE-3 CENTQ. L Has received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, an+d Overcoating,, NO, 1OB E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAII Al legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every, week. Only in packages- G0c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMRS, PHalA MY. PIPE SALAE FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Just received a fresh seDyi of Allegretti, as Williams and Werners Chocolates. Largesttlit. In the city. Lunches a* all hours. F 308 South StAte Street. bber 33ath ape ~r CALKINS' PHARMACY. WA HR'S' Just received a special line of Color'Guaranteed, Quality the Bee The most satisractory made for the money. Each $3.00 and ,$3.50. Gymnasium Suits and Shoes a Speciali VOLUNTEER MOVEMEN. Aliies -i liaidlexercises rte lii'ii Interesting Literary Comment. e iiti ofcithe sciritnl l lift' wil l t( ° fli iiaiili~llitiglue'(1o hl reii) i'rho. ebruary Bioo elanin 1theicspae Third Triennial Gahering fthe aril no this,(conviiion. 5. iit~_dvtdt oe n adm.ele __sStudents.i to ril s iiThe foe w ib i e n to cie rl ig iif (pi li' i iti iiiitalelrtlion tl'tl,e Att- 'flit' I liii ~oppotity fr leltlin s'la miee. .eI-rit of tel' -i itlet Unfiit [ t-geit~t litwhilyelould, i., v s,. boarho . ltlt' istle -ocSla Fred N.1 ! i s tui.t I ritith- Ti ihetrie tunila itco ilelt'ioii' iif fu Ii-( "tl' 1o i A-fur udertililt ' teel liii lue edi g wok rs l .W n- ls . tillii i n t o il ulite eiib t$ e hutt--I tiy Illt ii itJ Itllel t i l ''il t-l., it l biy i S u Cevla dCi Fel,' o 2 fh cLtonl iiiit - re i' b h iii ill 'I - h 'lI N. ' il tt I tle l - tl lit ti I Ot li ii lit gil ii ilt it i it l ii tl -il' Siti ity n ls~iit lt Ii t'a li'fir t lt it-, ttiakellir - l- tt ie li.c i-n-o t n l tlttiitlit 'i 0 i lt ttiiatill ltrofctstttlli lintsoe o nitti-t fleplliitii eas If 1 e ndre tirls ar th t nir-titi-lam A iiiii ut l tat it i ll q,,it ttilang.ll f lst-iercile ttfelt .otlh r g____ ___ ___ ___ I . ' it et lic I it c li t l l ig lit' iN . e r o s l't tl' i r on1101 thii l ' c l sitsP r s n e ioet e . o f W if 1w gtt~ti luittigluit iii itutuul I iiiten tiuiui ill io he itc A.t andi'r'ei , Xiit s t tu ini' li h e, foluu lowiin l ater 2. u lb ut'getherlI sohll iltiu X ii- (ot $5 u ttloetiI, iiifed sit nnl- fs tt t:tu lull 0111- by'llleai ng, ntiltfii , iof i euY.-M { A.ut' u'huhiuiu thellocl' t-t-tde oatriuiilluui i Sthrtisoi- i tttlig i it' tand ilt'ge-'s flU iuliuttul hii ht-uwilube of1hut'Rhosney Gitid l-u iiftult eutit 11h itl u h i' ibtluxeiitlis-o f tll uitt tstiigihi e l tihul ofie t eic i hitcest' of AflyChh e itriiiu o dl tu s ih te atrran iteis;nad -ii iiiiuuiuiiuiuu thln iuhl to hupo ll sit yc ii thi- e itiu y iociattti sts ii tuwithueuuuige tii 11 a etuicy o nirog lilti 1pi0t01 i'e iitis laute of liuit titit liii' iii Secrtaryiofte Vo l h eyu thliu if li-lt-i- liiitiet y ',si if yuug tuui otiis stil 1 gtrIl ] XX' t heu-un gU. ofI t .; ii 11 ct- I ilutlyitt httit elhutii S-lt-i' ilMtirtilt- iiil.u littlfe ''u h uiiistr oe i ailugu i e -X eliot' ndsiothe Auguto Iicfnztsuii l(' essenttiallyIt'Itigu ig c712 1utinli ht ileu'huinu'u~sinuolIIllii r Of erset orte PizsAnnii-othhg- t1tihii-'rhu 21; i luui~ I cui titist a.n Rts - 1 llt its 'iietc lt io u liii 0-lao- tt I inuiitJ'. dl'; by u i ut'uiuuui of rii i, hue Snisstr~ue (tuiagitncy' o tuiiht If i-hi tod S_ the eitl iet to hi' lkull ru ttil li iouplilt-ti' fiii-(1 slu tin ati n;,u- D I)iri-titit-l ii00 if FirstoGi tthd bfole G , o f Iitlt: taiptei r tEh'ii chotir tlti 1i i i t 'd ti l y '10 h er l'u s it oluhti i l u l on o s A uiio it - t e u itituhi' o o t c ti s itth tuf hut'b it -til 4 th1u Iit03lt aut Iohi C I. aa s it lii- alue OfShut elly tereinofuyIuuht li c Ioir ugted undul 17 hutut l iet eitul- A uuL t o ksiuutitt hpuet'titr'c-u iii-rysi ilt ofc it oaudaion hst- ' ttui uiheI tii1111 uhtuley cu 1i s io t kibe ultt-ehruittn uity uionb as ':l tu 1 ia th go ioni, o ani uouc uei hid bu iffes'- iie hutti iuuhatn tru'e t oiutituilo ii t - ]naveioeen itutlnhr te iwtiurd'ifland iu so uu11~i hi nowclso f ho Eh;hutlimiatif Iuiaue leigli't'iig'3'iatr *n are.'or vug o il tipon lcitta i-e i iii uu uheh. asod ci i per c t-h inh ot e1to- lii. u of' theuu liuuui it f uh c I le withel ne Iutilaat ~irIuuo Wto 1 tnieleeisx uoio fi fits studenthueltu uittnoit i u .Thn o enlistilict-h id iriishutiiothi tlte cot-' a us n eo t oh ciuug - mcei f iin cpersohynnel ofthe Uo. ofciiW, ici intl anedto fh ica tr on tiiia' 2 it- '$110 izind the sue ent ie$211 goilente u iult i S~ prauerind oabior fon t~tif oei iiy stl as tcidt-ndtiihcihor Ai:isAudt lor yshcr- ca~citgi nin, l fh egostel ii'iihtlg otugi iou'Iuh tar la orig n ti Iethrlft ouhnt i ofii Xfil ls'is iierA -tilSiencituy t s . l io f nroos . cofiuoniui ug huts'tIn-fA lo vrtnts o heibustisceil ltuie;it f iuiict' ir l L . uu jo stitaionsNhue :IV'oi)i n iatldefo tuigticta ti btions.ty h astlo toi Ti he nk i foui i, cioi hi ish aon Cl- mi tissonar inie reo uiti tih-it.ue a.hoeribThe ieaofhe gocxhid Ti s week ho {i~~.'S ii osolino S) ionunly ente"