THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Store f W. W. Wetmore, ...1OO S.Main~ St., aza 342 5. Stat e S hAS FULL LINES OF UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS NEW AND SECOND-HAND. NOTE BOOKS, and STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. Fountain Pens and Fine and Staple Stationery and offers all at the Lowest Prices.' University School of Dancing, State Street, opposite Law Building. Terms $5.00 a semester - - Single evenings 53 cents. Office-427 Thompson Street. Department $2.70 The ad ji ning cuts represent 2 of our i any styles of LADIES' WELT SHOES That we are offering this week at $2.70 These shoes are all of this seasoD's Last and Paterns and were formerly sold at $3.50 and $3.00 We have got more than we wish to carry over to next season, hence this great offer $2.70 WeSoles. Sizes 2 1-2 to S. f f .SB , 1'" , SIeighing Is Here! For a Swell Turn-out Call on HOLMES' LIVERY, Both Phones io6. - - 515 East Liberty Street. Lamps Expressly 4t Students' Use "The Rochester," "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50 each. Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure white light, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv- ered in any part of the city in our cans at 10c per gallon. For sale only by' DBAN & COMPANY. 214 South Main Street. W J. BOOH. Pres W. AiODit Vice-pros J. V. SannoA, ad Vice-pres. JON C. Wmx. Ast Cashier. State - Savils - Bak. i Transacts a general Banking busi- I ness. fanursskrrh udlnk Cor. Main and Huron Streets. Capital, 850,000. Surplus, $30,000. Transact a general banking boiness. a. R.namm, Pres. C. . nGREEN, Vice-Pres FRED. H. Boses Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, 851,55. Surpus 150,00. 1 Resorces. S1,.: OrganisedondertheGeneraiBankingLaw of this. tate. Receives deposits, buys and sells exchange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper identification. Safety deposit boxes to rent. Osicnss, Christian Mack Prs.; W. D. tarrimsan Vice-Pres. -Chas E. Hiscock Cashier: ii. J. Frito Assistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL ABANK aeArbor Capital, 100,000. Surplus and Prots, 540,051 Transacts a general banking business. Foreignechange bought andsid. Furnish letters of credit. E. D. INNE, Pres HARRISON SOUS. Vice Pros S. W. CLARKON Cashier C. I. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic deorators Have a complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. Specialty of fine interior decorating, painting, frescoing, tinting and paper hanging. Only the best of workmen employed. Work guaranteed. C. f. MAJOR & CO., T he Artistic Decortor. KLEIN LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Latest Novelties in Winter and Spring Garments. COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. One block west of University. Musesc Studio PIANO, PIPE ORGAN AND COMPOSITION. CONCERT PIANO TUNING R. H KEMPF. From Stuttgart Conservatory, Germany. 812 SOUTH DIVISION STREET @ MUSICAL ! .Mel Gillespie, teacer of Mandolin, Banjo and Guitar. Instrutor in the University School of Music. 18 years experience as a teacher. Call at Ann Arbor Music Coo. Store to arrange for hours. : ; MONEY LOANED On Watches, Diamonds, Wheels or other Per- onsi Property. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. Office at residence, 331E.Lbertyat., Ann A- Or, ir. Alinesscosldential. Hours,_ 8 to 11 3:a. e. and 1to 3:30 and 71050 s. Joseph C. Wat.. liargains in Secodhand Wathes and Di. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Among the Colleges. Delta Upsilon held afraternily l A chair in the Norse language and meeting last evening. literature is to be established in the Matters in regard to the track team University of California. trainer are coming to a focus and his The United States is the only ration iname will probably lhe made known In the world that spends more money within three or four days. on educatIon than on war equipment. There will be a special meeting of The trip of the Prinoeton Hockey the student members of St. Andrew's Club has been rather disastrous as congregation in Harris Hall, Wednes- regards scores, the last two games day evening, Feb. 2, fron 7 to 8, at played with the crack Iarylasid which there will be an address by the Hockey 'Olub and :the Skating Club Rev. tobert L. Paddock. of Brooklyn resulting tn the scores of 13-0 and 2-1. The Princeton men TRACK NOTICE. played good hockey to Saturday's Candidates for the track team will game, inthe first half preventing their please report according to the follow- opponents trou Scoring. ing schedule, If convenient:. Everts Wrenn, an old Harvard ath- Dr. Fitzgerald--Sprinters, burdlers, lete, now of Chicago, has made a broad jnuspers, Tuesday, Thursday statement in which she says the west and 'Saturday; at 4:45 p. in. Weight is impertinent in its .attempt to change men, every day at 5:15 in basebement. the football rules without consulting Dr. Rabethge-Distance runners, the east. Prof. Stagg does not agree walkers, Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- with Wrenn, and so deeply does he urday at 4:45 p. in. Pole vaulters, feel upon the subject that he. has pre- Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sat- pared an answer to the charge as well. irday at 3 p. m. High Jumpers, Mon- as to tie objections to the changes day, Wednesday and Friday at 4:45 Which the conittee made in the p. in. JOSFPH M.'T HOMA:S, rules. Caltain. LOST-A gold watch between FPe.- The Daily is short the following est ave. and the Michigan Central de- numbers for the year 't"-'96, and will pot. Finder will please leave at Stew- ake satisfactory arrangements with ard's office and receive reward. anyone who can furnish same: . _ Numbers 1, 7, 48, 50, 66, 81, 133, 176, To stick things use Major's Coricent. .200. Beware ! I! Don't take a substitute. - I I I AUULALEI;P. I I . Romeo Alaskas [ d,iar] 79c &o For Forty Years GOLDEN Sas been smoked by college men as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for TRY THE.