3 _ THE UNIVERSITLY OF MICHIIGA N DAILIA. Men's Furnishings That Sell Thnsives ! OUR STOCK COMPRISES Of THlE BEST VALUES AND MAKES. Pure Lambs Wool Worst- ed. All kinds of StylesI Sweaters .*ins all the Combinations of Shirts .. Colors. The, best from $3.00 to $4.50. Unlaundered, pure Wam- Random Wool, a fiue sutta Cotton and 4-ply smohgren odo Linen- Bosom 50c. The Underwear sot amn odo best shirt in the market to-I any scratching material. We invite comparison. Our goods are~Se what we rersn6hm9ob.Wca sv o oe. day. Sete tSc Drop in and see our stock. MYAIN- STREETI, M A C MAIN STREET, S. 1- 2 Price!1 ALL TIHE LATEST SONGS and TWO=STEPS. ANN ARBOR MUSIC COI 2-207 E. Washington St. A"11NY ARBOR Time Table, Sunday, Sept, 5, 18897. TIME TABLE: Trainnleavre Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. NORTH. SOUTH, 8:43 a. m. *7:0a. m *1l:15 a. m. 11:25 a. m. 4:45p.m. 8:40 p.m. *Rutk between Ann Aror and Tolesdoonly E. S. OILMORE, Agent W. H BENNETT e. P. A. Toledo 0. MgICHIGAN GI3NTIo The Niagara Fall: Route.' Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANNY ARBOR Mlail and Ex--.-347 B.,N. Y, Ci__.812 NT, Special__-4 58 mall ---- 5--- 18 41 R. Express ._-'1 10 Pacific Exs.---12130 EN S Lmited....- 8S10 F. Eastern Ex------.9 47 Western Es.---13a8 AM. (.R.&K.E- 55i D. N. Espress .-.-l 55 Chi. Nt. Es. 7 47 Atlantic Ex....7 30 *North Shore Limited is an extra fair train to be a chiarge of $2.151 to New York than on other trains.. 0. W RLtotES, It. W. HATES, e. P. & T. Agt., Chicago.° Agt., Ann Arhor THE BUCKEYE ROUTE. COLUMBUS, HOCKING VLY AND 1TLEll RAILWAY Is the only line from the Toledo tUniots Station to Columbus and points beyond, using Uiont devsot terminals at Colum- bus and runs four fasot exprmss trains dsily between the points namek, twos of them in the un-precedeoted time of threc hours. Parlor caro on day trainos, seats 25 cents: Pui~man sleepers o night traios. Students 4. siring unequaledfcite are invited lo use the Bucheye RItte and nan obtain fhll particulars on apication to local ticket ugents. R. R. ]DAVIDSO-N, Dist. Pose. Agent, Toledo; or- W.,it. FISHER, G. P. and T. A, Columbus, Obhio. CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Orders for. all Fraternity partims, club danceu,'etc., Leave order: at Ann Arbsr MuilcCo. or al Remidence,l1710 GE ddes ave. P. S. - Will tahe puplsn on Piano and in ,sight reading at above named Places, A. J . Johnston. ENOCH-lDIETERLE, ElIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. .CallsAttended Dayor NighL. No. 116 East Liberty Street: Eesldence, 532 Soth Fourth Ave. Phone 129.; RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPH ER. WASHIINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOTT KINERARTN, ~ ~ lCHRISTMAS!1.FULL.ER & BERANEK,. Call and See Us, Tk oi n f~~ AL U cur U. of M:' Pins or rlI~ohllrnThE POTOGBPHERs0151 other novelty in CIleaninug, Pressinig and Repair ing. RETGLR H 10ORPE ur lii e. Work railed for and delivered., TeT boeLE.~ADN 1 35t21S. STATE, ST..over Itoneyns TlpoeIt O. ANN ARBR W( - rio O JWELER Phone No. 234,NewState. IY _ .M ..rAMrc. R lO..rf.n,...o.. isoo,, ahtisitnossof e affoch- 0_1W1WT VARTTN. T ing dancing. You can join the classes at any tine, the U term starting with your first lesson. Private lessons Dance given by appointment. Office, ground floor. GRANGER'S ACADEMY FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming a Specialty. NO. 299 FOURTH AVENUE. Ambulance night or day. Residence, 302 Fifth Avenue. __ .I At the Athens. ANt'lE= f ttt1SPOIIY (OLR'lo7. Arlhu~r Hoops, leading irool with t~o ti o:.eil:.ulgeo :otaelin iithl AlioSiI: 0- IDigtoy Hell in " Tile .Hoer -Doctor" i:.oi:: 'cf I:'tur:es in tie tlniti:- De- colpan~y, is at native of Ypsilanoti, p r:l ::e::. 'ti::e I lceicool tiure Mid . ils father, "'fon" Hoo010.WOl to 0:0o w0:0:i l::c: 1 fo:r the:is: Seroies- doe general Igent of the Mi:'ligau:I -- o llto1w.:c'nithee::Hn.Olgsemescter. Cntinl withliea:1t100'ttors at YIost- YTi ols:-noso' is 01,11to ill st 10Q11. lointi, for yeatrs. Althur Isas lobby :and si::o:lhl too eleetedl, if i::T0 tie, toy friends andl relatives still in Ypilanti ill:It5:s:n:' 10:1:' in their C-oure. 117 and they are preparing atheirty vel- will b::::niltteeoll:xt year. bi:: til.o-. coe when be sapears hore Satoor:7:y aficre oil11boe(riven::annuall0y. IttIrcalis flight at the' Atheins ttto'acer. 11r. of t::l . :lioigs of hitory :1111 civot- Quirk atndiM.r. Glaltlp, of the Ypsilallti ic,-sti:0:o: tilc YHa lyloianls, .ssyianis, First National hank, -ill, wsilt tctir :-::: 1 'hI os:::ir:iooos, iAotaiaios, 0111:1 families, entertain 111xiloolos whoile in Egp~t:ians. It is boase up:on tile 01000- 'this city. As "Fred LDalriinp~le" ,n0110100 00':tnot fforos il-n ooillli'a: tisl::ey, Autgttstus Thoumras' unewlcoioe:y ii. 01 0t1es0' 000000lot ipc20151e sketetotoig hasi scored a silendiol artistic sutcceso. lt::elcoaryogmniatin, forills o~f gov- lie accnopanied Nat U. Gotod-eltoto rnei 00(00 x0:oil iiomi religiouts lift', ale: Australiat.as 'illdillg m1an1, 11:01 0stool 005 oIle: 11:1 lito'raituro', -oioo t il shed floeasotipodewttss ty lis at0ltccoo:Mooo-010,:l 1:rlethbeyh elon'i:or-l ; achilevemnots. A 12 00111, be rob longl in theto' tstoreOf tiesWorlot, :11111:h recognized as thec best atl-ounotod :011: bo:: 1: 0 :01 b cif te lorilitococe-i110 000, lete in floe colleg'. own 01o. t'le h- letooros wl e i oo I:i- 12ttOMVIS--Dres rableo fron olom: o: 1000by to(X)15litnternoiviewss, 2050ster:- doors froot ( caitttO, v001:'.: :o ft: roec so' pt 00:505 towlt0nu eouts ototoogroits, and semeste'r,coin toe oototaito 'ty re.I)iho talOtlo::r-oits,:101:1oriotiooiol tablets' :iSiOill isry at leasouoo tb-2:00e .11 lto Itsiy T:::ott 0 Apply at 6114 Jeffersonlit.soMers. t 1 oom2, 0000 l101 ,1i1o1. linnos. %13 P1101-'. CtiIAIIx. -- CA1, ENDiA R. F4ronit 1a:1 stle stuites for rento 1-: oday, 1:.1:'so ial by erlit 000101 )-odemn coaxio eces. 7 _7 11.. tzovo. 0 100 A -r'Mis 001. in 'tb :tcroooaoo Ibyno ,=ily :ave. t.0. f o olosonn DROP IN AND GIET ONE.. SID W. MILLARD'S Football Calendars for t898. West Liberty Street. J.eof M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms: 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladies' artistic Hair Dreessing up stairs Old friends tail again. We welcome new ones. 2. It. TRtOJANOWSKI, SLowney's Chocolates p-00GOTO-- W . w. T yLES9Ato teSt. AILLEGRETIS, iS you wish. 0 ALL GADES Or ilAltD. SOFT, CANNEL ANIS SMOKELESS COALS AND COKE. 1109'W. Washingtoo Street. Phoone S. THE LAGSI A NUoe-c ACo5TUREROF 11ATHLETIC ? AND BICCE SUPPLIES ANDl:IFORMS A. G. SPALDING & BROS. "The Namethc Guarantee." Offichal Outfitters to the Leading Coliege, Atl,. 1 letic Club and School Teams ni the U. S. Every Rtequisite for Buse Ball, Athletic Sports and Pastimes. The .Spnldlng.Official League Ball Adoopted by Natioon, hMinor, College aLd Schooli Leagure Base BalliUniformus, Bate, Gloves, Mits. (;bent Protrrtnre, Shoee, Bme, THE[ SPALDING CIIAINLESS BICYCL[S q THlE SPALINC BLUE RACER Chain) MDS. THlE SPALDING ROADWHIEEL MOES Send for Illustrated Catalogue of all Athletic Sports, A. 6, SPALDING & BROS,, Now York Philadelphia Chicago Washirogton FFINENEW LOT OF; Loetprices on STRIGSand TRIM. MNOS for all Instruments, ?SCHAEBERLE'S MUSIC STORE 1E4 West Liherty st., Ann Arhor.T Keyoard ool, ckensder fer.aSi -+ erm 1. Typewriter MchneI' 1 E~ qualamy o e ih-tpricedmachites lepacity -, shadqelily of workeal excel ihemein celence. IPractical, los-price, portable, ktyboard meites" VA'r hgnLwnps' " MR ANDCUA Ito 4B -k itat b. Prioe. 500 pitinlg. t Lqu tt to y oe Iundred dot5 0tnetqliel s"In an- . martrset. t e d eie- - e ..... , -N ity 0 of e tmt. 2s5eO Soldin TwoYWitS., Ilostdurabe mesh L465 n Om npprntsyse2 p51n.eulhls j~aonf0t toP.egt Fgsi runeARBAIRN& CO -tG er'sine' usewrt 05nowenesrutu .1,c. AI ISM, 48 S. foureth Ate., Local Agent ...mrket,.