L'lHUNVE1tS1'rY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ~ri edic, and says his mdcal eucation- I~f o 41. atlu.is indispensable in taking care of the Before H1&Vinu'g Your f laborers on his plantation. He will make Oolomvbia his permanent home ANPE T . N thelshe ODa ledas yearte) urngand hopes soon to be snrronunded by a F o os e lo ".T. THE UNIVERSITY OF3 MICHIAN. colgsetmntfMihan en Faa'S. ol.g tloomis, of rand gRapids, n.a T e e ry anftu tween Liberty and William St n~ :Tmsbidig e .Mia. student, willGn go to tHondras, r m n S u i MIAN&GING EDITORt while the rest will fllow Seaer to (Successor to Gibson &Clark) J. F. TOnss, 'Os L. Colotmbia. BUSINESS MIANAGER The old football man is brown as a t 112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor. O. H. BAs, 'tO L. ndian ad wears a fll beard. Pros-. EDITORS pects in Colombia, le says, are very H. . SILLu, '50 L., Athletics. bright,tie prased 1,500 tires 15 Should the Governor of South-"° . L. nsin, '01 L. . . HuNsnz. '00. iles back of Santa Mart, an old sea- Bcvsnn LAro, '00. T. R. Woonow. O8 port and pirate rendezvous which Carolina meet the Governor of I . C. AuMPBELL '00. A. CArnELs., 50 Drake bombarded. t land to on a ot Grln F. EaomnAe. '0. NrhCrln ilateau 4,500 feet high ani lbelittate is Ideal. ________________________On the banks of the raging Huron' The subscription price of the Daily Is $2.50 Sohomores Punished. he would no doubt, say: fee the college year, with a reglar deliveryi. before non each du. Notices. commuica - "It's a long time between now and doens, andother matterlIntended for publics- At ther state U'nivet'sity of tewa a July 2. d if you want to be oie of °* ies must be handed in at the Daily office beyL y fore it p. i., or nailed to te editor before 3aiprty of sotitooreo kidnapedi'0o10 the boys-in other words, a live pin., of the day previous to that on which of the freolimeti at te freolnaltbtt- wire-you had better take the i Susrpin may2 o left at The Daily 11us teld tiere re'ently 'it fautly 0 Ofice Meyer's or Stoffiet'sNe wiotahfr aavorlaae urbrgrwlcn sspddthofedt ndi AN 1J0a 0 .1 L eJN fee a favor by reportn promptly at this ott0 of IYcltrit tur clee u JU T SNV iY office anv failure of crners to deliver paer. ig3herrse t tti ndatr U.ofM.Daly GUTAieN ANOS Dr Ftzerlds ugeaiot 0 ~l'mtay do -so otly u1p(1 peitoning' the And get the current college news The Washburn is the one and only g faeulty ad rceivingthCie favmi'itle -It's a hammer and I understand the nimake of word-wide reputation. Sold gymniasiumliclas htte'usal eli oes ofa it oyiuprecedented offer of $150 is made." by first-class dealers everywhere from stpo laspig- ys ium orkdtr "Toles wll"lli~le the iet, $15no upward. Imitated extensively, liceof ropinggyttnaiiit wrk oe. _____________"Thnk wil,"saitheothr gntso be sure that the name George lug xamiatin wek benotfollwedand they took a drink-of Ann Ar- Washburn" is burned upon the inside. lugexaoiltaiot wek b ht flteel Inander Story Contest. bor's famous water. AbatflWsbr okcnan this year is aOid((tll sell woothliacitit eutflWsbunBo cnan Axli:s"shoots. tClayt, 'falOck and tit.an(10 Leave your name and address for ing portraits and letters from the De upon. IC is true that tieeecsa regular morning delivery of tie Reskes, Calv, Eames, Nordica, Sal- tis.' kindly cositteid to lict as iuigis DAIY the rest of the college year at ci a1111too other fatos artists anit takes a lile timie, boi le itreased Ill the-'Itlattier pize' story weli't. the IT. of M. DAILY Office. teahirs, mailed free upon request. piser of eo'tenrati n e IC)ilnlt'All sories 11111sfbe mtoday itt rder 2 OUHiSTETjAddress Dept U prvdphysical toe ill no tart erci izeci as conie'tintarte38 O T AI TETLYON & HEALY, yriied ilt to ICO i li IS a~ ci'(_i'Ctr. Waash te, and Adas 1. hicag. tmtake ill for thte holieotiewoo atdoyoyrtine"whic h onsists of a St if ]molSatePI'one u~irIO$15 spenit itt the "gyml." Relaroi rkiil, ts'iP.'rof. t)'lttil's ii even if not cextetdedis10wot rsiet 11AIAfiC. Smc sltliltpl.L1 Sn l' sollt i'tcto l hu SIll"I) abt'.3 JLu Udenis' Lecture A ssociation P" wl e iv ilnr2dS use yt-effort. qtii(ot(f obtte stidetiils alreadiy an "Mot" eatr o Gofee rled. Studfet Ots o arc utyinitg a "Mar" Reter n Caeen. stiettl4"y offttgiisic siidts, altd "Mort" seter, tteeli kowntho110s1 expetig to stuy Hebew, re DNTFI OHA endi on te '94 and '951 f6ootil teamin tvie'd tjoinitti' clAs.'it''ONT AIIt-EA says the Alna Aborooreponden of rohh~t 9 C sdesiraldec, a;to B:osts tite DetrotitAti, is visig a tlie eoffr'tet friimttabroad 'I'i" lass, SigmaP'itihIouse.Ite recetly re-will totwto-ee'ai weeko at lits t turned to this countrty fromto Satta shit tteionven1'itinIc" ofCtee ,iit~ ierta, Untied States of Columiia, JAvIIIS A'.CRIGli.S O S where it is enga'ge' in tto coffee1 IF YOU WANT THE BEST I growing bIsi.nes. Hli i'iakig a - scess of It. F RAERNIY STATIONRY, The Greatest Musical Organization of its kind Mr. S eter sayo thatite country 1111 BADGES OR PCi in the World. This Superb Band composed never been deveotid to aly great Send to extent, but now Amterhans, Enugisi SMITH, STURGEON "8& CO., of fifty men assisted by ; and t'renchmnen are cooing ii ad 2a,2n,24a Woodrd Ave.. erot. es indad estimates furnished on all workan buying land f rota tile govenmotnt at oth H i ISS MAUD REESE DAVIS, Soprano,an floe cents ant ace. T:he natives re___________________ Spanish, negroco and Indians, witht i MISS J'ENNIE HOYLE, violinist mixture f all three. A. wovrkmtenti they re lazy land untreiable, btoil-1101AT treacherous. 'T ito aristocracy 0011 sits of naive oumbans who a~e * D j decendants of early Spaniohi por- s . University flail, Saturday Night, Fbruary,6 era and native Iueas womtn. 1Mr. Searter says thte government ts o tol t noarly so bad as r oeed. Revolu- - " Season Tiketfor Remaining Numbers $1.25. tions are freuent, bt these do nt ________________ Reserved Ticket for Remaining Nmbers 25c extra. affect thte people to any great extent.OSSIGO and are ateded by very little fight- OSSIGO tag. In fact they are no worse than A H N I[ 1 [ Sousa's Band----------------------Feb..26 Amteican poliical landslides.TH N T E TR r Ortoic' l Contest---------------------- ----March i8 Seter doo'o not advise anybody to-* Burton---------------------------- ------------April S go to South Amnerica. 'with less thant ..SATURDAY, FEB. $.. . $10,000.cHearittng ak tt lna THE PROGRESS OF OUR SHOE SELLING .. tion blertgpawayi'foren -d 3XBellIs characterized by snch undeviating atisfaction and such Incresinenth- isist~i aletopty iswokmn lusasm that we appreciate the valuesmore than ever orseve. e relihe ingthfittwortreyaswn seeing othere delighted. the frst wo o thre yers wen Presenting the New Comey. ais nne acBndRd ot,$0 ie ss coffee tree ,are too sinoali to bear.LaisCooeCafHn-deBt, 401 f3:0 But If a ian has moaey for the firt't "h Hose Men's Black and Tan Sho,, heavy 80109.8.00.t grade - $-- 4.00 fw ,year then he can cot aa far02 The HoosieT DocTTr YYe.M .rqut. AIPlL.'hJ.119 F. WASINTON S. Th eare few' college men:lber, Paque ircle 75 but iay co11ege taning wll e us= Balcony E Galn......... Subscribe for the U.- of M. Daily fur.Sener hmsef ws, ajunor " f w