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January 31, 1898 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-01-31

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W. J. BooR. Prs. W. Aooo,st Vice-pre
S reBest effects for season '97-Black, J. V. SIOOEAN,2As Vice-prs.
S m okin g ons C W0. a. Rsot. Cashier.
The Str Sm kn Blue, Brown, Drab, (roy andSaf Svip Bak
fancies -perfectly tailored- ta -~p t
-""= - --$5 to 20. Transacts a general Banking busi-
Jackets! HeiJAklrIM~n
Ready for You.G O S B S. Cr. Mi and Hrnstret.
117 MAIN STREET. Capital, 80,00. Surplus, $3,000. Transact a
general banking business.
R. KnsmrFv Pres. . E. GOosEo, Vic-Pros
tan. IH. BLsER Cashier.
'University ;school of Dancing, THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK
wState Street, opposite Law Building. Capital Stck $50,000. urlus, $10000.
Terms $5. 00 a semester - - Single evenings 53 cents. Oranized uderthe~eeral Banking Laws
- - of ths State. Receives dos its, buys ansi
Office-427 Thompson Street. sells exchang on the prinlpsi cities sc the
United States. Drafts aned upon proper
-- identification. Safety dopst bestos ree.
Orcn: Christian Mak Prs.; W. iD.
ei h n g I s H er !ardmean, 'Vice-Prs.; Chas E. Bicok,
AINLBANK ccgnns Arbsr
DIepartnient! SIee n sIIeFe!CIR;. FizAsitn Csir
For a Swel Turn-out Call on Capital, $100,Wesurplus and rofil, 84,0001
Transacts a gnral bankin business,
U3'df~5W dY9 W~T~ W~U Forignexchange bought and sold. Furnish
s u VicePros
$ 2 .7(0 Both Phones 1o6. - - 515 East Liberty Street. * SW LARKSON. Cashier
C. f. MAOR &CO.,
Lamps Expressly 4° Studenits' Use The Artisticderts
The adlJofri ing Cts represent "Tile Rochester,' "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," Have a complete line of
2of our :i l-ny styles of "Theo Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from WFal Paper, Paints, Oils, Window
2$1.00 to $2.50 each. Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc.
OIL Every studoent should use Dean's "Red Star." It giveo a pure Specialty of fine interior decorating,
J witeligh, i odoles anddoe notcha thewic. Deiv- painting, frescoing, tintingand paper
lighIoor'eoTadGdosTcar te wck.eell lohagin. Only the best of workmen
red in any part of the city in our cans at loc per gallon. For emlyd Work guaranteed.
sal rnyby DEAN & COMPANY-1. C. i. MAJOR & CO.,
214 South Maa Street. The Arti ti ecortor
That we are offering this UNIVERSITY NOTES. i The alnloii of Notliweern In;K
week at - iivrity re trying to rase $100000 fo; K L E INI
The Sigooa Chi fraternity gay'e a I00 new gymnasium. - UU
crd ndl tance party on Friolay even P Irf. DOege, of fle University of LA IS AND GENTLEMEN'S
ing lat. Mliliau r ead a paper before loe E
$ 2 3 0LladiO frdUivrit a a Unity club of the Unitarian chorh at TAILOR
r~clyahei soito.I sJs eriFia vnn n"oen1completing a, club hoouse. Greek Folklore." After speaking of Latet Novelties in Winter
These shoes are all of this J B. AlcCreey, '17, Thioos. B. thou- the nanner in which the study of folk. and Spring Garments.
Beason's Last and Paterns and kin, '95, od NA. tGilchrist, '16laro in lore camoe lte prominence, and is use-
wrfomryslat the Princeton T1heologcal Seminary. fulness, Prof. DOoge gave a number COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARDSTREET.
The S. L. A. Beard th teoni tealos, of examples of stories, sonsad su- One blurt wool of University.
nfl the officers of the Alphla Nu hadl perttions to e foundi in muodern
$3.50 and $3.00 phtos taken at Ientkelers aturday Greece, wviol b le spoke of as a nost I,
afternoon. frouitfol field for the searher in this
We have got more than We The catalogue of olumb~a Univer- line. (IUL~~foitc///7
wieh t carryover t nextsity, which as just beeni issued, lOM--Deraefrotrolotw
wish toCarry oer to n slows an rllnroimelto 324 officers 10S-ei alfomomstw
meason, hence this great offer and0 2,183 students, doors rote campus, vacated for se- FinleConfections
B. H. Anes, '97, wine of last nd semester, can e obtained by re :Bon -Bons and
years contest in the Northern Orator- spor-obe prty at reaonabe 1ric. Coc -BOnas
le League, Isintoohe olnbta Law Apply at 604 Jefferson s., "Als. 11-l
$ m7 0 hi3yo hms 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET.
IProf. Clark of Norlowetern niver. ___________-
city, says that the istitutiono lie repre- The Daily is short the followig 3I6 SOUTH STATE STREET.
Welsles. Sires 2 I-2 to S. sento wliot adopit the football ;rules numbers for le year '9-96, and will
___________________as revised by Professors Stagg and make satisfactory arrangemnits with (0 MUSICAL! @
Everett. anyone woocan furnish Same: el lilesie, teacer of Mandolin,Bano
-~The College of listory, the first of Numbers 1, 7, 4, 56, 66, 81, 133, 17%i and Guitar. Istructor ioh Univrit
the buildings to b erected by the new 200. Schosi of Music. 18 years experience as
A ri. Uiver I atWi hngtn, teachr. Call at Ann Arbor Music C's.
boo Just aee oinpeted. The build. LOST- gold watch between For- Strtoaanecrhus :
leg is oneo the -est colliee hauos in est ave. and the Michigan Central de MONE Y'LOANED «
V h- the i acot btislnt of -white n[ir- pt. Finder will please leavet Stew- On Wathes, Diesnds, Weels or othe Per-
bi n ot$150,OOO. aord's ffce and re~eive rewrd. snoa Property.
.-. " Jcon', ~nmrit"N . IOffie aresidence 331 E.Liberty St., Ann r-
" .. 1 or.lfi ich. Alibuslnesscenfidentoii. Hours,
- C tisgum ul o. to 11:30 a. in an 1 to 3:30and t 9 p.
- - Bargains in Second-hand Wathes and. e-
0u first purbaseuof pring Nekwearasjstsarrivd. Are they md.
beautiful? Lookatour window and judge for yourself. TRY THE . .
.&ades' ome Alakas[e~i~2] FOR ONE WEEK-Warm,. Lied Kid--Gloves-regular price-L.50, price cr this // To/d
____________________ eek~.OO * Steam
WAGNER & JOC0ANAd ais PER titCLINT on wa yous 8r
UK &l 23 South !Rain Stieet. - . i if shrs nwain o audyl wrLave 5~orde

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