THE UNIVERSITY 01" MICHIGAN DAIL)t. 3 Men's Furnishings That Sell Themslves ! OUR STOCK COMPRISES OF THlE BEST VALUES AND MAKES. Pure Lambs Wool Worst- ed. All kinds of Styles Sweaters.* ingall the Combinations of Shirts .. . Colors. The best from $3.00 to $4.50. Unlaundered, pure Warn- Random Wool, a fine sutta Cotton and 4-plysmoh-aenvid f Linen Bosom. 50c. The Underwear sot amn odo best shirt in the market to- any scratching material. day.j See them at 69c. We invite comparison. Our goods are what we represent them to be. We can save you money. Drop in and see our stock. MAIN STREET, S.C I( d MAIN STREET, S. - V W 'KINDE You want a Mndo- dolin, Guitar or 5 Benjo, don'tyou ENTi You went the price right, don't you * Telephc SEE OUR WINDOW. B ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO, 205-207 E. Washington at. 0AAA AAA Is the p 1W 1W1W 1 1W W 1W Bacterc ANN ARBOR4 A Time Table, Sunday, Sept. 5, 1897. TIME TABLE: (itati Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard % sit of Time. 1r.B NORTH. SOUTa. B S:43 a. m. *7:3am gradnat *1215 a. mn. 11:25 a. mn. gge 4:45p. m. 8:45p. m. e *ann between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. sin~e 3p E0. S. GILMORE, Agent 11tarkloa W. H BENNETT iG. P. A. Toledo 0. II the Elctric -. The Niagara Falls Route.' 111031 sO Central Stantdard Time. anioun1t TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. eight P. M. A. Mfrees n11 Mail and E.... 347 B.,N. Y,Ch--0813 N. Y. Special_.45 Mail------918 an110: G. R. Expreos ...1 35 Paci fic Ex_..123420 log. Lmie---810P.M. n c Eastern E0x.0--- 47 Western Ex--1 38 proecto AM. G.R. & K. Ex.---SB5 D. N. Expres....5 50 Ci.NtEx--.7d47 he has Atlantic .Rx.. 7 30 land. *North Shore Limited is an extra fair train lse to be acharge of$50 to New Yorke than on se other trains. "The '1 0. W. RUGGLnS, HB W. BYES o-no 3 G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt, Ann Arbor bY a on "T h THlE BUCKEYE ROUTE. ° eeulI I' COLUMBUS, HOCKING VALLEY ANl TOLEDO RAILWAY ostlbhie: la the only line from the Toledo Union Lord K Station to Colombus and points beyond, hi11§re using Union depot terminals at Colum-Deri bus and coos four ast express trains Dtri dally between the points namek, two of 'Kienc them In the un-precedented time'of three boors. Parlor cars on day trains, sats 25 thte 301 cents: Pulman sleepers ons night trains. 3rB Students 4: siring uneqoaled faclities .r.B are invited to use the Buckeye Routo ad so. rclt nun obtain fhll particulars on application to local ticket agents. Oi11oIS 2.20. DAVIDSON, ^ 1)1st. Pass. Agent, Toledo; or 'I. It. FISHOERO,G. P. and T. A., Columbus, Ohio. CAN FURNISH MUSIC OFFIRST-CLASS.' Orders for all Praternity parties, club dances, etc. Leave orders at Ann Arbor Mtusic Co. or at Resfdence,.l7lO GEddea ave. P. . -Will tahe pupils on Piano and in sight reading at above named Places. A. s . Johns~ton. HNOCH-lDIETERLE, ECIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Calls Attended DaysorNight. I N.186 East Liberty Strest Residence, 5831 Sooth Fourth Ave. Phone 129. RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER, WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR EROARTEH9z NEE r Hurn RI t. tCHRISTMAS! Call and See Us,'"aehmeoeo 1( o sur "U. of M." Pins or SCHIER, THE PHOTOGRAPHER onto Other novelty in ;one '. LEDNANN AtRBORW=. Lrnold. JEELE ZOWN'S IDRUG STORE CORNER MAIN AND HURON STREETS place to buy Dissecting Instrutments and all thing needed for ology, Pathology Histology, Etc., Etc. ' ~~PRICES RIGHT. nAlumni and His Work. s F. 'Brush, 'l69, 'lately laid a soveral days to theo University. rush was will: hi u. Aftecr ion htere Msr. lBruss ssas 011- as5 an7 *el:ist for ,eatrs. Latter lie began ltis re- Ie Casreer in 0electric ligitini:g. mlanagemen1t of the BIritolt" cCe. and in every deb til of lt:e ivo invoetions which lirought groeat wealtht itetperfsotrmeds tn tof labor tos syltIel few wen~i have beent equatl. dettie six sir 'ears eago se relos d himself .tslSufattull'1iiterests otntiriely, tturnedi to investigatlions bi'art- oll ttolocular physics, whieh Ito A Fine Number. The WiscoiniUartdintal Colitiswat Thulrsday ss iii a sipiwiat issue, lte first of live -slitl illustrated luittOs j vliich have Oeeto 2irojeet&I dfor t1hs lltl70050 ofpoushitig btyolid Illsregut- lasr circle cif' ettlicritiors indlreach~in~g 15 tany tc stosibsleof (lie peopile ssf the state, ittforition1:1 regaritinti i: tuniversity satndlit's sxsoptiotiml opposr- tunlities. PTse issuit oofseighit pages and lCoittainis (1I targe numbitler of flan: hatlf-taeoilli tt i:ilts of 11it' s11si:::s ansl city. CALENDAR. UFIday, Pet).i 4-Itooil by Fruit itit IFloer 'Misso~, 'iiWato'rioaii (lG"tt nasiu'm. fitted in Iits residensce at (love- 'PRACK NOTtICE.. Durinig lith (pat 5yeah ilittl ue- CandidsltTot tr 'the track ltiti will 'eorSOts of his resiatiClies lil pletase Cehort ascording to 1the filliow- Trasis'sioot of IttdtiathOeatleig schle , if conivenienlt: oes at Vtaryin~g Pressures,' cit r.aim]'as-piuo',ltrl' oe Ml:etstriement of Ettiall Gi8- brod ji:lil'rs. 'fns'sdaiy, 'tltnrssltty 'rcitiree," -inl the ls' P nil::hl- and Saturdlay.,:at4:4h5 p. in. Weignt :-l Msagazies, Consiisetlt 1timen, eeriy day at55 n i i-lii'iits. Celvie :a13d1others. I'el~iesent.:t Dr. lItabito: e~s-Ml~sttnes. Ciiiiets, Milts ots these stilsijecto> at thei' vtttkes, '1iilssiy, IThuir,,day tind lst t int tirg of tto Assoctiationtiof13 lrtlay it 4:45 Ii. its. Pille vtllllsrs, cItost :Augulst. 3east weeli, 5a tiseoday, :At'(- (sdaiy Fridaty tatd Sit- etitig of ft~o Nciietili'c('lilt) Hs'veIlitay ait3ii. itt. ILit juli ; rs. lie ,rsl give'a'n tt'lllit of .r- (say, i'edlnl'sttiy ansI Fridtty at ti4-1.i 's inaede tourlor ives 0yearslts ago sn , 1(AS3 P+OIt 1 0 1C)t', Transtsiration of Air." 0,'I - , ypewiterMachines 1 Eqal anipef lhe bhih-pricedemacies tio cpacty " ~/and qsaliltyof workt, ad excel them in caveisnci, Pr Iacticl, low-priceid, pirtahie, kepbsard machines. ,- .,.. B01a*sanmsaaa t aoeataemeass. R~sib. _.. o. ito rted wit Scetific it citig aleasid tUiemrual keybeard 7 sit. Price.bl5000. eeetterlntese559gfeidhe 'D res. ee~t'i a - to .3mul5. SasoSsld lniTwo Y#,rs.5 ..floatdurableacines Sn smiobt upisial.weitoaf ia, P. FAIRBAIRIj & CO., GeoeeAients sxtrmcreenrdsa 83 lGriawold St., Detroi, Mich. ' Tyewriter now osnth .01. 4.1AAM, 48 S. fourth Ate., Legal Agent - --mu es. FULLER & BERANEK, -''ATALORS 1Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Work called for and delivered,. 112N S. STATE 5ST.. over nosey I. Phone No. 204, New State. 0. 1M. MARTIN, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming a Specialty. rNO. .200 FOURTHI AVENUE. Ambulance night or day. Residence, a0a P10th Avenue. "DROP IN AND GiET ONE.. SID W. MILLARD'S Football Calendars for 1898. West Liberty Street. FU. of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladies' artistic Blair Dressing up stairs Old friends salt again, We welcome new- ones. J. R. TROOJANOWSKI. Lowney's Chocolates -G1OTO-- W, W, TUT.TLE'S, S toS. :i ALLEOPETIS, if you wish. ALL 0RA0ES 0F IIAOD, SOFT, CANNEL AND SMIOKELESS COAL S AND (.OKJ. VM. STA]BB3LER, t 1,19W. Washington Street. Phone 8. THEOLtARtGESCMANUFACTUtttR0S1OF"ATHLE~iTIC A. G. SPALDING & BROS. "The Name the Guarantee." Offieial Ouifitters to the Leading College, Ath. - letic Club snd School Teams ofihe U. S. .; Every Requisite for Base Ball, Athletic Sports anrd Pastimees. The Spalding Official League Ball -Adopted by Nationat, SMtoor, Cotlege and School Leagues. Base Ball U~nlfsrms, Bats, Gloves, Mis. Chest Proitectors, Sihoes, Etc.. THE SPALDINGS CHAINLESS BICYCLES 1 g THE SPALDINC BLUE RACER (Chain) MODESi IHE SPALD186 ROADWHEL ODLS Send for Iustrated Catalogue of all Athletic Sporns, A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Now York Philadelphia Cilcago Washington PINE NEW LOT OP Just received. 4 Lowest prices on STRINGS and TRIM.- ? MINUS for all Instruments. SCHAEBERLE'S MUSIC STORE 114 Went Liberly st., Ann Arbor.