2 THE U N IV ER61TY 'OF MICHIGAN DAILY, 2 THIi~ UNLVEU~tTY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OrrDow: Times building, 329 s Main St. be- tween Liberty and William Sts. MEANAGING EDITOR J. F. THOMAS, 00 L. BUSINESS MANAGER O. H. HANS,'00, L.. EDITORS H. B. SKILLMAI, '8 L , Athletics. H. L. GAIsMER, '93 L. G. D. HUDNUTT, '00. BUTLEn LAMn,'00. T. B. Woonoow, '98 I. . CAMPBELL, '00. A. CAMPBELL,'99. F. EsoLHADAn, '98. The ubecription price of the Daily is 1.0 for the college year, with a regular delivery before noon each day. Notices, communica- tlons, and other matter intended for publica- tion must be handed in at the Daily offce be- foee8 p. i., or mailed to the editor before 3 p.*in.,ofte day prevous"to that on which they re epected to a pear. ly Subcriptionn may be left at The Daly Office, Meyer's or Stoffet's Newstand, or with Business Manager. Subcribers will con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this office an failure of carriers to deliver paper. The following editorial appeared in Saturday's Detroit Tribune: "At a meeting of the litera ry faculty held in Ann Adbor Monday might a resolution was adopted denying to Mr. 'Hone'- tuart te privileges of the University. Mr. Stuart is the young halfback who played with the football eleven last fall, despite the fact that he was not a student regularly enroll- ed, and had never matriculated. What the faculty expects to gain by with- holding the privileges of the Univer- sity from Young Stuart is one of the sacred mysteries. mtr. Stuart never had any privileges at the instittion-. He was never a student, and the fac- ulty cannot well take away from him something he never had. "Foor the goodntfame of the IUliver- siy it is necessary for the faciuty to do something more than paiss resolu- tions that reflect upon young Mr. Stuart. It is impossible to believe that Stuart went to the University of his own accord, annexed himself to the football team, certified that he was at regularly matriculated student when he knew the statement to be untrue, all as a pleasant jest. Mr. Stuart was an athlete whose services were in de, imand when he was a student in an Illinois academy. It is said that otherl colleges were after him before he en- tered or made a pretense of entering the University of Michigan. It seens to us that the faculty has done noth- eg as yet to. renove the balot frow~ Michigan's athletic record. "If there has been alt investigation for the purpose of determining who brought Stuart to Ann AArbOr, and the details of the transaction, it has been kept from the public. The University faculty cannot afford to let this case be smoothed over. WLatever is worthy of preservation in amateur athletics is founded upon honor, and the slightest suspicion of professioal- Ism demands the most searching in- restigation. The honor of college ath- leties must be above suspicion, too." rThis editorial was undoubtedly Writ- ten under a misapprehlension. The faculty has been at work investigat- ing the case for the past month and if by any possible means it can be dis- povered that Stuart was "induced" to come here rompt ation will be taken on the matter. AN E LOQENT LECTURE (Continued from first page). be black, white, brown or ginger-cake color, but will come to him and ask how was it done? "The world wants a man who can do something and when it finds one prejudice against him vanishes." The great negro was filled with earnestness, and his sincerity won the good will of the audience. His lecture was replete with natural and homely -wit, which caused 'frequent outbreaks of enthusiastic applause. Woman's League at Home. A large attendance and a most ei- joyable afternoon is reported from the "At Home" by the Woman's League in the Barbour Gymlnasium from 4 to (i. Saturday afternoon. Several selec- tions by the mandollin and guitar quai- tetes and songs by Miss Louise George an Miss May Allen made up a mu- sical.program which formed the en- tertainment of the afternoon. Those receiving were Dr. Eliza 'Mosher, Dr. Julia Snow, and the Mesdanes Andrew MILaughlin, 'arl Guthe, J. H. Drake, G. C. Huiber, George Dock, James Brtwster. "The Ninety-Six Club." Members of the Chicago bar who are graduates of the University of Michigan have formed an organization known as "The 'Ninety-Six Club," amd gave their first annual banquet at Kinsley's Saturday evening. E. C. Lindley acted as toastmaster. Tele- granis and letters of regret froll ab- sent members in different parts of the United States and from Professors Knowlton and Meciem were read. B. F. Deahl, of Goshen, Ind., gave the principal address, and brief speeches were made by many of the members. William T. Apmladoc is president of the organization and Henry P. Not- homlb is secretary. "A Black Sheep" at the Athens Theater tonight. IF YOU WANT THE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY, BADGES OR PINS Send to SMITH, STURGEON [& Co., 237, 239, 241 Woodard Ave..'Detroit. esigns andestimates furnishedonallwork of this hind. WINTER SHOBSI -OF Every Description. A LARGE LINE OF OSEEOUR WINDow? BASISHOE STORE, 109 N. Main Street. Opposite An0 Oportunity FOR FINE DRESSERS This week we put on sale all our Fine Tailored Suits, in Cheviots, Cassi- meres, Clays aid Worsteds-all made after the latest Winter Fashions, equal- led only by high-priced merchant tailored clothes Choice $14.50 We have cheaper ones which we have reduced. But this week we are making a special effort to reduce our stock of fine suits prior to inventory, February 1st. 1- Students' Lecture Association DON'T FAIL TO HEAR SOUSA'S - BAN\D'! ATHENS THEATRE$ ~TO-N IG H T!i Black I-Sheep. , Parquet------ 1.00 Parquet 01rcle- Balcony -------- 5 Gaier 25 The Greatest Musical Organization of its kind in the World. This Superb Band composed of fifty men assisted by --- .. . MISS MAUD REESE DAVIS, Soprano, and MISS JENNIE HOYLE, Violinist -WILL BE AT Y.. University li, Saturday Night, february26 Season Ticket for Remaining Numbers $1.25. - Reserved Ticket for Remaining Numbers 25c extra. CONSISTING OF Sousa's- Band--- ----- --- --- -------.Feb. 26 Oratorical Contest--------- --------------- --March 1S Burton----------------------------.-.----..-April S Commencing Wednesday, Jan. 26, Closing MondayjEve., Jan. 31, our Entire Stock of Shoes at One-Fourth Off, w A.PPILL E9 . WASHINGTON ST. 16.00 Shoes $5 00Soes --$3.75. 00 Shoes----3.00. 3.50 Shes---32.63. $300 Shoes....$225. $2 50, V,. $1.50 S hoes, all One Quarter Off.