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January 31, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-01-31

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tjc U. of

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Has received a full line of Novelties
for Fall and Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
nand Overcoatings
Al legretti's
Fresh. every week.
Only in packages-
60c a pound.
Lowney's if you
Just received a fresh supply of Allegretti, and
Williams and Werners Chclates. L~argest flee
in the city.
Lunches at all hours.
R. B. J0 LY &Co3.0.
3(1 Seoule State Street.


Muth Caps
=GeP the

AN ELOQUENT LECTURE edutcaedl at Tusk ee . cd similar in- Whit Club Proceedng.
______stitution. The Tuskegee tudistrial
WasTha Dlivre Byth GratInstitute has siow been established 16 Tie University Whist Club wii
years. It owns 10)stoares of laud, hold no mre mieetngs sin-itilafter the.
Negro Orator on1 Saturday. ant 42 iildiags, all except four hav first semester. At lie last seetiga
Last night ~ ~ ~ ~ in BokrTbaisnlstgeen bsuilt bysttdeits. Practical- tramet oimiiittee was ppointed,
Lastnigh Rooer T Washingoaily all this property has tees acqirel
delivered the Chicago A11ncu1lnumober trough the earnings of liescol. cosistn f the following Isrsoos:
of the S. L. A. course. mr.a Wasinug- Here 1,000) people are housed and etu- Driggs, hairman, anti Messrs. GI. lii-
lois was unable tos ech town intil ated in Inudtstrial rs. Thec grat-leir, C. Russel, Fisher ad Batyno.
nearly I)oselectk because of bad tratu urates ot his insitutions settle for- tie Thie committee sht Saturday after-
esuneciensasd the audience was loft mst part in the Back Belt, and ake moon5 at tho Dlta Usiln aHuse to
to amuse itself tr a time, vhiieh it usithe trade leaned iliscotsol. lThey eisds h ifrutssesaal
did very good uttretti. go amiogtheisieole and ive tilseicsidrtedfeetssesaa
rice speaker wvts art-compianietlby counsel oit btsinso 'matters. 'these able for tomrnasucunt play. Tieesslts
Saisissl L. llasvey, 'S5. sereary of pesile ire wiling enough ti do whiat of their labors will be asiisisincedc to
the Cticago Aunini Asociaios. is best, liutitdos nit kniowvlow. They the cinub at the firt meeting iii the
Mr. Washingtons isohe in- sedottue si's ittd hat Is. buy andl wast nost to second sesester.
as _follows: "A 'fews yers ago whie'stsy, anti hows they isay to lihe best at- The ipreset staiiding of the( tes i
it number of negroes left tor Liberia, vaultag carry'otn their swci wont, as follows: 1, Driggs ad IHye; 2,_
Africa, miiany persons said that the luey sre tacgt to live simpsily for ac Elsworhs and Rtuissl; 3, Itsyisr ani
race qsiestionsssw-as setlinlg itself. But timsi and save monesiy, said sos Gorenlo; 4, Miller andiiiMrrel; 5, P.
tbast ws a msistake, theiiscgrowo i lirosugh the personasl efforss f Osli- WX. Jones and McMster; (6, Lowe ad
sot leave lie UnitedS tates. Itanfy terested, caiable persons.is whole t'oo5- Persoun; 7, Fbisnburg and use trhad;
so-called sosiutions of this irohslc~u -suunity is revolutionized. lbs pople 8,tGross and Wisner; 9, Tionison atd
have bheen suggested. Bovine think it are ssn able t i io)- iouseso ciiisars Ftlker; 1(, Bowetn and Iaw-xhus: 1.1,
wutld be wel to coonize tseuegres sissey. As son so you hive uch a. Dieterichs ands Wiggin; 12, Itobiuson
n solintvacaunt territory icc ue west, slf-spportig commssunity r-pil ad- an Babtock; 13, Verdierlnt Veiec;
utl tiat wvoultd requcire aisarge wall van siny'e made. Shsslhmscceo acd 14, Claris andi Baldwin; 1,Iih said
1(o eep iegries iii andi a larger sns'sto curches rsianie buiilt and lie whole Grade; 10, Laiib andh Preutis; 17,
heelp licewthite ot.'.lice blackiuiitone sof the peple 'tanged. 'lce- ing and Btcelor; 18, Fisher anti
ciinst be cborbecld aonusecet f dssutrial schols re itu'es t a ight Beardley; li9, ('cnsbell and Lamse:
iegro bioodmaiksies himlu still ai nesgr' hassse to posit tic' blackil andss the 20,Mrhy thd i'cslliiisssi; 21, Hucu-
There is but oue solutionsand thaIltiwi t nisiusn out of tic stormscuunssi igit stn adsi hiillissrt; 22, (oon ,-scit
eduectin. of che race problems. Ticsprogress Iodgeunsn; 23, (Danforths and Dan-
"But there is nosws too imitch of a uLadebytoylieunegro huss gies te wiie forth; 24, Ideuca ansi Varicis; 2,
teastency to r-un earlh isiniiualisusn faiths ic ie educatisun of liceiMarshall and 'D. T. Joes; 2, Mdli-
ticroughu liesiume eduecationalssi uouishilcks, andus lo vtercoesuue sisof lie hia snulSisrasod; 7, Bigelow anti
regrsiessof iociciesashiisus ~ getetst obtases Isolie advac-seenet Gabriel; 28, Skiliucsa nti Ehel
ends, The chinif wats iofa ace ist of the aegro. Tie greatest curse of Soue af dzeun tesmss, msstly those
fssr advaicceet in ehivilizaaisss re ius- savery was that it took frosusth lieu- with inferior graes have beuc drots-
tril i iatrevi,,fs~deloisng isthgus Iis initiative hand excttiv(elowers. led frocn lie list esause of nis t-
hiusing. 'Thle Blackiancaust55 reeve i-r two centuries and a half Ie tndaiicc and also because of change
iudustriali eduaisli to prosvidethe is issnsot rquires, isay, not even hanlie formations of oilher teauus.
uwants iaid to plaaee hiumself isa p5ohsi. ud alowed totse :is nins, lut Iis
tou to rise out of iis present conditisonIlad al
every frt wvcs decided by ciotlr. Hn-Bi Tournament Continued.
into saehigher ae.state,toaatheuskegee tc the I ai no xiii or thought of hus on clvngsiliieiigan iwnidstilThescond round in lie lrehiinar-
isuphs aeeche seil hi 'viIt is Iliu3ut to exset tselnus t eseoof the 'haidal touraueat was
livig sub eceiinghit indstralgain ini 30 yecrs criat it hissis u s'c21)
education. Twenty-six rans'ises fyastersiau of tts played Saturday and brought out soue
industry are thoroughly taught, and ittexceleit work, Interest in lie toni-
cmeetandi.cuturedi uaser isat "ie mcissinary osk onssce by 'nssuet coatinues uautaed, large
tohnpheastec. hlatulye-northern 'people hts largey ieens '. tsosds-eig in attendances'all day.
thsohea ofearl. Wiul aclall ~faiiure 'A hungry rinitcai't his a Saturday's ilay scses tht'prlunn
gageti i thieso'iof Iis trilthecepupl .'soti Chcris'i'i
at the samue tine- iars tiseudely- go hita. -'Thres fourth of hue0 aries ansi lie semii-inls wil coiii-
hg irinciples off the trade. Ile gets avercige mcissioary sesuos are de- mieee nxt Sstuday. 'ilie soerf o-
uid of lie Idea that labor is degradiug. voled to n iagiar')-sescriptisn of lows:
Ie gets rid'f this idea that labor of heaven. 'This is sad iuunousp iirit Of (eiscec, 'its L, eat Moody, 'Pit.
lice hiands is degiading. Hle literally irreverence, hul because ie work hsss 1-6,1-6; IHines, 'i, et Bteslser,
wsorks out hiso salvation by idsty. iuo practical value. 'i, 1-5, 1-7; Dwyer, beat Wess, 'tilts
'rho firt thing necessary is to do cruat "Al people larsbei unable Is riot'l-i, 1-12; Lindeiuan, '00, eat Davis
is arounis and alien to digify com- until -they had aqulired idustrial free- '-01, 1-12, 1-14; Beath,,'Ph), eat Dolt-
mon lathor. The onte 'tlessiag to slav- dam. So the negro umst rus. As sotchim, '0, 114, 1-3; Strhike, 01, eat
cry to this negro 'was that it left hill as you have a conmmsunity wviose mes- Gihle, 't9tL. l-i, 1-8; "1leBrideo,'98
in possession of all the sonciuioc and es osn their homes, and sre saving, Ibeat Hsstzheiuicsc, 'P8 L, 1-3, 14-
sklld abr ntheSuh Ti isrt-anmnproving their industrial ire'es- 15, 1-6; uLiman, '01, best W ill-a,
'ilm now is can be keep it? The es, then you have a olunsunty i'Pi, 15-2, l5-i; Hofiuan, '00 L, bat
white man from the North and the1shich you will find inawho 0ash he- Iunnel, ,'t)L, 15-7, 1-13; Bckmeis-
W~est and Burope 'now comptes with come sucesful busiess, professona tr, '(1, beat Pll, 'Pit 3-1,1 i-I1 1-6;
him, But once give the negro sufa. and literary men,. Daiy, 'Pi, beat Kioler, '01, 1-, 14;
cent skill that tite result of his labrl "If a ngro hiss becomte this leading Bush, ',5- eat Jodan, 00 11, 111i,
is a necessity to the white man, pyr-l printer, contractor, or carpenter of ai 16.
judce against-him at once disappears village, and is givig employment to The following sdefauled: Keiw,
and his fucre s seured. 11 ho not swhite men you need have ino ear that 'Pit L, to Tewhiey, '00 L; Mct~utceon,
that the negro 'will not'work, huit-that great prejudice wil exist against imiu. '8, to 'Adrso, 'Pit L; O'Brien, ',
he does not 1,nnow hew to. work profit- His white employee sil nt dive 'to jork, 01; laspar, 'S-L, to 1Ba-
ably. How canl the- ignorant negro hunm'from the poll on election day. I wi, '1;-Hodgman, 00, to l utz, blo9;
farmer of the South compete with tte one man has beahbe to raise better Flioks, 18, to Smnalley, '98.
skiled 'farmeor of the North, with sill and more corn or cotton to the acre
0 But w Is the sonditon fue ran improved *i hod, the connca chal Imen,I e nt n at, o send in
hn ie t hselalgd By seeding werd des nt care wbethem i.lsin. thi opinouseon the popsd cat a
insngthem te'ICe ptano siry' (Continued on secodpge. hethe rles.

Soo--=.ore or loe

Just received a special hune of
Culor Guaranteed, Quality the Best.
The most satisfactory made for
the money.
Each $3.00 and $3.5o.;
GymnasiumSunis and Shoes a Specialty.
.....PRICES IHlT..
T1 r- tlT

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