3 THE UNIVERSITY 01? 5MICIGAN DAILY. r Men's Furnishings That Sell Themslves ! OUR STOCK COMPRISES OF THNE BEST VALUES AND MAKES. Pure Lambs Wool Worst- ed.- All kinds of Styles Sweaters " ink all the Combinations of Shirts ... Colors. The best from $3.00 to $4.50. Unlaundered, pure Warn- Random Wool, a fine sutta Cotton and 4-ply smohgren odo -Linen Bosom 450c. The Underwearsoot gamnvido best shirt in the market to-i any scratching; materi. day. See them at 69c. We invite comparison. Our gcods are what we represent them to be. We can save you money. Drop in and see our stock. MAIN STREET, S.,N MAIN STREET, S. -t You want a Mando- dolin, Guitar or - Banjo, don't youf You want the price right, don't you* SEE OUR WINDOW. ANN ARDOR MUSIC CO. 205-207 E. Washington St. ANN ARBOR Time Table, Sunday, Sept, 51 1897. TIME TABLE: Trains leave Ann Arbor by Ceotral Standard Time. sRoRTH. SOUTH, 8:43a.m. '7:30am *12:15 a. m. 11:20 a. m. 4:46 p. m. 8:40 p. m. *Ran between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. E. S. eGIMORE, Agent W. H BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. MICHIAN CJIENIRAL -The .Nigara Foils Route." Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. EAST WEST, P. M. A.5M MaillandEx.... 347 B., N.Y, Chi --- 8 12 N. Y, Special--4 50 Mail-5----- 10 0 E. Express ..-1 10 Pacific Es --12230 *N 5 Lmited----8 15 P. M. EasternEx. 47 Western Its.---1 38 AM.G. R. &K. Ex.-- 5 5i D5. N. Express ----.5 50 Chl. Nt..Ex~- 7 47 Atlantic Ex...7 30 *North Shore Limited is an extra fair train to be a charge of $1.10 to New Yort than on other trains. 0.W. tUGGLES, 1H. W. HAYES, G. "P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor 11551 BUCKEYE ROUTE. COLUMBUS, HOCKING VALEY AND TOLEDO RALWAY Is the only line from the-Toledo Union Station to Columbus and points beyond. usingUnion desot terminals at Colum- bus and, runs four fast express trains daily between the points oameh, two of them.in the un-precedented time of three bours. Parlor cars on day trais, seals 25 cents: Pullman sleepers on sight trains. Students 4l siring unequaled facilities are invited to-use the Bucheye Route and nan obtain fhll particulars on applcation to local ticket agents. ER. R. -DAVIDSON, Diet. Pass: Agent, Toledo; or W. H. FISHtER, G. P. andT. A., Columbus, Ohio. CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Ordero for all Fraternity parties, club' dances, etc. Leave orders at Ann Arbor Music Co. or at Residence, 170 Geddesave. P.S. - Will take pupils 'on- Piano and is sight reading at above named Placms, A. J .Johnm-store. E3NOCHi DiETIIRLE, E11BALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Galls Attended Dayor Night. ,No. 116 East Liberty' Streeti Rtesidence, 5333 South Fourth Ave. Phone 320. RANDALL, THE. PHIOGRAPHERI WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR; KINDERGARTEN , iosBEQHurn t.C Call and See Us, ake home one of ouir "U. of M." Pins or RETSHER, THE PHOTOGBRPHER " omei other novelty in Telephone '0. ANN ARBOR W =. Arnold. LEnO55OE FULLER &BERANEK, STAILORS SCleuning, Pressing and Rep'iring. Work cailed for atid delivered.. it12 S-STATE ST., over Rtoses'e Phone No. U1, New State. i C an Mi. and Mrs. Ross Granger make a busiiiess of teach- ing daiicing. You can join the classes at any tinie, the .. U term starting with your first lesson. Private lessons D ance given by appointment. Office, grotind floor. GRANGER'S ACADEMY. LAWS TRIUMPHANT. At the Athens. Onie of thi :htcxs-rtlhy featuires of (Continti d fron: secondf page). "tUntder the Red: Rohb-," which Chas. t'illitiui comlllsitto. tie is liew' Iroiian will preent here for the: treasurer ofthit Oratorical A. socia- firstt iime: it tilt Atlieli iTheatier tion ad soertairy of the National ithis Pve'titg, w1ll ethe 11::'::10i:, Democratic 'Clubs. Mlr. Wiiii::aan ha's Whitchiis all originasl. iot ihad very :l'muchexperience is a speaker, lbut bos horn working quietly CALEN'DARt. with Prof. Trtiohloocd, aundl iis work, to Saturday, Tail. _29--tBooerr T. Wad:~- telling. igton in University Haill. 'Mr. David. Pr'iacis Dillon,. 199 c., Satturdaty, .ha:. 29-First '.9 class Caine1 to 'Michigan from:iT'[to, wlere 5: cildat liruagor's tree: 2:20 to t h~e graduated with I:th dgree of A. H. P. InI. tie was bsorii in tPalme:r, Mass., Oc)t. 5, Saiturida:y, J1an:. 2t-Wo::::::' e l.tlgl 1874. He wcnt lthroughli heilc hgh "A4 tu~n::," fri'::4 Ito lit:p;1in., in: Bit- Sclilol at Palnier. MIr. Dillonilst a 'hour Gy s:::.siui::. melniher of the AltphatTau :; me:ga Fr:iday, F1). 4. tor-til by iFrutit,.ti fraiternity. 1,lowerl 'Miste:;. in Watcriln:: (,in.:: This debiate Iteas tc:2::rkal: for il l~e t11:0am. fact that call thre of thiutntero weie 't1.'lt.Xi\t NOTtIE. degree ien, whereas 1;in:thelast 1211 Candiudateosl':r Ithe trac:k t:'ii- sill degree 11an2 lass been able to thil: 0111 pleise report wt-':oiii-gto}thef:;ii~aw- in tilefial lbaete. tag Scl:e'ulc, if :'e::veldt: Mesirs. Berktbile, Wilitlllina naIid Dr. litcgc ralcl- Iipriitcrs, ll:ullehY will debate aga:inst Ci igo in Alti: aiidI Sathir(1tay. at 4:452).i. : Wcgl:t Aarbe tfie lattwee'k i April. Ch:ica:go: ;ieu, ev:'ry clayat .5:15 i:l rbc:::hisr h~as 'chosen the iil'gltivle sid, of tlilt Dr. P.iitig:' list.ini:': runners ques~tin. walkers, "'lNuL:y, 'tlllr4daly a:d1::1 ..-I urday t4:-5 9. inI. PleeIaii OSf tile ftul~i nollll wile 1:111 1-1 Moldayly 'd::rlayc~i, 'ritt in :111 - with thecls;,,If '98, tile ficst yri;r inl rtly it 3 1p. ill. lilgl l ulllllils, 4101- ll'llilh woilenll er'tt illlttoll at lile tday, Wednelsda~y andtlFridl4if 4.5 I iliversity of Norti: Carolita:, only 011,,II. 11i,. .1t,14ittI 2. 'rto.lA~ will graduate this year. I - (ltia 0. M. MARTIN, 3 FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming a Specialty. NO. TOO OCURTH .AVENUE. Ambulance night or day. Reoidence, 302 Fifth Avenue.- DROP IN AND GET ONE.. SID W. MILLARD'S Football Calendars for 1898. 'West Liberty Street. UJ.of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms ,322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladies' artiotic Hair Pressing up stairs: Old friends tall again, We welcome nevi ones. J. at. TRiOJANOWS~iI. Lowney's Chocolates. -00 TO-- W . W. TU TTLE' S M84'stest iALLEGRETIS, if you wish. KO A L!N IlAltD. SOFT, CANNEL31 AND, SMOKELESS COA1.S AND 8lOKis M. ST'rA BLER,. lit19 W Washington Street. Phone 8. lT 5LARGE0T MAATI tREruS OF 'ATHL5 C 1W IN THt WORLDI.. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 'The Name lie Guarantee." Official Outfittera tu the Lesding Csilege, Ails. blei Club and Scihnol Teams af the U. S. Every Requisite for Base B-all, Athletic Sports and Pastimes. The Spalding Official League Ball. Adlopted by National, Minor,,t.College and School Leagurs Hase Hall TUnIforms, Hale, Cloves, MIts. Chest Prsotetors, Shoes, Etc. THEf SPALDJING CHAINLESS BICYCLES $q8 IRE SPALDINC BLUE RACER (Chain) MODELiiS. THE SPALDSING ROIADWHEEL Send for Illustrated Catalogue of all n Athletic Sports. A. G, SPALDING & BROS", New York Philadelphla Cl'icago Washington P INE NEW LOT OF 00 .Washburns.. ' Just received. Lowest prices on STRINGS and TRIM- - MINGS for all Instruments. SCHAEBERLt'S MUSIC STORE 114 West Liberly st., Ann Arbor. h. No. PItted wt elt ltC .'.1 Keybada tyebord, Bickensuerier.n.. - Prc, 3 A. _ TypewiterT5achines ~ ~qunl asy of Blhe high-priced machise to capacity' PaB qualityiof work,Band excel theain convenine RV JePatical, Ine-priced, nortable, keyboard snehl,,s C D r c okingsadga mia f MuleOes-1- I peinsisn Iqa tanon udeddo145015' V5 in eat 471 Tyeeoruereoo tts5 ohsa owr. t ..emet.. ,.' ' pileisy nedaatm. a Use. -o onre i ;oae Sold iTwo Y nes, - Bondslnsbe ftn dy prvlt 7 saubamd.man to#Kbtno. - Wigtotfyasla pmtad,., _= FAIRBAIJRj & CO}., Geo~eusseu 93 Giswold Si., Detroi, Mich. O'toe J.S.AELAM, 48 5. Fourth Ave., Local Agent " f--I-tI** I