STHE UIVERSITY OF M CI1A 'T DAILY. The Store Smoking. Jackets! 1Ready for You. Best effects for season '97-Black Blue, Brown, Drab, trey and fancies -- perfectly tailored- $5 to $no. GOOIDSPIEED'S. 117ITMAIN STREETV. t UTni vers i ty School of IDancing,1 Stale Street, opposite Law Building. Terms $15.00 a semester - - Single evenings 53 cents. Office-427 Thompson Street. Sleiching Is Here!. Iepar ilent! for a Swell Turn-out Call on. i T d" I , R'T'! CY ! T T 'tT U71' %"%T I 9Both Phones eoo. - - 515 East Liberty Street. A2.70N Lamps Expre ssly Students' Use The a(~' ilning cuts represent R helochester" 'The Yale," "The Royal," ulThe Perfection," fiof our an1ystyles"Tof Berlto Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from O Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure 0 w1hite light, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv- IES AO 'WELTSHO saleE ! ered in any part of the city in our cans at 10c per gallon. For saeonly by 214 South Main Street. i That we are offering this week at $2.w70 T1hese shoes are all of this ceasori's Last and Paterns and were formerly sold at $3.50 and $3.00 We have got-more than' we wish to carry over to next season, hence this great offer $P2.70 1 0 s W. J. BOOH, Pos.W. AnsOLDst Vice-pre S. V. SEEAxNu, 2d vice-prs. JuRNeC. TALZ. Asst. Cashier. State - Savinls- Banl. Transacts a general Banking busi- ness. Cr. Male aoti Huron Streets. Capital,$510,0. Surplus, $30000. Trasac a generilianking business. 1R. Ksse, prs. C. E. GREENEa, Vice-Prs FRED. .HasEs Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, $50,00. Surplus, $150,000. Resources, $1,15,000. Organized underthe General Banking Laws f this State. Receives deposits, buys and sells exchange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper Identi~cation. Safety doposit boxes to rent. Oricr~nss hristian Rach Prs; W. ID. Hariman Vice-Prss Chas . Hiscoc, Cahie: ' . JFritz Assistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BAR roanod 18 C. pital, 5100,000. Surplus and Prefit, 50,0 Transacts a general baning bsiness Foreign exchange bought andold. Furnish letters of credit, E. D. KINNE, Prs. HARRISON SOLE, Vice Prs S. W. CLARSON Cashier CIU. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic deorators Have a complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldgs, Et. Specialty of fino intrior decorating, painin frescoing, tinting and paper hanging. Only the hst of worken employed. Work guaranteed. C.Ia. MAJOR & CO., The AtI stc IDeortor, KLEIN LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Latest Noveties in Winter aid spring Garments. COR. WILLIAMAND MAYNARD STREET. oe bioch Westof University. Fine CnfeCtions Eon Eons and Chtocolate. 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET 316 SOUTH STATE STREET. O MUSICAL !@ Mel Gillespe. teacher of Mandolin, Bano and Guitar. Instructor in the Cniversity . chool. of Music. -1 years experience as a teacher. Col at knn Arbor Music Co's. Store tu arrange for hour. MONEY LOANED On Watches, Diamonds, Wheels or other Per- soui Property. - WATCHES ANDEWELRY REPAIRED. Office at residence, ''t E ierty St., Ann Ar- soc.; Mih. All usinss confidental. Hours. S00011:30 a.insand lto 3:0 and ' tovp. o. Joseph G. Wats. Biargains in Secodand watches and Di- monds. TRY THE . UNIVERSITY NOTES. I sisi ill pa si P1 Tl.s's ll'pus 4t'of.-Itls (sollveiltill '\vWI" to l's5'5eive lte' -lmrt)5 A 'sllislllle st'5 l .5' I'ro' islll sfltef'leis s'slllli55i 1(1totake s is-s m 01i ii Athlls'le Assovaiiisll 'oslait5t1555il 1 -sil- iisith1enIsto sild lt'eie--its1 oolis till way. t1os's llslisat'iswactissil 550 s:irs'is'sI (11t. De"sso si Iiss is siss 5 iss' 0 Ill- th 1.11 iBssisless esslo'r".issst ls' wol'lo ssf Out' vk'rs"ity lasit'isiss al'5.'sa1laiy ta als- 55515ls.5s51. ls 'ssvc~,t1.(01"ltsion 3 sliol- S(Ill(*(' frosssthss'city. 10151st uideee'r restsilo, for 5'lie people 'l'lss'are 1i3:131l) at te lis01lsws''s.5 .(5tt v l'5'toivili1t.' has iswlls los'ti's' eanvirsions sos O 0f tile 1iet'11 bal tlililsA ])lrllesl foras15to Illselllo.siislitil'esof rc59f5011?. i'fli tss'first tisseIme s'last i. s'lcis'f 15151t ( I is-wiliioi v:was.onIltls, llrookbfil-v, '01, fromis ifuts'svssos,fii'lbi flilsilIaus isug ik atts'ststilfy lstessil511l ini list' ills' 11011t' los tiss Valise of the i s ses. 'ixs:' wal. Lststoisi le difeslsl eoo 'two ('llit'ft s'is)jstiolssn ised ws'tat 5e1155,11i - s's of soil e 'isis sogo issi 'sls'~ liss' note's sss,'seol in tlis usinilr w-oo1s senttiio(,4 o boh t','h(.ao :md ,)Vl 111e los 's.good as giolsl. and slias tsuch 1 s(,sts's11 lsive rsifis s 5ill his evclI. a syossessi wos'did ndly weaktllen lle slst olOf f1se sepositor. 'T'ie onswes'Iura Cu. t 'WetSoles. Sizes 2 -=2 to S. 'ils'ho -istory sis1l Eeossoislie lssils'lil il'ul)o tlief ilhils'eaist seiIiry rosis lsls . vs'uing5 Insteaditof in Tappan Hll ai a a1115s''s. 'he isleeiug oppsiedl 'wills a a yorl talk osi"sbooks of valsse in Anilli hlslis tlslieal resid- i jigs by, 'Pro'sf. Mfasughlt. Psrof. 'rfaaylorss'frliowes'lsIfta ,anisisifora:1a salk soui the lilor i ,1aryveon-vesfl ithe111d ill IsssiaiaaolisrIlls'firsTsI of lt. wo's'k. TfisIoe s sa'ps'faew(,j1lsiislk withi .Ii shsssrt hisIos'.'of 1isrsislaslsC51'''i' liss, 'and1 lst.' al)toisitslseli of ttli eusmlksi.sis.Islisli ren solotih' e o-4ol- 15015 si.:dtis by's t1he Ios. '0l''t'ltisoll Itt. g55'etotohess' liessiis. thsrf the oijeeliou 'Wossld not Obe tle ssu1derr sll ordinary 'ondlitions asisthIe new syfleI'iapro- videolTofool sogsod iaaukilig system asl '[0)'1tis slis'!lest oeurily till'dosposil caill llave. A toaie of extremieehostiliii7' ho fret. silver :11(lisit ili'taiilill w'a 's,as- ilt'-rleted. If uosil of a poltluleal o'ol- veltilon 51n0117' ense uoe, 01O i isiip 54 of bankero'ls anid llilS e ns.111. It broke upi wnitll a good feelinug thatf OAslIIilig1 eosssilo4e lone sandl ttshat somnesfling lisit bestltsiss." lPfsotf and(1side sies for rent. Moo~elll elivoisenfes. 727 E. Univer- sify aves..1. f. Ladies' Romeo Aaskas oe 9c Consignment No. I Our first purchase of Spring Neckwear has just arxived. Are they beautiful? Look at our window and judgo for yourself. IFO(R ONE WEEK-Wares, Lined Kid Gloves-regular price 5$15, price for this week S$1.00.