2 THE UNIV'ER6rrY(,_'OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 2 THE UNIVEIPfffY OF MICHIGAN DAILY i t a moment's 'thought the doyctor re- IL ef l ,.plied, "I shlould rather call it a clues- lion of physics." When questions are asked which re- Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at qnire yes or no for an answer, the ex- pert always hhs the right to explain TE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGIAN. the iconditions under which his answer Orrtos: Times building, 329 5. Main St. be- holds good. tween Liberty and William St. -hodgo. "Of all things, be honest on the wft- SIANAGING EDITOR J. F. TnuoAs, '50 L. ness stand." The professiorn is of JsEs niMAA E0 . nore value than the wincing of a par- BUSINESS SIANAiSEO 0 0H.0l L.' ticular case, even if a life is at stake. O. H. HAts, '04 L. *" ItEis never justitiable for the expert to EDITORS H. B. sKILLMAN,19$ L., Athletics. hecoine a special plehder in a criminal E. L. OarsMER, '93 L. G. D. HUDNUTT, '0. case. "in a civil suit, however, it is BUTLEn LAM, '00. T. R. WooDnOw,'98 hardly necessary to tell the other side 1. A, CAMPBELL, '00. A. CAMPBELL, '99. that they haveoitted sondhingthey F. EsoucnAnu, '08. niight use to good advantage." tHe closed by giving a little advice on the matter of reimuneration. Never The subscription price of the Daily is $2.50 take a case uiless some one becomes for the college year, with a regular delery personally respansible for your fee before neon each day. Notices, communica- lions, and other matter intended for publica- oc you may not get it. When a lawyer lion moot be haoded in at the Daily offie be- fore p.m., or maied to the editor befor1e~ 'talks to you about a e a se, whether lie M. of the day previous to that-on which employs you or not, it is a consulta- Sosfeipt s rnayeIst at The Daily tio, and alilirge him for it. In the Office, Meyer's or Stoffiet's Newstand, or with Business Manager. Subcrihers will co- aitter of fee's, charge by the day, for fer a favor by reporting promptly at this ofice any failure of carriers to deliver paper. every day you are away on the case whether on the stand or iot. Teack team prospects for the cen- ing season, as evidenced by the at- Education in Germany. tendlttnee 0t the meeting yesterday, seem to be most bright. One hun- Supt. Whitney, of the Saginaw dred and fifty candidates aught, with Schools, will deliver a lectur on "The proper training and selectioei, to fur- iddueationalS ystetis of t ermany" nish material eneug1h from wh-ticih to this afternoon at 4 =p. Im. in the Tap- pick a winning team. pan Hatll lecture room. Mr. Whitney spent last year in Gerany itd made When the plast of placing iltui'cOl- the schools a special study while legiate debating interests nuder the there. The lecture is said to be one control of ihe t)ratorical Association of practical value. The doors will is was proposed year before last, oppo- epen to everyone. sition was strong and the sap'p oi'iers of the :idea had a hard figot to carry "At Home." their point. The results of the change have, however, vindicated the wisdom 'lthe Wtomen's League is "At Hote" of those who inade it. Previous to the to all college women , nd league tuem- ado tion of the present method of con- hers on actuettday, Jat. 29, from 4 to ti trol, the finl debates were poory at. in the women's building. Dr. M toser, tended and the quality of the debating assisted by Mesdatnes McLaughlliti, -as somew'hat strained. Now liter- u'the, Hulher, Doe-k, tlisha Jones, est in argumentative cOnteris is at Drake. Miss Jua Snow tnd others, fever heat -and the generous testi- will receive. A musical programt nOonials offered secure an abundance which is in the thands of a committee of talent. Tonight's itter-department of seniiors, pronfises to be enjoyable. struggle promises to be the closest, and therefore the most in'eresting IF YOU WANT THE BEST that has yet been held. Three good FRATERNITY STATIONERY, nien wil1 supiport each side of a most BADGES OR PINS interesting question. Attenidance will Send to well repay the tnime and money ex- SMITH, STURGEON '& CO., penided. 237, 239, 241 Woodard Ave.. Detroit. Designs and estimates furnished on al work "Expert Testimony" of this kind, i ITNINTER SHOBS I i-OF- Every Description. A LARGE LINE OF CYM1 SHOES - ,SEE OUR WINDOW? .... ~." -BEAL'S SHOEI STORE, 109 . Main Street. Opposite the Court Rouse. n Opportunity #; . FOR FINE DRESSERS This week we put on sale all our Fine Tailored Suits, in Cheviots, Cassi- meres, Clays aid Worsteds-all made after the latest Winter Fashions, equal- led onlyh7lhigh-priced merchant tailored clothes Choice $14.59 We have cheaper oneso which we have reduced. But this week we are making a special effort [to reduce our stock of -fine suits prior to miventory, February 1st. - 'Dr. Victor C. Vaughan lectured last night to the senior mnedico on the sub- ject of "Expert Testimuny." His lee- turne took 'the form of a practical talk and was substantially as follows:, Do not try to hedge, 'but aiswer di- reetly and plainly all questio s- asked. As long as the lawyer asks reasonable questions answer in a reasonable and straightforward way. 'Don't try tto be smart, for the lawyer has the at- vantage of you."' Don't allow an attorney to intimi- date you. "He 'will insult you andt shake his fist in your face, call you names and accuse yeu of being a quack." In such a Case it is well to watch your opportunity 'and. give hint a good setoback 'when you can. A famous taxicologist was. en the stand being questioned by a very imperti- nent lawyer. The lawyer asked, "It. is posdible to kill a'patient with an overdose of cathartic, is it not?" "Yes." "Well, doctor, that is properly a medical question is it not'" After 40. Students' 'Lecture Associ*ationf --COMING BOOKER T. WASIIINGTON, The Moses of ,ils People and Distinguished Orator at University liall, Saturday Night, January 29 ON "'Solving the Negro Problem at Tuskeegee." Dr. Angell said ofthis address here two years ago: "He surpassed the high water mark of eloquence in University hall." Admission 50C. Season Ticket for Remaining Numbers $1.25. Reserved.Ticket for Remaining Numbers 25c extra. CONSISTING OF Sousa's Band- ---Feb. 26 Oratorical Contest-.----------.----------.--- --March is Burton---..------------------------------....--Apri & 35 MEN'S CALF LACE SINGLE OR DOUBLE SOLE.,., Men's Winter Russett heavy double sole, shoes for dress and evening,.also full assortment for ladies at equally low prices. Gym Shoes-ladies' and mien's-black serge-all sises 75c. V.lffM! J. A~1PRI .LwL, 19 E. WASHINOTON ST ATHENS THEATRE Saturday, January 29th Chas. Frohuan Presents the Brilliant Romance Under the Red Robe. First Four Rows------------s$1.50 Balanceof Parquet........... 00 Parquet Circle--.............-..70 A PazieCry- ------------------ 7