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January 27, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-01-27

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f~t Dr. Carrow's Generous Gift.
+Prof. LFemmiing Cla row, of the jae- 3ofoz'e 1Haviag our
Leai depaifimnit, aofferda prize
Published Daily (Sunays excepted) during whkc% imkes; the proposed puting anzd INSPEUT THiE WORK
the Colege ear. at drop inching ontest an assreildenaxt. .......s..lc
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. tFootbll+i 'anager Iead -aniounced .T e 0 rr m OinTmsbulng=sM
O r r u i e u i i g 2 ain St. be- l ast tight that D r. C arro'w had offered T h e B e r r y m any S t u d ioe L so i . sl v r clp t t e w n er o A N O N E I O b o . h s a~ t l~i d t op yt G b o
MANGIN EDTOR sitti coatat.Thi tii iid r~ihy(ucessor t Gbson c& Clark)
J. F. THosrAS.'SQ L. is given 0y1te doctor iii onor of- isi
BUSINESS ISANAISIIS son Heslbert P. Crrw, who gradutes 112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor.
. H. BANS 'SO L f rein theSt.'folin's iitary4Acdeny
EDITORS it t Dealed, Wis., this yerrButt wits
. B. SKILLMAN, '98 L., Athletics. ..:. .-. ;, .
E. L. GuISaSER.'15 . G. D. Hiuvunv'. wiii enter the tinvesly next fil hould the Governor of South
Bumxna LAiss.' . T. R. Woonnaow. '8D. tihsrr isifs aiwniys h~ecis rc t
h. _. AsrnL, 'S. A. OAsrusEL, 'SQ, interested in coorgee athietics, havin Carolina meet the Governor of
F. RwNGELHAno. '98. in hitt colege days owedl for ttre orth Carlina
years on thle ress of Co)Itittt it Col- A S U
__________________________ l__ go. hIs generos gift cotme In vrig
The sbsription pries of the Daily Is $12.50 nicely lilt t 'tie whnaeit ot st Ie. On the banks of the raging Huron
for the coieseyear. with a reglar delvery isg aii' to tdevekickn aeilh~odn obsy
before noon each day. Notices, coemounia- . ipkci, aeit ewudn obSy
tions, and othematter mIended for psbic- for tnexf yeear's footal teati. Mt- "Its a ong time between now and
tio must be handed in at the Daiy sfice be- Jl ,,adi att eoeo
fore 6 . i., or maled t the editor bfore 3agar Heald Oaiifl es furtier tlia Jul 1a adSiyouwatobenef
p. i. of the day previsltthat on which s''ondt and tltd prige f sameset the boys-in other words, a live
the* are epectodtosafpear. '- wire-you had better take the n~ i nn
Stbsriptions may be left at The Daily ill be irt .iad fie' oteit i ll aket s-nieti
tht Business Msanaer ubcriers wilh o- tphace in the Srnit.Oler articuirsM A D L N
ter a favor by reporting promptly at this o ,
office any failure of cariers to deliver paper. sill be c isllistled in the ~ear fututisi. U" of . Dally UTIR sBA J S
The secring of Gutilmnn, t'e great A Renowned Organist. And get the current college news The Washburn is the oe and only
Frenich oigaist, for a r'citil oa thle It's a hummer ant-l understand the make of world-wide reputation. Sad
l1"'ieze Mlemoil organt, twas a trost M1. Alex'alioer (uiltlait, 'the World's unprecedented offer of $10 ismade." by first-class dealers everywhere frm
conniendable step on te plrl tll, reat "ra~t hoi nihgi Think I will" said the oter gent, so be sure that the name "Geore
Unvrstlusical Siciey. Teo facet-eu tour in this country, twill gve and they took a tiink- of Ann Ar- Wsbr"ibundpothisdc
poeinitias aofforded the Student body it recital iinitiii'Frieze Metorial Organ brs famous water. A beatiful Washburn hiooke contain-
of hearing the great nstranen e 1,1. it. .1G(uilinantt has een se- Leave yor name and ddress for "If tg Ifportraits lvand letters froma the cDc
Iuvriyflsthttve..Slens'rare duiltctured ttio l'ghe'ti effots of trof. a regular morning delivery of the zIt eClt aeNria ct
y Hal leDAILT the rest of the college year at cli and io other famous artists ad
tis oislon til iiio iountstlie one of .ttnenhsli ogdsrd htteU fN.DIYOfcteachers, mailed free upon request.
the proninent eventsto f t thePolgAnn iIt Atoo l iativet eati sopportuiity istfAddress Dept U,
yer 'aillg the fatuous ' tustolon. He il 329 SOUTH MAIN STREET ts ssnt R ELY
_______________ itii li tth siti ii ear ailhO ~iit Stte hon cor. Waba.50se e.and Adias sSt Chigo
'tt hn .he srsbateiiity of an addi.ionu tle e Positively to e in Aillreia for hl'asti89 US IN$
law bilding 5toancense oa' init"hyre- tiie. Iesils eitg a nmaster f the
iocigi h iwdprlel te 'cttiisue of the organ hle is alsoa}
present 'in digthe 1 t' ettiy ovecrowdt-fatnotba eonlosr. I. Sutlinmt coil s S u1ui(u e
Ott igi rail vrz hrefo eri, hr e aS eland, a4 trerybodylinows, It is n s Le t r Associationi
oe necs sa ry to 'tol t seeral lawecitisi is4 n e. i1.
liasssin 'teilititn hilin" ThMI i TeWoe' is0O1( N
a source of uitc'i discomfort to all cot- C'h oe' League of the U. of -COMIN
crned and any plaln that wiill emoedty Jnar11. gives tail"At otile"a on Saurdasy,
mtatters will of course hie heartily en- Jitlr 0 fo Oot t.0,llSt
corged f 1 mOtt lr)itt~,t e onh's29,sfrom tigto all o lege trenton BOOKER T. W AS HIINGTON,
library is liiiedtinthil he lrot9)sed t.tILeagte ie Stntlttis. Dr. \bher
addition, tle room it Sno ' satip's wil asisted Sy a nuniber of ladis andi
inSnenntei etr rol. '-ie chor gils mill recetve. The Moses of His People .and Distinguished Orator at
Daly h esI~i sesto sllee te )res'l 5lt O ATTEBS
soon us. nne leihtit IFinpe.FRATERNITY STATIOCRY, University fHAILSaturday Night, January Z29
Wisoonin Opposes New Rules. BADGES OR PINS ___ON
Send to
The . tilicosith("llla says edi- SMITH, STURGEON & CO., "Solving the Ngro"'Problem at Tuskeegee."
tettaly, in regard to the nitw foothbl 37.29. 241 Woodard Ave.. Detroit.
"ues: It toisot likely tt e son- Digsnd estimaten fornishied on al wont . Dr. Agell said ofshis address here two years ago: "He surpassed the
sin will thke cognizanlce' of tie fot- of ti id high water mark of eouence in University hll."
Sal rules' as hid out by Sgg atlld
Everett, exept ill so for .10 they agr"' "
tft 'the r'tults Of til'e estn'O~ii'r- 4#A dmission 50c.
on cv, wlh 'alit be iled ill New Tort':
oSn Febaruay 12. As twe reditetd, the * P "
,atienSpt on the pit of +Clsic~ao to &,-a-
t. flish inrte west tles tdiffereil S * Season Ticket for Remaining Numbers $1.25.
'05mfthoso In tIllPc.t, lSctfals 'i , t 'Reserved Ticket for Remaining Numbers 26c extra.
WhSile there re -tonle 'goodl goinls toCOSTIG F
the Sew rtules 110 revision as a nwholeCOSTIG F
oiitnptnt andtill noit trove ale'- SoLusas Band--------------------e.26
tp tal o bot teste i ei s. Oratorical Contest- --- ---------- ----------March 8
tt'hliiei~iu!haATHENSdyTIIFATRFe Buron ----------- ----- ---- ---- ---------April 8
heri di. lsr&vhi of the rolt~aorn whle T EN TH A R
the ntagoi'to f i oon Sin and
Sii;in 1(9amy strictly vWI ro ! Saturday, January 29th S31150 MBEN'S CAF LACE SINGLE OR DOUBLE SOLE .,,
Chnes.isFrodbknan.Presentshe en's Winter ussett heavy double sole, hoes for dress and
supr hs hee1055 .n n the Brilliant Romance evening, also full asortment for lades at equally low prices..
tttittisthe rule, wilt never go into the ym Shoes- ladies' and men's-blach serge-all sizes 7i.
tfet -Wi, cn lii i iaStniill tdtat Un.der te7 7 7 1 .WS1N NS
there iti era $eW(f1. "J. AIPRILL. for ppWM . V. A P RS
the 'w st, and will wai t ie lo+t Red Robe_ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _


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