THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIG*AN #DAILL.3 Men's Furnishings That. Sell Thernslves!t OUR STOCK COMPRISES OF THE BEST VALUES AND MAKES. Pure Lambs Wool Worst- ed.. All kinds of Styles Sweaters .i all the Combinations of Shirts . . Colors. The best from $3.00 to $4..50. Unlaundered, pure Warn-Random Wool, a fine sutta Cotton and 4-plysotgamnvid f Linen Bosom 54c. The Underwear sot amn odo biest shirt in the market to- any scratching material. (lay. See them at 6$9c. We invite comparison. Ougoods are what we represent them to be. We can save you money. Drop in and see our stock. MAIN STREET, S. IA1II \CI( d . 9AIN STREET, S. Yuw taMando- din Gutar or Bnodo't you fI You atte price rhtdo't you * SEORWINDOW. ANNADRMUSIC CO. 0527.Washingtoa St. ANN ARBOR Time Table, Sunday, Sept. 5, 1897. TIME TABLE: TDrains leave Ann Arbor by Central.Standard Tiae. 8:43 a.m. '7:30 a. a a12:15 a. as. 11:25 a. ms. 4:48p~m. 8:40 p. m. *Ru between Ann Arbor and Toledo only E. S. GILiORE, Agent W. H BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. TheNiangara Falls Route." Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR EAST. WES, Maliand Ex....347 B., N.Y, Chi..--.8512 N. Y. Special--4 58 Maili------- 3 8 43. It. Express .--"1 10 Pacific Exsl-12 30 'N. S Limited----8 105.M Eastern Ex.-5... 47 Western Es--138 A. M. i.I.&K.Ex --.SSi ID. N. Expresse----.5 50 Chi. Nt. Esx-----7 47 Atlantic Sfx..7 30 *North Shore Limited is an extra fair train to be a charge of $2.10 to New York than on other trains. 4. W. RuouLas, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor THE BUCKEYE ROUTE. COLMBUS, HOCKING VALLEY AD.JOLEDRAILWAY Is the only line from the Toledo Unon: Station to Coubs and points beyond, usng Union depot terminais at Oon has and rune four fat express trains daiiy between the points namek, two of them in thesun-precedeoptedtime of three hours. Parior cars on day trains, seats 25 cents; Putman nieepers on sight trains. Students d( siring unesquated faciiities are invited to use the Huckeye IRoute and nan obtain fhii particuiars on application to locai ticket agents. Et. R. DAVIDSON, Dint. Pans. Agent, Toledo; or- WV. H. FISHER, G. 1'. andI T. A., Coluasbus, Ohin. CAN FURhNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Orders for alt Fraternity parties, ciub dances, etc. Leave orders at Ann Arbor Music Co. or ast tenidence,17JO GGsddesave. P.F,S.- Wili take pupils on Piano and in sight reading at above named Pisces, A,.3JJohnston. EINOCHi DIETERLE, ERiBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Calls Attended Dayor Night. No. 116 East Liberty Street: Residence. 533 Sooth Fourth Ave. Phone 129. KINDERGARTEN, an - nt.CHR ISTMAS I Call and See Us,- Take home one o: osur'"U.of M." Pins o nRElNTSN..Rn s POORAHRonic lother novelty i t~t1I1bf~tf, TE HOT +R& E our lt. e. Telephoe 1." ANN ARBOR W =,.Ax ^ f.o LEADING'JWEE BERO0WN'S IDRUG STPOREU CORNER MAIN AND HURON STREETS Is the place to buy Dissecting Instruments and all thing needed toi Bacterology, Pathology. Histoiogy, Etc., Etc. 'w~r'sPRICES RIGHT. Joint Debate. . At the Athens. A joint d45ate beatwes'Oie5( Ulivel'- 'The four-sot roni'alitie Nlay, "Untie: otty of aiisas Incd tie University of (heIted Rohe,' which ranl for nearl: Ifisotri as eendseiseulsipn. 1:1- ity consecutive weeks at t he Itit 1Tlsour hasbee deldedupo. R pire Tiioater, New Yoik, iasit se.-son sesentatives "of tiiese I1ieAi~eOuie ,vioi eoos'to the Athens Tiseiter, under iliect in iUwfLi'e. Rio.,s- on M1irs'i: IS. th.,' mnnagemnent of Cha-ries Prohoiisn to disicuslithe 1nestioii "tOe'olvtd, 00 Saturday, January 29th. Tihis is it. That a natiosal inconie tix wossld to' first visit to this city, as Ilideed it i a desirable 1ParSt of ouit seiue of tax- its 'fust tosur otside (if tihe metropolih ation.' ,8wituhei' Missouri is to hav:' and it is not too mucis to expsect (iii the aflillfuative and Kainsas 1 he urga- a crowvded- house wiii applauydti 'tive sitde of the queustioii, or sice 5ers