2 THE UNIVERSTYOF MICHIGAN .DAILY. I Among the Colleges. C)IN PE It Is etitated thlat gifts amounlting - to $40,000 have been(01 made to the Yale Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during im' school durling the past yettr. '. '<" the Collewe Year, at rrho St1issour ita eisiatnt'c recently , THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGA. , t 1 ,moov}ngduti ortuuE. Times building, 329S.5 Male St. be- anman dies i thouxt a dirt t'ctidccnc- , tween Liberty ad William Sts. tt s ihg fir attts J. F. THOMAS, '00 L. 'Dartitottli 'College th i ctic milt L UsaNESS MANAGOER 0. ~. mss, 1 get'. ate trying to l. iralige .'iiwsow ot- -0.,i letigue to tosiil~rise Dartittotti, H. B. SKsILAtS,9'8 L., Athletics. toxiatlCrieIItae1'lla' EL. Osuus,'I) L. 0. D. HtosuTT '(10. 5o tte presentDarttiaottti-Asitliet si~t BuwsLun LAss,'(0. T. R. WounROW,'910 Williatits ieaytte. 11, 4. CAMPEsLL, '00. . -cAMruBoL,'99 1'Iirincetoll:11Is I~ ssofs'Itusfcs to fl C lh l F. EEssuLHnuARD.'9- teunevisat'14.ia tnt'r .1 sen's of tIas'Ifft .tlin 'IJIJ galiesItiit't'ttiisylixae'fcre in'tl- tug its former t ixal agtiti, will ask O FN The subscription price oc the Daity is S2.50 tot' five years "ttgtetiiett for lllcot- FRFN for the college year, with a regular delivery before noun each day. Notices, commonica- egisIlai i utacles of 5tt )rt. dions, and other matter Intended cor poblica- ''l e wXllrly.tt'1511g~nii lion most be handed in at the Daily office be- Pt'tO titr itWsitgst .This week we pu tote 8eP. m. or maied to the ditsr before 'sts itt 44 nineils of sblcvinig illitue FneTaloedSns p. in., of the day previous to that on which Fn alrdSis they are expected to appear. ilotti"alreasdy inistlet, titiclti wti151'- Subscriptions may be left at The Dotty fee lasad Office Mdeyers or stofftet's Newstand, or ('611111110(1111t0 over 2,11(,000f voiiiiiic .moeCas ndV with business Manager. Suhribert wilt con- r leltiilae( ~ae y fth i li safter the latest Wiote fer a favor by reporting promptly at this 1t'led only tocytilth office anv failure of carriers to deliver paper. wNilt be ttts'trd of =4,:(00000 hooks withedony by . hgh Iliany 10iile its of shielvinig. tailored clothes 'oliniaiaisits itore ecooning nttcris Athr1ee wEck' 1aiitiiil'-t111YlitnLi SHOES!T -OF- Every Description. A LARELINE tOF OY)L1 SHOES SEE OUR WINDoOW? BEAUL'S SEJI STOREI 109 If. Main Street. Opposite She Cent R ouse.. .. irtunity DRESSERS it ton sale all our in Cheviots, Csi- Vorsteds-all made er Fashions, equal- 3-priced merchant $14.50 as to th~e oitiotlty in ohitaiig rt'l'- once hooks frtalit? t'ises outside thet attendants' decsk ini the geeral ittrar y. 'T'hese hooks ate iliaced wxvere thtey aitt suppoased to bi s a .Oconvontence to( those Saking tue course to tx'hithy refer. 1,1nstead of 'a~vprieciistidig this courtesy on 'the paint of teiuttiorittes, the ;tstdens otaking the courses carrty ite boostiomie anad keeptahiemn tot weeks 'at a ttiie. There is is way to stop this b~y atiy systeti of esioisnage; the only tiik that c(!tn he dotie is ifo zappeiai to the tiotior otf the sttleit'tt atidifit tisptove iiiefecttiai to totat the hooks back bhintdhthe iteok. Former Professor Dead. Word was received tiere last night annotncuing the death of Carl W. Be- ser, Ph. D., f or five years professor of Latin in the U~niversity of Coorado at Boulder, Col., previous to that tung' the well known professor of Seuitti- languages in the Untversity of M~icit- ig-an and a popluar Ann Arbhor hey. Prof. Beser was only 37 yeats 01(1 at the tine of is death and wiii be widely mourned, not oily -in 'this city Alich was hits ihome and where his paTents atid tasodiers and sIsters re- -side, taut also* at the Univet'ity of Colorado wx'here he was looked upson asy one of the stronugest and ablest inieimbers of the University faculty. Hfe left Ann Aribor five years ago on alccounrt of illi'health, being evena at that tine applarently -in the last stages of consuniption. The tafifled attais- phere -and heatingbreezes of Oolorado appeared to giv e in a new iease ofII life hut it was not for long. The dread disease had obtained too strong a bold ontillmanid lhe gradually suc- Cum bed to its alppfoha'ehes unti the end came at 5:30- p. in. yesterday. It is not known what dtspost tion: will be m deof the body, whethetr it Will b brought to Axn Arbr r in- torte at Boulder. When the n-tter is deided it will be ianounced in The Daley. The deceased leaves a wife and four children. The crew f Potnnsyl'vania ,11dCte ,AnnapolsN-a ae;wl le tA pol, "ay 20th. T contest at Yale, (t('sigiiod to brtiig 't UM('w tterleal for te iitercoliegiate gauues, s'as tilisht'd iii Deceit'i. S. It. Ttitphin xvoni witit a throw of 110t feet 4% itches. theorge L. ('adwal-a- dt of gSoit Fincis(-oo.was second. f't titoheis 'rtooll that 'the t'tiiv7etity Of t'eniisytelania. Itorvard, Coittnitia. ('orniell, Yule atid probably I'Pricetoni wx'il horitaute in the conftenue to tie li llat Bra-ea beore ion;tgortltite li ttttost'e of forminitg a tiuiformntaiss for thaeregulationa of coilege athletics in the tIs . 'IToe auntabl idual tratitsand field mte(et tII't'ei'iitielerii'it's (If (7iicago anIsltlinoiosxVIi lw' heldt on ii ay14. at :i1.ashh1i6tid.fTitis tiocesstates a cisasigo itt the college league ttssebll scitelule lull Chicago xwililaci' XMI-ol ligYatBeieoott'An~y it0, instetid of the 4 ItsorIliginlliy ixed,.Ilinios' gaciie withm {titicago i eiitg transferred fro-eti the 100t1 to tie i4tit). IF YOU WANT THE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY, BADGES OR PINS Send to SMIlTH, STURGEON' & C0., 237, 115,,Id41iWoodard Ave.. hietrott. Designs and estimates furnished on alt work of tisi kind. Choice , " , }. ' . §EWe have cheaper oneso which we have rednced. But this week we are making a special effort to reduce our sok of flue suits prior to inventory, February 1st. Students' Lecture Associationl_0MN BOOKER T. WASI1INOTON, The Moses of His People and Distinguished Oratoir at University ll, Saturday Night, January 299 ON " Solving the Negro Problem at Tuskeegee." Dr. Augell said of his address here two years ago:, "He surpassed the- high water mark of eloquence in University hall"' Admission 50c. ATHENS T EATRE $Season Tce for Remaining Numbers $1.25. 2ceta ~ aturday, January 29thCOISNGF C 1ha. Frobman Presents Sonsa's Band-----------------------------------------Feb. 26, I4drteBurton---------------------- Arl8 Red Robe.$ S3,5O MEN'S CALF LACE SINGLE OR DOBLE SOLE.,. $First Stx Rows _________._____5_$150 Men's Winter Russett heavy double sole, shoes for dress and $ iaiascerf Parquet-------c---10 evening, also full assortment for ladies at equally low prices. Parqlicn-----------7 _-.0 Gym Shoes-ladles' and men'-black serge-all sines?7c Gallery -- -- ----- -- - -- - I2 ° . y