4 'J°HE UNVERSITY OF MICH-IGAN DAILY. The Store" Department! $2.70 The ad j }ining cuts represent 2 of onr mny styles of LADIES' WELT SHOES That we are offering this week at $2.70 These shoes are all of this Season's Last and Paterns and were formerly sold at $3.50 and $3.00 We have got more than we wish to carry over to next Sea son, hence this great offer $2.70.' W. W. Wetm ore, g/,#1V0iii8.Ma ~S ., and 3 S' . St e osts }UNIVERSITY PTEXT-BOOS MCNW AND SECO0ND-HAND. liS UL LNE O NOTE BOOKS, rand ..STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. Fountain Pens and Fine and Staple Stationery and offers. all at the Lowest Prices. Universi1ty wHchoo1 of Dancing, Slate Street, opposite Law Building. Terms $5.00 a semester Single evenings -5.3cents.. Office-427 Thompson Street. Once More Doing Business HOLiVES' LIVERY, 1515 E. LIBERTY St. We have opcned up one of the finest livery barns in the state, with elegant carriages and fine horses. Would like to have our old custom- ers remember that we are still on earth. We also kindly solicit new trade. Telephone io6, Old and New. Lamps Expressly 4t, Students' Use "The Rochester," "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50 each. OIL Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure OI rwielight, i odorless and does not char-the wick. Deliv- ered in any part of the city in our cans at 10c per gallon. For sale only by W. 3. BooTn, Pros. W. AssOto,1st Vice-pros Jr. V. Sneonax, Hi Vice-pros. JOHN 0. WAco. Asst. Cashier. State Savill .s - Bailk. Transacts a general Banlting busi- ness. Cor. Main and auras Streets. ICapita1, 150,05. Surplus, $30,t00. Transact a 'I, general banking business, R. Kire FPres. c. E. O~ nE, Vice-Pros oat .H. BoI4s= ashier, THE ANN ARDOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, 105,00. Snrplus, $1t0,S00. aesaurces, $1,100,000. Organzed onder the general Banking Laws of thin State. Receives depositsboys and sells exchange on the principal cities of the ,United States. Drafts cashed upon proper 'identification. Safety deposit boxos to rent. OFFexcass, Christian Mack Pros' W. D. Harriman Vice-Pros; Chas E. Alecock, Cashier: hi. . Fritz Assistant Cashier. ffRSTNATIOALBNK of Ann Arbor BOrganied 16 Oapital, $100,000. Surplus and Prefits, 6108i Transacts a general banking business. Foreign exchange bought andesold. Furnish letters of credit. E. D: KINNE, Pros. HARRISON _SOULE, Vito Pros S. WV. OLARKSON. Caehier. C. II. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic deorators Have a complete line of Wall Paper,* Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. Specialty of fine interior decorating, painting, frescoing, tinting and paper hanging. Only the beet of workmen employed. Work guaranteed. C. ff. MAJOR & CO., The Arti stic D~ecortor, DEAN" & COMPANY. 214 South Main Street. S Among the Colleges. Htarvard at NQow tla 7itn. Iu kcoton of a tite the !hird gattc wiltltobig lay":ltt Ctticatgo his attiidoor tbtseball New York ont Jiily 2. tettut. lOver 5I) itten resonmded to at calf for Ini Cernnty unive'rsity students are tti tstal eatdida tt-o at thtrtt'Mlon exetupt frora arTrest by to' plice. NMonday. Of 'ttese, 15Iplayedt last Durinlg the tlast :six; earo 65itne1n yeatr oltt(titer tteier~tity or'sec- bave workred 'titeir way titrought Yale. otid tesoml. T.Mle Harvard-t'enttsylranttt dual Vale itas decided to contfer a Htell nookcl gamaes wiltl nst b ehelt'li tidtegtree-tillot of _I'Mlster of '+cisatre. tP year. io the geueral .,tdegtee gisenit to '.1,1t- A teuttwiariy cttge is lbeintgItuili at gtadutet studtets who do riot wiot Peitttsytxania -fur the ts' of tite tra'e- to :Ototciatice. bltl in~n. 'it- Czar' of Ruossia has ordered tht Thbe Southeri Itieresttcgiat@x Ath- te-openting of -the Wi'otnietto Institute lotte Associationa lita uteattliorsltlipof 'of Stetlilr,o a t St. 'Petersburg. -which 14 iust ttlons. .Nilastco eti by odoer of the govern. Lewis, the Rostolit istttallt tither. tttilettsevertl yeargo has cinntenced coiaCttiug the batry A college of cottltteree attdplitics eanldtotatea for Jite Itrvard baseblall is to lie fornned tinder the auspiceo of nine. Cticago tiversity. 'The Coltc'gc is Rentis Pierce, eatitain of the Cfar- to teach pacticali businesss ath pott- lisle team for tte past tree yoars, has tics, finance, trade anti insunuitee_. resigned. Huldsont,° quarter battk, 'hgs'The Carlisle tndians cleared- $T,000 been elected. oo a result of te gantes playeild tr- Au elecetive course is ajournati;,tu, ing thte pnst seisson. 'Ttte tuoney wtil conducted by dot experiencedjOurtta11- be devoted to the purchtase of a new itot, baa been estitllistted at Motnst athletic field and other attletic neces- Holyoke College. sities. Haorvard is to tave a now durmnitory to coot $160,000. Prices of roomls in Toe tnnouncensent loort week thatt Randolph Hall, as the anow dormnitory talf the proc eeds of_ Hiss Field's en. is to be -catted, wilt range frtos $200 !tertatuminent ve'e to go to tte Atttle ti;- to $700. Association was inoct. It is alt T.1he echtt'mpiotsbttp aties baetween to be devotedl to the wvork of ttte Ho- Yale and Harvard for te oinittg pital Circle of Ring's Datugisiers. baseblall seasonItav(' bentosOhoduted - - s as Pnu'ows: lThursihay, Tutne 24,Yale "Faust" fatie Aftens 'Theiater to-. .at Camlbridge, and Tuesday, JutetaS'2,night. KLEIN LADIES' AND eENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Latest Novelties in Winter and Spring Garments. COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. One block west of Uiversity. Musi c Studio PIANO, PIPE ORGAN AND COMPOSITION. CONCERT PIANO TUNING R. H. KE1KPF From Stuttgart Conservatory, Germany. 312 SOUTH DIVISION STREET p MUSICAL!I @ Mel Gillespie, teacthor of Mandolin, Banjo and Guitar. Instructor in the tUniversity School of Music. Ii yearn experience as a teacher, fcall at Ann Arbor Music Cos. Storo to arrange for hours. t11 XONE Y LOANED On Watches, Diamnds, Wheels or other Per- sonal Property. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. Office at residence, 331lS. Liberty St., Ann Ar- bor. Mitch. All ousinoss confidentiat. Hours, 8o ttt0a mnd 1dto 3:30and 7to9 . m. Joseph C. Watte. BargainssIn Second-hand Watche and D1a- WeltSales. Sires 2 1-2 to 8.I Ladies' Romeo Alaskas [ Gtove l]7c MACK & CO. TYFor Forty Years THEE.... ' Toledo GOLDEN SCEPTRE Sea l~a hns.nsinrai h osilass ins. a a 1RA -Laundry