THE UNIVERSITY OF MICRIGAN DAI.LI, TUE UNIVERSITY OF MiCHIGAN DAILY. 3 Men's. Flurnishings,- That Sell Themslves! OUR .STOCK; CO IPRI$FES OF .THE BE$T, VALUES AND MAKES. Pore Lambs Wool Worst- ed. All kinds of Styles Sweaters. in all the Combinations of Shirts ;.. Colors. The best from $3.00 to $4.50. Unlaundered,A pure Wam- Random Wool, a fine sutta Cotton and 4-ply Linen .Bosom 50c. The Un derwearsot amn odo best shirt in the market to- any scratching material. day. See them at 69c, Drop in and see our stock. MAI STREET, S. MAClK ~~(& MAIN STREET, S. ,_ _{ 4 4 4 4Yeu want a Mando- 4 dolin, Guitar or - Banjo don't you 4You want the price 4 right, don't you* 4 SEE OUR WINDOW. 4ANN ARBOMSC CO, 4 205-207 E. Washington St. KIDRARTN CHRISTMAS'. Call and See Us, ; Take home one ~o. our U. of M." Pins of nru~omuurnTHE POTOORPHERsc ther novelty it flEA IiMCLEilHEPOTGAPE o'our liie. Telephone ' 0. ANN ARBOR ' ~2XO. .' ,.oid, LEADINGE Can _U Dance Mr. and Mrs.- Roas Granger make 'a business of teach ing dancing. You can join, the classes at any time, th4 term starting with your first lesson.- Private lesson given by appointment. Office, ground floor. GRANGER'S ACADEMY f ANN ARBOR TimeTable,8Sunday, Sepi. 5, 1i897. TIME TABLE: Trains ieave Ann Arber by Central Standard Tie. NORlTH. 9OUTH. 8:43 a. tn, *'705a.M *12:15 a. ms. i1:25 a. mn. 4:46 P. Mn. 8:40 p. m. 'Eonur between Ann Arbor and Toiedo oniy E. S. GILMORE,"Agent W. H BENNETT GS. P. A. Toiedo 0. MWCHCAN .(~i The Jliaara Falls Route." Central Standlard. Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. Miland x- 47; B., N. Y,Chi--8 2 N.Y. Special-_458 Mail-_______9128 e. R. Express ___1 10 Pacific Ex'_ ._1 30 *N. S Limited~. iii* 10. M., Eastern Ex.--9 47 Western Ex --1,20 A.M. iiR.&iCEx...555' 25' N. Exprem.s 550 C),i. N8t. Ex- 7 47 Atlantic Ex...7204 eNorthi Shore Limited is an extra fair train, to be a charge of $2.10 to New Yorik than on other trains. 0. W. RTIGotno, H. W. HAYES.' G. P. & T Aft., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arhsr THE BUCKEYE ROUTE. COLUMlUOS,; IACKIJ VALLEY INN TOLEDO RAILWY Is the only line from -the Toieds Union Station to Colombus and points beyond, uaing Union depot terminals at Colum- buts and ruas for fast -espress :trains,, daily between the points 'namet. two of- them in the un-precedented time of thrree boors. Parlor cars ons day trains, teats 23 cenis; PoLman sleepers on night trains. Students do siring uaequaied facilities are invited loouse she Huckeye-Roste and nan obtain "fhll: particuiars on application. to iocal ticket agents. 30. R. DAVIDSON., Diet. Pass. Agent, 'Toledo; or W. H0. FiSSOER, G. P. andiST. A.," Columbus, Ohio. CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Orders for ali Fraternity parties, ciub dances, etc. Leave order, at Ann' Arbor MluaicCoor nat, Residence, 1710 GEddms ave. P. S. - Wiii take, pupls onl Piano and, is sight reading. at above named Plates," AJ.Johnston. ENOCHi DIETEI5R41~ EIBALMER AND FIJNERAL DIRECTOR. Cails Attended DayeorNight,: No. 116 East Liberty Street: Residence, 5.33 South Fourth Are. Phone 129. RANDALL, THlE PHOTOGRAPHKER. WARMINTH- BLOCK. ARBOR Among the Colieges. At the Athens. 'ihe fatculiy '(ft l1illettOlihavee .re- 'h, 1 oitraet ro}1iltir i,y 'UnceE cently Ile,-sw tieastis torbidding the ~Rdhit, vihm o en itleoibcrs :Afanly Of tile .tthetic tea 0t5 foilty '(onsectiie wsi5-kti te Fno takin intol-Ii ilany gatesas 'lu~'to"lteslre PholEfatt. Neisv York, ht Ssi'.-sot1 si the vatlosis a tlietile(.lob1)tta'ill coites to the At liens flMiealtei-, unit the costttt ry. fiet:: nangems'nt1of (tlsarlsIo F'ohiiiao: Ft ' t5nltsylvatlilt University Atli loni attrdayiuary 9thtt. :This Is it de Association had cleared etsigi lrot visit to'this city, caso, udeed it i last year 'to isis oil' its itideblekintos it first tour nutsidie of heut eropolis of .$11,1)0, anfd Ihayea bilunce of $20,.-:and it is not t ttoo ichit4'exto& ilea (80). Thetoval. rceipts frot t lilt't-u. >crowsdd lhonse swili alsihlitil lit itai 5t115 O Faikit 1110(1 last f selisvlstclt stplilsd tlte zadnfitaab yeair were more than t5.t).Nf ewv Yotl's thlea ttr-goei's, 001' l onga tine. 11he sale of betis. vil 'those a5tih lisldiitg tilltxcllilgs'd cce-{begiti Wediaesdaiy 1st 1i~aiogst~e'ttr stes-ed seatt S.L. A. tickets. call llavS' t sireIt, tnd 'alis,-NIlin strset the'tm exchatngid forttcte retllltlt''r. ___________ seals at Ptiainlevrs ])t~tl tg ~re.allyCALENDAR. titie till Sattirday, J,,il. 27. itOQSS-Dssirtile frot o 11111, 1twlt Thtirsday, Jil. 27-Joint lneelinii dotors ,from at c s sltqtv-:ted for set- Philological 1013Iiliilosopllicai 0c: oitd senleslEei-,tils te obtailed liy cc- lies at Lecttire tilol, Jappan Hail. Spoisithe party =at reasoial - 10101'. Friday. -Jan. 28-Filial I it-oi Apliy at 604 .eltvs' r .. Mrs. W11- Debsato iti Uiiversity 'HaIl loots. S'3 alorday, JTan. 29-Booker '1. Wash :The ltly is short Ite'IlloIwirig igtoli in University Hall. liilitaibers for tthe'year 1.':>219t)1adtiod Will attirday. Jail. 20--F~irst 19'lan 111 ialto satlistaclory irrolli'lil's swillt)Hciil at tlraigers frool 2:30 to antyonewie ar81 lii turnrish sa,1sie: 1P. i Nllllbers ..7, -1,is, .66S.1 13, l176, . Friday, Feb. tItt~oi"lop 1111 oW.-le: 2001).iitil t.ynsnasiitt. f,1"-roitandlIsideil' t11s for r111. .b-tviii c(Slveliit-cs . 7 27[ E. 'Tt-t- 'tleik tlingS ue lst' M LtSr ''titl a-:tv eware. he !ti I I " 111 1011 take a sntstitlt *asa**a~s* - -5---------- No.5S Pitted sit Sctentific rTypewriter Machines Cqaai any oithe high-priced eachines in capacity: and qualiiiyof sorkaad excel them in eonvenience.- IPacica, ow-priced, poriabie,, eyboard sacinis V ih.Rbbn. No 9rattedwith Sceteat;or 4 Tppnibmshe igh. k Prce. 55it0.".- Wied takingmad '- f - att nyoe tuded oliat I~nesqsaii intoanti.) cTyewetiter neweonsthefi# pwr *$,oosoldsidn Two Ydiara:- Mostadurable mash lin FULLER &BERANEK, rfTIL n. Cleaning, Pressing and' Repasiring." Work called for and delivered. 3a1o S. STATE ST.. over Roaey's. Phsne No. 2.4. New State. - 0. Ma ARTINI o FUNERAL DIRECTOR. S Embalming a Specialty. NO. .209 FOURTH AVENUE.. Ambulance night or day., Residence, 302 Fifth Avenue. DROP IN AND NDET ONE.. S IB W. MILL ARD'S I, Football Calendars for 1898. -rWest Liberty Street. is U. of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Roms i5 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladies' artistic Hair Dressing up 'stairs- Old friends call agar}. We welcome new :ones. J5 . H. tOJANOWSKI. k1 Lowney's Chocolates 11 -550G TO--- - ALLEORETIS, if you wish. K AL!ADSO HARD. SOFT, CANNEL ANOA -y SMO0KRLE'SS COAIS AND SCOKE.. tl M. S PA1BB LB1R 119 W. Washington Street. Phone s. 5 vunH LARGSocT MANUiFACiTES OF AvuLaTaC' V AND B1C)C,(,F UPPLE'iiS Az\D UIFRS A. G. SPADING & BROS. I- "The Name the Guarantee.' Official Ostfitters te the Leadiag Coalege,, Ath- letic Csh and School Tesms o the U. S. tEvery Requisite for Base Bail,. Athletic Sports and Pastimes. -The :Spaldling Official League Ball *Adopted by National, Minor, College and School Leagues. Bave Bail Uniforms, Bana, Gloves, Mine, Chest Proteetors, Shorn, Etc. THE SPALDING CHAINLES lt(i y11 THE SPALDINC BUER I R Efi t'e MODELS THE SPALDING ROAD W fit L. MOE. Send for Ilustrated Caalogue of al l Athietic Sports, A. G. SPALDING & BROS., New York Philaeluphia Chicago Washington FINE NEW LOT OF 1 .ahun.~ f Just received. ILswest prices on STRINGS and TRIM-.j MINGS for all instrsments. OSCHAEBERLE'S MUIC STORE& 114 Want Liberly at., Ann Arbor. 4 HSN!# Mf #1 t0 0 0 N MAO H