I 'FlIli lJ VI RSITY 01F MICHIGAN DAILY. IWe have just received a ine4 line of packages. They are 9 of all sizes and prices from 5e * to $3.00. Small ones for qhick4 consumption and prety ones 9 for your best"friend. Ccme4 ! andsee them.1 1 Fresh Peach Crushs at the4 9 Soda Fount an CALKIRS' - PHARMACY 4 Mhe'S URISMfiS We have greatly enlarged this de- parment of The Store giving it a proninent and convenient section the first floor net to the etrance. 'This section now' contais all kids of frnishin-s, such as you ook for among frst-lass hberdashers. SILK UMRELLSI Men's best Otlementhler 'Caroa Silk LVmbrells, Sterling Silver Mounttedf, 28:inch size, $1.0. Men's' Gloria, Steel ],d, 28 ;inch .irlrella'et at 8tdc EN'S FINE NECKWEAR. FIsK:, (CAIM IG.- ComleIte line hwn fur the fist time in this city. Correct Shapes and Sityle. "E. & W2 CLLAISIkCs 4 Pily, All Linen (a r bet 'lyles, selligt2 for 25c ®z' Flins tDres sh51ist in,: fot and ak, the $1.0 i" 'At $0.Men's Best -Made e U amdri e shits, all imet'frot, contitsns facings, reinforced at every pzlt,l Wamsutta Cotton, shrt -And ka,. frot, at floc.e New Color ominations, the_ medium price and the handsomeest designs ehown, Affrom WIeto "'42 1. Golf Tops, All Colors, 5c. # Men's Sweaters.' S 'superb amine-loting Collars, l Tutle NeA,, Sm~ll 'Colars, ' Moie and Fancy oors in wol m W orsteds, $.00 and tp. MACK& CO. Si'. W. Wetmore, HAS F 108 S. ainSt and 342S. State St jUNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, I \EW ANt) SEONDI-FTAND. 1L LINES of NOTE. BOOKS, and 1 STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. Fountain P"ens and Fine Staple Station- ery and offer all the Lowest Prices. For Forty Years Has been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. Lamps Expressly t. Students' Use' "The Rtochester,"''The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," 'The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50 each. -I vr stude nt should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure Oi hEite light, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv- ered in any part of the city in our cans at lie per gallon. For sale Gnly by W. J. BOOTH.Pre,. W. AusOco, 1st Vice-pres J. V. SHEHAna, 2d Vice-pres. JOHN C. WAT.Z, Asst. Cashier. Stat - avim - dBank. Tnes act enrlBanking husi- THE ANN ARBOR SAVINOS DANK Capital Stock, 150,000. Surplus, $150,00. Resources, $1,100,000. Ognzdunder the Geeral Ranking Lans of ths State. teceives deposits, bays and esehange en the principal cities of the United Slates. Drafts cashed apes proper identification. Safety deposit buses to rest. OFrICERS: Christian Slack Pros.; W. 0. SHrelman, Vice-Pres.: Chas if. Hiscoch, Cashier: M. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BA NKOAn ro Capital, $1110,000. Surplus and Profits, WdOSOS Transacts a general banking business. Foreigs exchnge bought andsold. Furnish letters of credit. IF. D. KINNE, Pres. nARRtSON SOULE, Vice Pres ' S. W.CLARKSON. Cashier. CALLAGHAN 9 9 340 S. STATE STREET L aw Books F. J. SCHLEEDLE. 340 South: State Street. Kook Bindin'g....... ,..5cent's and sp Solid Cold foutain P'enn.:.... 1100 and up. Waterman sd Wirt Pens in stock and 'eseRepaired. Wlkuesale and Retai lPaper. ',/1!tbs. of Lin- es Paper forse50c. Just Received a Large and Elegant Line of iTw2316-®! Piesand Cold LunchIes at all hours. Agents foe ilsyler'sead Willians and Werners Co.'s Chiocoate Ben'lions. R. B!JOLL-Y &CoJ. 20OS. Siate St.. Sager Biock. ANTON TEUFEL, 0 'ADQUAlIzUS FOR DBAN & COMPANY. 214 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. I c-:111; W('leVis'ni. 710: (':lil'or',i:i,114 1w".' LIL o. iii1. is trhemiis fi liii'\c N:' t 1:1 sr fiss. N. ~~- l s 'iisg 'el':'s":lstt~sFri ovr 10.S s= i y ,t isgisi iitSs's'ls::'k. Lasst ys'ar's 'n-a:'sity licuk is':i Iill si Among the Coileges. ni'ss t ilii itosii 59inexti ic'iida l;,ss'~siil ... o"2 lc s''i 'k slits 'p. ''iis ts s:'ii a e, iesi I \sis:i si' '''n ii 'lisi'l-'i fThs' V'issisniirt'nsasl is illieip'' t l- lis nii o kawl bare t. is-o£ s.letterfroiii 5. H. -Mllsy'lsiry, i'is- ution aissiAslr rElks oil XI.,,':' :ioi 'S1. il Illi'sslr~sy' iiiit. AN . ~Isds'iiiIs ill ret's'thi'isseeIs:finish his s'oursse. os'n'tss'ssofciles'fratersity ais's itels:l J' Ois t trest th eimport thati iie a e soprsilt.i is-i. P'ro'icl lssf sss~i' Viliiaai flllissk. orf('sl t~rslrss~i's ssas'liai issi slilsian l'ivesrsity., sndeir ss'loss'direi'- s"; iomb lihs'i siniiier lniats g .esis ll 'helis'ilies of (iiasrit'i x.5isi 0lita'bngluhiiee0:: i-sir l'iiits iirg. hoises to reani ell e dpi Mliz-i.l'rssf'. I'-ilrs'agiii swill bsuild :i sotnulifutl oiinisiss'r lssstlscs's' E th Iol of 1.0,10(9)feeltIsy Nssouihs's' .]_ 'hle awork i"iss'eing idons'iiiardor 10oisearn 'l se hssrItils' eiIts'siw o.miiilig sisissrnugli,'straita of the e~th anidliilthe i'oua:ratiV." Lealtcif its if Iteviewtcs relsislins Ia:3005 sts'ar-ri- ert II 'atriassa d elsiln. e 'o Isy ary 'Taylor lhsnvelt 11511you thy,________ oe'se'iie sluice if woneealiithe tS'oI 'tlItl'I7l El IlNIMY 'rett Iugll~s llisensli.'s. misilii ' lois'17. Semn slry. 's;grieiilltunrn porslliliyo'sf thiss gin is; g gsuls'ilil i'tnsheiosfielit'lSiiaIld taeiso~ l bssrsrix-ilegeesni legreeso w iit ii rah~eosn 5'in,(r...:t- iccoridl dto mis. Englishps.'isool'boys i.' i s' ,_pillil on Vloe "rrek' 10 Ihe soblet of a cog- IFRANK DI XI). ndive sketsli. Al. Ann. Ailkr the Proportion of "stu- OT'ICRI+. Aeirts wise are iniihens of fraterni- Ali examini-on of c:"lndillates for is's is 2 4 pi'r cent; at. Cornell, 33 per the 'V'ansity Glee, Banljo and Mando- L-sst" Lehight. 42 per cnsi; Unit-eroity !iliC*itis will he held in Roomti 24, of Virginia, 45 per cont; oits "Hop- ioext Tuesday ev'csing at 7 o'e'lock. ins,, 46 per cenit; Uion, 0*4 per cent; TQTApi fgh-ovdcs Sevens' lustpaireoof 'feld-itwedgnosOt iteezt' IstiuteofTe~lncory 14(glleses. Finder plese'leoa.'e at I)