UNIVERSITY OF, MICHIGAN DAILY. Llreat Reduction Sale- For One Week-Only $.50 for $3.45--$4.00 for $3.00 SWEAT[RS $3.50 for $2.85-$2.O0 for $ 1.39" c $.00 for $1.87-$1.75 for $1.49 GLO1VES . $1.50 for $1.42-$1.OO for 69c $.25 for $1.75-$1.75 for $1.50 GOLF HIOSE $150 for $1.25-$.00 for 89c PAJAMAS .* IN OUTING FLANNEL............. Neckwear, $1 for .3c-75c for 43c F a ncy ,Hose, 1;5c for 63c==50c for 43c Fancy Shirts--the best 9Qc COMBINATION UNDEfRWEAR DRAIII STREET, S,.M A/C K & C( O . rQ NAIN STREET, 8. You want a Mando- dolin, Guitar or Banjo, don't you You want the price right, don't you* SEE OUR WINDOW. ANIN ARBOR MUSIC COO 205-2072E. Washington St. AN AR"OR~ Time Table, Sunday, Sept, 5#1897. TIME TABRLE: Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard' Time. NORTH. SOUTH. 8:435a.m. '7:30 a. as *12:15 a.,as. 12:20 a. as. 4:6 p. m. :40 p m, 'Run. between Ann Arbor and Toledo only E.S. GILMOttE, Agent W. R, BENNETT 0G P. A. Toledo 0.. M1GIGANGUINTAlU Central Standiard Tine.. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. EAST. WEST. Maliand Ex...347 11,N. Y, Cisi---12 N. Y, Special.d-458 Maill .0--------2 8 G. %t.Expess-. -110 Pacific Ex. - 2030 *N. S Lmied.-. 10 P. X. Eastern Ex-----94 etr x-.-13 D. N. Express .---550 Chii. Nt. lax,..7 07 AtlanticEx .730 'North Sbore Limited is anexra fair train lo besa charge of $2.60 to New York than on obher traios. OW. Ruononis, H. W. iAoi S, G. P. & T Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor THlE BUCKEYE ROUTE. COLUMBUS, HOCKING VALLEY AND TOLED RAILWAY Is the only ,lin from the Toledo Union Station to Columbus and points beyond, using Union denot terminain at Com- bus and runs four fsst express trains daily bttween the points namek, two of them in the -un~precedented limo of three hoses. Parlor cars on day trains, seats 25 cents: Putman sleepers on night trains. Students de siring unequaled facilities are invited lo use ihe Bsckeye Route sod nan obtain fbll particulara on nppicatioo to local ticket agents. E. H. DAVIDSON, Dist. Pass. Agent, Toledot or W. It. FIEIIER, G. P. and T. A., Columbus, Ohio. CAN FUIANISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS.- Orders for all Fraternity parties,-club dances, etc. Leave orders so- Ann Arbor Mtusic Co, or atResidence, 1710 Gddessave. P. S; -- Will take pupils on Piano and in sight reading at above named Places. A. J .Johnston. ENOCHI DIETEREE, EniBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. CatsnAttended DaysorlNight. No: 205 East Liberty Street: Rtesidence, W2 South Fourth Ave.. Phone 129. RANDALL, THE PHIOTOGRAPHE~R, WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR,, KINDERGARTEN, loW2 E. Huron St. GNIIA Call and See Us, - Take honmn one of . o~~ur U. ofMDP."Pins or nunirlTHE PHOTOGRAPHERsoone other novelty in flIIIIRIiflLU, _______our ii e. Telephone ' 0. ANN ARBOR V721- .Arnold. LEAO200LE . BROWN'S DRZUG STORES CORNER MAIN AND HURON STREETS Is the plsce to buy Dissenting Instruments and all thing needed for Bacterology, Pathology. Histology, Etc., Etc. ~RICES RIGHTI. A Successful, Career. F. N,\. Honine, one of Miehigan's itecord breaking sprinters, 'who is en- guged in a succesful mnedical practico at Nilesobhas received a deed of aii fiiitereot in a gold nitne 'in Colorado, which is worthi a tabtiloiis amount. Edwaril B. Coets, -of "Mishawaka.,Aid., Wet to Niles to isve 'iis eyeo treatd toy Honine. He was rapidly losing his eyesight andtitshiettbty oilier :clc- tors faled to give lhi any relief. Dr Bonine restored his eyesighrt ancl.Csur- tis was to lhappy that lie voluntary gave th~e doctor a certificate of interest Ini the mine. Curtis was ani old and experieored miner, ad~ while tires- pecting in Colorado isin across the -mnne. It lias now 'been leairned tha ani immense vein of goldiasess di is- coveredl -whichi will realize abfout $5,- 000 to the ton of quartz. IttON ---D. ir: le te:ro ioir., toe 4leers from celiptis, vaicti cii for s-ma ci semsester, caii be Obainlil rt- stoiie party at i'easaaai2iti triee. Aittoly at 304 Jefferson st..Mrfs. W11- linnis.:S1 All kinds of reporting done. Lee- toires or speeches taken; these zWrit- ten; copies niade and furnlished promiiptly. 0ChAS ENGELH;A'ItD. Among the Colleges. Daistmourtli hltas a cat farmn to sup- ply tuiological spoeinents. In all the universities ef France there exists iio plaers, no glee clubs, no fraternities, no athiletics -and thvy have liecomimencemnent exercises. (tarrett Cochiran, Princetoa'sfainis ered and first baisteman, hais been en- gaged to coach tiihe miversty of Call- fornia's tlsietie te-amus next year. CALENDAR. Thursday, Jan. 27-Joint meeting of- Philological and I'lailosopimical1 Socie- ties at Lecture Room, Tappani Hull. day JIan. 28-Final jTnilversity Deate ini Cniversity Hail. Saturday, Janl. 29-Rooker T.Waslh- ington hn University Hall .Saturday. plai. 29-FI+rit '99 class so cial at Gransgers -fro}ni 2:30 'to 6 P. Ii. Friday, Feb. iS-Junior iHop in Water- c1,an tiynnasiil. SECOND iSdiiE)'_ Tti2.E-Coiirse 11. i -. 11, Monda, We1s-liesdliy, tFritday, 9t , Roonm 11, University Ha 1. (tesise 21. Tuesday au, Phiirsday' at 8, RinomoJ. Seeial tptr iissioi is reqiired -for tooth courses. V. hE. IANK3.018 FULLER. & BERANEKI --TILORlS Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing.. Work called for and delivered. 3012S. STATE ST.. over Hussey's. Phone No. 23'4, New OState. 0. X, MVARTIN, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming a Specialty. NO. "209 FOURTH AVENUE. Ambslance night or day. Residence, 301 Fifth Avenue. DROP IN AND fiIET ONE.. SID W. MILLARD'S Football Calendars for 1898. West Liberty Street. 0. of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms ,322 SOUTH 11STATE! STREET. Ladies' artintic Bnair Drssning up stairs, Old friends callsals.n,,We Welcome new ones. J, . . ROJ'ANOWOICI. Lowney's Chocolates -00 TO- W W.T T L ',iat sALLEORETIS, if you wish. KOAL!R ALLoRADES Or ItD. SOFT. CANNEL AND S S\MOKELESSIC OAI.S AND COKEs. M. STABBLER3Y~s ,y 139W. Washington Street. Phone 0. TnE LARGEST MANUFTRERveS Or AvHLETICS A. G. SPALDING & BROS. "The Name the Gusarantee." 'Offiiltistters ts the Leading Colleg, Ath- lic ln~b and Schoolt Teams sf the U. S. Every Requisite for Heisoe Ball, Athletic Sports and Pastimes. the Spalding Official League Ball Adopted by" National, Rinor, College andA School Leagues Base Bail Uniformns, Bass, Gloves, Miss,. Chest Protrectors, Shoes, Mitc. THlE SPASLDINO CHAINLESS BICYCLE 1898 THE SPALDINC B~LUE RACER (Chainl MDES" THE SPALINGE ROAD WHEEL . OES Send for Illustrated Catalogue of sit Athletic Sports. A. 6, SPALING4f & B1RfS51 New York Phil adelphia Chicago Washn lgtons FINENEW LOOF hburns. Just received.4 Lewest prices on STRINGS and TRIM-A MINUS for alIlinstruments. SCHtAEBERLE'S MUSIC STORE? ; 194 West Liberly st., Ann Arbor..T ass I I iso. 5 Pitted With Scietfi Keyboard styI Blickensderfer.1.. .- Typewriter Machines Cquial yos he lob-pri.eitd machiaesi capacty J;sd qualitysof ork, asd sxcel them n isensiests. Pratial, losepeel, poelahit e, hybard'suisiss., ioa ible.. o 9Mtedltoo ntitenhoor I reinig aiwnymf w s0Valver5sl Keyond. peisIsisf. t$0.0" +p m ilesrhsgml. tofsdiag power. ,Mlsisdurablesaihiaes I Wseeighttstmsamed ttr trit. Mich. - Totewrtsr n n e s Ae., Local Agent ,. .marec~...