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January 24, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-01-24

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ti1, U. ot.

Al . aitn.


Has received a fal line of Novelties
for Fall andWinterlln
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
Fresh' every 'week.
Only in packages-
d0e a pound.
Lowney'sjf you
Just received a fresh supply of Alegretti, n
Williams nd Werers Chocolates. Largest lie
In the city.
Lunches at all hours.
108 South State street.
Tooth Brushes
The kind that we sell
for 25 cents or more.
If they shed their
bristles we give you a
new ~one-no charge-
glad to do it.
Just received a special line of
ulor Guaranteed, Quality the Best
The mostsatisfatory made for
the oney.
Each $3.00 and$.5.
4ymasiuSS aciadShoes a specialty
.....PRICES RIGHT.....


First -Preliminaries Have Proved.
a Great Success.
vile first round 'of preliminaries in
the band-ball tournament. conmeuceud
,Saturday morning and ecotinued til
dark. Only two sehedoleel matches
'were not played, Ervett defaulting to
Laumb in one, and that between La-
mour, '99 I., and ;Miller, '98, being
prevented by darkneso: This latter
match -will be played olf this morning
at 11 o'clock. Ever'ything considered
the standard of play wao very bligb
and Dr. Ptzlgeraid is well pleased
with the interest shown. A goodly
crowd watched the plasying. The se-
ond rotund will b played .next Satur-
' lie sunanary follows:
Lancashire, '01, heAt01Ch10rchmni.
'99 L., 15- 6, 11-1.,15-6: Mes, '009.
beat (Gowan, '01, 15-41, 15-3; AMeteer,
98 L, beact Russell, '198, 1:5-7, t15-14;
Albright, '99, heat Elbel, '(k), 15-
18, 15-13; Rafferty, '99PL,, beat Wleoul-
roft, '00, 15-3, 15-4; Durand,',9 be'st
Guoar, '99, 15-11, 15-li; Chase, °'99 'L,
'bcat Finnerty, '00 L, 15-3, 15-6;: Ballot,
00, bat Mills, '99, 10-i5,; 15-12, 1-10;
Bishop, '00, 'heat aMcNiel, '01, 13-15,
15t-9), 15-11; Davis, '01, 'beai Mitelhell,
'98'"L, '15-10, 15-11; Itmmnons, 'Pt) L,
heat Lyons, 01, 15-9, 15-11; Lamib, '00:
woii fronm Ervett, '00, by default.

Siteckle, of Baldwin Universily, IRan-
ass, chairman of the 11 rh diatrct, coin-
posed of Kansas, Coloarado, Arkansas
aind Aritona, is ,travellin~g from college
ho college in his district organ'iiang
c lnibs. J. G. Fry, of thie iniversity of
IS. -Dakota, chiairman of the 10th dis-,
Itricot, !comprising 1Wyoma3ing, 'Montaa.,
North aind South. Dakeota sand Neisras-
ka, pis doing likewise. J. R. Lewis, oft
Cornell, chiair-ian of the 2iii, comi-
prising Neis Fork; Secritary F. 3-1.#
r'Woraer, of Notre, Daiie, Iiidiana; and
,.TV.0.O. Joinson, of W'estern Resr-e.
.I'h-aii-iiai of the 6th, cintiracinag Ohio,
Iare pursuiing the soicr general policy.
.By the etiti of ,March there will be ar
Y elub in every college of these osae-,
at ci the National League Ilioruisiglilys
orgailied, looking fcorwvarcd to strong
-uchdactive work ini lie campaign of
next fall.
Thel(- university' of Michigan. Iluic
lceds inl ieneslip, haavinig abottL1-
ti0t0. Harvard lis 1.35)), Y aie'800)
U'isiversity of 'Minncesota 800, Uniter-
sit1' of Peniisyivaciia 375, lOberliti 53)0
University of Chicago 400, Wohtc
F eserve 400, and ('oiiiell 3175.
't'be home chtub is at mvock at psr'e si
taking a ceisuns of the freshcmian class-l
es. Sgo far- over three-foorrtlis of tole7
hew-rnien leave beien foumid tsolbt'be-7
litters iin'ttepublicani imcilles, ex-
-ett-in the denstaml lepsrtinin,, wiite
jthrenmajority are 1'rolhiiisnists.
Last Satutlay at 2 o'clock abotiv-)l
Denioi'i'aa iniet and soganied a , Demo-.c

Pres. E. B. Andrews of Brown Uni-
versity Will Deliver Address.
President P. Benjamnimi Amdrews, of
Browns University, lois aee-isted tise
inivitations of the laiw eepart~nent io
dtelivet' the address at the Washing-
coil's Birthday celebration. 'ie sub-
ject of thesaddress tias not beeti select-
ed but' it .will be uon soiii( live topic.
Presidhent Aneirei rs has always
shown ci niterest in .the 'mivers ily,
andu especially in ite ;sawv clatitienl,
where his son is enirolled, sit upt~on
mice occasion o3fii visit here last Octe-
betr spoke =lrilglily of -Michigam. tHe
stands High in eclocattioal circles, aiai
is a speake'r of ability. tFurthe'r sic-
incnients-'as to his sub)jec't, andti le
like, will be miade "slicirtly.
Michiganenalan Heard From.
Te Mit(tiganen1siau has given lie
icntratct for this year's amitacl to then
Inlantd lress, acid iotiiicg will lie
.paredi Istoitae tik a s liitacscitc" nid
is finiely lirit ls such ca vol'mune ciiri
liossilily tie tistle. It is. to contain 400
loge',, printec. otltheii'lust,1c'ia 'nle'3
Iciapet-, will c-sirloin more ' ctch lin'r en-
giravitigs tiecin 5any aciiiial illi the last,
antic will t'bobounin iiartctansvass. It
will ntonstly eciin thle usiti iatics-.
ticckitig it at c'uiiplele record cit tiecoccl-
lego yesi-, btiti will also coont sin immyn

College Political Clubs. fro'nt"' p-- - - -
c'iacilicClub, Tlhe following officessftaiinytin~g 'tElc'icdte'l iltiiinpst
A. L. Davis, '98 L, prettilelil of the weri' elected: President, (;. P. Lanuis: The 'tusine'ss cliamager dIesireis t0 call
National Logue of -College Recutii- vice presicdent, C. h'. Keley; sectsary speceial attentlioni to thec ii.cclicr ocit silc
eon Clutbo, will issue ant otlhicil call '1'. 'C. Dailey; ti'ecismrc'r, ('. L'tli.roitas. 5i1iltiicns8 whi-c is tic be taken uphtics
this week tot'a itcsvention of dele- A comhmittee dTolsistilig of Messrs . t .'~ t:!k.-
gates fromn eachl college in Michiga&n D. Landis, G. L. 'Jcasil, IA. IT. Lacy, C. Iii ninncy collegi's sne siclescripi'mi is
leaving a'repuiilan 'club. Itiwill Is" C. 'Ithodda,said hF. Enlgellarit was ohs Occounted uploni 'roni each stucde'nthandI
held in Detroitnit thie lintel Cadiliac, ipoitedl to reisort Constitution aid hi'- thits yiar wothithetieilrcei' ails
onl Feb. 22, at 2 p. in. Fifteent colleges, mcws iltied there is noc re-asonl tiy tiils
comrisng he . (f M., Hillsdale, --resh Laws Will Eat. sol otb-h cs ed.U4t
Rlelizola, Atbion, Kailaaoo, Olivet, ______lilse of hiilitig'ill tibe so liege this
3t. A. C., Houghtonsi 'Mitug School. A meeting of tke frealliiali law yeir that lice bcoard wvil1101 (cci jilst'
Almia, }Ferris Business College, Y1psi- class was 'held 'Stturday afternooni ct ied lii issuing a largi' ntumbier of cx-
lanti Normal, Detroit ao' sliad Medi- 2:31)in ltce Law Lecture Room, tc con- trtt hooks frtisi' vicli lhcre i ii hiroini-
carl sehools, Adrian and Hope colleges aider the propooed banquet. The ilsi- ile'd sale.
es-retntitled to Iropresentationl. teer'wacs 'thoroughaly lilseuassoed ant i Ia 'onicititit afor tic' Michiigcaic'si tin
The Alger and Michigan Clubs have cinquot ordered. The present hcu- Irizes -foe literacry sontet-cihhions u-ill
extended the cnvention the use of qoet colmimittee wvas nmnde permnaiemit clese next c8atsrdmy night. lio srse
,leIr rooms and will bhold receptiolnssod giveni chasge of till Oarrasgenemirs. whv~ich iare tic'largelst evce offered ace
all day (in the coileg e csihoiior and It Is expected thmit at least 130 of lice 1.5 follotws:
cuimnnating to the ?Michigan Repobhi- class will attend, anldmime affa~r wbiliJoe time best shmort stocry, $23 mncshi.
cen Grub banquet in the evening. The wili be given at I'eettymoan's Caimpcus, Fcr the bes'.t poeni,'$10 ini cult.a
meeting is 'in conjunction with the Clufb will 'be so elclbonihte osie. Tuht For time be'st dr awing, $10" in cashl.
state 'convention of the Micheligan Re- date bis beesi set for thne evening of 'F'cr time best legral story. $12 i law
rpublican Clubs and ;an amenement t FOb. 22. Th Iis is lh imePlt mttemint of hooks.
thecontittio wil b inrodcedinthe fresh laws to hold a banquet ammd
the outcome is watched wvitht interes,;.t. Je'h etsmloo iutae
th ovninamngt ietecl Crimson was odopted as thme class legal tems $8 in law hooks.
*t 10g0 clubs a voice in the ps'ocssettngs. color. For the'best comic law die'tion--y,
a ui the Nationai League of College $5 sin law books.
(hutbs, President 'Davis: rerpoccis the .Delta 'Cli=Ersternity entertained at 'The board 'also announces thrat all
weurk as favorably progressinig. M. T. toan inform~al dinnier Friday evening. I phiotogtsphls must he in by Feb. 13.

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