THE 'UNIVEbRSITY "OF MICHIGAN DAILI. 3 Great Reduction Sale - For oue Week Only SWEArrt { GLOVES. GOLF HtOSE $4.50 for $3.45 $4.O30-for 1$3.016 $3.50 for $2.85--$2.00 for $ 1.39 $2.00 for $.87-$1.75 for $1.49 $1.5 for $1.42-$1.00 or fiJc $2.25 for $1.75--$1.75 -for $1.50 $.16A for $.25-$I.oo for 89c INeckwear, $1 fcr 43c-75c f '43c Fancy Hose, 75c 'o,63c==5Oc for 43c Ifancey Shirts--tkebest 9C0c ICOMBINATION UNDERWEAR P~AJAM4AS * INm OUTING LANNEL MKAIN STREET, VS. M~~ ( d,~ AIN STREET, B& You went & Mando- 4 dolin, Guitar or - Banjo, don't youf 4 You want the price 4 right, don't you SEE fOUR WINDOW.4 AlN ARDOR MUSIC CO., 2-207 E. Washington St.4 . 1 1 ' I l II 7ATtUR (NEW QUARTERS) oxRILI1 E. Hutron St. Call and See Us, Take home one of mw ~ nr'"U.of M." Pins or nrawnni 1 urn H POORAHRsofli other novelty in fRENTI.rER PDDR&HRour lhoe. Telephone '0O" ANN ARBOR VV=. A..znxold..LEADINGWL N OW is the time to join the classes at Ganger's School of Dancing! TERM BEGINS WHEN YOU DO. fILfLER &ERAHEK, ~~ALO LS Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Work called for and delivered,. 1312 S. STAc~TE ST.. over iftosey'. Pbsne Ns. 234, New Stats. 0.{I A~N FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalning a Specialty. NO. 200 FOURTH AVENUE.. Ambulance ight or day. Residence, 102 Fifth Avenue. 3 ! ... ANN* ARBOR TimieTabie, Sundayp, Sept, 5, 18097. TIMjE TABLE: Trains leave Ainn Aibor by Odentral tandarii Time. NIqt:Til. QOUTH. 8:3ia.m. 00 a. M '12:15 a. m. 1121 a. mn. 4:46 p. M. 5p. M. 1ltun between Ann Arbor and Toedo only. Et. S. GILiSORE, Agent W. H BENNETT 0G'. P. A. Toledo 0. (Continued from seconi page). ncer astusit'd rttIssility, Il+,etherl there wras iio defiiit anod in sithesways froni 'Mi. ItoS1ietr's eO111iiiiIoi'l sout ito sOlil'the (ie mei" alsive, shiosi'the lpecu~liir couieils'iy "Tise delinuentO "weein lie hurrly ofthe (lt' Oti'iitls of the gtleitalini to seitle, so0 longii a;the(sard tland (111tiauO: then Doily promised to shield tliemi." "Before a board "The editor of the meeting Just after Dolfly knows that at W' have 'shows ithat (iehe rd ,wos the holiday vacation 3F. Thomas, man- the board meeting not tfrashd to act. MJr. b1oiler a d- aging .editor of the last Saturday, a mo- I'itted 4vtVda'selenci ' SMetielie Dialiy and member of tionwa mdet yote'dy3 . the S. h. A. board, wamdet that 'the "fake" 'ri'li~rts the Dlaly h1as and liuse other compromise with the DROP IN AND GETT ON1.. sI W. MILLARD'S Football Calendars for 1898. West Liberty Street. . of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms ,322 SOUJTH STATE STREET. psiblishd were currlect. tHe made to board came to me and wouId have pas- I Old friends c'all again. welcome new E + eparately and pro- sed had3 not ChaIr-un..R.TOA WSI I T 1 'iTI eateptiolls, oneo .10 th 'tateliluit tha posed tha the hor mnT W oo ,of_________________________ ,""' no rooed wrk as iscoere, te tate an action with the. iivestigating TeN aga hFlls Route o okdwr asdsoo'cl 1 a view to romorem- committee, crushed PO> other to 'the ulsiriiter of ti(kets (t lit' eIsing with the delin- it by annlouncing Cental San~ad tieiiuents upon pay- tha Wsbl committee Lowney's Ch1-ocolates CnrltnarTie DaIly Ieliortttf '15out 'with ne coaoney ment of 'half the sould accept'no'auch TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. to showe for lhen. Mr, iI. Itoso r Was anmut duo the as comapromlat." - Stu- -00 TO-- satiaton. dets' Register. EAT AWS . Mthli'tn hoiseigtln.etit At, one tune it was at a, hoard Iieeit- ' s 'W. TU T E t ate t Bal and Ex .... d 3 7 B., N. Y, Chi.. 8 12. tee antd nesver repoYrted that lie bad y - N. Y. S ecial ..... 58 Mall------- 18 (contnnued on I:{Gnrtll Ile.) ALLEOiRETIS, if you wish. GR.Epes.-_11s Pacific Es -- .30;2 a disceovered any crooked work. The1 ' S irmited....S 8810 r t aly gave the imnoTs of tickets astFYU;ATTH WS A. M. 0. R. & K. Eu...- 5 51 applrox imately 17,-, Mlr. Itter saiys; _E O.N. Express ----a.50 Chi. Nt. Ex ...... tat7 Atlntc x.....7ADit wsva 247. T'ndetr oressnrc M1r. lies- 1 FRATERNITY STATIONERY, OL *North Shore Limited iu an extra fair train ner admitte 0 (hot lie ha oo10 proof of BADGES OR ,PISS to be a charge of z.50 to New York than 'on an 'I2ie fte loar r lt Sn o ARD. SOFT, CANNEL AND ohrtan. to vni' f(i sa rbytt , SedoSMKL SCAS 0. W. R[IIGLES, It. W. HAYE, Daily to s=Mield the delinetnts. t S MIH TU G O co. AMD KIESO AI 0G P. &.T Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann ArborSMT ,' UR E N &C . AD O +. THE BUCKEYE ROUTE.wstch ftor tile sa ra ph 1. 'T'le Daily 237, 29. 04 Wood'ard Ave.. Detroit. \4 S rA i BL.ER - grcs ntiely stti tle wld 'i lesiens and esttmates frnlshedcn all sort grtp iirgrdt(ltthdla 'of this kind. 219 W WashlE ton Street. Phone 8. COLUMBUJS, SOCKING VALLEY MI EN DILA grapoh, the. iiiit. agr ceditoir of tuse THE Iioolmvss AiE 4GTIlRtIt OF TLEI In Ihe" only line from "the Toledo. C iQR Doily did not diocltso with r Hos- 'ON THE WORLDt. . . Station to Columbus and haits beyond. A. . w usng Union depot terndnals atColum- ner', at lie (into' siecitiedl or ts-t aiiy A G. SPALD~INGJ & BROS. daily between the _puoto namet, two .of ' 1aTeNm h urne. them in the un precedented time of three proi(lso the shooctaoges 011 the ehfii Offiial outf iters En the LaigColiceAh cents; s Pul:rman ssleepers on tnnight train s s. t'tl'y thie imtgg iitt ol 0 ple Club and Scosol Teams of the U. S. students defsIring unequaled facdilies frii thaio o'nditnt Every Requisite for Base Bdall, are Invited to use the Bucteye Route an te asi l ots tbfrtbe itntyAthletic Sports and Pastimses. can obtain fhll particulars on appllation ot loseth to souch t aprtoositioni. 1h ii 4 Th"p~lgOfce e~eBl to locai tictet agents.Th 0ligOfcaLeueBl E. R. DAVIDSON ( followiii statmntist evidlence of thtis a Adopted 'by National, Minor, College ati Dant. Pann. Agenat, Toledo; or fatKal_______________ ee B3ai Uiforms, Bass, GOloves, )1'. IT. FISTIE+R, G.1'. and F. A., Ass Arts-r, 'Ton. 21, 'h8. Mtts. Chest Protectors, Shoes, Etc. Colutmbus, Oio. T. toe 'n dt'rigsted, stte (list hoefosre THIE SPALUARNCAINLESS HICYtLV 11898 -..TESASNBLERCR(hn"nthec S3. L. A. Boar' o7elug isi ter;A UFJ THE SPAT'IV BLE ROAC IIE " MODELS. CANL FUj°NISH 111151Cfl FFIRST-CLASS. lihe holtday voc. (looin was "-ti .ledi to' HEATRE..H SeAOnd frBA WHusrae Caaou of ali Orders for all Fraternitypaloebooli AtIIbr da n eySdrs atis nn b Ar or , T(. F. ' hiosits 01)100 o the P1r'- 125th T-UESDAY4NU R A 6. Atheti Bpots Munic~o. or at Residence,0171,0 Gden~ave. selittilog Ito (lie bardol f lily nodtioti to' ' x, 5 i . P. S-Will "tate pupls on i'ano and In oi+irh blA ew Yosrk Philadei igl sight reading atabov~e named PMacen. ' n.~oiiso hotrtatt;es. 1 also lte F 11 aela G~lGc,EQ - eashitoatont (lhut noonSllh1001(01onswas trci ill any A. $ i.~~ n tilecting Of thet h ird. tt~ $ 9 1 m ( A ENOCHI DIETERLE, s d ,~ X ~kL s~ v ' E1lBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTO R. Ax'. WEBRE.J - a. -_'% P~I. * a sh~i l n s Calls Attended Dayor Night. AV ba recived ('lit). DIMISL~k', S £ JusestepricesnSRNSd. TIM No. sie East Liberty Street: esidence, 1S _ ,' South Fourth Ave. "Phone 129. B. Hf. COOTN. MiNUS for 1l instroments. } iefon Siuntos' Regisor editor, rc a,. ot a5 ad 5oi 114 Wfrent Libertyl it.. Ann Ar-bor. WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR.. of thoe snenta In Which 3Ar. Hos. ,. ., . .""..". *I r I~i