2THE 'iNV 'k 6TY( OF MCHIGAN DAILY. Seeijaywith -Mr. Mubard -et yetMdrt. a _____- V.Jfully went over together th state INSPECTp T o Published Daily''(Sundays excepted) during 1"' t nteabv oiincti, OSNSPEC TE..R the0olegevear. st MA. Mosner sated hit he dictated IS o " T k n. TDE W(IVER$ITY 1' MICHIGlAN. thecommtun ication to 'Mr. C 4brd wo"eaborte "it on the typ -rtes U nerry m anh Or s: Ties nil lg, Wi19iS. Main St. be-HeB'alsoshowduauostuecidd u, iween Libyerty andWila Ste. atosowdaiitdededm W u esInAtOINO EDITOR pesition to hedgt-atd his or oy J. F. Tausis,'o L. totally failed himiiini several imprtant (S3ucessor to Gibson & Clark) BUSIESSSI&A(0E5 tt'itsas te sgne slaesintshe-112 West Huron 'Street, Ann Arbor. . E. NA~s,'s L. low prove. EDIeTS fIn praaiti pt1, above, Mr. H sner ______________________________________ A.. SKILLMsAN, '98 L. Athetcs. sas that the art icsWritten by MrX hol1te1oeno7f:ot E. 3 . .,19to A, ' T9 . R0. D. l oDbixow,'00. HUb ard and pbihdi h vn Brii ls hs ..Wonw 0 t awere snbstntially cotret. Ctaro6lina meet -the Oover'nor ofOf o.,..,. I F~ ~o~i. E'00. A'. MBEL T' he rincipal statentis ic eposibit-f Ic.Esoa-s~u. iy or iiiiiMr.Ilon a n xi- North Carlinat -MO Medges,, made by te Netws in its lst Thesuscrptonprie c he aty s 0.0 'rtile on fhe S. L. A. wilt e tken On the banks of the raging Huron fthecolege year. with as reguar delivery nilii) i cr he would no doubt, say' before noon each day. Notices. communia- "At ~tginii hsyartetuiinohrmterItne orulc-"t'aogie~ewe o n tit must be handed in at the Daly office be- (oodl toerni'iii lib demsatded July 1, and if you want to be one of w tore 8p. in. or mailed to the editor before I - p. In., of the dlay prev~ouo to that on which that an auditing colliit c be ap- the lbos-in oter .words, a live they are expetied gvto The Da ity tedik and Prof. Trubhlond -a. wr-- had bettr take e IAA'SMYAlIWRi Sbetinma aletatTDiyoffice lteyorns or Stffiet's Newtand, or iroade chairini. In Noveiner it wc-asl with usiness NJanager. Subrbers will con--A N 10 3 yt fer -a favor by reporting pronmply at thin discoered that a lt of tickets wee UjofM . Z11 office any failure of carriers to detivr super, tit, wticti io silitthad.issuited fIr. of ,i EIIITR,eASPRAMDn 1- - 'I'le atititig 'Cotitllite t(id .not act. The foliowing letter ateared In the acOOlii-siiu omminitee wts And get the curret college news The Wsashburn is the one and only anasattiivastEgening ciimmioft[tiea-Its a hummer an I understanud the make of world-wide reputation. Sod Washella h~en~ig Ties f I tlur;tapointed, 'with A. 1. Roser.ecair- unprecedented offer of $1 50 is made" by first-classdealers everywhere f rn-s dayatd n it An iho iegstr f ea. Think I will," said the other gent. so he sowr thatth ten elorg th at'a:'leGsi oernettnsn r fand mheytook a .drink-of Ann' Ar- A Washburn' is b rnd uote euiu i br okcnsie Ann Arhor, Mbic..isis. 19. 1898. teiiand te liiappointinig of ,in adit- hoe', aoswte.Abattl onokC insid- 1. Iii view-oftiesenlt stateninls in the ing onsitttee. Thle oard aipointel Leave your name and address for lg portraits and lettr from the Dre I-. of A. Daily, I want to say that the its =olln ooillilt-c oisi its own iittia- a regular morning delivery of the Reskes, Calve, Eames, Nordica, Scat- articlesiwritteit by Air. IL. Htutiaird lv. eaiiigcmiteddio DAtILY the rest of the collegeo year at chi and oo other famous artists ad itth Dl-i tiiehese aut ikgexl t e lidnat -cthe U. of M. DAILY Office. gteachers, mailed free upon'requ's. and ptublisheit e'lt~i he ehsttbtakd'h or toc Addres Dept..U, News regardinsg the S. 1L. A. are snhb- for full power to investgte. When, 329 SOUTH k IN STREET. LYON & HELY," sistiotaly cores-. itelad, oni ixes~igai~Lin n ('itsite taePhn SBCRPTO Co i. Wabash Ave. and aisi., fic ij 2. I stated to M.ill tttuss-rd that thi"'-xwas nixereio ttappoitted tiwoof i.stae105n *SIPTBN$.0l is-rc four tdelinqtients andthalitheylisytree nlembeis, 'li. lViiitey and irl~.- bathliens gix-ita cerain tme ~i arris, cerc taken from the' at. inrli 'vihictsto seils'their acoutsssd noti- cotttile. The recordsof the bsor t u e s' L c re Ac a lid hatupn aluret t dIs s,,they neti~ prove thi issttteent. ,S ud n s' L ct r A s ci to 3. efoe aboad oetg jst ftr ws dne o iitter i xx-r. . lT-e the hloliday 'vacatiion,.. F. 1hotsas, autdiinlg commlitltee hesiated. . .A -C MIN intittagitig editor- of the Daily iaiidlfaonoil 511lie oard moeet o 5511n- Intcntser of te ,. L A.-itoatd, and pretiise" AMERICA'S GREATEST IMPERSONATOR, three oiler issahers cf ttte boar'st i. HRosiier- s~-s t s'onvxey the ii- ri'nte tsise searaeiy )iii tropsosedlt Issasii thIatIt.c'xwas, the'otly 1il.t1i that -,,otheiomlr tlake ain sc-hell xwitli a 51h5 xas tliolsifor ani ivestigalion."L E DT O E vito cellprotisilg wit-ithrie tlit- LEverytlig possibiherwaiiiddne b he 1l L 14A N T P W E S qients tipon ptyiets'i of t1"sit the holirto 1 help the oiittiittt'. Itis t- aiiouttnte la sscititon,. poit wals accetedtti onciteili'antd a isi- yI 4. ali'. 'hvi~s alsoti ewlw's mtillitI thu maoi ~t c-nitiethis ettnliitlece O ORWE pCA S Daly editoial as sayiig ilill a te- and Is emplhoseri to complshliaitl iiir AR FBRO E SETC[ vcivetstihtims=th'at thlii'siaiteis mitoe stlcllit ilof asti stitrlagr imade in Ide tile Evc-nlug tN esss i-i'far. fitt. lostieI' hidtliheastiance y tostc ieriy Hal-atray Ng t,'uay Z F desirc to a sle (hatl I tlodi r.dtty. lithis efforsto llbihr ipsihs 'Thoisats nto stchhinitg aintiast' itt-iri-onii'honi'st aatdtowlyly id(-, iIA,ul1 IIL faiS tr y NghJn ry 2 idenietd giving hr. llubtbttditeItit i- le, hniotsf.thadt o inake lthsmtitn________________ viewsatttribuitestto ue. Dir. T1leti-s , tiitiiue his ixwisconmitee. 'Te knowss as ua matter of fat ~tlll I r- ftllointsmg salot'i'pliroves otthtei'xxist- Season Ticket for Remaining Numbers $1.60. qutested thei'. of . Daily tio1t111e'a Ann Artor, Jau. 21, 't. Reserved Ticket for Remaining Numbers 50c extra. n-os-evigorotis stanmd i istblisit tI , thit' iiitteignt't, stall- lthat I. .t' aestal facts. tIiasimtihias thi S.. L. .PhTisit, sin al otW.'. iosierIvadeCONSISTING OF A. is emipoed of shidnts. Ithtotutght liie'notion, aiti inettiig of the s. L. Wasingtn--------------------------------- ---------Jan 29- athec student botly wsnits'mtletho knsow A. ltsa-dett, which t I--sprsesnit, Sotisa's and--------------------------------------------- Feb. 26 the exact fact-s ini thin catho, amnd for wich-c (ontited thin insestigatirg'Oratorsic'tl Contst --------------------------larch IS that reason isnoittavierto havtig icoimitte sdi)'lowcre-d lescoi- Burton ---------------A----------------- 3pril $efrs 5-epbi.tite ocme mieit ete ,. Tlhe "Daily. in its editismn of JTaiti-ii.t of all shotgis. ________________________________________ try 19. also atrites to it°:rthe ftot- Sigetd, $ 5IESCAFLC.SNGEO fB.ESIKa low-hng sIlselieittt "Ie.liuk tirti A. IOMII. 1, Seeltiy 5 E t A -flt RD1' OE,. hlers a few russises guesses at oteres 11EO. JitNtSlIY, Men's Winter Russett heavy double sole, shoes for dress and imagines othets and iutith end, lisa I. IW. whirNEY, evening, also fnll assortment for ladies at equally ow prices. &)'ithhe'vi'w sih-tlasces ol ,the in- a. W. iottm8iiti, Gym Shoes-lades' and men's-black serge-ahl sien lie. prcusiility onl somebodyilysta and 1. I. C00N. TT7T 5' 7 5Ii-V-- hiings'himin ltwixo orthree muc ont-t'cts' hi-sthe aniting coiittee did nt VV.UM " J. ,L L 118 a E" ,n W ASHINGTO ST., eted dolas." tI deny ever' having hatt hesitate is preyved :above. The hses'- ~ _ -IIshi an interview' iwit tt. Tloimsaor ion that a :faciihon of the boird movs- tI~i0:II8 Dsiahic -rout reosnsties '00 Is LAIS MI~DEytNt. ever having made uthia stteisent. nOto coiletnise is disusd "elow: 'ossfo asis ain o n-I'I c wlxbea eetig of '00 sLit Iam suprised and elargetned that "itr. Meanest said: The ioitit outlsciteser,acan be obtsiied ty rest the iLaw Ldturo Room at 2:ittfp. m. Mr. Theonas should charge ue With thling in or cay isa-s the indifferettce soeasble prty atfteasoahtl trice. tday to eons-,idict class -banquet,. sud stteent, o te bar. wo sened frid tol'Ap~ly at 004 .etlersoa t,.AMrs. li- A. LtNinII-IlOw, Presidet. NV. T. HOSNER1. act. The T. if 9M. iDaiy also brtlt is., ums. St Itere will ie a meeting of 00 IL. lor convenience of reference the let-ItI favored ltting the dehIlslacis off: To stick rtlnther use Maots I-uthief Iauyquct oIuattee I the Law 'Li- er is divided as. above snumbered,ceasy, publisinlg fake reports Uht'ement. Byoare I I I Doit like at bra y Stray at 1-. m. The mnatging editor of the Daily iii (Continued on Third Page.) ' substitute. O. H, MiANS, hairman,