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January 22, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-01-22

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c ttI o

Al . Wailgn.


Rfas received a full line of Novelties
for Fall and;Winterlin
Suits, _Trousers,
and. Overcoatings
Fresh* every 'week.
Only in packages-
60c a pound.
Lowney's11f you
Jutreceived a fresh -supply ef Allegretti, anhd
Wiams dWerners Chou, Iatea. ,Largest line
li he city.
Lunches at all heurs.
R. EJOJidY & Co.
303 Soeuth Stale Street.
Tooth Brushes
The kind that we sell
for 25 cents or more.
If they shed their
bristles we give you a
new *ote-no charge-
gladto do it.
Just received a special line of
'Color Guaranteed, Quality the Best.
The roost satisfactory made for
the money.
Eachs $3.00 and $3.5o.

Last Night at Elks' Hall Was a
Decided Success.
The ba'nqiet ofthe Webste'So
ciety held lasi night wvas a most suc-
cessful aud enjoyable affair. Thee
were over two hundred seated at he
tables and they ejoyed themselves
us such a numbr of students might
be expected. The jolly fellovshp co-
tinned utili the sniall lhours of morn-
Mr. A. 11., MLain, iresdut of the
society, officated as toastiaster, cd
listroduced the speakers in well hos:-n
remarks. The followiing was he list
of toasts:
"Daniel Weter," t ecoge tilugle,
"The tLadies," Paul Y. Alright,
"The, American Sehobr is a Polit-
cii;" J.1. '1.Lawler, 'P8 L..
"The NewSout," IH. L. MeSldery
Original Pocu, K ' . ilurian,
"The batty ars," J.t. F. tbskett,
"auiolsm," Fllon _IThnipson.
"Stleetitg a bocatisu," TI. A. Beke.
bile, '7 L.
"'rhoe 1. sf Cts.."F. w. Meas.'s I.
'The bawyer","J.. F.Egan, "PP9L.
"Thii'98PS Laws," L. L b''li'iuihsi.
"Finnsm elissAliih' Rar," P,. E. di-
bert, 'P8 .
"Th'le Sirit of Deiiios'm.iy,' (C. V.
Wisiiei, 'PP L.
'The Fuesliuueu," G. tL. Stter, 'hS..
"'ale.unirs" D. i. 'Thaas. '00 .
'Trhe Sisiors," G. D. Harris, 'PP L.
'Tue Westerii La ye," W. D. Sctt,
"Theie.Modernm Juror," A. J. Ltynd,
INS b1.
"choosing a Parner,"t. Pt'M al-
lims, 'P8 .
"'fle topulis," X. B.tRodai,00tiPL.
"Domestic eatons," Wuadi'Millis,
"'The 'Study of the awv," C. E. Wal-
lae, 'PP .
"Ouir Apipetites," It. bL. Waves'.
PS8 .
"'lhe Webster' Soiety," G. 11.
Wilkes, 'PS L.
Co-Eds Interested in Debating.
Thle iterest Iii the new de btintug so-
ciety fgr 'women grows froni 'nek in
week, showing that itN f iltscl ned.
The debate last week upon "'1'ie Dis-
ecvery 6f Gold in Alaska" called fot
an inteiesting genaerals discurssion,
while ±the struggle of the opposing
sides during the toe devoted to ~ar-
lius-nentary drill was very ken. Ti-
moirrow's meetig wmiii be held at 10:30
ia the Woman's Building. The que-
tion is "Resolved, That the college cur-
riculum should be changed to suit the
different needs of the sexes" Sonic
ither novel features have ben Oan-
ned In the way of dlrill. All college
won n(teeted are invited to at-

indoor Meets.
As yet no action hias been taken by
tbs'se in authority concerning -the an-
irmal 'Varsisty .and. Sopioniare- Fresh-
main indoor inielfs, but )both ill prob-
ably be 'held in 'March, as in years
past. Both meets shouldtils yeas' be
umore successful titan ever as about
all of last year's winnefs ,re :back ini
the University and the material in the
,new slasses is said to tbe of a high
quality. Dr. Fitzgerald urges that till
tintence uprsettee now in the various
events, a 1list of uvtis follows:
Forty yardistisob, forty ytards hiurd-
les, runing highjunmp, polse vsault,
stint put, potato' nice, haind racee, tests
tres, bsoxinig and xres titg.
'rTe Isoxing iand ivacatlitig'events
will consist of hemavy weight (over 158
pounds), iddle weight (142 to 158
poundls), light weight (125 tn 142
ptounds), fetititer weight (t18I-to °128
piounlds), andt ban-tangyw-sig'ht (untles-
118 poundts) bouts.
'~ l'l sopects ftc' a miost sucs'ess fiil
Sentate 'T'rntsly ents'st are also of the
lzrig i t ttfaMre scardttlsbt's tian cu-er
besfore tire at ork. Richtardsont, tast
yeat's w-ine, Nwill eotptice again
this year, ttnlt'ssi isarred. NosafeIt
fot' the cotitesi lits yet teeti fixed itt-
cit. For the 'bnit o tsoseuno' in t-
f.ortiseil a litst of events "to toe constestedl
f'cliows: Rope t-imitutug, hIgbskics;
ptartallel banrs, (lreritati torse anti
ttiibling. 'Best lltysical exttniitatIotu
owill toe it Islld. Te t't'nce 'isat is
e tliminitated titis.yetor.

Powers-His Career.
'Thiecareer of Leland T. P'owers,
outside of' huts al~lpeara'iues bere, is
probably little ktnowvn to Ann Arbor
tudiences, Ini sespausel to a request
float one of the piopullar umagazines,
Mr'. Powvers gives 1itis short nutoblo-
g rapiy:
'tMy 'oyhoodovas toasoed..itn Pal-
msyra, 'Westertn New York, andI
wanted Inotoe a civil engitteer. Stern
te thwarted titis laudable atmbitions
,id- tuade an in ipersonator of mo.
After uvorking il'x'hle ziSOa5 printer, in
1875, I went to Boston, itavinig deter-
tusined to go upon the stage, and wuith
thtat end its viewv brogtan, tutlying at
te Mtine sttosol of oratb-Ty. While
there, I discovereti that t 5ossesoeed
the knack of changing:try face and
voice to stit differenut clicrantero. I
soon decided, for reaisons of no inter-
cot tiers, not to try the stage, 'bat to
do retiding anti rec ita tioni. At th at
pseriod lnpersonaition wvas confined
chiefly to ctlosic ttratsitt or oltI-titite
comuedy, acted tby itien like Richard-
som andi iidle.. It stru-ck sit'that
succ ess tiwaitei any onis oswoutld
tin the satnoeflute if wxork its a 'tunice
tootimlar vcitt.
" Asftei' leax-ing scit Issitdidl-readlittg
of 'ftsecnvet tuia--lte, tieanxx'iilec
clerking in Wart & Gay's itnokotei(,
Boston, 'iuttiuig in tmy 01m1cc tune aon
getting 'sip 'font Robertsotn's Dtavidi
Gtiartrick.' Sly detaclit-d readlings mulct
wi-ihlsoatet suticess, bitut11atati'trs attd
istblic apparenttly wxantesdnotnt'of miy
drastatic itnpem'sona'tiout. I ;stuck to it,

Forty Club Cotillion. .sepi'who d';d not think 'one haun
'T'le iForty t'il)i g-ot'its annuial couldi do it all,' got sefostmda nd.stu
Cscillioitilsst ev'msn.int udaue~'ufoually ttesliatit's 'bicetutoonk lute upu.
MAdstlmty. This is:th1wtthirdt tltuuiutiiFrouui that tm the sc oooularty of this
eat illiomihsat this s-it lihssgiven m cod kind of efiteu'tainmusicniwas tassutred _
It surupassetd all 'flue ottinoloath its thisf'smuoralda' aidst Dauvislt toilt}eu-hl'
t'itgstne of its ftavors ansi thin beatuty we're in limhe aldsxl ito umy urepertoiret'
of its figures. lFoly couples wire and nowv eighrt ien ire (loins time saute
mresent. IThe 5otilliout 'owas aily led line of 'oor'k. It have lingla;is uonu
bsy Jtr. Lester F. Matter, Betta Tiuciti imy list."
Pi. 'sTic ehiaperoneis wtee'Mesdtuutis
Y'alhas,.Jlttnutauil, i'stlecsnuituand UNIVERSITY NOTES.
Slilos ('hssicistte Rtoerts, 'P7', is teach-
FinalDebae-Offcial.' leg it 1South fBemid, tmd. .
FlisalDebet-Offlcals. . C. Pltaut, 'P7i, is talkinmg post g'rad-
lion. Dexter Mt. Ferrty, of Detrcoit, ttiteovwork at thicaga CUsiversity.
itta be set -mlred s hsesilig officer 'fluhe Oratotrical Boardixviilhaivxe a
of the siuterslept'nenttdebttcto be grout.hi'itogsisjyhii ttaeumatfIhandilh's
held next Fridlay eveunn. huidge at 1 o'clock today.
(teorge itosmer and Haon. ,Sullivan i-M. usitess Mtinttt-ir hi-ss, of the
Cutisisioii, of De-troit, aussl lPuof. 1F. A. Datily, btie accept-si tipsitinin the
Ilis-boor, of the State Non'mal, isill biusiness deus etitci of the Atn Arbor
tel- as judges. Air. t{ ecu-y ately its- Deuuci-tit.
cretasedstthe Wuomanuu's 'bsilstiug fund Ps-of. Es. F. bLuhr, tuuierin t'tesset o'
by .$1,00 schools at -Matrsll, 'this state, tand at
guaduate of ulue Uiulversity, 15is thei
'1(0 S. 'L. A. Tlt(FT rZ'HSObDEhs. city, °called lihens by te heath of is
All holders of reserved seat seison ?fattlir.
tickdts mst exchausge the same at This cliss iii pa.lAunnaury lawv will
Palmer's Drug 'Store, Slate st., toeday meet this afte-neoon at 1 o'clocvk tu
(Saturday) in order to entitle them to Rtoom 11 of this law buildinig. This
a reserved sat at the Powers' euiter- swill toe the list opportunity for thoase
talonment tonigiLt 'Phe exchange be- to join who desire to enter the cuass.
counes a'bsoolutely oseeossary on account All Democrats in15 eurLuirersity ar-e
of the re'eust resenting of University Utrged to be present at Newbierry Halt
Hall. Hereafter season tickets an1d this afternoon at 2 o'clock. A per-
rese oe sits for :the 'emaInder Ioflue e n t g-snimalion will s' sffs-et( d
coo'se will b n wleonly.at. talme's1and Iut tt':usinue. ss -ill bo con-
Pning 'tore. slet -.

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