THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN- DAILY. 4 TIff IJMVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Stores Smoking Jackets! IReady for You. Best effects for season '97-Black, Blue, Brown, Drab, Groy and fancies - perfectly tailored- $5 to $20. G0 0ID8PBE D°1. 117I MAIN STREET. U.niversi ty Sichoo1 of Dancing,' State Street, opposite Law Building. Terms $5.00 a scmester - - Single evenings 53 cents. Office-427 Thompson Street. W. J. BOOTH, Pres. W. ARNaOt,lit Vice-es J. V. SaiEiiNa, 2d Vice-pres. JOeN. WAL.Asst. Cashier. State - Saviolo - Badk Transacts a general Banking busi- ness. Cor. Main and Haron Streets. Capitali $50,tit. iurpius, $30,000. Transact a general banking business. RI. KnMPF, Prrs. . ..nGREEN, Vice-Pms FEDe. H. antisRCashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Ctapitai Stick, $50,000. Surpius, $1i0,000. Resources. 51,100,055. Organised under the tGenerai Banking Laws of this State. Receives depisits, bays aed seiis exchange in the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed spin proper identification. Safety depisit buses tn reel, OFFaCERS: Christian Mack Pres.; W. D. Hiarrimsas Vice-Pres'; Uhas E. Huscch, Cashier: Ni. 5.Frits Assistant Uashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK f n[1rbo Capitai, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, U.0,000 Transacts a general bashing business. Foreign exchange bought and soid. Furnisis letters if credit. E. ID. KINNE, Pins. HARRISON SOULE, Vice Pres S. W. CLARtKSON. Cashier. ____ _ ... -- - 1 Department! $2.870 The ad j Ting cutsr represent 2 of r Gnany styles of LADIES' WELT SHOES Once More Doing Business HIOLMIES' LIVERY, 515 E. LIBERTY ST. We have oponedl up one of the finest livery barns in the state, with elegant carriages and fine horses.. Woultd like to have our old custom- ens remember that we are still on earth. We also kindly solicit new trade. Telephone io6, Old and New. That we are week at offering thisI $2.70 These shoes are all of this season's Last and Paterns and were formerly sold at $3.50 and $3.00 We have got more than we wish to carry over to next sea son, henoe this great offer $270 Weltgoles. Sizes 2 1-2 to 8. Lamps Expressly w students' Use "The Rochester,' 'The Yale," "The Royal." "T hi Perfection," "The Beruin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50 each.. OIL Every student should use Dean's 'Redl Star." It gives a pore wielight, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv- ered in any part of the city in our cans at lee per gallon. For sale oiniy by 214 youth Main Street. DBACOMP NY The Fiecommrcended Ruins. into ilenitccittre t iiitlatree in. i - tiel lit'thequairter bltclart' allot-edin 2;: oiion offooZall 2ules a be t~ slyItcliad the line. IWive m72 at Norflrsvtsstcern 1tii'trsitty. Athnt he n ldf et'linhe. 'iblis tdtes iitt, wxili net benefit tliii' it, .'xet'It it'egward''back o(ithit'eiiiicalan~a. mniner -detalis. '['Pcioly' rill's ili i'iti1,yi, but it donc s'vaieth'i eim'iiantl meets tile atii'tvtil of all 's tiiiocerl ii aike thit'ilessiidongerouc.' ''al(il 'igcrolilg. ('cciian iiloeeer l'footiiii~,s'tagg is:s "Ill rrga'rtl says ith 1011c le iii'es theprsed rui 'iles t heIi.loilts, I )iliictnliictd, asI will nsot be adopted. wsas coiuvin(csl ..aaiy is last ceacsit} At the Univ ersity of Chicago, the. that aily t('atnniyt11 a liii.' that eolle opinion seemis to be that the chaigos ititd at 'all i'ttldlaslie tile plate kick are ftor thte better. to advantage. 11 tdt'c iit take a gotot 'When Professor Stagg nwis acketd to kicker to use the ptlty. Gatrtier or extlain 1st. v tile inewvrleint0 regoati city oilher of !everttl of oiir players to calling thelit ack dliffered front ctuid bave ,lthe pit lay ilt lie Ilt.- the ,cldi one, Mliescid: "In the oltd rifigtsit7,11'coallie nearly at will as Hericti- there was describted anii iagisary iterger. I feicciotlaciger ltinisielf adinlic quatlirangle, hichlafoa' one tlimena~oiniixadh proe ihoeo a had five naiin on the line, anti for the iug the place ki k less lala.ble than other . linle five yards long, drawn the drop kick. hock m"a lieenmds of the line us It "I have net yet heard fromiociii stood. Byc the old Tut'1, inside thainseshools ini regartd to the rufle, lint nit qridaangle thee conldl he the quairter' sending oast copites to experts ini the sback and foul oilier players, °arranged east as wall. as in the west. Whlat we iii 'any formation whatsoever, ,while want in thli moter is to -get the best another player conld he placed 'anry- opiniion. If whe have done nothing else where otulde of (lie quadrangle. This in t(le riles, we have at last rmade made it Vci ti ally po0. ihle- to uas '(hem o they can Ito readti ltligitaly. six sin en aiiyisoint in the line, anilRe fore they wevel, patchiwo rk, where in several 'f inatirns this wa sdne in '(here were contrtidictions and obsso- with injury to the players- ,lit the Iete arts." C. O. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic deorators Have a complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. Specialty of fine interior decorating, painting, frescoing, tinting and paper hanging. Only the host of work men employed. Work guaranteed. C. KI. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic Decortor, KLEIN. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Latest Novelties in Winter and Spring GarmentS. COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. One block west of Unirersity. Fine Confections Bon Bons and Chocolates., 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET. 316 SOUTH STATE STREET, O MUSICAL! @ Mel Gillenpie, teacl'er of Mandolin, Basn and Guitar. Instructir is ike University School of Music. 18 yearn experience as a teacher, Call at Ann Arhir Music Cons. Stirs to arrange cur hur. .- MONE Y'LOANED, On Watches, Diamsonds, Wheels or other Per- sonal Property. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. Office at residence, 33alE. Liberty St., Ann Ar- nor. Mich. Allibuniness coed destiaL. Hous, andl1to 3:30 and 7to 9 so. Joseph C. Watts. Bargains in Second-hand Watches and Dia- TRLY THE. Toledo *Steam Laundry And SAVE 20 PER CENT on whan wonusinS now paying for laundry work. Leave orders at 123 South Mains Street. : '' . ,..,a 4Ldies' Romo A~aski Consignment No. I Oar first parfhase of Spring Nckwgarhus just ars i'ed.' Are they w bheautiful? Look at pur window and judge for yourself. FOR UNE 'iVEEK-Warms, Lined iId-Movs-regular price $1i50, price for this ouh AGNER & COMPANYf L1 U 123 Su h af isM et. _ TAILORS.